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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam

Turkey Farming

 By Anna Von Reitz

When I was a kid I was Queen of the Poultry Yard. I learned up front, close, and personal about pecking orders and Geese Police and, most of all, about turkeys.
Turkeys are so stupid that they will stand under a rain gutter and drown.
They can fly, but they won't do so to save themselves.
If they do fly, they will land on the roof of a shed and sit there until you go get a ladder and risk your life and skin to scrabble around grabbing them and bringing them safely back down to the ground.
I never got the impression that they were scared of heights. Quite the opposite. I found one sitting on the ridgepole of a five story barn one summer afternoon.
I saw that and said to myself, "Forget it. I am not going up there and fighting with a thirty pound turkey."
This I repeated that night, the next day, the next night.... and there he was, still sitting there the next day, just taking in the breeze.
"Do you think that turkey is dead," my Father asked mildly, "or just daydreaming?"
I rigged a blanket sling along one side of the barn, used a bow and arrow to carry a nylon tie rope over the barn roof to the far side of the barn, secured it, climbed up to the ridgepole, skinned across, pushed the turkey off in the general direction of the blanket sling.... he landed, none the worse for wear.
Wish I could say the same thing for myself. There is something about an experience like that, that makes you who you are. To this day, when I remember some of the things that I have gone through for turkeys, I cringe.
They have a nasty habit of pecking at things indiscriminately, without bothering to even look at what they are pecking. Hands, tin cans, water pails, other birds, pieces of lint, plastic cups, sunglasses, it really doesn't matter. Turkeys peck just to peck.
I have stuffed saw dust into old socks, attached them to the wire fence, and watched turkeys peck at these things for hours. Just to peck.
I guess it exercises their necks. Stretches their wattles. Makes them feel real good like a long-necked goose.
But no goose would do anything so stupid and monotonous. Ever.
I have seen adult turkeys sit down on their own chicks and smother them to death, completely oblivious of what they were doing.
I've seen them get their heads caught in a large gauge wire fence and be too dumb to simply back out. And if you try to pull them back out of their dilemma, they will fight and squawk and flap and spread their wings and feathers and stomp their feet and try to gouge you with their spurs.
They are just too dim to grasp the situation they are in or understand that you are trying to help. I guess they think that they are going to get through that wire fence somehow, by leaning on it.
Raising a turkey from a chick to an adult is an endless, nasty challenge, akin to a military drill in peacetime.
They will stand motionless for hours, doing nothing observable, just staring out at nothing at all. And then, suddenly, for no reason, run out in front of a speeding car.
You, of course, have to make the good faith effort to rescue them from themselves at every step.
They drove me crazy. They drove my dog crazy. I could almost say I developed a hatred for turkeys, but they are somehow too vapid to raise that much emotion.
It's more like a bad smell, and by the way, turkeys stink. They really do. They have a peculiar, unforgettable, dusty, rancid butter stench as adults.
If you don't dust them and fluff them and risk your life in the cause of turkey health, they will find lice somewhere, even when none of the other birds have lice, and then you will have to catch them and dust them with noxious powders twice a day for a week.
Can life get better than this?
And then, for no apparent reason, they'll stop eating. Just quit. It's not a hunger strike or a boycott of Turkey Chow. They forget to eat. So they starve.
Then you have to entice them back into the habit of eating.
And that's not a pretty story, either.
Suffice it to say that there is an actual reason behind that old saying, "Don't let the turkeys get you down."
They will never realize how needy they are, or how helpless they are.
God knows, they will never say "thank you".
They will peck at you viciously at every opportunity.
They will attack the other birds for no reason at all.
They will get themselves into endless odd predicaments.
They won't agree with your solutions to their problems.
Still, they won't make it without you.
They'll just sit in the sun in 105 degree heat and die of sunstroke, because they are too dumb to walk ten feet and sit down in the shade.
Folks, don't let the turkeys of this world get you down. Realize that there are some people that are never going to grasp what you are trying to tell them. They aren't going to thank you. They aren't going to be grateful for all your work and effort. They are just going to keep on being exactly what they are and doing what they do.

There's no cure for turkeys. All we can offer them is grace.


