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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Public International Alert -- Order to Cease and Desist: 25 May 2022

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Queen's Government, working in concert with the Lord Mayor of London (Inner City) and the British Crown Corporation,  is actively engaged in a new illegal, unlawful, and immoral scheme to reward collaborators and conspirators who have sought to undermine the lawful American Government, defraud the American people, and wreak havoc on the rest of the world. 

This is yet another attack in Breach of Trust and violation of commercial service contracts owed by these Principals to us, and it is undertaken under convenient False Presumptions of perpetual wars that do not in fact exist. Such illegal and undeclared mercenary war is merely being used as an excuse to evade performance of contractual duties and treaty obligations.  

The Queen's Undeclared Agents are presently making the rounds in our country promoting the idea of a "Second Declaration of Independence" which would mean the loss of all we gained from The Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson. 

These Undeclared Foreign Agents, who appear to be as American as apple pie, are teaching the ignorant and unwary members of the General Public that there exists in the present world a political status called "national of the United States" per 8 USC Chapter 12 of the Federal Code, when in fact, that political status is forever attached to our own inoperative American Federal Republic. 

These Undeclared British Agents are trying for another Substitution Scheme. 

This time they are trying to substitute Trump, the "President" of their British Crown Corporation doing business as "the" United States of America, Inc., for our American President holding The Office of The President of The United States of America. 

And they are trying to gin up their own version of our Federal Republic -- a British Territorial "Federal" Republic, instead of an American Federal Republic. 

This is treasonous as well as being dishonest and deceitful. It is utterly inappropriate for our British-based Subcontractors to "offer" to replace any part of our lawful American Government with a British substitute.  

Our States of the Union are now in Session and preparing to address the long overdue Reconstruction.  The resurrection of the only Federal Republic that has ever existed is in our hands, not theirs. 

The entire so-called Operation Phoenix is a confidence racket scheme against the interests of this country and its people.  

I will also note that the Queen's Government is now giving away tons of fiat USD in an effort to say that they have paid their debts and rewarded their loyal British Territorial U.S. Citizens by "paying" them paper I.O.U.'s based on their own credit, in "equitable exchange" for their land and soil, businesses, and other material asset interests. 

Thus, the Queen's Government pays out paper based on the American's own credit in exchange for their substance (their land and soil, body, home, gold and silver, etc.) and devalues the fiat USD at the same time --- and all in purportedly "equitable consideration" for their assets.  The assets these British henchmen obtain using this deceit are then cashiered in a Territorial National Trust, and America is transformed into a British Territory (aka, Colony) again. 

These unlawful and illegal pretenses are unwelcome on our shores and should be universally recognized as crimes against us, against any moral world community, and against the Public Law which requires registration and identification of Foreign Agents. 

To date, there has been no full disclosure made to the American people concerning their birthright political status and the consequences of adopting British Territorial U.S. Citizenship.  There has equally been no disclosure concerning the bankruptcy of the United States, Inc., and the silliness of setting up "the" White House Office, Inc., with Joseph R. Biden acting as the Registered Agent.  

Exactly what office attaches to the White House or any other house?  And while we are at it, what flag can any of these scoundrels legitimately fly?  

We loaned them the use of our Title IV flag during their exercise of delegated duties and as anyone can see, they have trespassed against us and against other nations of the world by engaging in mercenary wars and activities never authorized under their contracts, while also failing to perform their actual duties. 

They've allowed their contract to lapse via repeated bankruptcies and unauthorized and unrecognized claims of succession, with the result that all delegated powers have returned by Operation of Law to the Federation of States that granted those delegations of power in the first place. 

If the British Territorial citizenry are to have any role or standing going forward it must be in terms of being allowed to retrieve their State National political status and in flying the peace flag.  

The craziness needs to stop, and with it, the insane promotion of perpetual war which has done nothing but enrich defense contractors and empower crooked politicians at the expense of the entire rest of this planet. 

