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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, October 28, 2024

A Small But Very Important Distinction -- a Special Spotlight

 By Anna von Reitz

This is a repost for everyone who is still confused about how vaccines are supposed to work---- and don't. 

"While we're told that "vaccines" work by giving us a small amount of a toxic substance—e.g. a bacteria or virus— in turn allowing us to create immunity against future infections, what the injections actually do is make us vulnerable to said toxins. Furthermore, "vaccines" prime our bodies to react badly to *anything* that's injected into us, including benign substances like milk or egg proteins. Hence the proliferation of allergies, such as allergies to milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, etc.

Incredibly, Latypova explains how this has been known since 1913, when Charles Richet—a French physiologist and self-proclaimed eugenicist—won a Nobel Prize for figuring out that injecting animals with toxins primes them for harmful or deadly reactions if they encounter the same toxins in the environment, even in small amounts. He called these reactions "anaphylactic" reactions, but said that these reactions also included allergies."

Here is the link:

We have been lied to and led to misinterpret the mechanism that causes so-called vaccine immunity.   It's actually induced anaphylactic shock. 

So, regarding all those 55 "extra" ingredients found in the Covid-19 vaccine, your body is now allergic to them and working overtime every time one of those substances is encountered. And always will. 


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The Most Devastating Report -- Four Minute Read

By Anna Von Reitz

From the Brownstone Institute:

This is a nice summation of the basis for the complaints brought by the Dutch Courts against Gates, Bourla, et al.   You can see why Mr. Gates is on the run in Kenya.  And Bourla is nowhere to be seen. 

The guilty members of Congress are hurriedly rethinking the decisions (1986) that gave the big pharma companies unilateral freedom from vaccine injury liability.  Uh-duh. 

And a few Americans who have been injured have realized that the U.S. Congress, Incorporated, assumed responsibility for Big Pharma, so, are suing them. 

What goes around comes around.  Sometimes faster and more fiercely than others.... 

Please compare and contrast that the same persons responsible for the entire pandemic debacle spent a billion of your dollars on a professional media blitz --- all lies -- that have damaged your health and cost millions of lives, and now want to spend a whole $430 Million to gain control of water resources in 33 States. 

Can anyone here say, "Cheap date!" 

The Brownstone Institute has been a solid beacon in the midst of all the hype. 

Always, bear in mind, that the CDC is not a government entity.  It's a private, for-profit corporation that has been given a totally inappropriate degree of authority and respect.  

Just like "the Federal Reserve". 

They are desperately polling trying to deny the collapse of public trust, but the numbers remain.  Nobody believes them anymore about much of anything; even the True Believers are being forced to face the morning after.  

Read it and weep. 


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International Public Notice: The New Common Sense

 By Anna Von Reitz

A famous book in American History is Thomas Paine's Common Sense.  It should occur to us, then as now, that lack of common sense has provoked the current situation, and the need for it must be met again.  

We are posting this interview with Justice Neil Gorsuch for a reason -- first, it's about a new book, called "Over Ruled" which explains the problem of so-called Administrative Law created, dictated, and enforced by unaccountable bureaucrats. 

The Supreme Court of the United States has recently overturned two key components of the so-called Administrative Law System --- which was first denied in Norton v. Shelby County more than a century ago, and just recently reaffirmed in West Virginia v EPA  and given a big added boost by the recent take down of the Chevron Deference Doctrine in Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo and Relentless, Inc. v Department of Commerce --- and this new book explains more about the fundamental reasons why the the Supreme Court has undertaken this course of action. 

The most obvious reason is that it is unconstitutional and always has been.  It was ruled unconstitutional in 1886 when Norton v Shelby County was first ruled upon, and imagine this? -- It's still unconstitutional a hundred and thirty-eight years later.  Who knew? 

The question that every American should have is, if Administrative Law was overturned in 1886, why has it been allowed to proliferate again?  

Another thing that Americans should also remember in listening to this interview with Justice Gorsuch is that he is speaking throughout from the perspective of a member of the foreign British Territorial Democracy operating under The Constitution of the United States of America.  

It's a brain tweak for most of us to realize that our country's actual government is vested in our unincorporated counties and States, and is a republican form of government, not a democracy, but to the extent that we keep these differences clear in our minds, we are prepared to observe other truths as well: 

We don't live under any Constitution.  Our Federal Employees and their employees live under Constitutions.  

Americans live under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence. 

Americans don't live under Federal Code, Administrative Code, State-of-State Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations, Mandates, or Public Policies. 

Americans are only obligated to obey those sections of Federal Code that apply to them (about 8% of all Federal Code) in certain situations, and those sections must be published in the Federal Record, not the Federal Register. 

