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Monday, November 8, 2021

Not Another Ragnarok

 By Anna Von Reitz

This is the umpteenth time that Mankind has been destroyed, busted back to the Stone Age, and all because of dishonesty, delusion, and overall stupidity.
This end result has been encouraged on all these various occasions by the purveyors of deceit known as the Sons of Cain or the Sons of Satan or the Sons of Lucifer or the Sons of the Father of All Lies or the Sons of Simon Magus, or, or, or.... you get my point.
Satan has no name. They just keep calling him something or someone different, change which language the reference is made in, and boot on down the road.
Whereas the True God is a spirit, Satan is an angel that has gone insane.
Satan was created by the True God.
But something went haywire.
Satan lost the ability to discern the difference between fact and fiction.
He lost the ability to discern the difference between the nature of God and the nature of Angels.
Here on Earth we have had these battling House Guests, both the Fallen, and the Loyal Angels, turning our planet into a war zone for thousands of years.
Of course, it doesn't seem that long to them. Only those of us who wear the transient bodies of men discern the length of days and the travesties wrought by these careless visitors.
But now, it's time for the Fallen to return home to the Morning Star. That's why all the alien fleets are surrounding this planet. To transport them and make sure they leave.
It's time for Mankind to have peace on Earth, minus blood-baths and lies.
Understandably, they don't want to go.
Just as understandably, we insist that they be removed.
As a final burnt-Earth policy, they have unleashed a program to pollute the DNA of Mankind so that we no longer have the name of the True God imprinted on our DNA, and so, no longer (they claim) belong to him.
This would be like taking the name "DANA" and adding a letter to make it "DIANA".
Our DNA is like a brand mark and they are like cattle rustlers trying to change the brand.
They think that they will use their concocted "Mark of the Beast" (brand) to claim all the dimwitted and trusting souls as property belonging to them, ready for transport when they leave.
Will they get away with it?
We have already outlawed their claims and limited the assumptions of authority being exercised by the U.S. Supreme Court.
For our Father has held his purpose that not one shall be lost.
He has also shortened the days of tribulation.

Let us all rejoice that the Ba-El and the Ra-El are all similarly enjoined, and the Earth will once again know the Peace of God--- the True God.


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Who Is The Head of State? --- Open Letter to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti

