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Saturday, December 25, 2021

Observe the Low Points and The Aldrich Plan

 By Anna Von Reitz

1. In May of 1865, a month after Lee's Surrender, the funky, incomplete, unelected Rump Congress established ten "Military Districts" in the Southern States, and also established military court tribunals in each of those Districts. Those are all entities operating under the auspices of the District of Columbia. That's why they are organized as Districts. That's why they are called District Courts. From then until now, these quasi-military carpetbagger courts have been in operation and their sole job is to keep order and collect money and other assets from us under the False Legal Presumption that we are all Municipal citizens of the United States, owing them for war reparations. Everyone who wasn't a Union soldier is presumed to be guilty of crimes and defined as a Municipal citizen of the United States to expedite the fleecing of the civilian population--- and even the Union Soldiers have to present their credentials to the court on the sly to claim their exemption.
2.. In 1868 a Scottish Commercial Corporation successfully passes itself off as The United States of America --- Incorporated. This facile fraud based on semantic deceit allowed them to access our American National Credit in the same way that a Credit Card Hacker steals your identity and accesses your credit without your knowledge or consent. The banks are on the hook for this, going all the way back to then.
3. In 1907 the Scottish Interloper (see above) was bankrupted, which resulted in all sorts of other franchised Territorial Government Corporations around the world being bankrupted, too. This is when Australia, Inc., a franchise of The United States of America, Inc., was bankrupted and that is what occasioned the military occupation of Australia by "the US" in 1908. See? They were pulling the same schtick there as they pulled here, just 43 years later. Pretend that the "Governmental Services Corporation" is the actual Government, bring in the British Territorial Military (Raj) and set up these bogus foreign corporate tribunals to fleece the people and force them to pay for the expense of all these military operations and war reparations.
4. World War I ---is started as a family squabble between George V and Kaiser Wilhelm II, but notice that Kaiser Wilhelm was not operating as a King. He was operating as an Emperor, so that the actual King and Kingdom was displaced and not involved in the resulting war --- similar to the situation in America, where the actual people of this country were never involved in the Civil War, the actual people of Germany were not involved in WWI. This is because all the soldiers were all conscripted and enlisted under False and Undisclosed Pretenses in both cases. Following the War, the losers are all occupied and the phony military "district" courts come in to fleece the civilians and force them to pay for the military's "war reparations".
5. Next, the Lieber Code that set up this vicious system in America following the Civil War is adopted as a series of international treaties resulting in the Hague Conventions supported by the Jewish International Congress -- which isn't Jewish. The reparations claims forced on the German people by France and Britain and their American Stoodges are so draconian that the German people can't live, so.....
6. The Second World War rears its ugly head, with another interloper/actor, Adolph Hitler, leading the way and irritating the international bankers. Hitler clearly recognized the fraud and the syndicated nature of the evil that Germany was facing. He also clearly grasped the problem with money being controlled by the international central banks, because among the first actions he took was to "uncouple" the Deutsch Mark from their arbitrarily established value standards.
He correctly deduced the nature of the fraud promoted by the foreign military court system, too. And for this, he must die and the whole mess has to be reinforced and everyone has to suffer and innocent people must be killed by the millions, only to repeat the same wretched scenario --- occupation by the US (not American!) Military, establishment of a foreign corporate tribunal system, fleecing of the non-combatants and combatants alike, for decades afterward.
We could add that when too much time elapsed and even the last vestiges of the old phony bankrupted corporations faded from view, the Vermin reinvented the "14th Amendment" citizenship in America when their own self-interested "Congress" passed the 1940 Nationality Act and re-imposed the same tired and false Legal Presumption that everyone in our country was a "Voluntary Transactor in Commerce" as the Federal Reserve Act put it --- and therefore a guilty-by-definition Fourteenth Amendment Municipal United States citizen, liable to pay all the war reparations of the war-for-profit the same Vermin were intent on starting.
We could also point our fingers at The Aldrich Plan which they instituted and have assiduously followed in all the years since, a plan that enriches Wall Street at the cost of the people of this country and makes Reagan's Trickle Down Theory look absurdly childish by comparison to the "sweat sucking behemoth" Senator Aldrich and his Cronies created.
It's time for all Americans to read all about the AldrIch Plan. Look for the posting on my website and prepare to retch. I am posting an entire book on the subject.
When you see these engineered historical debacles for what they are, it's easy to see the same worms have been at work to create the present situation--- the "pandemic" too, and for the same reasons--- money. Money for THEM at our expense, including the expense of our health and our lives.