By remembering who we are, how our government is structured, and what our obligations are, we maintain the balance of powers intended by the Founders, and we naturally hold the delegated powers of the Federal (Contract) Government in check.  

We agree with Justice Gorsuch, that a fundamental trust has been breached --- a trust that must be restored from both sides of the fence. 

As the U.S. Judiciary struggles to regain fundamental controls over runaway bureaucracy, the American People are called upon to rouse themselves and take responsibility for their own unincorporated government responsibilities. 

The building, maintenance, and education of their State Assemblies, and their local Counties and each County's republican government, come first and foremost.  We must learn again the stark beauties of American Common Law, the Law of the Land. 

We recently shocked the world by invoking land law and directly standing down our Federal Employees and their subcontractors. Even many Americans were shocked that our Law uses words like "shot" and "hung", but it does.  

This country has had to deal with its fair share of outlaws and pirates.  We have a well-established history of both American Common Law and American Admiralty Law to rely upon.  It's just a matter of populating our courts, and as our States of the Union have been called into Session, we have access to our own Justice System again. 

As the word spreads, more and more Americans are raising their heads and listening to their hearts.  Common sense has to rule over corporate politics, and living hands must take the helm again. 

Common sense. Again. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 27th 2024


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Learn to See Again

 By Anna Von Reitz

What is "the Beast"?  

It is the nickname of the Belgian Super Computer that tracks all assets on Earth.  Assets include physical assets like silver and gold and land; it also includes intellectual and energetic assets -- patents, copyrights, performance and labor contracts, etc. 

This B.E.A.S.T. is being set up by the New World Order to track you all like so many farm animals.  

The excuse they are giving for doing this is always the same --- your safety, your safety, your safety.   And they make you very concerned about your safety because they make you live in constant fear. 

It's not really anything to do with your safety.  It's to do with their control over you and your assets.  Observe how they feed you nothing but fear. 

It is fed to you on newscasts and broadcast through the air.  It's nailed to bulletin boards.  Oh, yes, you have so much to fear!  You need "the government" to protect you.  At least, that's what they try to sell you. 

Here's the problem.  They create the problems you have to fear, instead of solving anything.  

They fund ISIS and Hezbollah and Neo-Nazis in Ukraine.  
They release bioweapons that destroy your health, just so they can play the part of Savior and make you pay for their cures. 

And they have done all this, fully knowing what they were doing and why, so they have no excuse.  Then, like any Abuser, they throw out an olive branch, a little dribble of hope that has strings attached all over it, like this: 

Oh, they are going to make the "largest deployment" -- a whole $430 Million in 33 States to repair and rethink dams that should have never been neglected in the first place.  They are going to spend some money at home, at last, but less than one-25th of what they have lavished on Ukraine.  And what do they get in return? 

When these States and Towns take Federal money, they come under Federal control.  They have to do what the Fed says, even though it's their State or Local infrastructure. 

Let's look at Lampasas, Texas, where the lure of Federal money in a neighboring town, Kempner, resulted in Lampasas giving up its own water supply and through a crooked crony contract, relying on Kempner for water. 

During another one of these unnatural floods earlier this year, a steer was swept away and guess what?  

Two months later, its dead and rotting body was found in the intake of the Kempner water facility.   Several cases of severe illness later, it was finally discovered by inspectors and the clean up began, but months later, the chlorine and fluoride and other poisons used to flush essence of dead cow out of the system have continued to make the water undrinkable and not even fit for showers. 

Meanwhile, Lampasas has let its own water infrastructure go, and despite the fact that Kempner can't supply potable water, they are bound to pay Kempner by contract.  

This is a picture-perfect example of what happens when you let "the Feds" meaning the incorporated foreign federal subcontractors, (not the Federation of States, which is American) touch anything.  Water, air, soil, any natural resource, they ruin and pollute and control. 

Now, imagine this same horror show coming to North Carolina in the wake of Hurricane Helene.  These worthless self-interested thugs will come in and rinse-repeat the same scenario in a hundred towns or more.  

"Helped" by these foreign corporations, people will face years of remediation and failed programs and inefficient nasty results, just like Lampasas.  

It's been five months without safe water in Lampasas.  Most local people have to buy bottled water, which thanks to using plastic bottles isn't safe to drink, either.  

Mother Nature has cleaned up the rest of the flood, and if left alone, would take care of the rest of the trauma, but local "elected officials" continue to insist on keeping their contract with Kempner and not exploring --- or letting anyone else explore --- the abundant water resources that once made Lampasas the "Sarasota of the West". 

Instead, using this boondoggle as an excuse, they have attempted to keep local people and farmers from accessing wells that were drilled and dug by earlier pioneers--- the only potentially safe water sources left in the area. 

