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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, December 31, 2021

A Public Outrage -- "Bad Blood"

 By Anna Von Reitz

It is a truism among elite dog breeders that a bitch who has had a litter of mixed breed puppies (due to owner lapse and indiscretion on all parts) is "ruined" for breeding purposes and must be spayed and "retired from the line" so as to guarantee the purity of the breed.
When I first heard this (a conversation about prize-winning Beagles at a dog show) I stared at the British Dog Show Judge who said it as if they had grown at least three heads, and although I politely said nothing at all in response, I was thinking --- what? How does one pregnancy affect another separate event?
I was also thinking -- if that is true of dogs, why wouldn't it be true of other mammals? Like people?
And if it is true of people, what does that imply about women who have had children, lost their husbands, and married for a second time and started another family?
Are they "ruined" in some sense, too? Unable to "breed true to the line" in the snobby Brit-speak of the dog show circuit?
When bluntly confronted about this very question some years later, on the occasion of a biochemical research conference where it was announced that women continue to carry the genetic content of any man they have ever had sex with, the promoters all blinked like rabbits in the headlights, as if it had never occurred to them to follow their logic to its obvious conclusions.
At least one man choked on his coffee.
"Are we to believe," I said mildly, "that a married woman in her forties could conceive a child with the genetic content of a lover she knew twenty years before in college?"
Harrumphhhh, ah, uh, uh.....
"And if so, is this actual, factual, research-based information, or merely supposition based on the fact that male-based genetic detritus continues to be reproduced in the female body, once introduced?"
Uh, uh, ah....
Soooo...... It's not proven that this kind of "pollution of the blood" actually gets transferred to a baby or, looking at it from the other end, substituted for the genetic content of a Father, but that's what the Eugenists --- both dog breeders and would-be people breeders --- assume.
In support of their assumption, at least some of them, the Jewish contingent, point to the Old Testament obligation of a man to marry the widow of his deceased brother(s), so that that brother (and that brother's wife) might live on in the family lineage, and the widow would not be left without support for herself and her children.
Talk about "keeping it all in the family".
And, by the way, attempting to find a Biblical and scientific basis for justifying incest....
Yesterday's truism becomes today's law, which becomes tomorrow's discarded (and repugnant) theory.
"So then," I asked, so mildly that my voice seemed lost in the immensity of the silence, "is the present pollution of the blood via the introduction of foreign Messenger RNA from unknown sources similarly presumed to ruin the breeding stock?"
I looked around the table. Out of a dozen imminent scientists firmly confronted with the results of their thinking and their doing, three of them turned beet red, either in rage or in shame, five of them by my count, turned pale instead and seemed quite drained of life, and the remaining four couldn't quite keep eye contact and kept glancing away.
"Well," I said, after several uncomfortable moments, "did anyone bring a bottle full of leeches?" I paused and went on, "After all, It has been proven that stimulating blood loss causes the generation of new, fresh red blood cells, and can aid the immune system....."
Dead silence.
"I suppose that this fact could also be an excuse for the practice of vampirism?"
I drummed the eraser on my pencil on the glass-topped table. I sighed. I felt my eyes drawn inexorably upward to the ceiling tiles and I imagined the clear, cold, blue sky beyond.
" have polluted the blood of millions upon millions of people, and by your own testimony, you knew that foreign genetic material --- once introduced --- would continue to self-replicate indefinitely in the host."
"You have deliberately, knowingly, polluted the breeding stock of the entire planet---- according to your own reasoning and your own estimates of the situation." I paused. "And the scrap of mRNA that you chose to introduce, appears to be a transcriptor of the HIV virus, so that all the victims of your experiment will eventually develop acquired immune deficiency --- AIDS, if they don't die of opportunistic organ failure first."
I looked around the room. A chill had descended. Nobody spoke. So far as I could tell, nobody was breathing at that point. Perhaps it was the word "victim".
"This makes the Tuskegee Experiment trivial by comparison," I observed quietly, remembering the infamous "study" in which African American men were used as guinea pigs to study syphilis and "track the progression of the disease" to its logical end -- death.
"So, this is the sum total of all your brilliance and our great investment as a culture in your upbringing and your education --- to combine Messenger RNA from HIV with the endlessly mutating Common Cold Virus, and just unleash it on humanity."
Instinctively, I felt my lips curl inward over my teeth, and the tiny trickle of blood as one of my wayward incisors cut through my skin. Screaming wasn't an option.
"What was this? An act of revenge?" I asked. "Is Dr. Fauci homosexual? Striking a blow back against the medical and military establishment that released HIV in the first place?"
Studying AIDS was a large part of Fauci's life's work, his claim to fame. Perhaps witnessing the slow wasting of the disease drove him mad. Maybe he was mad to begin with -- a Sadist living in a different kind of closet?
We may never know.
What was apparent, was that all these "brilliant" scientists couldn't reason their way around a paper bag, and if they could, they were not willing to admit it. They stood on either side of the table looking stunned, as if I had dumped a pail of cold water over each one of their heads.
Oh, yes, this is what it means..... Point A, Point B, Point C.....
Neither the forest nor the trees were apparent to them, only the small, well-defined compartment of their own research, which, added to other small compartmentalized research endeavors, supplied the pieces and parts of a whole that none of them could imagine.
They couldn't even use the Nuremberg Excuse, because nobody gave them orders --- just paid them to do a job, by doling out grant money.
"But we're not responsible," one of them finally blurted out.
"Then who is?" I asked.
Ultimately, there was no answer. They didn't know who was collecting their research and using it for these unseen ends. They were just researchers, researching things, just as the guards at Dachau were guards, making sure that prisoners didn't escape.
"Any discovery in science can be abused for evil purposes," he said finally, and I had to agree.
A chain saw can butcher a man as well as a tree. Yes, it's always the evil inside of us, the unseen thing lurking within, always a matter of intent.
As I looked from face to face, I found no trace of intent, just dull, bovine stares, horrified, glazed over, and numb.