The ruse that the British-backed Territorial U.S. Government hit upon at the end of the so-called American Civil War --- to keep the "war" going in the jurisdiction of the sea and the air, even long after it was ended on the land --- has been copied again and again to the detriment of law, order, and decency. 

We find that not only was the American Civil War purportedly never resolved (until 2020) but neither was the First World War, the Second World War, and the infamous Korean War / Conflict.  All these wars were left in an active status at sea and in the air, which allowed the Perpetrators to continue to assess and collect "war reparations" even 160 years after the end of actual physical hostilities. 

World War I ended in an Armistice and a singular Treaty of Versailles that encompassed peace on the land jurisdiction only.  World War II was similarly denied any complete ending; although hostilities in fact ended in September of 1945.  In this case, an impossible to satisfy United Nations accord stands in the way of peace -- an accord that requires all Parties to the Second World War to sign off on the peace treaties ending it, which is impossible because numerous Parties to the Second World War no longer exist as political entities. 

Like the American Civil War, the Korean War was in fact the Korean Conflict -- an undeclared, unauthorized, and entirely dubious struggle that never actually ended with any trilateral peace treaties on air, land, and sea. 

This is our Order to Cease and Desist all pretensions of war related to these and any other prior wars and conflicts,  and also our Order to Cease and Desist all British-affiliated attempts to press-gang and buy off Americans adopting U.S. Citizen political status without the benefit of full disclosure. 

All British-affiliated and Papist-affiliated and UN CORPORATION -affiliated Foreign Agents are directed to immediately Cease and Desist all presumptions of war and to comply with the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). 

For all practical and administrative purposes:

The American Civil War has been officially and permanently ended as of the first of August 2021:

The First World War, also abbreviated as WWI, ended on November the Eleventh 1918;  any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace.  

The Second World War, also abbreviated as WWII, ended on the second of September 1945; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace.  

The Korean War / Conflict ended on the 27th of July 1953; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace. 

The Vietnam War / Conflict ended on the 27th of January 1973; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation or forever hold their peace. 

The War on Iraq, variously named the Gulf War, Desert Shield, Desert Storm, etc. began the 19th of March in 2003 and was formally ended December the 15th in 2011; any Party having cause to claim otherwise has thirty (30) days to object to our Office of Reconciliation for forever hold their peace. 

Anyone having any cause to object to the end of these or any other mercenary conflicts or actual declared wars is hereby given Notice that they have thirty (30) days to object to us closing the books and declaring a final, official, and permanent end to these wars and conflicts. 

Otherwise, on the 25th of June in the year 2022, an automatic and unassailable Lawful and Legal Assumption of Peace will be established precluding and prohibiting any continuance of hostilities in any jurisdiction related to these wars and conflicts; all expenses and charges related to any war reparations or ongoing costs or claims must cease as of that date.  

All settlements must be in kind. Physical assets must be paid for with physical gold and silver or the certificated equivalent.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.  Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

By: James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
The United States of America

By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

Office of Reconciliation
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652 


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Wow. Teri Hinkle Out of the Ball Park

 By Anna Von Reitz

This post from Teri is just so extraordinary, everyone has to blast it to outer space. 

Teri is one of those women who "smelled a rat" early and often, and has always had the courage to speak up, but this time, well.... read it for yourselves: 

It is phenomenally amazing how many Americans, after all the true facts and information available in regard to the GLOBAL GENOCIDE PLAN called COVID-19, still will not accept that their own government could or would EVER deliberately target them for death or harm. For those of us old enough to have been there and seen that time and time again, even so far as to have lost family members as a consequence, we know better, in spades.

The following is a partial list of historical abuses collated and copyrighted by the Health News Network.

