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Monday, April 19, 2021

SESRES dot com

  By Anna Von Reitz

As many of you know, I began my life as a mathematics junkie. I loved science, especially cutting-edge science, too.
So, it is perhaps predictable that throughout my life, despite the ups and downs of having a family, a business, and an unsought-for addiction to studying history, law, and government out of necessity---I have continued to be interested in scientific advancements and, yes, I have a fondness for quirky geniuses like Buckminster Fuller.
"Bucky", as he was known to friends, died in 1983 --and is best remembered by the public as the inventor and promoter of the geodesic dome. That was far from his only contribution to modern architecture, science, and thought.... and that brings us to the subject of "Fullerenes" also known as "BuckyBalls".
Fullerenes are carbon structures shaped like various kinds of balls-- footballs, soccer balls, or basketballs. Take your pick. There are also tube structures made of pure carbon. The initial discovery of these pure carbon matrices existing in nature caused some consternation, but Bucky was undeterred. If they existed naturally, they couldn't be bad.... not in any essential sense of "bad". In fact, they might be good. Even very good.
We always owe it to ourselves to discover.
So the push was on. Fifty-six years later, Buckminster's students have discovered some amazing things about BuckyBalls. For one thing, they are among the world's finest and most efficient antioxidants. The cage-like structure of carbon atoms presented by the carbon "balls" serves to trap free-radicals by the boatload --- or should I say "ball load"? --- and transport the toxins out of the body very efficiently.
Research has indicated that BuckyBalls are efficient traps for other kinds of waste and foreign matter, too --- bacteria, viruses, foreign nanotech, heavy metal ions, what-have-you --- get enmeshed in or attached to the carbon matrix and flushed out of the body.
Some initial studies with rats have shown that regular ingestion of high quality Carbon - 60 suspended in olive oil almost doubled their lifespan.
One of the possible beneficial interactions postulated is that BuckyBalls trap otherwise poisonous Aluminum ions which in turn attract up to three Free Radical molecules, each, and then bundle the whole mob out the door, like a nano-scale Bouncer. If so, the same effect may be observed with Boron ions.
What presents itself is a "scavenger system" with the Buckyballs acting as the garbage truck and the metallic ions that would otherwise be troublemakers gainfully employed as the garbage collectors. And that theory does fit the experimental results.
Now, a rat is closer biologically to a cat or a dog, than a man, but all share basic mammalian physiology, so it should come as no surprise that a substance that dramatically prolongs the lifespan of a rat has similar function-enhancing and toxicity-reducing effects on our pets.
I recently used cutting edge "Detoxifiber" (which traps toxins more efficiently in the gut and keeps them from being recycled through the liver again and again, causing damage with each pass) and SES Carbon-60 in olive oil to save my dog who suffered an adverse reaction to the drug carprofen, otherwise known by the brand name "rimadyl" --- and was twice given up for dead.
Veterinarians, like doctors, have been trained to throw drugs at everything, whether appropriate or not, in a shotgun approach. They appear to just throw things at the wall and hope something sticks.