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Orientation for Newbies

 By Anna Von Reitz

So you have discovered the Great Fraud and figured out that you need to come home to the land and soil jurisdiction where you naturally belong.  

Congratulations!  You've made a wise choice, but.....

Whether you know it or not, you are carrying a lot of baggage with you.  

This isn't your fault.  You've been indoctrinated and trained to accept a Top Down hierarchy of authority, and as a result, your expectations and assumptions about government and "how things work" is 180 degrees out of phase with your actual government, in which authority flows in the opposite direction. 

That is just one major change and adjustment. There are others. 

You've been given a completely twisted version of history, with more holes in it than an average Swiss cheese. 

Rewards, respect, and authority in our system of government is given to those who are wisest, kindest, most learned, most motivated to serve, and most honorable. 

All the hard lessons you learned on the playground and climbing the corporate ladder need to be left behind in favor of an egalitarian vision of self-respect, self-determination, and self-responsibility, freedom, equality, brotherhood, and freewill ---- all of which are the hallmarks of self-governance.

Self-governing a country begins first and foremost with governing ourselves. 

With all this freedom and so many rights to exercise, some newcomers think that someone died and left them in charge of the world.  This is not the case. As my Mother used to tell me (almost daily) --- your rights end where another person's rights begin.  We have not been taught that lesson in public school, in the military, or in the corporate environment, so we all need to learn it now. 

Reflect upon the meaning and attitude of this logic: "I may not agree with what you say, Sir, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it."  

We are all the inheritors of Nature and Nature's God, all having unalienable rights --- and only some of those rights are enumerated in the Bill of Rights.  In our world, we all have the right to be idiots, to make mistakes, to insult others, believe horse-hooey, and engage in damaging behaviors--- but then, as adults, we are also held accountable for these choices.  

Bad choices catch up to us, usually sooner than later. 

Anyone who causes disruption, interferes with the ability of the Assembly to conduct business, is belligerent and disrespectful, doesn't bother to get on the Agenda, indulges in gossip and character assassination, and otherwise feels called to undermine group morale and commandeer the proceedings can be removed by the officers appointed to provide security. 

You have a birthright and can't be deprived of membership in the State Assembly, but you can be kicked out of any single meeting if you persist in causing trouble or obstructing progress. 

Nobody should be insulted by being presented with a Bevans Declaration.

Those who are employed by the Federal Government or the Federated State of State Government should, generally speaking, be participating in their own District Assembly, and while they are welcome as State Nationals to attend public meetings of the State Assembly and share their opinions about in-State issues, they are not eligible to function as State Citizens and are not eligible to vote on or influence interstate decision-making until they retire or otherwise sever their obligations to the Federal Government.  

All our State Coordinators function as State Nationals on assignment for the Federation.  The Federation is not the Federal Government.  The Federation is an instrumentality of the States of the Union combined.  As a result, there is no presumption of any conflict of interest owed to a foreign government on the part of our Coordinators, but they still do not function as State Citizens until they retire from the position of State Coordinator or the position naturally sunsets once the entire Assembly structure is up and functioning properly.   

A considerable amount of confusion has surrounded the issue of being a State National versus being a State Citizen.  State Citizens have to be at least 21, have their home firmly established within the borders of their native or adopted State of the Union, have their 1779 Declaration recorded,  be a member of the Assembly in good standing, and most importantly -- have no divided allegiance to any other political entity or government.  When it comes to interstate and international affairs, those making decisions for our States cannot be compromised by conflicts of interest.  

State Nationals on the other hand are free of any obligation to the State Government except that they are obligated to keep the peace.  This means that State Nationals enjoy the protection of the State and the enforcement of their Constitutional guarantees by the State, and so long as they don't harm anyone else or ruin or steal property belonging to others, they are free to live their lives and enjoy the peace.  

At first glance many Newbies think this means that being a State National is a free ride, all the gravy and none of the responsibility.  That is precisely the attitude that got us into the Mess we are now trying to correct.  We left power-hungry and greedy men at the helm and we see the results of too many good men and women "doing nothing".  