And as I left the building, I heard a radio playing in the Staff Room. A nurse was asking in a plaintive voice for Donors of O Negative and O Positive blood.


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More Proof

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Marines have been denied religious exemption from the experimental vaccine program, and many of them, men and officers alike, must be scratching their heads and thinking --- WTF?
The men who fight for the Constitution don't enjoy its protections?
That's right.
They don't.
It's counterintuitive to say the least, but that is the way it is, and the way it has always been.
Like other members of the military service, when a Marine "enlists" he enters the foreign international jurisdiction of the Territorial United States, and subjects himself to its law--- which does not include our Constitutions, but does include such foreign law forms as the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.
If our boys and girls were given full disclosure of the results of their service contract, a great many of them might think twice about joining the Armed Services. So they are simply not told.
This results in invalidating their enlistment contracts, and they can opt out at will whenever they want out ---- but that isn't told to them, either.
Such knowledge is "bad for morale". Better to enslave them under false pretenses....
Anyway..... I have been saying this for years, and if anyone had listened, the Marines could have saved themselves the bother and expense of court proceedings.
If the Marines want to avoid the jab, they have to play Bill Gates's Game --- just like Simon Says, and they need to say, "I'm allergic to the serum."
And that is absolutely true for everyone on Earth.
It can't be argued.
It's exactly what Mr. Gates said when it came time for him and his children to be jabbed. He politely refused the photo op and the shot, by blinking his pale, lizard-like eyes, and saying, "I'm allergic to the serum."
So are you. So are all the Marines who are refusing the jab.
And you don't have to say anything else or more.
No lawsuits. No constitutional issues. No tests, No arguments.
The other point that needs to be driven home like a tenpenny nail is that once you enlist in the military, it is necessary to formally withdraw from their jurisdiction at the end of your tour of duty, however long that is.
Otherwise, the legal presumption stands that you chose to voluntarily remain in the foreign Territorial international jurisdiction and never went home.
And if you never go home to the States, you remain subject to the foreign Territorial laws, and never get to enjoy the Constitutional Guarantees.
To go home after military service, you need to send a simple Severance Letter to the commander of your branch of the service, simply saying that you are returning home to your State of the Union and your birthright political status effective with your date of discharge from the service.
Send this letter via Registered Mail Return Receipt Requested or via Express Mail with tracking, and save the receipts, so that you can prove that you formally severed that attachment.
My heart goes out to our faithful soldiers who have so often been abused by the verminous British Territorial Government and its corporate subcontractors. For generations, they have been lied to and used as cheap mercenaries in wars-for-profit that benefited foreign principals, and which cost us our lives and our resources.

Let this be the final year that we are chained by such ignorance to the bad faith and guile of the European Principals responsible for this entire Mess.