It's time for a worldwide awakening and the prosecution of these criminal cartels to the fullest extent of the law ---- and not just a few of their leaders and puppets ---- the whole shebang needs to go and get flushed down once and for all. And the military needs to do its job, instead of providing "muscle" for these crooks.


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Official Reply to Nancy Marie Kremer

 By Anna Von Reitz

We testify that to the best of our knowledge and belief based on more than forty years of research and direct experience that:
1. There is one sovereign state known as California, which is a complete state having physical borders.
2. That sovereign state known as California is a member State of the Union doing business as the States of America.
3. That sovereign state known as California is also a Member of the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
4. There is no provision for any other kind of "California" or any other definition of "California" that is not a State of the Union and/or not a Member of the Federation of States.
5. California is populated by living people called Californians who have established their permanent house, home, and domicile within the physical borders of California.
6. This population of people is enabled to reclaim their birthright political status.
7. Each one may claim their inheritance as American Citizens operating in international jurisdiction and as State Citizens operating in the national jurisdiction of California or may simply claim their Nationality.
8. These living Californians have the guaranteed right to peaceably assemble and conduct their business as a State Assembly known as The California Assembly.
9. Just as there is only one California, there is only one assembly in each State of the Union.
10. By attempting to redefine what "California" is, you and your associates have voluntarily left the established sovereign state behind and are now stateless and without standing to bring any claims or charges.
11. By participating in secret meetings and bad-mouthing the Federation of States for exercising oversight of the assembly process that is now taking place in its international jurisdiction, you have encouraged insurrection.
12. By advocating withdrawal of California from the Union and Federation of States, you have created a Secessionist Movement similar to that which started the Civil War.
13. By attempting to reorganize California in a backward order contrary to the clear instructions received from the Federation of States, you have created a logical impossibility and wasted everyone's efforts.
14. All those "persons" registered as U.S. Citizens and as Municipal citizens of the United States who are now reclaiming their birthright political status as Americans and as Californians cannot magically reappear on the soil of their counties without first re-establishing their presence on the land of their State.
15. This situation which you and your associates have promoted has resulted in confusion, as you illegally continue to claim that you and your cohorts are The California Assembly, which, as a result of your own actions, is an impossibility.
16. The mission and purpose of The California Assembly is to self-govern California as part of the restored and fully functioning American Government.
17. That mission never included creating any new definition of California, never allowed for any Secessionist activity, and the work of The California Assembly does not allow insurrection against the Federation of States and its authority in international jurisdiction, either.
18. Although it appears that certain people never did their homework and still don't fully grasp the fact that land is an international jurisdiction and that the State known as California is an international entity, there is no excuse for continued ignorance and misadministration of the assembly effort in California.
19. The only assembly that is a Member of the Federation of States is The California Assembly headed up by Michele Ford and Satya Orion--- the same assembly that you left behind, and which you no longer have any right to represent.
20. Kindly return the purloined records and seals of The California Assembly and cease and desist any and all representations that your splinter group is the assembly for California.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
The United States of America


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Here It Is AGAIN --- Why You Don't Have to File UCC Paperwork and Why I Did