1932 – The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. Two hundred black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs. The all subsequently die from syphilis.
1935 – The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from pellagra over a span of two decades, the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known for at least twenty years that pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths occurred within poverty-stricken black populations.
1940 – Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend themselves.
1945 – Project Paperclip is initiated. The U.S. State Department, Army intelligence, and the CIA recruit Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on top-secret government projects.
1947 – The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.
1950 – In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Francisco. Many residents become ill with pneumonia like symptoms.
1956 – The U.S. military releases mosquitos infected with yellow fever over Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.
1965 – Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Vietnam. The men are later studied for development of cancer.
1966 – U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when Army scientists drop light bulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates.
1990 – More than 1,500 six-month old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an “experimental” measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected into their children was experimental.
1994 – Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least fifty years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances.
1995 – The U.S. government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.
1995 – Dr. Garth Nicolson uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, Texas, and Boca Raton, Florida, and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.
1996 – The Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.
1997 – Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons use and Gulf War syndrome.

That is only a partial list. The loss of my son in January to the FAKE PANDEMIC NIH NON-TREATMENT PROTOCOL FOR MONEY is not the first time our family has suffered loss at the hands of those who profess to serve us. After the loss of my father-in-law in 2001, it came to light that he had been suing 140 companies over the damage he had suffered due to their use of asbestos in the steel mills he worked in and failed to apprise the workers of the danger. I ended up in charge of that law suit at that point, did some research myself. I found that the federal government had known since 1922 that asbestos was a direct cause of Mesothelioma (a form of lung cancer) but did not say a single word until forced to in 1975 and, even then, simply issued regulations on industries using it and then failed to enforce them. Also, as a result of that criminal action by our government, both my husband’s cousins died a few years later of cancer caused by the asbestosis used at the Fermi plant where the husband worked. The government knew that any person working around the substance brought it home on their clothing and exposed their whole families to the danger. My husband’s brother also died in 2000 from kidney cancer caused by his exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. It wasn’t until several months AFTER his death that the U.S. Government finally paid a meager 17 thousand dollars in compensation to his family.
IF YOU STILL BELIEVE YOUR GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WANT TO KILL YOU, HARM YOU OR TURN YOU INTO A LAB RAT, well, then you might as well go on out and get in line for your BOOSTERS and get it over with! There hasn’t been a SINGLE VACCINE tested for safety by the FDA or any other agency in the past 35 years!!! But, oh well, just buy the BS on the television and jump right up on the auction block!


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Why I Don't Teach All Three Jurisdictions - Again

 By Anna Von Reitz

The simple reason is that I don't have to. And you, as Americans, aren't required to learn.  I do truly believe that you all have something better to do than learn all the ins and outs of foreign law, especially because Amendment XI specifically frees you from that fate. 

David Straight and a bunch of undocumented ninnies from various "patriot clubs" have criticized me for not teaching all about the laws of all three jurisdictions air, land, and sea --- and they pretend that they do, but they don't. 

Land and soil are physical, actual, solid.  This is where living people plant our feet and where we have our "standing" in law.  Get it?  Standing as in "standing on your own two feet".  All the other jurisdictions accrue to us, so long as we are in our proper standing on the land and soil of our country. 

The air space above our heads becomes American air space, because we are standing on the land below.  The sea jurisdiction accrues to us because the water is lapping on our shores. 

This is why I teach people to return to their natural and proper jurisdiction as the population of the land and soil, and don't worry about the rest of it, until and unless you: (1) enter foreign air space, or (2) enter upon the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways. 

Amendment XI as of 1860 says that Americans are not responsible for knowing foreign laws.  

Our foreign British Territorial subcontractors and our Municipal subcontractors are responsible for knowing foreign laws and obeying them; but, we Americans only need to know and enforce our own Public Laws and the Constitutions -- and only from our side of those contracts. 

We need to know and organize to enforce our Constitutional Guarantees. 

Other than that, we could give a fig. 

When we asked Pope Benedict XVI to explain the existence of all these bogus Municipal CORPORATIONS being operated in our names, he explained that for us, Americans, they are gifts.  

We said, "Gifts like the Trojan Horse?"  