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URGENT: Don't Set Foot in a Hospital Until You Watch This

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

The Money Spell --- Chapter One --- What is a Dollar?

 By Anna Von Reitz

A dollar is a unit of measurement, defined as one ounce of fine silver. Whether it has a mint mark or not, one ounce of fine silver is defined as a "dollar".
It has been that way since the Coinage Act of 1792, and if you ask senior Treasury Officers and Judges, they will all look at you straight faced and assure you that the Coinage Act of 1792 has never been repealed and is in full force and effect, and supersedes all other authorities.
So....what happened?
As you now know, Faithful Reader, there were three Federal Subcontractors authorized to perform enumerated services under our constitutional system of government --- an American Subcontractor (1787) known as the Federal Republic, a British Territorial Subcontractor (1789) largely controlling U.S. Military functions, and a Papist Holy Roman Empire Subcontractor (1790) controlling what we think of as Federal Civil Service functions.
The American Subcontractor was entrusted with operating the United States Mint and producing our coinage, beginning with our familiar United States Dollar, and including all the other coins that base their value on the value of the silver dollar.
But the American Subcontractor ceased functioning in 1860. The boat was without a rudder, adrift, and the Federation of States was not informed of the situation. Instead, the other "Federal" Subcontractors rushed in and set up a foreign system designed to steal American gold and silver, both.
They acted in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their Commercial Service Contracts.
They did this by using a complex system of semantic deceits that successfully confused people about what a "dollar" is and is not.
First, they introduced Silver Certificates, which are warehouse receipts redeemable in fine silver, one ounce of silver per dollar. Because these receipts were redeemable in silver, people accepted them "as if" they were actual silver dollars. But they weren't, were they?
Nonetheless, people made the innocent, predictable mistake, and started calling Silver Certificates "dollars"--- even though they were never dollars in fact.
Next, in the initial round of the con game, Lincoln also introduced "Greenbacks" -- a British Territorial currency supported by bonds, called "1040" bonds, because they matured in ten or forty years, your choice, depending on how long you were willing to wait for the return of your money. Not coincidentally, Mr. Lincoln set up the first Federal Reserve in July of 1862, and also set up the Internal Revenue Service, along with it.
Jay Cooke, the mastermind behind this bond system, coined the phrase, "Government debt is a public blessing." and issued the bonds, promising that those who put up $5,000 in gold would be paid back $10,000 in gold when the bonds matured.
There was only one catch. You could only buy these 1040 bonds with Greenbacks, so, first, you had to exchange your $5,000 in gold for $5,000 worth of their Territorial Greenbacks, and then use the Greenbacks to purchase the 1040 bonds.
People eager to make good guaranteed profits and find a secure place to put their money during the crisis presented by the Civil War were happy to oblige this odd two-step process and didn't question why they couldn't simply buy the bonds with their gold?
After all, they thought it was their government backing this operation. They trusted "Honest Abe".
After the war, when the first of the 10 year bonds matured, investors came to the Treasury and asked for their $10,000 in gold.
General Sherman asked them what they had used to buy the bonds?
They answered --- Greenbacks, of course.
To which he answered --- then why would you ask for anything better in return?
In other words, why would you expect to be paid back in gold, when you bought these bonds with Greenbacks?
And now, everyone can see the devious theft pre-planned by Lincoln, and the reason that these "Federal" Treasury Bonds could only be purchased using Greenbacks.
The con occurred when people exchanged their gold for the worthless Territorial paper currency and then exchanged the currency for bonds, thereby giving both the currency and the bonds value. For free.
The outright theft occurred when the Territorial Government represented by General Sherman welched on the bet and refused to pay back in gold as promised.