When I asked why my dog was given a strong anti-inflammatory drug commonly prescribed for arthritis, even though he has no sign of arthritis at all, the vet hemmed and hawed and finally admitted that it was because of his age.... they just assumed that a dog his age had arthritis, until they took x-rays....and found no sign of arthritis.
Let this be a warning to the rest of us about the quality of our medical professionals.
Their solution to the problem they had caused was to put my dog down.
Oh, and charge me $2,600.00 for the privilege of hearing that they could do nothing to reverse the damage done.
And this is a top-rated veterinary clinic, one of the best in Alaska.
So I thanked them for rehydrating him with a saline solution that probably costs $1.60 a gallon, and took my poor puppy home, drooling, blind, disoriented, unable to keep his footing, unable to keep food down.
About one in a hundred dogs has this reaction to carprofen, and mine would be the one in a hundred. Still, with a vet practice that probably sees 7,000 dogs in a year and prescribes rimadyl routinely for perhaps half of them, that's over thirty animals either killed outright or damaged and left for dead with no sane veterinary plan for treatment in place.
If it's your dog, believe me, that "trivial" one-percent group does matter.
So I took him home, determined to flush the poisonous drug out of him, and he's back up to steam, thanks to Garden of Life Detoxifiber and SES C-60.
My very limited faith in modern medical professionals has taken yet another nose-dive, but my faith in logic and common sense remains.
In an environment where we are constantly and often purposefully exposed to noxious chemicals, poisons, drugs, and pollutants --- including harmful nanotechnology spread by aerial spraying and injections --- we all need to take detoxification seriously. Very seriously.
One of the proven benefits of Carbon-60 is protection of the liver (in rats, again, but go figure) which again seems to underscore the ability of C-60 to act as a nano-scale garbage collector, thereby relieving the liver of constant toxic overload.
Another benefit (to the rats) was an anti-inflammatory effect, relieving arthritis and joint/ligament pain. Many people have reported experiencing similar relief. Even though my dog didn't have arthritis in any case, treatment with C-60 would have harmlessly provided relief without the use of dangerous carprofen.
An extra little irony for me to chew on.
People suffering from alcoholism and various kinds of drug addiction have experienced and testified that C-60 reduced their cravings and improved their mood --- which makes total sense, to the extent that C-60 may stop the alcohol or the drug from being recycled repeatedly through the liver and moderate the overall toxicity involved.
Five milliliters of C-60 a day may not keep the doctor away, but it helps. And judging from the quality of medical "care" available to both people and canines, we'd better do all that we can for ourselves.
C-60 in olive oil isn't inexpensive -- about $70 per month. But if it keeps your engine running cleanly, lubricates your joints, and detoxifies your whole system ---which it appears to do --- it's money well-spent on preventive maintenance. Go to for more information and to order. Ancient rats can't be all wrong.
Many of us Oldsters also need fiber in our diets to keep things moving, so why not use more efficient fiber, too? Garden of Life "Detoxifiber" keeps the gunk in your gut, ready to offload, instead of letting it recycle into your bloodstream and go back through your liver, again and again and again.
And no, neither Garden of Life nor paid me a penny to say any of this. This is pure Grandma advice for you and your pets. You can take DeTox to the next level; I am, my dog is, and we recommend doing so to you, too.


