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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Role of Coordinators

 By Anna Von Reitz

When the Summoning Authority calls the States into Session, the States must answer back.  They do so in the form of individual people who act as Go-Betweens --- liaisons --- between their State Assembly and the Federation of States.  

In the old days these people acted as Circuit Riders who went door to door appointing a place and time for The State Assembly to meet.  Today, we call these people "Coordinators" and they are more likely to pick up a telephone or send an email.  

They are in the same position, doing the same things, only a bit updated. 

The Coordinators are trained by the Federation, vetted by the Federation, and are "hired and fired" by the Federation, not the individual State Assemblies.  They are all volunteers and they got their positions by being trained and vetted.  Anyone can be a Coordinator and each State can have more than one Coordinator; in fact, most States have Sign In America Coordinators and County Coordinators in addition to State Coordinators.  All Coordinators are Federation liaisons. 

State Assemblies can suggest those that they would like to be Coordinators, but have no direct power over Coordinators. 

The Coordinators facilitate meetings of the State Assemblies and may do this by setting up teleconferences or renting meeting halls or arranging a  picnic.  The Coordinator is there to bring people together in safe and equitable surroundings to conduct business for the State and in this case, to set up the "Four Pillars" of the Assembly itself.  

The Four Pillars are: (1) the General Assembly; (2) the International Business Assembly; (3) the State Courts; (4) the State Assembly Militia. 

The Pillars are four different functions that each State Assembly has to eventually provide for the people of their State. 

The Coordinator's role in this process is to make sure that the people understand what the Four Pillars are and get organized to provide these services for the people who live in their State of the Union. When questions arise as they often do, it is the Coordinator's role to seek answers to these questions from the Federation and then go back to The State Assembly with answers. 

This is what we mean about being "liaisons" or "go-betweens".  The Coordinators are State Nationals who live in their State like everyone else, but they have access to a network of other knowledgeable Coordinators and Federation professionals who are competent to answer questions about Law, offices, jurisdictions, processes, procedures, etc., and to provide assistance of various kinds to State Assemblies. 

Coordinators should be friendly, kind, and hopefully wise.  They should be loyal to their State of the Union and our country as a whole, devoted to the purpose of restoring our lawful Government at all levels, and acting as faithful guides overseeing the progress of the Assemblies as they "stand up" the Four Pillars and undertake their functions, one after another. 

All the State Assemblies are presently operating as General Assemblies, and can operate their International Business Assemblies; some are well-advanced toward organizing their State Assembly Militia, and others have their Courts stood up.  State by State, we are continuing to move forward to the day when all the State Assemblies are fully seated. 

One of the predictable growing pains that both Assemblies and Coordinators must face is the influx of people who are born in America and who think of themselves as Americans, but who have lived most of their lives as some form of Federal citizen, either by working for the Federal Government or by being voluntary dependents of the Federal Government. 

We have people who are British Territorial U.S. Citizens or who work for the U.S. military forces trying to join our State Assemblies, but depending on their own circumstance, they may belong in District Assemblies instead. 

Likewise, we have people who are naturally "citizens of the United States" --- meaning Municipal/Federal Civil Service personnel trying to join our State Assemblies, when they belong in their own Municipal District Assemblies instead. 

Everyone needs to be helping sort through who is acting in what capacity and therefore, which assembly do people belong to?  

Americans who were born in or naturalized in this country, and who owe no foreign allegiances to their employer, belong in State Assemblies. 

Americans who work for any branch of the U.S. Military or any Government Agency requiring them to be U.S. Citizens, and their dependents, belong in District Assemblies. 

Americans who work for any branch of the Federal Civil Service or any Agency that requires them to be "citizens of the United States" and their dependents, belong in Municipal District Assemblies. 

If your Coordinator is doing things that appear to be arbitrary, arguing with members of the Assembly, refusing to let some people speak, setting aside agendas, obstructing anyone's paperwork or otherwise appearing to be heavy-handed, take the time and make the effort to hear their side of the story before jumping to any conclusions. 

Coordinators need to also take the time and make the effort to explain their actions and concerns.  

95 times out of a 100, your Coordinator is acting to protect your Assembly from disruptions and distractions and is trying to keep things moving forward on the right track. 

Make space in your mind and heart for the true mission of your Assembly to sink in.  It's about getting your State Government running and restored.  It's about enforcing the Law of the Land and upholding your unalienable rights and interests. That mission is of far greater value and importance than any squabbles you may have. 

If you have any questions about the role of Coordinators at the State level after reading this, feel free to send your feedback to me directly with the subject line "Coordinator".  


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:

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"Military Intelligence" --- Another Oxymoron?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Facebook is a military intelligence operation, developed as a surveillance and control program, by which people "voluntarily" disclose who they are, their political views, the locations of their homes and vacation spots, their friends and family members, personal interests, even pets are all on public view and published, therefore, no longer private. 

If you give away your privacy, it's your decision to do so--- and if you read the information provided by Facebook's User Agreement, you will note that it's a private contract by which you surrender all ownership of the information you post. So, anything you post on Facebook, is no longer yours.  It is Facebooks' property to use or destroy or suppress or do whatever else they like with it. 

They can freely sell your information, photos, and other postings to the U.S. Military or to a commercial corporation like Amazon, or, well, whoever else. 

And it's your fault. You can't complain. You entered into their User Agreement in order to use their services.  

Now nothing that you've ever posted on Facebook can be considered private or privileged information--- which is fine, if you knew that and acted accordingly, but not so cool if you didn't know and posted things on Facebook indiscriminately --- as many people do.  

Most of what passes for military intelligence amounts to the same kind of sneaky business--- getting you to disclose things about yourself that are helpful to them in their ever-expanding quest to know, command, and control you and your friends and your family and your environment, too.  

