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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Dear Mr. Trump, Don't Be a Chump!

By Anna Von Reitz

This is a quick unofficial note.
The Russian killed in the UK was killed by the UK using Russian poison to frame the Russian Government.

Because in addition to revealing their illicit interference in Central Europe and Asia, he was going to tell you about British interference in America.
Interference in our elections. Interference in our government. Interference in our economy. Interference in our stock and commodities markets. Interference in our trade policies. Interference in our courts.
Wake up, Donald. The alarm bells are ringing.
The enemy of America and the American People has always been the British Empire -- the British Monarch and the British Crown--- and while generations of Americans have slept on deluded by a bunch of British Bunko, it is essential that you wake up right about now.
Who was it we were fighting in the Revolution? And again in 1812? And who set up the whole situation embroiling the entire Middle East in endless war? And who has undermined your Presidency and used the Territorial United States to undermine our Constitution and bleed our country dry? Who guided the wreck of our trade policies? Who was Barack Obama, a Kenyan National, working for?
Who set up all the bankruptcy fraud schemes at the banking conference of 1898? And again at the Geneva Conventions in May of 1930?
The British Monarchs and the British Crown.
They are our enemies --first, last, and always. They are at the bottom of every stinking pile of intrigue, deceit, war-mongering, and violence that has ever been played on us in our entire history. And they are just trying to "play upon" you and other world leaders again.
Who engineered and dragged us into both World War I and World War II?
Not the Russians. Not the Chinese.
I rest my case.

See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
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Death to Democracy

By Anna Von Reitz

Once you start thinking, you will quickly realize that "something is wrong" in this country, and that it has been wrong for a very long time.

We have covered many of the various things that are wrong and why they are wrong, but this one deserves special comment.

All your life you have heard about "democracy"--- endlessly. We grow up hearing about how we need to defend democracy and spread democracy, but nobody ever tells you what democracy is or tries to justify why anyone would defend or spread it.

Democracy is Mob Rule.

If 51% of your neighbors want to eat you for breakfast or use your yard for a roller derby or rape your wife in public, hey, that's okay in a democracy.

Capacity - The Root of Confusion

By Anna Von Reitz

At one time or another in your life you have heard the question asked, "What's your capacity?"  or  "In what capacity were you acting?"   This might have come up in any number of situations.  You might have even heard it in a courtroom or in relation to someone driving "in an impaired capacity".  

Identifying your capacity has two main components ---  describing the role you are playing at a given time or in a given situation and, secondly, the authority under which you are playing that role.  

Some capacities are mutually exclusive, such that you cannot be acting in both capacities at the same time.  You can't be a "sovereign citizen" because it is impossible to act as a sovereign and as a slave at the same time.  You can't be a "private citizen" because you can't act in a private capacity at the same time that you are acting in a public capacity. 

People who attack me and call me a "fake judge" and who otherwise attempt to discredit my credentials don't understand the capacity in which I am acting. 

I explain it this way:

One Illinois Villiage is trying to take all 'Assault Weapons'

American Town Moves to Confiscate ‘Assault Weapons,’ Fine Violators Up to $1,000 Per Day
Adan Salazar | - April 4, 2018  

Piecemeal gun control being rolled out across America
A village in Illinois has declared a ban on “assault weapons,” and has given gun owners 60 days to turn them all in.
Is this the place the next civil war will begin in America?