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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Earned? Or Unearned?

By Anna Von Reitz

I get all sorts of distressed messages from Senior Citizens worried that if they exercise their right to declare their proper political status as Americans, they will lose Social Security payments or Military pensions or Military health care services.

There are a number of key questions only you can answer, and the primary question is --- were your particular retirement payments earned by you or by your spouse (or in some cases your parent) --- or are they "unearned" welfare benefits? 

To qualify for earned benefits under the Social Security program, someone has to have worked and contributed to the Federal Pension Plan for forty quarters --- a period of ten years --- after which, they became "vested" in the program and have a legal claim against the program and against the "governmental services corporation" sponsoring it. 

If you (or your spouse) didn't work and contributed to Social Security for at least ten years, you are not vested in the program and any payments you receive are welfare "benefits". 

The difference between "earned program dividends" and "benefits" is crucial for one reason --- if you or your spouse (or parent) vested in the system and earned the payments and services you are receiving, this represents a Priority Obligation of the corporation in back of all this.  If, however, nobody actually paid in for the required ten years, and you are receiving Social Security as welfare benefits ---- "benefits" are a gift; and, the corporation isn't obligated to pay out gifts. It can stop doing so at any time and you have no recourse.

So the first thing to determine is --- are your payments earned or unearned?

If they are earned the rats are on the hook for it, and you need to inform them that your "program receipts" are not welfare "benefits" --- they are earned program dividends and you object to their attempt to mischaracterize them as welfare.  You (or your spouse or your parent) earned every penny of funds and services you receive. 

You can live anywhere and adopt any political status you please and the corporation is still on the hook for it.

If they are not earned, you are a Federal Welfare Recipient, and you are stuck maintaining "US Citizenship" as a result.  You are also advised that such "benefits" can stop at any time for any reason, because they are essentially gifts that are made without obligation, similar to promises to provide "Equal Civil Rights" to "US Citizens". 

What the foreign corporations provide, the foreign corporations can take away--- except when it is a contractual commercial obligation.

So--- are your Social Security payments earned or unearned? 

Same thing with Military Pensions and Services, though it is a given that you "earned" at least part of anything you receive by virtue of your military service, there may be some aspects of what you receive that have been added on as "gifts" --- and those extras might disappear at any time for the same reasons outlined above.

All basic military and dependent pensions and services are earned by definition and you should never allow a bureaucrat to mischaracterize the funds or the services as "benefits"---- which implies "welfare benefits". 

You earned more than they can ever pay you, and certainly more than you are getting, so don't be shy about it.  If there is any question about whether a particular payment or service is earned or a "gift" --- ask. 

Generally speaking, if there are any limitations or eligibility requirements, it is an "earned" payment or service.  Such limitations or eligibility requirements might include Honorable Discharge, service in a particular theater of action, or service during a particular time period, or length of service, and so on.

Unearned "gifts" amounting to welfare have to be generally available without restriction to all members of a population, so if you are not "charged" anything in terms of service requirements or funds, and everyone is eligible for it, its a gift.

In recent years, some pharmaceutical companies have provided certain drugs to the military for free and the military has passed these on to patients for free. This is not exactly typical, but it is common enough so that if you are in receipt of "free" drugs that are not part of the standard military program, you may be receiving these drugs as a welfare benefit or gift from the pharmaceutical companies.  

That does not enable the military to claim that your program receipts are "benefits" overall and the removal of such "benefits" would be limited to loss of access to those drugs for free via military subcontractors. 

You can regain access to the same drugs, same deal, same pharmaceutical companies, via a private physician-- so that this should not in any way endanger your claim to earned pensions and service-related medical care.

It's just something to be aware of, in case the Vermin among us attempt to mischaracterize your military pension and medical services as "benefits" in general, and you need to pull rank and address these specious claims based on your receipt of gifts from pharmaceutical companies or similar emoluments.

My point is that your basic military pension and service-related medical services remain in the "earned" category and remain owed and stand as an obligation of the governmental services corporations, regardless of whether or not you receive any sidebar "gifts" in addition.