They will tell you that this is for your protection, just like they will tell you that the BBC is for your entertainment.  

But not really.  Always remember that the BBC's motto is: "Listen and obey."  

The BBC and Disney and so many other "programming channels" --- as in computer programming, entertain you but also contain vast amounts of subliminal messaging that enters your mind at a subconscious level, and which prompts you to believe certain things and not believe others, to do certain things and not do others, and so on.  

Whose interest do you think they are serving?  Yours or their advertisers? Yours or their own?  It really is a no-brainer once you sit down and think about it and observe these media organizations in action. 

As for the military, they wish to surveillance and control you to make their job easier, and their job isn't really to protect you; their job as they have defined it, is to control you and farm you like an animal --- a cow, or sheep, for example. 

That isn't to say that they wouldn't protect their "interest" in you from some other cattle rustler or renegade sheep herder, like Vladimir Putin, but their motivation for doing so is not what you think and have been led to believe. 

You are a valuable commodity, so long as you are a nice, compliant human drone who surrenders all to them and asks nothing in return. This form of surreptitious enslavement has been studied and refined, and now, Bill Gates proposes to use your own brain as a direct transponder for their messaging. 

In theory, you will do whatever they tell you to do,  because you will think that the voice in your head is coming from you, instead of coming from outside yourself.  

That's the theory, and sadly, it might work on a substantial percentage of our population, among people who never learned to separate their experience of "self" from the thoughts raging through their heads.

Still, this sneaky, subliminal, undisclosed, "voluntary", private contracting activity isn't all that intelligent.  

It's more like coercive racketeering carried out under color of law, by men and women who don't even know that they've been tricked into promoting crime and are acting as cheap commercial mercenaries for foreign powers.  

At the end of the day, it's not intelligent to undermine and steal from your employers.  What goes around, comes around. 

It's not intelligent to betray your own people.  Just sayin' 

Over 300 members of the Canadian military who were "compelled" to get the jab are now suing the Canadian military for $500 million in damages. 
We certainly don't blame them.  We'd sue for $500 million more. 

Just one more word about privacy and about public records, though we have bent over backward and sideways to make this clear ----when you declare, record, and publish your political status, it becomes a public record and enters into public knowledge, as it has to be to have any effect.  

Yes, even publishing the fact that you are part of the General Public, and not attached to the Territorial or Municipal Government, is a public act. 

This particular public act is intended to protect you and protect your right to privacy and Constitutional Guarantees overall, but it is still important for everyone to realize that when you create a public record, it's public, and the only one who can change a public record that you have created, is you.  

Please think about the importance of private information and about maintaining your privacy, about those things that must be public knowledge, and about those things that are your business alone.  


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:

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Beware "Nationals" --- Are Not State Nationals

 By Anna Von Reitz

There is a reason that we call our people "State Nationals" and don't just call them "Nationals".  

It's because Americans are Nationals of their nation-states, therefore, State Nationals ---- while the Federales, both Territorial (military) and Municipal (civil service) personnel are not acting in the capacity of State Nationals and so, call themselves "Federal Citizens" or "United States Nationals" or just "Nationals".  

They, the military and civil service, are all acting as "Federal citizenry" of one type or another, so when push comes to shove, they call themselves "United States Nationals" or simply "Nationals" when they are off-duty, in the reserves, retired in a Federal State of State, or otherwise inactive. 

This has been a cause of confusion in several States and has resulted in attempted takeover of our Assemblies by people just calling themselves "Nationals" but actually belonging in District or Municipal Assemblies and having no business attending ours. 

The Coordinators need to be aware of this ruse and semantic deceit and our Assemblies need to recognize these people and redirect them to join their own District (for military personnel and dependents) or Municipal (for federal civil service and dependents) Assemblies. 

We don't need or want these people causing trouble and clogging up our State Assembly operations.  Remember that they may have been born in our States, but they are not operating as Americans while adopting U.S. Citizen (Territorial) or "citizen of the United States" (Municipal) political status. 

They are working for foreign Municipal Corporations which require them to adopt foreign political statuses.  This results in them having their own separate foreign "District Assembly" organizations.  

This is another semantic deceit and source of confusion -- so make the distinction clear in your minds.  State Nationals are part of the nation-state Government and belong in State Assemblies.  People calling themselves "Nationals" are Federal citizenry -- either military or Federal Civil Service, and belong in their separate District or Municipal Assemblies.  

State Assembly Coordinators, Chairmen, and other Assembly Officers are hereby alerted to the problem and called upon to examine the words and actions of the people attending our Assemblies.  A clear distinction and line must be drawn and the integrity of the various "Assemblies" --- State, District, and Municipal District Assemblies must be maintained. 

Remember--- State Assemblies are for State Nationals and State Citizens.  District Assemblies are for the military and their dependents. 
Municipal Assemblies are for civil service members and their dependents. 

If anyone is confused as to which political status they belong in, simply ask them questions and help them determine where they are and where they want to be.  

Some people, especially active-duty military and federal civil service (like Postal Clerks) have no choice.  Their jobs require them to be in and stay in foreign political status and act as members of the District or Municipal Assemblies while they are federally employed. 

Many of these people have the choice of returning to State National or State Citizen status after they retire or move on to private sector jobs, and are therefore eligible to join State Assemblies, but don't realize the difference.  

Once they realize the difference, many of these "returning" Americans will want to join their State Assembly, but they may have a hard time rearranging their habits of thinking and doing things ---  and we all have to be aware of this as we go forward. 

We have all been deeply indoctrinated by the Public School system and the Tele-i-vision to function in a Corporatist Government environment.  This takes time to overcome and diligence on our parts to recognize the signs of this behavior in ourselves and in others. 

It's also our responsibility to sort out who belongs where in the various assembly options. 


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:

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