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Shades of 1913

 By Anna Von Reitz

For those who are unaware of such things, we are in the middle of a brutal energy storm. Just imagine that you are a little kid, and the wind is tearing and gusting all around the house, and rain is thundering on the roof and against the windows....and you are tucked in bed, safe and warm.
The first time in modern history that this particular set of storm conditions existed was in 1913. It was caused by the failure of the bankruptcy process that was contrived to release our gold and silver resources back into the world markets---without our knowledge or consent.
The Federal Reserve bankers came up with the idea to enslave everyone and capitalize on the labor resources of this country (and several others) and then use the Blood Money to slake the investors; but, the Kaiser was a moral man, and he stuck to his guns. Such debts were always paid in gold, on time, and on demand. WWI commenced anyway.
That hideous conflagration just caused more debts and more destruction, and the enslavement program continued --- now needed more than ever to backstop the lack of available precious metal commodities being rigged by the London commodity boards.
Note---they've done the same thing again in the commercial paper markets, by choke-pointing and licensing the companies that can issue "Medium Term Notes" for corporations.
The guilty parties tried successfully to blame the victims, their Priority Creditors from Germany, and foisted off an unbelievably unjust peace settlement that would have reduced Germany and the German people to abject poverty for over a hundred years.
All to pay war reparations for a war that wouldn't exist, if the debtors had made a good faith effort to pay in the first place.
That, of course, didn't play well and didn't pay the bills, either.
So, enter the 1930-33 world bankruptcy and Ponzi scheme, with Herr Hitler pushing the envelope and World War II close on his heels. More death and destruction ---- and debt. Don't forget the debt.
Every time there is a melt down, there is more debt, and more dead creditors.
You would think that people would observe the nature of what they are doing to themselves and to each other and just stop, but no.
Here we are again.
At a first dash we find out that, hey, this is not only a debt from the past 150 years in the western world; oh, no, this is a debt that goes back 800 years to the last time there was an actual Golden Jubilee.
All the Blood Money has been carried forward as unpaid pre-paid credit since then.
Think of it --- 800 years of this.
The thinking ones among us had already (and swiftly) concluded that it was impossible to rack up either a pentillion (or as it is also called, a quintillion) dollar credit or debt, even over the course of a 150 years. There simply isn't that much debt or credit generated worldwide year by year, even if you throw in the interest.
But go back 800 years and add in the value of the purloined gold, silver, jewels, art treasures, land sales, titles, fees, rents, lease-purchase agreements, stocks, bonds, debentures, taxes, tariffs, payments in lieu of taxes, patents, copyrights, trademarks, commodities on hand, national currencies, insurance and pension plans --- and then it isn't hard to come up with a quintillion dollars in credit. Or debt.
So long as someone is stubbornly refusing to pay their side of it, that is.
As long as one Party doesn't pay and the other Party doesn't object, it's perfectly legal to just go on and on and on like this, with a humongous debt piling up on one side of the ledger, and an equally obscene credit looming on the other.
Then the Kaiser objects.....And Uncle Adolph objects....And the King of England objects.... And we object....
And thus far, it comes down to the same thing. Death for living people and profit for corporations. No payment on the debt is made, but more debt is accrued, and there are no punishments for the Perpetrators.
The Zionists stopped following the commandments of the True God eight hundred years ago when they stopped honoring the Jubilees, and have been thumbing their noses ever since.
Until finally we come to the absurdity of the situation. The corporations -- the actual corporations --- have accrued more debt than can ever be paid back.
The Trustees of the actual "Legacy Trusts" --- more than 5,000 such trusts, holding all the world's gold and silver and other precious things, have been confused by the dishonesty of the bankers ignoring their deposit receipts and guarantees.
But the banks can't return their deposits, because they have used those assets to spool up the debt being held against the living people. They, and especially the World Bank, have had themselves a "Parr--tee!" and sponsored all sorts of Private Trading Platforms that are supposed to generate funding for philanthropic projects.....
That, lo, and behold --- don't exist.
So far as I can ascertain, not a penny has come off those platforms since this current round of idiocy and corruption began in 1946, with the various banks of the world all divided into eight banking associations with one holding company--- the Octagon Group.
Well, hello, James Bond.
The banks that won the war (though everyone actually lost) got the choice bits, the gold in the Swiss banks, the off-ledger accounts, the lease liability investments..... while at the other end of the spectrum, we have dear old Deutsche Bank (or Douche Bank as some snarky rats called it after the war) holding nearly the entire burden of all the phantasmagorical Derivatives.
Derivatives are the franchises and subsidiaries and spin-offs of already imaginary corporations that exist only as shelf corporations housing laundered money, pension plan payouts owed two centuries from now, and similar assets.
Accounting and romance novel writing are surprisingly similar occupations. One can imagine Georgette Heyer in the attic of some gloomy Scottish castle looking at a sheet of Lincoln's 10/40 Bonds....
Will the present-day High Priest of Baal succumb at last?
What is going to happen next in a world gone completely stark-raving, but quietly, mad?
I wish I could make this stuff up, folks, but I couldn't in my wildest dreams.
Here's Joe Dumb Bunny, estimating his net worth at $300,000.00 and thinking that, all things being equal and given where he started out in life, he did pretty good. Now he obediently signs his financial statement and rolls up his sleeve....
Unknown to him he's worth $52 billion. His heirs get $300,000.00. The corporations responsible for his death get the rest as unclaimed, abandoned property. I am deadly serious.