The present situation is living testimony to the fact that if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.  There's only us chickens here and the work and the responsibility is entirely on us.  If you are not pleased with the way things have gone in the past--- chalk it up to one thing: you and others like you weren't here, doing your Public Duty to self-govern.  If you think things aren't happening fast enough to suit you, there's the wheel, Hamster.  

For an adult to choose the status of State National usually implies some condition of need.  People who are too old or too sick to fully participate, people who have overwhelming burdens at home, people who suffer from mental issues and addictions, people who are working for other governments, and all minors, are owed the status of State Nationals--- and our protection.   

Among all the surprises we've had as we assemble and bring the State Assemblies into Session is the fact that many people no longer have a concept of public meetings, civil discourse, and decorum.  Our State Assemblies are public bodies, they are not private clubs.  Assemblies are not, generally speaking, places to air your private grievances--- though there are avenues supported by the Assemblies to pursue such grievances. 

We have recently gained access to the Administrative Courts which are responsible for providing us with remedy for trespasses and mis-administration against us.  We are also well on our way to securing commercial remedy for Assembly members.  Those who are arriving with pre-existing legal issues need to complete a Federation Criminal Incident Report and record it via the office of the State Recording Secretary as a first step toward redress. 

Assembly meetings cannot devolve into Pity Parties or Gossip Sessions. Always remember that there are 320 million Americans and most of them have a horror story or two or three to share.  Also remember that our combined Bigger Fish to Fry are more important than any one misery.  We don't need tears and drama.  We need proper, practical, determined, and concerted group action.  

Likewise, there are some who come into our Assemblies with the nasty and immature habit of gossiping and causing doubt, disruption, and paranoia.  The Assemblies are here to accomplish serious and necessary business and it is to the benefit of everyone concerned that we get on with it and establish a united front.  We can't do this if we are sniping at each other behind our backs like teenagers in a locker room. 

If you have any honest concerns or questions, you all know how to get in contact with me.  Be direct and expect that I will be direct in return. 

Always remember that what we are doing is completely lawful, proper, and peaceful.  We are restoring our government to its full form and function and there is nobody else that has the right to do that.  We've been running on four cylinders since 1860, but that is about to change for the better. 

You have grown up in a system calling itself a "democracy", and in this democracy the majority rules--- or is supposed to.  However, in our actual government, we maintain republican states/States.  There are rules and definitions, but they all respect freewill and the rights of individuals above all else.  We are, each one of us, a majority of one.  

In a democracy there is a definite herd or team mentality, which causes people to attack others who don't agree with them and to be frightened if there isn't a universal agreement in place about everything down to a gnat's eyelash, but in our system of government, everyone is allowed their own opinion, doesn't have to like everything, isn't required to march in step or march at all. And they can still be respected and trusted, so long as they do no harm. 

There may be times when members of an Assembly passionately disagree about important issues.  You will be tasked to consider many such issues in the days to come, and you all owe it to yourselves and to each other to be alert and observing and thinking hard and logically as you decide issues that will impact you, your family, your future, your State of the Union, and the country as a whole.  

If you just felt a chill go up your spine--- good. It's an awe-inspiring responsibility that undergirds all the rights that you are heir to.  It's not for the lazy, the ignorant, or the faint of heart, and you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed as you realize---- "This is for real!"   

Well, yes, it is.  This is your government.  This is what underlies The American Dream.  It's your family, friends, and neighbors coming together to decide what happens in your State and your world, and enforcing the Public Law that you collectively ordain for your protection and the protection of all other Americans. 

It's a stiff order and I won't sugar-coat it.  There's a lot of thankless, hard, picky, work to be done.  There are funds to raise.  Books to bind.  Classes to attend. Plans to be made.  Research to delve into.  Resources to be developed.  Video courses to create.  Communications to make.  Courts to organize and run.  Peacekeeping duties to attend to.  Court suits to fight.  And the list goes on.  

Our country and our government has been left adrift and at the mercy of foreign subcontractors for a century and a half.  We are like Rip Van Winkle, and everyone has a lot of catching up to do.  That said, there is no more important work to do or anything of more crucial potential benefit or loss. 

This is, in its own way, America's Finest Hour and the rest of the whole world is waiting and watching to see how we, the purported Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, will rise to this occasion --- or not.  There is in America a great deal of talk about freedom, but upon reflection, most of you already know that you have experienced precious little actual freedom in your lifetimes. 

