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Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Rubicon

 By Anna Von Reitz

Years ago I was privileged to correspond with Mary Croft. Mary is a legend for her ability to cut to the chase and say no to bureaucrats with authority and grace.
Just that. No.
No, you have no right or authority to vaccinate me or say one word to me about my health or lack of it. Private business. No contract. No compliance. No presumptions allowed.
Mary has demonstrated the Power of No on a perennial basis.
No to property taxes. No to registrations of any kind. No to foreclosures. No to the idea of private "persons" being saddled with public debts. No to government intrusion. No to Agencies --- not just Agency overreach, no to Agency pretensions of authority, full stop.
No to alleged Public Trust Interests of any kind.
Just stand there on your flat little feet and give the would-be Judge a baleful stare as Mary did on many occasions and say no.
This is where the buck stops and the pedal hits the metal--- that one little word: no.
I didn't give anyone any Power of Attorney over me or my assets and if any dirty dog claims otherwise, bring him forward to be examined.
Watch the guilty prosecutors turn green.
There is an attitude, something that comes from freeing yourself from the illusions of authority, a result of growing up and being an adult and being self-responsible ---- a sort of personal Rubicon that is involved.
Like Julius Caesar, we crossed that river. We are never going back.
No, I didn't agree to mortgage my house to pay off public debts.
No, I don't owe anyone any property taxes.
No, I don't agree to the Federal Reserve Scheme. I denominate all funds as Lawful Money.
No, I am not under any obligation of servitude to anyone, and that includes the court.
No, I don't drive motor vehicles. I go from one place to another using my own car, which I paid for with my own labor. Any questions?
No, you've got it wrong. I am the Employer and you are the Employee. It's my opinion that counts.
So long as I am not hurting another living being or damaging their property, you have no right or reason to even speak to me. And if you want to allege that I injured you, it's on your head to prove it.
Somehow, Mary Croft woke up one morning, shook her head, took in the view and blew the illusion of authority right out the window. She owned herself and exercised her own authority, and she did it with such incisive logic and purity of intent, that the paper dragons blew away like dust in the wind.
It doesn't require a degree in law. What it requires, in abundance, is common sense, and the guts to open up your mouth and say what's true.
Just say it. No. No. No. No. No.
I did not give my authority away to the Community Council. I did not give the Municipal Assembly power to dictate how I decorate my garage. Or how often I water my lawn. I didn't allow the City Council any ability to shut the doors of my business.
Let's see the contract with my name and signature on it.
No, I didn't give away my proxy to any U.S. Senator.
No, I didn't vote for Mayor Bergdick.. No contract on my part.
No, I am not part of any democracy. That's some other nation and government. Not mine. I live in a republican state, thank you.
No, I don't have any Federal Income. And if anyone gave me any, I denominated it as Lawful Money, so there's an end to that discussion.
Mary's attitude, and mine, is actually easy to adopt, and the Magic Words are easy enough to say. It's a matter of finding that Rubicon within yourself and saying good-bye to whatever External Authority Figure haunts your mind.
That figure, that black-robed Judge, is an Officer of a Probate Court, here to ask who you are. Tell him.
You, Sir, are my Employee. And all that you are supposed to be doing for me, is working on actual Maritime and Admiralty cases, not trying to impose any "Special Admiralty" jurisdiction on me.
My government didn't go anywhere. It's not absent, and neither am I. No, in fact, we are in Session. Right here. Right now. If you have any questions, it's time for an in camera hearing in your Chambers.
I last spoke with Mary about three years ago. She called to chew the fat and commiserate. Teaching people to stand up for themselves and think for themselves is a thankless task, especially as it isn't something that yields to logic alone.
"You have to feel it in your bones," Mary said, and as usual, she was right.
Find your Rubicon, and cross it.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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The Revolving Door -- Urgent Warning

 By Anna Von Reitz

Once again, I am getting wind of a Trust Scheme.
And once again, more gullible members of our Assemblies are being misled right back into the same old traps that they have struggled to get out of.
This is what we call The Revolving Door Syndrome.
We work with people to get them out of the quagmire of adhesion contracts and trusts and "public interest" claims that have sucked the life and breath out of them, and deprived them of their freedom, and what do they do?
Given a song and a dance, they turn right back around, go back through the door they just came out of, and land right back in the same old cow pie.
Why, you might ask, should we bother ourselves about people clueless enough to get involved in another Trust Scheme, when they have just been delivered from a Trust Scheme?
Maybe we should just give up on them--- wave good-bye and watch them sail over the horizon---- because they are back at sea, again, despite all our efforts to drag them to safety onshore.
So let's briefly review what trusts are. Trusts are agreements about the disposal of property rights and assets.
A Will created as a "Last Will and Testament" is a common example of a trust.
The donor, a dead man, leaves his worldly estate in the hands of an Executor of his choosing. The Executor acts as Trustee, and the dead Donor literally trusts that Executor to do his bidding and deliver his bequests of property to his heirs and beneficiaries.
All trusts work the same way, there is a donor, a trustee, and at least one beneficiary.
Living men and women don't need trusts --- only dead people do, because they don't have the ability to act for themselves anymore.
So, ask yourselves------are you "dead"?
Or have you taken my message to heart and realized that you have been "killed on paper" via the process of registration--- and instead of foolishly agreeing to this, you need to come home and claim your reversionary interest in your own estate?
And take responsibility for your own affairs like any normal man?
That is what this whole exercise is about --- coming home like Robinson Crusoe, denying the false claim that you are "dead" to your identity as an American--- contrary to what your erstwhile employees have said and written about you--- and reclaiming your estate, including your Constitutional Guarantees, which are owed to you by these Monsters.
That's why we are here. That's what we are doing in our Assemblies. We are reclaiming our estates, not acting as "donors" to give them away again to some new Masters working some new Trust Scheme.
We are not going back through the revolving door, and handing our property interests off to the Church (again) or to David Straight or to anyone else involved in any kind of Trust Scheme.
Remember that the Church created trusts as a means for the Church to gain a property interest in the estates of Christian soldiers who went to the Holy Land as Crusaders ---- many of whom never returned.
After a period of years, the Church moved to claim their property as "abandoned property" and took it all. That's the kind of "trust" you can have in them --- to serve themselves and call it serving God, instead.
Many widows of Crusaders and rightful heirs were displaced by exactly this process and here we are again, after a thousand years of being duped by Trust Schemes.
Never willingly give away your power to anyone. Or anything. Ever.
Keep your property assets for yourselves and administer them as you see fit and do not ever shirk that responsibility for fear of liability.
The only people you can "trust" are those that you know are trustworthy --- those precious few who are immune to greed or need, who love you and have your best interests at heart, and who will honor your wishes in your absence to benefit others.
Such a status should NEVER be accorded to a government or a church or any institution whatsoever for obvious reasons.
Anyone who has recently signed up for a trust under the influence of David Straight or Phil Hudok or any of the rest of the Pied Pipers, needs to rescind those signatures ASAP and make their complaints to the State Secretaries of State. You have been defrauded and have not been given full disclosure.
The corporations are giving their loyal employees and supporters a few pennies on thousands of dollars owed, and those who are foolish are going there for the corn in the troughs---- witlessly signing away their identity as an American, agreeing to be considered a U.S. Citizen, and donating their estates in the process.
If anyone comes to you with a Trust Scheme --- show them the door. Kick it closed behind them.

The only kind of trust you will ever need will be a Last Will and Testament recorded on the land and soil. Period.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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