The Federal Reserve System did a very similar thing, requiring conversion of actual assets into "Federal Reserve Note" equivalents as the basis for making loans, and then insisting on payment in "Federal Reserve Notes".
By 1865 when the first 1040 bonds matured, the actual American Federal Republic lay in ruins, the actual United States Treasury was rendered inoperable, and the Hired Help, the British Territorial United States Subcontractor running the U.S. Military, was having a field day.
They collected untold tons of American gold using this swindle and paid for it with paper.
Then, to maximize their profit from this con game, they sicced the Internal Revenue Service on the victims, claiming that their victims had received "Federal Income" from their bond investments, and owed a "Federal Income Tax" as a result of receiving back Greenbacks as payment for their gold.
For those who are having trouble following along --- the American victims put up $5,000 in gold, which they "voluntarily" converted into Greenbacks, Mr. Lincoln's Territorial currency, in order to buy "Federal" Treasury bonds. They were supposed to be paid back $10,000 in gold after ten years, but the rats refused to pay in gold, and paid out $10,000 in Greenbacks instead. Then, to add insult to injury, the "U.S." [Territorial] Military Government taxed those Greenbacks as "Federal Income" and recouped another 25% of the currency back into their own coffers.
The essence of the swindle, other than the refusal to pay in gold as promised, was to pass a foreign private bank script (the "Greenbacks") off as currency issued by our government, when in fact it was issued by the foreign British Territorial Subcontractor, and their private military bankers, instead.
Nathan Rothschild and Jay Cooke continued their collaboration to fleece gold out of the Americans in exchange for paper for many years and handed the concession off to their progeny. Things only began to fall apart in 1895 when the U.S. Supreme Court found the so-called Federal Income Tax unconstitutional and disbanded the Internal Revenue Service.
So, how, you may well ask, is it possible that they snuck back through the door, and re-established their whole fraud scheme a second time, so that we are just now seeing it unravel again?
For now, remember that a "dollar" is a unit of measurement equal to one ounce of fine silver, as defined by the Coinage Act of 1792, and for us, Americans, that remains true.
A dollar is not a Silver Certificate, which is a warehouse receipt.
A dollar is certainly not a Federal Reserve Note, which isn't even a (promissory) note (for failure to define who owes what to whom and when) and doesn't weigh an ounce of anything, not even paper.
We've been deluded into calling these paper products "dollars" when they are self-evidently not dollars.
So what are they?
They are privately manufactured commodities.
Warehouse receipts and widgets.
Since 1971, even the Silver Certificates (warehouse receipts) have disappeared from circulation, ending the last tenuous connection between actual dollars and paper representations of dollars.
So far as the Federal Government Subcontractors are concerned, there are no actual dollars in circulation at all. All the digits in all the Commercial Banks and Credit Unions are not dollars as dollars are defined. These digits are "dollars" in the jargonistic "code" of the swindlers, who have redefined what a "dollar" is for their own purposes and profit.
Owing to the 1968 introduction of phony multi-metal quarters and half dollars, the only actual coinage still in circulation are pennies and nickels, and they, according to the Coinage Act of 1792, can only be used to pay debts up to twenty-five cents.
So far as we Americans are concerned, there are half a billion silver dollars still in circulation, and our Federation of States has the unlimited right to mint as many more of them as we please.
We can deal in actual dollars because we are actual people. We can mint United States Dollars instead of the Federal Republic doing it, because all the duties, rights, and responsibilities of the Federal Republic have returned to us long ago by Operation of Law.
Well, kids, we have discovered what a dollar is. And what a dollar is not.
We've also learned about the Greenbacks Swindle and how honest Abraham Lincoln really was.
We've witnessed the U.S. Army (General Sherman) taking full advantage of the American people--- both North and South, and circa 1895, we've witnessed the demise of Lincoln's first Federal Reserve System and the first disbanding of the Internal Revenue Service.
About now, you are thinking--- I never knew any of this. Nobody said a word about any of this in school....