He said, "No, gifts, so you can participate in commerce if you want to or need giving someone a car.  You don't have to pay for it, you don't have to use it. It's just a gift...." 

Most of us have no desire or need to participate in commerce, and the "acceptance" of this gift has been mis-administered in such a way as to make it anything but a gift, but the Pope stuck to his story that for Americans, these THINGS -- JOHN Q PUBLIC and JOHN QUINCY ADAMS are all meant as gifts with no strings attached. 

At the time, circa 2005, I thought he was just an old huckster pulling some kind of fast one, but in retrospect I realize what he meant. So far as he knew, the ones owing all the debts were British Persons, or his own Municipal citizens,  not Americans.  

"How would Americans be charged for debts they don't owe?" he asked in bewilderment. 

It's easy.  They just self-interestedly "mistake" us for British Persons.  And then they make another "mistake" and create debtor Municipal CORPORATIONS named after us, too. 

The Black Robed Probate Administrators purposefully don't recognize us as Americans and in that way, Americans have been taxed and harassed and incarcerated and pillaged and plundered and billed for debts they don't owe for 160 years.  

Which means that the Pope and the Queen and the Lord Mayor and their Banks all owe us Americans a tremendous debt.  

It also leaves us asking --- where is there any authority granted to anyone to run probate courts-at-large in our country?  Probate courts should only exist in the District of Columbia.  Not Nevada. 

If you are an American, you're an American--- and as an American standing flat-footed on your own land and soil with your own air jurisdiction above and the sea gently lapping at your shores, none of the rest of this stuff actually concerns you. 

As an American, you are owed exemption and peace and no claims of indebtedness at all.  So my mission is to alert as many Americans as possible and tell them to come back home to the land and soil.  Make it clear that you are an American and not a British Person and not a Municipal PERSON at all. 

Once that message is tattooed on the Public Record and pounded into the lexicon of the Black Robes, we claim everything associated with us, including our right to be left alone. 


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David Straight 3.0 -- Think About This, Just Not Too Long

 By Anna Von Reitz

Now, if you don't believe me, you can easily confirm this by looking the word "citizen" up in any legal dictionary you choose. 

You will find that the word "citizen" implies an obligation to serve the government, as in being a public employee or a member of the military services.  

If you are not under obligation to serve the government, you are not a citizen. 

Read that again --- if you are not under obligation to serve the government, you are not a citizen. 

Citizens of all stripes are government employees, voluntarily owing service to the government ---  and it is an open question which government they serve.  

We Americans serve our States of the Union as State Citizens.  We are unpaid volunteers, but we accept the Public Duty to assemble and conduct business for our States. 

In this same country, there are also paid U.S. Citizens who are largely military service members, defense contractors, and their dependents, who owe their allegiance to our government while they are on the land and to the British Monarch while on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways. 

There are also Municipal citizens of the United States, who are paid Federal Civil Service and Agency employees and their dependents --- including foreigners seeking political asylum. 

Both U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States work for foreign commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services. 

Many Americans work for these foreign corporations and when they do, they voluntarily adopt the political status of foreign citizens as a condition of employment. 

It used to be that when people got out of the military service they were assumed to return home to the States, but since WWII the opposite presumption has prevailed, and it has been presumed that they stay forever in British Territorial jurisdiction until and unless they inform their Branch Commanders otherwise. 

That is, their temporary status as British Territorial U.S. Citizens continues forever until they tell their Branch Commander that they are returning home to the States of the Union.  They are subjects of the Queen, not Americans any longer. This is the political status David Straight holds. 

But he doesn't explain any of this to you. 

He doesn't tell you the downsides of being a U.S. Citizen and Subject of Her Royal Majesty.  

And he certainly doesn't tell you that you are under no obligation to serve as a citizen at all, does he? 

Municipal citizens of the United States have an even worse deal, as they are impersonated as Municipal CORPORATIONS and considered slaves. 