Finally, and this is key to remember --- all such "Federal" retirement programs are being delivered by large corporations, so that your pensions are actually not being delivered by any government directly.  This means that all the same principles apply to such pensions as to, for example, a pension from General Electric, Inc. or Ford Motor Company, Inc.

They continue to owe you earned pension funds and services no matter what political status you adopt and no matter where you choose to live on Earth.


See this article and over 2100 others on Anna's website here:

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What Is Wrong With Your Heads?

By Anna Von Reitz

This is mainly addressed to the former members of the military and the Federal Civil Service, though many average Americans could stand to hear it loud and clear, too.

Why is it so hard to understand that there are State Citizens and Federal Citizens? And that the two occupy different political statuses?

You can look at any version of "Constitution" you like and you will see where the "Federal" Citizenships were created, right there in Article 1. As these Federal citizenships are being created by the Constitutional Agreements, it is a given that these people are not Parties to the Constitutions. They are subjects of the Constitutions.

We, the State Citizens, created the Constitutions, are Parties to the Constitutions, and are owed the services of the Federal Citizens. Period.

We and our States would still exist, even if the entire "Federal Government" disappeared tomorrow. That's because our existence as political entities does not depend on the existence of the Constitutions and their service contracts. We are the Creators. They are the Created. We are the Employers. They are the Employees.

And nothing created is greater than its Creator. No Employee gets to tell the Employer what to do.
Even though you have not been taught this ugly fact, there have always been two "minority" citizenships in this country --- second-class "United States" British Territorial Citizenship, and third-class "citizenship of the United States" Municipal Government. Both.

So now you have been misidentified "accidentally on purpose" as a Dual Citizen carrying the weight of both these substandard citizenships and all their obligations, and I come to you and say, "Wake to Hello up! --- You were born in Minnesota. Why are you claiming to be a US Citizen?"

And you stand there like sheep in the rain....?

United States Citizen equals someone born in the British Commonwealth Territorial 'United States', like a Puerto Rican, or a mercenary in the Territorial Armed Forces or one of their Dependents. Are you in the army right now?

There's a reason that that Drill Sergeant gets to treat you like a "thumb-sucking maggot" --- and its because, for the term and duration of your military service obligation, you are adopting the foreign "United States Citizenship" associated with the Territorial Government.

So, do you want to be "in the army" the rest of your life and on endless KP duty, or do you want to come home and enjoy the actual freedom you have earned? That's the difference -- in a nutshell--- between being a "US Citizen" and being an American State Citizen or American State National.

If you aren't in the service and weren't born offshore to foreign parents In the Territorial United States --- or for some obscure, unknown, unfathomable reason you are a masochist and just like being abused and taxed to death and not having any constitutional guarantees---- then, you aren't a United States Citizen. So why are you accepting that political status?

Am I supposed to believe that 350 million Americans like being treated like buck privates in the army, in perpetual boot camp, trampled on and taxed to death and impersonated?

At least the guys who are actually in the service get a paycheck and some other perks and bennies, but you get none of that and all the ugly parts, too.

So why in God's name are you claiming to be a "US Citizen"? Why aren't you claiming your birthright political status as an American, instead?

Same thing with Municipal "citizens of the United States" ---- doesn't have anything to do with you. If you weren't born in the District of Columbia to foreign parents or working for the Federal Civil Service or living as a Dependent of such a Person --- why on Earth would you want to be dubbed a criminal responsible for paying all the debts of the "Federal" government, and presumed guilty until proven innocent, too?

Ever wonder why the Municipal Courts have a 96-98% conviction rate? It's because Municipal CITIZENS are guilty by definition. They are pre-judged before they ever enter a courtroom. All that is up for discussion is how long you are going to be in jail and how much are you going to pay?
If you were born in one of the Fifty States, you are an American.

You are not any kind of "US" citizen at all. Both "US" citizenships are substandard and not covered by the Constitutional guarantees and that is the way it has always been since 1787.

You've been misidentified. You've been duped. You've been played. You've been used and abused and impersonated and stolen blind, yet even when someone comes and gives you this information on a silver platter, you still can't grasp it.