And a few seconds later, you will realize, oh, dummy me, the Swindlers are running the schools.


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Picture a Maze Full of Rats

 By Anna Von Reitz

Okay, there's a maze the size of Manhattan, and it's full of rats. At numerous locations in the maze there are feeding stations. Each feeding station dispenses ten kernels of corn each time a rat steps on the lever or punches a button with its nose. A Lab Tech refills the feeding stations with corn every hour. In this way, the rats maintain a minimum number of calories each as they continue to bump around the maze, but they are totally dependent on the Middleman, the Lab Tech, who provides the corn.
You and I are set up to function as the rats in this scenario.
The banks are set up to function as the Lab Tech, delivering the corn.
From our limited viewpoint, we don't see the Farmers producing the corn or the Agribusiness transporting, packaging, and selling the corn.
All we see is the hand of the Lab Tech refilling the feeding station reservoirs and the corn being dispensed at the Teller's Window, or the ATM.
Money is a control mechanism. It keeps us dependent, like addicts.
Without it, the rats are in disarray. There's no motivation to keep pressing that lever or nudging that button.
Without it, the rats have no reason to even stay in the maze.
And even worse, the rats get hungry.
All that has to happen is for the Lab Tech to stay home sick for a day.
Or for the Farmers to stop producing corn.
Or for the Agribusiness Middlemen to flub up one step of their role in the process.
And then, chaos reigns triumphant.
So, say that one or more of the disrupting factors listed above actually happens.
The Lab Tech stays home = bank closures.
The Farmer stops producing corn = the Fed stops printing Federal Reserve Notes.
The Agribusiness Cartel fails = paper mills failing, truckers on strike, etc.
The fact is that money, or what passes for money nowadays, is a commodity, just like corn. Without enough "corn" and without the personnel and infrastructure to deliver the "corn", everything comes to a halt.
After a while, the rats start eating each other, and things become very ugly indeed.
While your attention has been deftly refocused on the purported pandemic, the actual debacle is playing out behind your backs.
The banks are failing, the corn supply is being manipulated, and it's only a matter of time -- a relatively short time -- before the whole thing goes kerflooey and it won't matter if the banks are blamed for it, or the doctors are blamed for it, or the politicians are blamed for it or the farmers are blamed for it or the truckers are blamed for it.
There will be enough blame to go around.

Even we, the dependent victims of this System, will be blamed for it, though our part was only to passively muddle around our maze, push levers, bump buttons, and eat corn.


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Yes, There Are Liens and Claims on Everything

 By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, we put liens on everything, BC Bonds included. This is because it all belongs to individual Americans and their lawful government. It doesn’t belong to our employees who have been benefiting themselves at our expense and cutting deals using our assets.
In order to receive back all your assets you have to reclaim your American political status. If you don’t do that, all your stuff will be held in Trust for you and your progeny until you do “come home” and nobody will be able to do things like sell your gold-backed bonds to Red China—- something Larry Fink, CEO of Black Rock, tried to do last year.
The liens I put on everyone’s property have prevented such seizure by Secondary Creditors and preserved your assets for you and all you have to do is declare your political status as an American.
If you can’t do that in good conscience, then you have no business benefiting yourself from American assets. Read that, if you don’t want to be identified as an American, that’s okay, but in the same token, you are no longer owed anything by America. If you don’t come home and claim your stuff out of the slush pile after you have been given full disclosure of the situation—- as you have been—- it’s your choice.
You can waive your inheritance.
The assets belong to Americans in fact. They don’t belong to U.S. Citizens nor citizens of the United States. The assets belong to New Yorkers and Texans, Iowans and Alabamans, Wisconsinites and Californians, and so on—- the living people of the fifty States of the Union.
If you want to work for a bankrupt foreign corporation and you are so loyal to that corporation that you choose to abandon your own country and birthright —- fine. Be a stateless, penniless, mercenary “soldier of fortune” if you think that’s romantic.
The rest of us took steps to preserve everyone’s inheritance — yours included. If you don’t want it and don’t want to admit that you are an American, that’s okay. But don’t think that you are going to be disloyal and unaffiliated and inherit as much as a penny from this country.
Doesn’t work that way.
Americans fought and died for every dollar, every stream, every mountain. It’s all theirs, and if you aren’t an American, it’s not yours.
Simple as that.
Now, if you think I did anything wrong by placing liens on everything in this country in favor of the actual owners and Priority Creditors— the Americans— speak up.
Bear in mind that without my action your share would already be gone and in the pockets of foreign creditors.
Bear in mind that I was one of the few Americans on Earth who had re-established lawful standing and had the ability to claim it all back for you.
And bear in mind that you were uselessly dead asleep at the time, unable to defend yourself or your BC Bonds or anything else from the international cabal.
And bear in mind that I preserved your inheritance for you and stood in the door keeping the pathway open so that you could claim it --- for free. I did all the work, paid all the fees, took all the risks, suffered all the abuse from the corporations that were counting on seizing your assets, defended the American interest in the assets in the international banks and diplomatic forums --- and got nothing out of it, but the same share I preserved for you.

Go figure.


See this article and over 3400 others on Anna's website here:

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Why Does Trump Keep Promoting the Vaccine?

 Make up your own mind on this one!

FULL INTERVIEW: There is No Variant - Not Novel - No Pandemic. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich

This is an extremely important discussion that completely blows the lid off the covid scamdemic. This information must be shared everywhere and viewed by as many people as possible.