My bone to pick with David is that he isn't providing full disclosure.  He is scooping up uninformed Americans who have been brainwashed all their lives into thinking that they are "citizens" and owe service to the government, when most of them are non-citizens and are owed government services, instead.  

That is, most Americans are Employers, not Public Employees.  Most Americans are non-citizens. 

Everyone has a free choice, but the choice isn't free when it's made without the benefit of full disclosure.  David has a right to be a U.S. Citizen, but he shouldn't be encouraging others to adopt that status without them knowing what it means, and what they lose by adopting it. 

Are you interested in knowing what you lose when you adopt U.S. Citizenship? 

You lose your land and soil assets.  The Queen seized title to those and issues a "title" to you as her loyal tenant, subject to paying her mortgages and property taxes. 

You lose your Constitutional Guarantees and exchange your Natural and Unalienable Rights for Civil Rights --- unless the Queen or her Officers suspend Civil Rights, which aren't actually rights, but are privileges being called "rights". 

You become Subject to the Queen's Laws and Courts, which are all foreign with respect to Americans.  You are assumed to be guilty until proven innocent. 

The failure to disclose these things is a very, very serious lack of disclosure, amounting to entrapment, and David is knowledgeable and responsible for making this disclosure, but he isn't doing it.  

Instead, he is trying to sell you on the idea that yet another kind of citizenship option exists, which he is calling "National Citizenship" and he is also pretending that the old Federal Republic is being rebooted to allow this.  

Both of these statements are lies, whether he knows they are lies or not.  

Our States are our Nations.  There is no overarching American "National Citizenship" called "United States Citizenship" and the American Federal Republic can't be reconstructed by British Territorial U.S. Citizens. 

Even if the American Federal Republic were reconstructed and ready for business today, it would still not offer a "National Citizenship". 

Mr. Straight and Mr. Trump and other Americans who have adopted the foreign British Territorial U.S. Citizenship status could construct "a" Federal Republic, but it would be British, not American. 

And that is something else they are not disclosing. 

Once again, we have many Americans ignorantly assuming that they are "citizens" when they aren't, accepting Donald Trump as "their" President, when he is the President of a British Corporation and not acting in his capacity as an American at all, and finally, believing that British citizenry can restore an American Federal Republic.  

No dears, all that a British Territorial Citizenry can do is to build a British Territorial Federal Republic substituting itself for our American Federal Republic. 

And that is not something we can accept. 

No, we aren't putting up with any more British Flim-Flam. 

No, we aren't allowing the British Territorial citizenry to usurp upon our identity anymore nor to impose their identity on us, either.  

No, we aren't allowing the British Territorial citizenry to substitute their proposed "Federal Republic" for our American Federal Republic and act as if they were one-in-the-same when they are not. 

We are calling the British Territorial U.S. Citizens back to work doing what they should have always been doing --- honoring their constitutional obligations and protecting our States, our people, and our assets.  

That's what U.S. Citizens have been hired and instructed to do since 1789.  

They have not been hired and instructed to act as foreign mercenaries engaging in wars for profit.  They have not been hired to manage or administer our gold and silver and land and other assets.  They have not been hired to substitute their private corporation for our Public Government.  And they are not supposed to be roaming around like David Straight, press-ganging Americans into a foreign political status without full disclosure.  


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Public and International Notice to the Generals 7.0

 By Anna Von Reitz

Which "civilian government" are you supposed to answer to?  The American Government of, for, and by the people of this country?  Or the Pope's Municipal Government of the United States?  

Read those contracts. Put the timing of those contracts into context.  Which civilian government are you supposed to be listening to and serving?  


It looks to us like you just glanced around and said to yourselves, "Well, we are supposed to be taking our orders from a civilian government, so we will take our orders from the Municipal Government of Washington, DC. That's civilian, isn't it, Boo-Boo?"  

Wrong answer, Yogi. 

Just because our civilian government wasn't in Session doesn't give you permission or authority to redefine which government is owed your good faith and service. Your contract, if you still have one, is with us. 