It's time that these elected officials were recalled, or, alternatively, rode out of town on a rail.  Whatever it takes to get sanity back in charge.  Whether we like it or not, we have to wake up and deal with reality. 

The reality is, that our money and our industry and everything else is being sent overseas at the behest of foreign for-profit corporations masquerading as our government.  

The reality is, that if we don't have a problem, they will make one so as to profit from it.  

And then they will create more and more "secondary disasters" to milk more money out of the situation. 

The upfront from the North Carolina scene is: first, the flood, and second, nuclear waste and chemical dumping, third, vast pollution over a widespread area, aided and abetted by vast biological pollution from dead animals and people and trees, fourth, interference in local recovery efforts based on all the "help" we have already received, and finally, oh, the Federales are going to come help us some more.  

By spending a paltry $430 Million to gain control of more water resources in 33 States. 

Go get a Geiger Counter.  

Make sure that the land is polluted with nuclear waste.  Don't take the Corporate Word for anything.  Start thinking defensively, taking nothing and nobody for granted. 

As Alfred P. Newman once said, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you."  --- starve you, dehydrate you, infect you, and leave you for dead. 

Remember, this is a criminal matter.  The people promoting all this are cynics and criminals out for the money, and being paid off by foreign interests. 


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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No Matter WHAT "They" Tell You, Pay Attention!

 By Anna Von Reitz

View of At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID-19 Vaccines from AstraZeneca, CanSino, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinopharm and Sputnik V, with Precise ICP-MS      PDF  27 pages



and last but not least:

Ain't no Rock 'n Roll

We have been bought and sold like cattle by the British Crown Corporation and the Government of Westminster, backed up by the Roman Curia.   They are the enemies of humanity.  

It's their money funding this, and tragically, your money that they stole from you.  

So now is the time for the great change to come, and for us all to wake up and  "Just Say No" to what they have done and what they have planned for us.  

Every day at six in the morning and six at night, focus your attention on your own heart and breathe deeply while counting backward from 100 to 0.  Free your mind from troubling thoughts and questions.  Breathe.  Allow Nature to come into your being.  Let go. Let all the world's madness go.  

When you have done this and you are relaxed and centered in yourself again, hum whatever sound or tone feels natural at that moment.  Just breathe the sound out.  Don't care about how it sounds.  Just let it out.   Do this as long as it feels right, then stop and be silent. Just breathe.

Think of the world as you would like it to be.  See the Earth renewed.  Imagine all the evil people gone.  Simply vanished.  No war, no strife, all of that, simply gone.  They no longer inhabit the Earth.  

All those who remain are healers and caretakers, peaceful people who speak truth.  No more forked tongues among us at all.  They are gone as if they never were. 

No more war-mongers.  No more Netanyahus.  No more people like him at all. 

No more Dr. Faucis.  No more Larry Finks.  No more Evil Men.  All gone. 

No more sycophants, either.  No Anderson Coopers.  No Talking Heads on the take. 

We have the power to erase these beings from our midst.  We simply have to organize our thoughts and feelings to do so.  

And this is what modern science tells us.  This is not based on magic or religious beliefs. This is built into our nature as Co-Creators.  This beyond all else is what they are afraid of. 

So now as we begin to grasp the strength of our power, all 33 Trillion volts, each, let us begin this practice.  As the day progresses, a portion of humanity will be focused every hour of the day, and so, the action will be continuous.  At the stroke of six,  a new cadre of people from another time zone will take over. 

There will be no way for them to overcome or resist.  They will be under constant assault from our massed energetic Will.  The communication will be deafening for them.  They will not be able to rest.  They will not be able to live in our consciousness. 

Let's stop the war and the narratives and the politics dead in their tracks. 

Let's stop the idolatry and evil in our midst.  

We can do this.  It's simple.  It costs nothing to do, but the few minutes it takes, twice a day, wherever we all.  No more killings.  No more rapes.  No more money wasted on evil. 

No more Pretend Kings, Pretend Monarchs, or Pretend Emperors.  No more evil at all. 

Put your heart and soul into the world you want to see, and you will see it. This is a guaranteed law of physics. 


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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Remember --- You Are Obligated, by Law, to Speak Up

 By Anna Von Reitz

Just a quick reminder to everyone --- when you witness crimes or have reasonable cause to know about them, you are required to speak up. 

This means that if you become aware of treasonous or other unlawful activity pursued by any part of or agent of government, you are required to go straight to your Sheriff, your Governor, your State Attorney General, or Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court, and report it. 

You must do this, or you become an accomplice to the crime. 

There has been considerable discussion arguing for and against serving Notice on the corporation-employed Sheriffs.  People are afraid of the consequences of speaking up.  

Better to fear the consequences of not telling. 



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