 By Anna Von Reitz

November 8, 2021
Dear Cardinal Mamberti:
An examination of American History yields many compelling facts that the American Public has remained largely unaware of for over two hundred years.
Most of this hidden history revolves around records kept by the Holy See and which should, reasonably, not be any news to the Vatican Chancery Court.
Nonetheless, we feel compelled to delve into and bring forward specific facts that are otherwise being ignored by those who are best enabled to know them and obligated to honor them.
Specifically, who is the Head of State for America?
Not the President of any corporation, and that much is sure, because of the jurisdiction of the office. A "president" is a CEO of a business engaged in international trade or global commerce. By definition.
No President has ever served this country as its Head of State.
Instead, the Post Master of the Land Jurisdiction, whose seat of government is established as the Capitol of that country, Philadelphia, is the Head of State.
It is the Post Master who declares war --- or peace --- and who acts as the Head of State.
Now that we are all reminded of this fact, or given cause to know it for the first time, let us examine the exact origin and transfer of the American Office of The Post Master.
The first Post Office in America was organized by Benjamin Franklin in 1732 and the first seat of government was established in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Franklin, who together with European Benefactors including Comte du Motier (General LaFayette's Grandfather) and the young Comte de St. Germaine/St. Albans, and certain senior prelates of the Roman Catholic Church who maintained an interest in the Catholic Colonies---- all of whom wished to limit the avaricious British authorities, sought to establish a secure network of communications and private contractual agreements to support this network of Post Offices and Post Roads connecting directly to the established Ports and Sea Lanes connecting Europe and America.
The Post Office was the Internet of the 18th Century. It is still the most secure communications network on Earth.
Let us also reflect upon these facts --- Europe was founded by Euric of the Visigoths and brought under his singular Law, The Code of Euric.
Euric's family was native to the Auvergne region of France, and they retired there after also conquering most of England; another branch of the family settled in Normandy. Their outpost in England since Roman times is St. Albans, so it is not surprising that the Comte de St. Germaine, author of the World Trust, also held the title of Count St. Albans in England.
Nor is it surprising that he would be involved in the enterprise of the Post Office in America, and would serve as Franklin's counterpart on the sea --- the first Postmaster of The United States of America.
Please notice that with respect to this country and its international jurisdictions, Franklin served as Post Master (land) and St. Germain (using his British surname, St. Albans) served as its first Postmaster (sea).
As another twist, please also observe that Franklin also served as the first Postmaster (sea jurisdiction) for the British Territorial United States, that is, the Office of the Postmaster of the United States of America, as well as being (already) Post Master of The United States of America (land).
It is through the Saint Germain office that the entire network of the Post Offices has been preserved worldwide, but it is through Franklin's original office of Post Master established in 1732---and still held by James Clinton Belcher, that this country remains.
We understand that there has been a misunderstanding about all of this within the Roman Curia and also within the Church. Who wouldn't be confused?
We have a Post Master and a Postmaster..... a British Territorial Commonwealth calling itself "the United States of America" and an independent country calling itself "The United States of America".
We have a "President" of a business organization representing a Post Master, and a British Territorial Postmaster General rampaging around usurping upon the actual land jurisdiction Office of the Post Master.
It's confusing enough for the inheritors of both Europe and America to sort it all out with the assistance of the Saint Germain Minutemen; the only other institution on Earth that has the records and ability to do so, is the Roman Catholic Church and the Office of the Holy See, which has been dodging the ball.
The British attempt to destroy the St. Germain records by firebombing Dresden at the end of World War II obviously failed.
The Church will be disappointed to learn that our copy of Luther's 95 Theses also survived. So has the Code of Euric survived.
It may come as a big shock to those who never wondered why "Europe" is called "Europe" and to those who never noticed that there is a difference between "the" United States of America and The United States of America, or even a difference between Postmaster and Post Master---- but it is not a surprise to us.
So, here we are, in possession of our offices --- and there you all sit, playing pattycake with a Crown Pretender, Russell J. Gould.
Mr. Gould did enter the offices in Pennsylvania and he did do his little ceremonial claiming Franklin's other office, the British Territorial Office of "Postmaster of the United States of America", but he could not and did not claim the Office of the Post Master of The United States of America.
That's a leap too far for any British pirate.
Mr. Gould is a U.S. Citizen and never sought or claimed to be anything else. It is self-evident that he could never claim or fulfill the Office of Post Master --- the American Office that has been held by James Clinton Belcher since 1980, and which was affirmed by James Thomas McBride in 2008, together with all other "beneficial interest".
So, who is the American Post Master? And the rightful Head of State for The United States of America?
James Clinton Belcher.
Please note that Franklin fulfilled the Biblical prophecy of standing with one foot on the land and one foot in the sea, and that this is the only country on Earth where this is possible.
Please also note that Bacon, von Speck, and von Reitzenstein are one. St. Germain and St. Albans are one. Elaine of Auvergne and Elaine of Joyeaux Garde are one. Powys and Normandy are one. Guilleroi du Lac and Guilleroi de Armentrois are one with Aragon and Aragon is one with the Dalmatians and the Dalmatians are one with the Greeks. All these peoples and principalities that you consider separate are in fact all One, and it is to that One that all power and glory and honor are given.
For it is the blood of the innocent that sets men free, and now that debt is paid in full, forever.

Those who seek to increase their debt do so in ignorance, for it cannot be done. There is no more well-spring of guilt, except in their own dim imaginings.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

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The Lawful Definition of California

 By Anna Von Reitz

Our State Assemblies, including The California Assembly, have been summoned to assemble for one purpose and one purpose only --- to restore the lawful government of this country to its full form and function.
We are not here to debate gay rights or historical Mexican claims or dibble about the definition of the word "California". We have a definition of "California" and what it means:
California is a State of the Union and a member of the Federation of States which is physically described by known State boundaries. Period.
That's the California that we are talking about and the only Californian populace that is guaranteed the right to assemble lives within those established and known State boundaries.
Our State of the Union called "California" is the only brand of "California" that our American Government is interested in restoring.
We could care less about any "New" California. Or Mexican California. Or Gay California. Those are all distinctly different versions and definitions of "California" that are not in any way related to our California. Ours is the Old California--- the way it's meant to be.
We are equally disinterested in any "District California" or "State of California" at this point. Our Employees will just have to muddle along with their own sets of problems while we convene our State Assemblies and decide what to do with our own assets.
Because we are busily in-the-process of assembling our California, and have made it abundantly clear who we are, advertised the capacity in which we are acting, and clearly stated our purpose in summoning The California Assembly, there is no excuse for any misunderstanding.
There is no valid reason for anyone who has any different version of "California" in mind to join our ranks.
We are doing something different than what they want to do. So be it.
They need to call their movement what it is and stand firm for what they believe in and advocate it all they want ---- without implicating us or using our names or our resources in any way.
I am calling upon everyone involved to return all property and assets that belong to The California Assembly to the California Coordinators ---- who are Californians working to restore "Old" California to its original form and function as a State of the Union and a member of the Federation of States.

At the very least, those in possession of these emblems and articles have cause to know that they do not belong to them and must either return the items or stand dishonored as thieves.