The Unvaccinated Are Idiots?

Politicians From Both Parties Have Stock In The “Plandemic” Vaccine Companies

Monday, December 27, 2021

Put the Kabosh on de Blasio and Newsom, et alia

 By Anna Von Reitz

Month after month I watch all these good people throwing themselves against the proverbial wall, hurtling headlong against it, going "splat!" and getting up and going for it again and again, trying to get satisfaction and protection from the courts, never understanding that those aren't our courts, aren't our judges, and most of all, that we aren't even asking the right questions that would allow them to act in our favor.
It's like trying to drive a nail with a potato. Good luck with that. I can't bear to watch.
Now, granted, it's difficult for most people to imagine, but.... those courts that you are addressing aren't American courts just because they are staffed by Americans. They are, in fact, foreign courts. Moreover, they are practicing foreign specialized forms of law.
Bar attorneys are prohibited from working in our American Common Law Courts, so you can be sure that what I am telling you is true, and those courts that you are familiar with --- aren't our courts at all. Never were.
They are specialty courts of "limited jurisdiction"---- commercial courts and Admiralty Courts preserved by the Municipal United States Government and the British Territorial United States Government, respectively, that are as foreign to us as flamingos.
This is why when people look for me among the Bar Attorneys they come up short and think that I am a "fake" judge---- because they assume that all judges, or to be exact, justices, are Bar Attorneys.
Americans are so ignorant about their own government and history that they don't know that Bar Attorneys aren't allowed to work in American Courts. But that is the fact.
In order for me to work for you, I can't be a Bar Attorney.
Our American courts are largely "missing in action" for lack of people learning to practice their own Public Law and enforce it. So, here I am an American Justice staffing an American Court and that causes confusion for my own people, but there isn't a Bar Attorney anywhere who questions it at all.
No, they know.
And that's why I have been holding my office since 2008 and there have never been any questions or charges of impersonating a judge or anything at all like that. They all just stand aside and back water, because they know what they are doing and they know what I am doing and they know who holds the greater weight.
Now, with all that as a preamble, there are only a couple of questions that need to be asked of all these petty tyrants like Mayor de Blasio and Governor Newsom.
For de Blasio: Where is the proof that the actual State gave New York City, much less NYC, Inc., any land in New York?
There has to be action by the actual State Legislature specifically ceding land to the city and/or municipality, and no such action exists; the actual New York Legislature hasn't met since the 1860's and at that point, New York was still taxing New York City as a foreign entity.
Calling the Mayor's attention to this Fine Flying Factoid puts the lie to his entire claim of authority. He's just a squatter who owes 160 years of back taxes. He has no authority on the soil of New York, regardless of what loyalty he claims from his employees.
So the Public Law of New York (including the Constitutional Guarantees) supersedes all his Municipal Corporation mumbo-jumbo, and he is just SOL with all his mandates and blah-blah-blah.
For Newsom: Where is the actual State approval of your Territorial State-of-State's assumption of contract?
None exists.
The only relationship that the State of California has with California is vicariously through The Constitution of the United States of America (the Territorial Constitution) as a franchisee of the parent Federal Corporation.
And that contract doesn't allow for the Territorial State of California to say "Boo!" about our health, our land, our soil, or much of anything else within the borders of our State of the Union.
Where's your authority to do or say squat about our Public Health, Newsom? Much less our individual health?
Again, none exists.
He can demand whatever he likes as a condition of employment from his employees and their direct dependents, but he has no power over the General Public.
He may bluster and fluff and point at "The Constitution of the State of California" but that is just an in-house corporate franchise agreement, by which members of the corporation (shareholders) agree to support the State of California franchise. So what?
Don't the shareholders of IBM do the same?
The point is that by far the largest part of the population of California is not obligated to follow the dictates of any Territorial State of State corporation engaged as a subcontractor to provide certain enumerated essential government services --- and no more.
If you would have peace and plenty in America, you must wake up and push these points home like daggers into the heart of these issues of private corporate overreach.
These corporations don't own the land underneath their feet. We do.
Our Forefathers knew the necessity of controlling the government and gave us a system of checks and balances to do that, but in order to operate this venerable system, you must first know who you are and what capacity you operate in, and secondly, you must know who THEY are and the limitations of their roles and offices.

And start asking the right questions.


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