If you love your country, it's time to come home and re-populate it. According to the liars, this is a country of 350 million public servants and no public to serve. According to them, you are all here "providing essential government services" as unpaid "volunteers" and just "residing" here on a temporary basis.

According to them, you aren't Americans. You are "US Citizens".

The same people that misidentified you as a "US Citizen" are poised to steal everything --- your country, your States, your identity, your lawful State Citizenship --- everything. They plan to do this without firing a shot. And they plan to charge you for this "service".

They are the Enemy Within. They are the enemies both foreign and domestic. They are gunning for you and yours and their primary weapon is just your own ignorance about who you are and what you are owed and by whom.

Begin with the fact that if you were born in this country and don't work for the Federal Government or get an unearned welfare check, you are not any kind of "US Citizen". Follow up with the fact that they are your payroll.

See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

Anna Von Reitz on the Radio This Friday January 3rd.

Justice Anna von Reitz will be the guest on The Story
Behind The Story, a show hosted by Dr. A True Ott.

The show will be live on Friday January 3rd at 7PM Pacific time (10PM Eastern) for 2 hours.

Studio B 605-468-4705 Dial this number to listen to the show on your phone.

To listen in via computer
Go To: Revolution Radio

See Studio B. schedule Use the above URL and click the button to listen to "Studio B Player". You can also join the Chat Room (free) and share your ideas with other listeners during and after the show.

The Story Behind The Story is a 20+ years running show
started on terrestrial radio, then on several internet
networks, and was nominated for a Peabody Award for
Excellence in Radio.

Spread this information to your friends and social
By: Wayne Whomsley (C)
California Coordinator
Another call to keep track of:

Keep:  States Assembly Forum!  6 PM PT, 9 PM ET (for all states!)

The call will be on Wednesdays, on the 1st and 3rd week of each month, 6 PM PT   9 PM ET
The call in number is 712-775-7465. 
The pin number is, 706517#
The playback number is,  712-775-7470.

Yes there is a call on New Year's Day!  Some announcements, and Q and A , where anyone can ask a question and anyone can answer the question!

January 15th:  Terry will speak to us about recruiting, especially couples!
February 5th:  Those naturalized and their process!
February 19th:  Pete:  A revisit on the Passport process, Copper Moon Shine with a twist!

Monday, December 30, 2019

About The Virginia Gun Grab -- It's This Simple

By Anna Von Reitz

Citizens of the Territorial United States-- called "United States Citizens" (which is legitimately the actual Territories and Possessions and not any Territorial States of States) like Puerto Ricans, have never been covered by any Constitutional Guarantees.

So they have no "right" to "keep and bear arms", either.

Ditto "citizens of the [Municipal] United States" --- the denizens of Washington, DC and the District of Columbia. They are not covered by any Constitutional guarantees, either.

Both these populations are subject to foreign law.

The "United States" [Territorial Citizens] are subject to Federal Code and Statutory Law.

The "citizens of the United States" [Municipal Citizens] are subject to Municipal Law and Uniform Commercial Code.

Neither one of these kinds of "US" citizen have any Constitutional rights or guarantees at all, and never have had any.

So--- who and what are you? Well, you are a State Citizen of The United States of America --- a whole different kind of animal, and yes, you do have guarantees under the Constitutions, but you have been misidentified as one of these other critters. And you will have to prove that you are NOT one of these other kinds of "citizen" to uphold and claim your constitutional guarantees.

The easiest way to rebut claims that you are party to a consensual contact and to prove that you are indeed the victim of unconscionable contracting processes, is to produce a copy of "YOUR" birth certificate, which proves beyond any reasonable doubt that you were misidentified and "seized upon" as a United States Citizen and subsequently as a "citizen of the United States" when you were only a few days or weeks old.

This results in what is known as an unconscionable contract --- literally, a contract that has been executed without your conscious knowledge, and which is as a result, defective in the extreme, invalidated, null and void from inception.