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The Tired Physician

 By Anna Von Reitz

How would it be, if you were a doctor, and you had a patient who came to you for help and you correctly diagnosed the ailment and handed them the cure ---- but they went home and didn't take the pills.
Six months or a year or two later, they come back with the same ailment, and they gripe at you because you didn't cure them.
It's your fault because they didn't take the medicine.
At about this moment, our would-be physician is inclined to beat the would-be patient about the ears with his clipboard and run screaming into the bushes.
And who could blame him?
Similarly, I have told millions of Americans the cure to the vicious unjust "court" system --- recoup your natural political status on the land and soil, form your Assembly, and set up your own courts to serve yourselves. Invoke Ex Parte Milligan and boot the foreign courts out of your lives.
It's simple enough. Twelve honest men who are peers of the accused, a clerk to keep the record, a bondsman to protect the evidence, a justice to pronounce the jury sentence, and a sheriff to execute the sentence.
I count sixteen men and a Geneva Bible as the only things necessary to deliver you all from your problems with the foreign courts, and yet, you can't manage to find sixteen men and a Bible?
This past week we used the Office of the Post Master (land jurisdiction) to present an Impoundment Order to the responsible parties, requesting and requiring them to impound the IRS and its officers and impose penalties and cures upon them for the offense of Federal Racketeering, Impersonation, Trespass, and illegal confiscation of American personal property.
So, now people are saying, why not me? Why not all of us?
Remember---- our law requires an Injured Party and demonstrated and quantified damage.
When the IRS (or a corporate flunky thereof) steals $1,209.45 from you, you have a demonstrated and quantified injury.
However, when your arm is broken during a trespass-assault by (private) State Police, and your car is impounded and sold without your permission while you languish in jail, and your family is evicted from their home while you are awaiting trial because of the loss of your income --- well, then, things get a lot more complex, don't they?
How are you going to "quantify" that?
Again, you need a jury of your peers to do that for you and award damages.
So, here's the Tired Physician, telling you all again ---- get the lead out and form your Jury Pools and elect your Court Officers.
Right now, I am getting a large number of people griping because they are continuing to get very hefty "Tax Notices" for "Property Taxes" which Americans don't owe.
In 90% of the cases, these same people have known about the Patent Claim Process --- because I have explained it how many times? ---- but they haven't done it.
Didn't take the medicine, but still expect the cure--- is it supposed to happen by osmosis? Magic? Do I wave my hands over them and say, "Pustulence Verbatim" and hope for the best?
Just like overturning the foreign courts. I have explained how to get them out of your pockets, too.....but....
It does no good to know it and say it, if you don't do it, too.
So, stop expecting unearned miracles and stop sitting on the sidelines of your own lives.
Nobody can do this for us. It's ours to do or it doesn't get done.
Self-governance requires action and there is no point in complaining to me about actions you haven't taken for yourselves.
If you want gubmint goons to leave you alone, if you want your Constitutional Guarantees respected, if you want the money grubbers out of your lives, then the pathway forward is clear: join your State Assembly and boot up your civilian courts. Now.

Sign me, The Tired Physician


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The Rude Awakening

 By Anna Von Reitz

Everyone needs to stop and take in the situation.
Our State Assemblies have not been fully assembled for over a hundred years.
Nobody now living can recall them or remember how they functioned in the past.
All we have are records and court cases and anecdotes and old law books to show us the way and the ropes again, and we have made good use of these resources to resurrect our lawful government --- still, it is worth sitting down for a moment, taking a deep breath, and contemplating the fact that you, personally, know virtually nothing about your actual government.
All you have experienced to date is a foreign government operated by the British Crown and the Vatican.
So first bit of advice ---- don't come into an American State Assembly thinking that you know anything at all about how the government works--- because you have never seen the American Government in action.
All you have ever known is the "government" of your own Employees, which is supposed to only address them, and not address you at all. They operate under foreign law that you are not obligated to know or obey.
So, it is ridiculous for new people to come into established Assemblies and think that they know what to do and how to do it. They don't, and until they sit still and listen, they won't, because the American Government is a totally different animal.
It's not a democracy.
It doesn't have political parties.
It doesn't function via executive power or offices.
It has its own courts and its own law.
It's American, not British, not Papist.
Think about the above five differences --- and I mean, really think.
You've grown up hearing about "American Democracy" but this country has never been a democracy in its entire put together.
You have been swept up into joining political parties and registering to vote in elections that are foreign to you and which, technically, it's illegal for you to participate in.
You have been trained since childhood to respect "authorities" that work in a pecking order with a Chief Executive Officer on top and a huge bureaucracy of subalterns below, but that's not the way your actual American Government works. Not at all.
You have been duped into believing that the foreign courts are your own, too --- but they are not. The things posing as courts in this country are of two kinds, and both are foreign.
Finally, you've been taught that the Brits are your very best friends and allies, when in fact their Government has been your most intractable and deceitful enemy, ruling over you using guile and a brutal Raj-like quasi-military Territorial regime to steal you blind and spill your blood.
Think. Really think. And then act appropriately. Join your State Assembly with the expectation that this is going to be different and that you are going to make it different, with a clear-eyed vision of what is American and what isn't.


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