By Anna Von Reitz
What is "the Beast"?
It is the nickname of the Belgian Super Computer that tracks all assets on Earth. Assets include physical assets like silver and gold and land; it also includes intellectual and energetic assets -- patents, copyrights, performance and labor contracts, etc.
This B.E.A.S.T. is being set up by the New World Order to track you all like so many farm animals.
The excuse they are giving for doing this is always the same --- your safety, your safety, your safety. And they make you very concerned about your safety because they make you live in constant fear.
It's not really anything to do with your safety. It's to do with their control over you and your assets. Observe how they feed you nothing but fear.
It is fed to you on newscasts and broadcast through the air. It's nailed to bulletin boards. Oh, yes, you have so much to fear! You need "the government" to protect you. At least, that's what they try to sell you.
Here's the problem. They create the problems you have to fear, instead of solving anything.
They fund ISIS and Hezbollah and Neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
They release bioweapons that destroy your health, just so they can play the part of Savior and make you pay for their cures.
And they have done all this, fully knowing what they were doing and why, so they have no excuse. Then, like any Abuser, they throw out an olive branch, a little dribble of hope that has strings attached all over it, like this:
Oh, they are going to make the "largest deployment" -- a whole $430 Million in 33 States to repair and rethink dams that should have never been neglected in the first place. They are going to spend some money at home, at last, but less than one-25th of what they have lavished on Ukraine. And what do they get in return?
When these States and Towns take Federal money, they come under Federal control. They have to do what the Fed says, even though it's their State or Local infrastructure.
Let's look at Lampasas, Texas, where the lure of Federal money in a neighboring town, Kempner, resulted in Lampasas giving up its own water supply and through a crooked crony contract, relying on Kempner for water.
During another one of these unnatural floods earlier this year, a steer was swept away and guess what?
Two months later, its dead and rotting body was found in the intake of the Kempner water facility. Several cases of severe illness later, it was finally discovered by inspectors and the clean up began, but months later, the chlorine and fluoride and other poisons used to flush essence of dead cow out of the system have continued to make the water undrinkable and not even fit for showers.
Meanwhile, Lampasas has let its own water infrastructure go, and despite the fact that Kempner can't supply potable water, they are bound to pay Kempner by contract.
This is a picture-perfect example of what happens when you let "the Feds" meaning the incorporated foreign federal subcontractors, (not the Federation of States, which is American) touch anything. Water, air, soil, any natural resource, they ruin and pollute and control.
Now, imagine this same horror show coming to North Carolina in the wake of Hurricane Helene. These worthless self-interested thugs will come in and rinse-repeat the same scenario in a hundred towns or more.
"Helped" by these foreign corporations, people will face years of remediation and failed programs and inefficient nasty results, just like Lampasas.
It's been five months without safe water in Lampasas. Most local people have to buy bottled water, which thanks to using plastic bottles isn't safe to drink, either.
Mother Nature has cleaned up the rest of the flood, and if left alone, would take care of the rest of the trauma, but local "elected officials" continue to insist on keeping their contract with Kempner and not exploring --- or letting anyone else explore --- the abundant water resources that once made Lampasas the "Sarasota of the West".
Instead, using this boondoggle as an excuse, they have attempted to keep local people and farmers from accessing wells that were drilled and dug by earlier pioneers--- the only potentially safe water sources left in the area.
It's time that these elected officials were recalled, or, alternatively, rode out of town on a rail. Whatever it takes to get sanity back in charge. Whether we like it or not, we have to wake up and deal with reality.
The reality is, that our money and our industry and everything else is being sent overseas at the behest of foreign for-profit corporations masquerading as our government.
The reality is, that if we don't have a problem, they will make one so as to profit from it.
And then they will create more and more "secondary disasters" to milk more money out of the situation.
The upfront from the North Carolina scene is: first, the flood, and second, nuclear waste and chemical dumping, third, vast pollution over a widespread area, aided and abetted by vast biological pollution from dead animals and people and trees, fourth, interference in local recovery efforts based on all the "help" we have already received, and finally, oh, the Federales are going to come help us some more.
By spending a paltry $430 Million to gain control of more water resources in 33 States.
Go get a Geiger Counter.
Make sure that the land is polluted with nuclear waste. Don't take the Corporate Word for anything. Start thinking defensively, taking nothing and nobody for granted.
As Alfred P. Newman once said, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you." --- starve you, dehydrate you, infect you, and leave you for dead.
Remember, this is a criminal matter. The people promoting all this are cynics and criminals out for the money, and being paid off by foreign interests.
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