 By Anna Von Reitz

It's called the Supremacy Clause which is found in all three "federal" Constitutions, Article VI. That is followed up by Amendment XI which makes it abundantly clear that Americans are not subject to foreign laws --- like Unidroit.
Our Territorial State of State Employees all signed up and accepted Unidroit and obligated themselves over a period of time from the 1960's to the 1980's. That's them. Not us.
Unfortunately, thanks to the Great Fraud, we were all misidentified as both Territorial and Municipal "citizenry" and not identified as American Citizens at all. Our names were trafficked into these foreign venues and subjected to foreign laws because our own political status was not a matter of public record.
If you are an American "with hands and feet"--- you and your property assets are secured in that foreign global jurisdiction where Unidroit operates, because of the filings that I did a decade ago.
Your assets are yours and all you have to do is step forward, declare that you are a living American --- not any form of "US" citizen --- and claim them by recording your 1779 Declaration and Witness Testimonies.
Acting as the American Fiduciary, I had to go out into those foreign venues and deal with making the asset claims for the living people --- all the living people, including myself --- and I had to find a way to do that in a world populated by dead entities.
So, I filed all that paperwork for myself and every other American with "hands and feet" and blood flowing in their veins, securing our claims to our own assets.
I set it up so that all you have to do is come forward and be counted as a living American and all your assets accrue automatically to you.
In their lingo, I exercised the "ninety percent of the law" to claim back the 10% ownership interest that the owners and operators of the Unidroit System established as a means of "attaching" you and your assets to a Municipal Constructive Trust operated in YOUR NAME.
And just to make it absolutely clear and certain that I was not in any way attaching your property to myself or for my benefit, I issued and recorded my Irrevocable Will.
I suggest you all read my Irrevocable Will. And read the explanatory Anchor Baby article.
I also suggest that you not file UCC paperwork, because (1) you no longer need to and (2) it is tricky and you can easily muff things up for yourselves.
All that you actually and factually need to do is what I have been telling all of you to do for years now---- declare and record your birthright political status as an American, and join your State Assembly, and begin the process of actively self-governing your State of the Union.
Once again, just in time for Christmas, in the middle of Rat Watch, I find myself answering ugly accusations from people who haven't bothered to read what is right in front of their noses and whose motives I highly suspect.
These people have no concept of the work that has gone into our effort to drag America back out of the dust heap---nor do they care about their neighbors, or their country.

I can say this with certainty, because they reflect the evil in their own minds. They can't believe that anyone in my position, able to claim all the assets of everyone else in America, chose to give it all back instead.


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Muckraking, Just in Time for Christmas.

 By Anna Von Reitz

So now the Forces of Evil are really desperate, and they've brought in their Big Guns to "expose" whatever they think they can expose in personal attacks against me and my husband.
I suppose they think that we haven't anticipated this?
They think that we don't already know what they do all the time to everyone?
Dear hearts, I don't have an arrest record. My motives and limitations are recorded in public via my published Irrevocable Will. That's something THEY won't show you, but we do. Go look for yourselves. It's on my website at www.annavonreitz;com and it stands on the State of Alaska Recorder's Office record, too. It's public in both venues.
My husband shouldn't have an arrest record, either, a fact that the Officers of the State of Alaska and his alleged victim all fully admitted. She voluntarily recanted and the Governor offered a pardon. We didn't accept because a pardon implies that a crime actually happened, but is being forgiven---- and in Jim's case, nothing happened. That's good enough for me and has been good enough for decades.
If you want to make something of it, you can try. Won't make any difference to us.
We stand with the literally millions of Americans who have been unjustly accused and convicted of non-existent crimes in foreign jurisdictions.
Schaeffer Cox, 26 years old, convicted of thinking bad thoughts about a District Judge.
Bruce Doucette, convicted of walking into a courtroom and accusing them of crimes they were committing right in front of him (but it was on their turf, and therefore, a transgression).
Virtually every person convicted of tax evasion in the past hundred years has been convicted of not paying taxes they didn't owe.
And what about the thousands convicted of using cannabis, even though the "Federal Government" never had any regulatory authority over its use?
We know who the guilty ones are.
Their promises that we won't have a bank are empty, too. We already have two kinds of banks -- an international trade bank and a commercial bank. The problem has been that they are trying to illegally block us from providing banking services to you, but they won't succeed.
The Federation of States is by definition a "national banking association". We can do and will do whatever we please and our public servants will just have to get used to it.
I guess I am glad that the Muckraking Phase has come. It means that they are trying to throw enough mud at me to overcome me as a political rival. All they see is a "politician" they don't own, so, of course, this is their reptilian instinct--- "destroy her so we can put our own flunky in charge".
They don't realize yet that I'm not a politician and not seeking to be elected.

And people like Floyd are too far down their totem pole to realize why they have never been able to stop me from doing anything I set out to do.


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