This unconscionable contract identifying you as a Federal Citizen and the Legal Presumptions resulting from it including the creation of "federal" corporate CITIZENS operating in YOUR NAME has no weight in reality and cannot be used against you, so long as you stand on your own two feet and say, "No, I didn't consent to this or even know about it until recently. I don't choose to adopt any form of Federal Citizenship and have no need to do so."

And that, my dears, puts you back on Terra Firma -- the land of your actual birth -- and puts the lie to all their self-interested constructive fraud schemes. However, it is best if you get your declaration on the public record by: (1) publishing it in the newspaper or (2) recording it "for" the public record, BEFORE you have any altercation or dispute with these foreign renegades.

To all those in Virginia, inform the Governor of your actual political status as American State Nationals of Virginia (the actual State, not a State of State, not a Commonwealth). You could just get together and publish this as a newspaper ad with all your names listed, demanding recognition and adherence to the Constitution.

The Governor can do whatever he likes to Federal Citizens, but with you, he has to back water.
Make sure to force him to do so peacefully and lawfully, by declaring --- in public --- your correct political status, and standing ready to knowledgeably repudiate the false "unconscionable" contract that your Mother unwittingly signed and which allowed them to misidentify you as a Federal Citizen --- either as a Territorial United States Citizen (like someone born in Puerto Rico) or as a Municipal "citizen of the United States" (like a Federal Civil Service Employee or a US Corporation).


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal buttons on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sunday After Christmas