This is largely because your government has been in mothballs and your public employees have been running things to suit themselves and their corporate masters.  They have slowly--- and sometimes not-so-slowly--- usurped upon us until everything is upside down and backwards, the tail is wagging the dog, the employees are telling the employers what to do, and every other modern illness of body, mind, and spirit has accrued.  

If you want this craziness to end, and you want the freedom you have earned and the money you are owed, welcome home.  That's what all the rest of us want, too.  Remember that going forward, and you won't need me to tell you what to do.  You will quickly learn the simple logic and laws of freedom:  

Every man and woman is born free and deserves to live and die free. 

Everyone is responsible for him or herself, for what we think, and what we do. 

With every right comes a responsibility. 

Our individual rights end where another's rights begin. 

Rights and freedoms that are not exercised are moot. 

When we enslave another, we enslave ourselves. 

We are responsible for directing those we employ. 

If we don't like something, it's up to us to change it. 

If we see an injustice, it's up to us to correct it. 

If we want peace, it's our duty to keep it. 

If we are bogged down, it's our job to climb over or dig under. 

If we cherish our own rights, we must cherish the rights of others. 

If we cherish our own freedom, we must cherish the freedom of others. 

And we can never give up or hand over our responsibilities in these respects to anyone else, for the moment we do, we are putting ourselves and everyone else at the mercy of those twisted and maniacal few who willfully live their lives as parasites. 

These con artists and bag men have proliferated while American slept.  They've been spinning their tales and redefining everyone and everything to suit themselves, they've registered us as foreign nationals, rewritten history at least a dozen times, taken over our schools, taken over our air waves, bullied us on the highways we paid for,  mortgaged our homes and businesses to pay their debts, passed themselves off as our "representatives'' and wrecked havoc throughout the rest of the world ---- and all the while, they've been blaming us, their victims, for it. 

People throughout the world have been taught to blame "the Americans" when those responsible are actually foreign subcontractors of ours and commercial corporations run amok on our shores. 

It's time to recoup our tarnished reputation as a country and as a nation.  It's time to let fly the Big News that it wasn't us causing all the trouble, spending all the money, and bullying everyone inside and outside our borders.  As you embark, officially, on this grand enterprise of reclaiming America for Americans, it's time to fully understand that we nearly lost it. 

What could not be taken from us by force of arms, has been siphoned away by guile, instead. Our enemies have not come from Russia or China.  Instead, they've come from Dallas and New York and New Orleans, from L.A. and Frisco, from Lisbon and Leeds, Brussels and Bern, Rome, and, of course, most of all, from Westminster and the Inner City of London.  

It's our purported friends and allies who have betrayed us, because they are the only ones who could---- the ones who had the means, the motive (their unpaid debt to us), the inside track, the trust, and the opportunity to create this entire debacle.  And they have betrayed their own people, too. 

So, face it.  Acknowledge where we are and all the mistakes and misconceptions and violations of trust that put us in this position, looking at nearly 160 years of enslavement by our own public employees, occupation by our own Army, and all the rest of it. 

It's daunting to say the least. Nothing is as it should be, nor as our Talking Heads told us it was.  Walter Cronkite lied through his teeth and the only truthful comment he left us was a Saturday Night Live skit in something like 1993.  Some people looking at this would tell you that the American Dream is dead. Might as well go home, roll a rock over our heads and learn to speak Mandarin. 

But that's not what we believe, here at our State Assemblies.  We believe that we are the employers of these goats, and we will have our way.  

The Queen and the Pope and the Lord Mayor will have to pay the piper for what they've done here, to their good friends and supporters, the Americans, the Aussies, the Canadians, too; to the Germans and the Japanese, the Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis, and Palestinians, the Poles and Czechs, the Lebanese, the Croatians, the Bosnians, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Indians, the Russians, the French and Italians, the Greeks, the Turks, and almost everyone else, have suffered right along with us, including the entire continent of Africa.  

It's not us on the run, folks.  It's them.  So take a good, deep breath --- and begin. Bring your own mop and bucket.  


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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