Get off your couches, people. It's your lives and your fortunes at risk. Make up your minds that you are going to enforce your will against these criminal corporations. No matter what it takes.


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Why Do They Hate Mary Magdalene?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Put simply -- Mary Magdalene was the High Priestess of Baal. She was converted from evil to good.
Her conversion broke the power of the Satanic religion that we are now confronting once again.
Her act anointing Joshua before his crucifixion conferred the Office of the High Priest of Baal on him, and made him Accursed.
And that is the guise and role in which he suffered, literally as the guilty one responsible for all the evil in the world, the one responsible for the gross sins of Baphomet.
Yet, he was innocent.
A miracle was required, something so contrary, so anti-intuitive, so above-and-beyond our reckoning, that our Lord took on the Highest Office of the Satanists, and let all their guilt be heaped on him.
And she's the one who anointed him into that office.
No wonder she was weeping.
To those present who knew what was happening, there were plenty of reasons to hate Mary Magdalene.
If she and her followers hadn't committed such horrible atrocities, there would be no need for such terrible atonement.
And who was she, that he should suffer for her? He owed her and her followers less than nothing at all.
The Other Side hated her, too --- for completely different reasons; their entire religion was nullified by her conversion. They lost the bloodline of the High Priestess and have never been able to re-establish it again.
Thousands of years later, this dimension of the Passion of Christ has been papered over. The hatred of Mary Magdalene endures, but the reasons for it are not well-known outside the High Church.

So now, in the midst of the final denouement, you understand how poignant and painful it is, his love for Mary Magdalene.


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Paper Mills and Clarification

 By Anna Von Reitz

The latest tempest in a teapot has been caused by individual people in three States recording improper versions of four of our documents on the Land Recording System. These are individual unknown people.
Our best guess is that these tweaked versions of our documents came from a "paper mill" --- one of those several organizations that are selling people "freedom packages" and helping themselves to our forms (which are available for free at and via the State Assemblies (at ---and then messing with them to create their own versions.
These plagiarized and altered documents are dangerous because they do the exact opposite of what our documents are designed to do.
So, we have put out the message to be aware of these things and to compare any paperwork you have recently received or submitted to be sure it conforms to the verbiage of the Article 928 templates found at
I wish to stress that these altered forms have been submitted by individual people using the LRS --- not via the State Recording Secretaries.
The chief problem with these altered forms is that they misunderstand the context of the Expatriation and Act of State and Certificate of Assumed Name, all of which work together to expatriate the foreign corporations operating under our NAMES/Names and serve to bring them back under our Public Law. They also fail to recognize the context of the Reconveyance we use to put the American Lawful Person back on the land.
Many Newbies have mistakenly thought that these forms applied to them as living people ---that they were expatriating themselves, for example--- and didn't grasp the fact that these forms are not about living people at all. These forms are about foreign "persons" being expatriated from foreign jurisdictions and brought back under State control.
My best advice to all concerned is that if you want to be recognizable as an American and have control of your assets, use the templates available from our websites.

And meantime, Recording Secretaries --- be alert. These hijacked forms are out there.


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No Arguments Needed --- Try This Yourself