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

INTROIT For while all things were in quiet silence, and the night was in the midst of her course, Thy almighty Word, O Lord, came down from heaven, from Thy royal throne (Wis. 18:14-15). The Lord hath reigned, he is clothed with beauty: the Lord is clothed with strength, and hath girded himself (Ps. 92:1). Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT Almighty and everlasting God, direct our actions according to Thy good pleasure; that in the name of Thy beloved Son we may deserve to abound in good works. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (Gal. 4:1-7). Brethren, as long as the heir is a child, he differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all: but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed by the father: so we also, when we were children, were serving under the elements of the world. But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent his Son, made of a woman, made under the law: that he might redeem them who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because you are sons, God hath sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying: Abba, Father. Therefore now he is not a servant, but a son; and if a son, an heir also through God.
EXPLANATION St. Paul desired to instruct the Galatians, many of whom still clung to the Mosaic law, that this was no longer necessary, because Christ had freed them from its hard bondage, which contained merely the rudiments, so to speak, of the one only saving faith, and had made them children and heirs of God, for which they should rejoice.
Ours is a far greater happiness than that which the Jews received, because we, through our ancestors, were converted by apostolic messengers of the faith from heathenism to the true, saving Catholic faith, and by this holy religion were changed from vassals of Satan, into children and heirs of God. What a great advantage is this! Must it not be dearer to us than all the kingdoms of the world? Let us thank the Lord for it, and be careful not to lose this prerogative of being a child of God, an heir to heaven, let us not by sin give ourselves anew, as voluntary slaves to Satan.
GOSPEL (Lk. 2:33-40). At that time, Joseph and Mary, the mother of Jesus, were wondering at those things which were spoken concerning him. And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold, this child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign which shall be contradicted: and thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed. And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser; she was far advanced in years, and had lived with her husband seven years from her virginity. And she was a widow until fourscore and four years; who departed not from the temple, by fastings and prayers serving night and day. Now she at the same hour coming in, confessed to the Lord; and spoke of him to all that looked for the redemption of Israel. And after they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth. And the child grew and waxed strong, full of wisdom: and the grace of God was in him.
Why did Mary and Joseph wonder at the things which were spoken of the child Jesus?
They wondered, not because that which was said of the child Jesus by Simeon was new to them, for they already knew why He was sent from God, but because of the marvelous ways in which God revealed the mysteries of the new-born Savior to Simeon, the shepherds, and to other pious people.
How is Christ set for the fall of many?
Christ is set for the fall, that is, for the eternal damnation, of all those who either reject His doctrine, or live not according to its teachings. They themselves, not Christ, are the cause of their damnation on account of their perversity and hard-heartedness. "If I had not come and spoken to them," says Christ, "they would not have sin: but now they have no excuse for their sin" (Jn. 15:22).
For whom is Christ the resurrection?
For those who believe in Him, and live in accordance with the teachings of His doctrine. These, if they persevere will at the Last Day rise to eternal life.
Why is Christ a sign that shall be contradicted?
Because, by His birth from a virgin, by His life and death, and especially by His heavenly doctrine, which is entirely opposed to the carnal spirit of this world, Christ became an object of mockery and blasphemy. Even now, according to the saying of St. Bernard, Christ is a sign of contradiction for many Christians who contradict His humility by their pride, His poverty by their avarice, His fasting by their gluttony, His purity by their impurity, His zeal by their indolence, etc., thus denying by their actions that which they confess with their lips, proving thereby that they are Christians but in name, of whom it is written: "Thou hast the name of being alive, but thou art dead" (Apoc. 3:1).
What is meant by these words: Thy own soul a sword shall pierce?
It means that the greatest grief should cut like a sword through the inmost parts of the soul, which came to pass, when Mary heard the calumnies and blasphemies of the Jews against her Son, and when she saw Him die on the cross between two thieves. Meditating on this grief of the most loving mother Mary, St. Bonaventure exclaims: "Never was there grief so great, for never was there a Son so loved!"
What else do we learn from this gospel?
The widows should learn from Anna, who spent nearly all her life in the temple, to serve God by prayer and fasting; for a widow who prays not, but lives in pleasures, is dead, while she is living (I Tim. 5:6). Parents should learn from it, to be careful that their children not only increase in knowledge, but that they by a pious life advance in grace before God and man.
ASPIRATION O Jesus, Thou new-born Savior, do Thou move our hearts to the fulfillment of Thy precepts that Thou mayst be set for our fall; for it would be much better for us, not to have known the ways of righteousness, than having known them, to have departed from them.
And Simeon blessed them "(Lk. 2: 34).
What is meant by a blessing?
A blessing on the part of God, means the giving to man some spiritual or temporal grace; a blessing on the part of an angel or a man, means the expression in prayer of a wish or desire that God would give to some particular person a corporal or spiritual grace. In the proper sense of the word, only God can give a blessing, because all spiritual and temporal good comes from Him; angels and men can only wish and ask of God that He would bestow His gifts.
Have we examples of blessing in the Bible?
Yes, for the angels blessed Jacob (Gen. 32:26), and Jacob blessed his sons and grandsons (Gen. 48:15), Melchisedech blessed Abraham (Gen. 14:19), and Rebecca was blessed by her brothers (Gen. 24:60).
Is it well for parents to bless their children?
Yes, for God frequently ratifies the blessings wished by the parents, as in the case of Isaac who blessed Jacob, and Jacob who blessed his own sons (Gen. 49). And, on the contrary, God permits the curses of parents to be fulfilled on their children as history shows. "The father's blessing establisheth the houses of the children; but the mother's curse rooteth up the foundation" (Ecclus. 3:11).
What power has the priest's blessing?
A very great one, because it is given by the priest, the vicar of Christ on earth, in the name of Jesus, and of the Church founded by Him, in which He has deposited the plenitude of His blessings. The Church expresses this, when the bishop, anointing the hands of the newly ordained, makes the sign of the cross over them. "All that they bless, is blessed; that they consecrate, is consecrated and sanctified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." The blessing of the priest is to be prized therefore, and an obstacle not set to it by a sinful life. Parents should ask his blessing for their children when he happens to visit them. Children were brought to Christ that He might lay His hands on them and bless them (Mt. 19:13).
See INSTRUCTION ON BENEDICTIONSSixth Sunday after Pentecost 
What is the effect of God's blessing?
In spiritual life it gives great joy and strength to practice virtue; and in physical life it gives fruitful prosperity in our occupations and undertakings. Therefore, all is contained in the blessing of God, and he who receives it, is richer than if he possessed the whole world. We should endeavor by a pious life to secure this blessing, for it rests only on the head of the just (Prov. 10:6).