We are the civilian authorities you forgot about --- your actual Employers. 

Now, you may say that, "Well, you guys weren't in Session, so what were we supposed to do?" 

You were supposed to inform your Employers what was going on. 

You were supposed to help your Employers conduct new elections. 

You were supposed to turn back the powers of government to the people of this country to whom you owe "good faith and service". 

Instead, your predecessors colluded with the Municipal Government and in 1937, secretly issued "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States". 

Copies of this document have been reproduced and distributed worldwide, so everyone can see how our foreign subcontractors -- both denizens of the District of Columbia, colluded together in conspiracy against the Constitutions we are owed  -- instead of rendering good faith and service to the people paying you. 

They can also see how you all benefitted yourselves by engendering a permanent state of war and emergency, guaranteeing yourselves constant employment. 

This poor country has been kept "at war" in reality or on paper for all but 22 years of its existence, largely thanks to you and your pandering to foreign governments and foreign interests. 

The American Civil War, which was a mercenary conflict, was never settled by a Peace Treaty until July of 2020 --- so you conveniently presumed a state of war and emergency must still exist.... and when that wore thin, you gratuitously declared war on poverty, drugs, and whatever else you could think up. 

The First World War ended similarly, with an Armistice, and only a Treaty of Versailles, so that  war also continued interminably in the International Jurisdictions and in the Air Jurisdiction.... 

Ditto, ditto, the Second World War, same story.  It actually ended in September of 1945, but thanks to your impossible-to-attain accord demanding that all Parties to that conflict sign off on the peace agreements, and not all Parties still exist, that too is left like an open door, allowing you to claim that our entire planet is still at war.... 

We call all of that nothing but self-interested bushwah, and we call you to your duty stations in defense of this country --- while we try to mend the diplomatic fences and sort out the many atrocities that have been committed by the Municipal United States Government and the British Territorial Government "in our names".  

This is the actual civilian government that you are supposed to answer to. You have been fully informed and have no plausible deniability left.  Your first priority is to defend this country, these people, and this government.  Your second priority is to defend this country, these people, and this government.  Your third priority is ..... (repeat as often as necessary).  

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

The Great Fraud in 300 Words or Less

 By Anna Von Reitz

We, Americans, suffered a National-level identity theft in 1860.  Just as a modern credit-card hacker steals your identity to access your credit, the Perpetrators of these frauds against humanity did the same thing.  

You, the living man, the American (German, Irishman, Frenchman, Filipino), are not in the picture at all.  

The Brits "seize" upon your Given Name and create a British Person --- a Foreign Situs Trust -- and they pretend that you are a ward of their Territorial Government and a British Subject.  

They then cut a deal with the Pope and sell this British Foreign Situs Trust that they operate "in your name" into slavery as a Municipal citizen of the United States.  The Pope's Municipal Government runs under Roman Civil Law, so this newly created Municipal CITIZEN is both a corporation and a slave.  You can murder corporations, tax corporations, do whatever you like to a corporation, so by "impersonating" you as a Municipal CORPORATION they seek to subject you to this ancient evil.  

There are just three problems.   First, it is a capital offense under international law and they are guilty of running a criminal conspiracy against the Constitutions, against the Geneva Conventions, and against the Hague Conventions.   

Second, under Roman Civil Law, they have committed fraud, which vitiates everything it touches and which has no statute of limitation.  

Third, there was never any justification for creating the British Foreign Situs Trust which the Queen sold into slavery in the first place; that was an act of "latching upon" American babies and secretively registering them as British property without anyone's knowledge or consent.  

That is a capital crime and genocide on paper.  Because the Brits were never permitted ashore in this country, it is also an act of inland piracy, and under the international laws governing piracy, "possession by pirates does not change ownership".  

This means that all those "seized" American babies are still Americans, owed every jot of the original Federal Constitutions--- and the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor are guilty of avoiding their contractual obligations and evading their responsibilities in Breach of Trust.


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