 By Anna Von Reitz

There are some things that are simply too important not to share, things that impact life on this planet, and our own daily lives, too.
You were given a great gift, and then, evil men snatched it. They couldn't use it themselves, but they didn't want you to have it, either. Part of the mission here in this day and age is to let you know the truth about who you are, what you are owed, and also, about the Gift.
You've already learned about the misuse and abuse of "persons" to misrepresent both who and what you are. You now know that when you see your name in all capital letters, a Municipal PERSON is being addressed, and you are getting their mail. It's literally misaddressed mail.
The same people, the Liars who perpetuated this scheme, have promoted other such schemes in other venues, too.
Throughout the Bible you hear the constant condemnation of the Liars. Among those set aside specifically for the Pit are the Liars. Time and again, we are told that perdition is set aside for "all Liars". We are told specifically that God the Father hates gossiping and liars. Both.
What's this focus on liars about? They are following the Father of All Lies.
Every lie you speak is giving Satan a voice.
Every lie you knowingly tell is giving him an inroad to your soul.
This is why liars are condemned --- they have given their allegiance to The Father of All Lies, and every day they seal their doom by continuing to lie, lie, lie--- whether they are newscasters casting spells on the half-sleeping audience, or preachers thundering nonsense from pulpits unknowingly consecrated to Baal.
It should really come as no surprise that the same characters have conspired to cheat you out of the greatest Gift ever given. They can never inherit it themselves, because of the choices they make on a daily basis, but they are so mean-spirited, that they contrive to keep you from receiving what has been set aside for you ---- and they use the same means that they use to impersonate you and misrepresent you as a foreign citizen in your own country. They lie.
The actual name of our Beloved Teacher and Savior in English is: Joshua. Not Jesus. So how can you pray in his name, if you don't know his name?
Nice trick, no? Cripple his followers by teaching them to pray in the wrong name.
Imagine the grim amusement of all the followers of Baal, listening to millions of "Christians" aimlessly praying to "an unknown god".
Of course, our Father knows your heart, but how lame is this, that we are deluded into using a Roman nickname? A "nickname" refers to Old Nick --- Satan --- and it is a False Name by definition.
So if you are still calling out in "the name of Jesus" --- guess what?
Now I can anticipate the floodgates of consternation and the piles of learned papers written by experts that will be dumped on my desk, but Grandma is Grandma--- and to me, the proof is always in the pudding. Something is or is not. A carrot is not an apple.
So let's cut to the chase. Try it out for yourself.
Say your prayers in Joshua's name for a week and see what happens.
If you are a purist and want to try to say his name in Hebrew, it sounds like "Yahushuah" with the "hush" hushed a bit.
But use his name, not the Roman Nickname. See what happens when you turn your heart to him and speak his name and pray in his name.
I can already tell you what happens. Miracles happen.
But no need to argue about it. Test drive this for yourself. See for yourself.
The same thing applies to the use of the words "Christ" and "Christian".
The word "Christ" means "anointed one", but it doesn't say which anointed one, does it? This same word applies to the High Priest and High Priestess of Baal. Just like the word "Amen" means "truth" in Hebrew, but is also the name of the Egyptian sun god, Amen-Ra.
Are you willing to drink from a polluted stream?
Why, then, would you call yourselves by an ambiguous name like "Christian"?
Why would you address your prayers to an Egyptian idol, and expect a response from your Father in Heaven?
It's not just the history and structure of your temporal government that you've been misled about--- and again, there's no point in arguing with me. Just take the information in and begin praying in this new way. See for yourselves.
Pray in the name of Joshua and don't "seal" your prayer with anything but your love. Just send it "in the name of Joshua, your Son."
Now that you are set free of self-defeating words, your prayers will be heard and answered. The old black magic of deceit and substitution won't work anymore. The intent of your heart will flow freely to Heaven, unobstructed--- and just as freely flow back to you.
If anything be troubling you, any evil of this world, any illness, any loss, any addiction, any cross --- pray as I have taught you and you will be answered. Kindness will enter your life. Compassion will find you. Wisdom will come. Healing will attend you.
The answers you receive may surprise you, because our Father doesn't think as we think and is not limited as we are, but the answers will be present as he is present; and you will be comforted.
And as you are comforted and as your miracles abound, and as you come to know that the veil of deceit has finally been removed, teach others as freely as I have taught you. Don't hoard this up as a secret just for you or for your friends or the members of your church.

Tell everyone who will hear you. Teach them. Let them discover the power and freedom that comes to them when they connect to the True God and when they pray --- not "in Jesus' name" --- but in the name of Joshua.


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