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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Our Debt to Jailhouse Lawyers - Good News for "Criminals"

By Anna Von Reitz

This week I was approached to run for President of the United States. I had to explain that that was impossible and that the only office I could aspire to would be President of The United States of America, and that is an office I am too old and crotchety to do justice to.

So then I was asked if I knew people who are still Federal Citizens who could take up the torch and act as Third Party Candidates-- maybe scissor-kick the old Two Party System where it hurts. I scratched my head. I smiled.

I know some men who could do that and do a fine job, though they would not be likely to win because they are all Felons.

Every single one of them have run afoul of the Statutory Law and have educated themselves as lawyers while in prison. They are all fine men, all skilled lawyers as a result of their own miseries, and they are helping people all across this country--- Jailhouse Lawyers, one and all.

We all owe a great debt to them. They have done and continue to do service in the cause of actual justice, a job that the conventional attorneys have largely forgotten or willingly abandoned, if they ever held justice as a goal to begin with.

So many men and women have been unjustly jailed in this country that it is almost unavoidable and nearly a badge of honor to have a criminal record for infractions like resisting arrest and tax issues and refusal of licenses.

A little later in the day I got an email from a young Jailhouse Lawyer who is exceptionally gifted, and with it, good news for other living people who have been jailed and prosecuted by these foreign courts. To protect his identity and forego the likelihood that he will draw even more flak from his jailers than he is currently suffering-- I will wait until he is released to properly credit him, but be aware that this is the result of one man working tirelessly from a jail cell. This is what he discovered and what he shared with me and what he wants me to share with others:

Title 18 U.S.C. is a codification of authority granted under to Article IV section 3 clause 2 of The Constitution of the United States for lands purchased, which means Guam, Mariana Islands, and Virgin Islands, as identified in Title 18 U.S.C. Part 1 Chapter 1, Section 23 --"Courts of the United States defined".

These specialized District Courts are established under Title 28 U.S.C. Part 1, Chapter 5, Sections 81-131, and only have authority to handle Civil matters pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C. Part IV, Chapter 85, Sections 130-169. The referenced sections provide a list of administrative duties.

Read that: these courts have no ability to try criminal matters at all, so put it all together and turn it all around (do the Hokey-Pokey) and what do you get?

(A) Virtually every criminal case they have adjudicated is void for lack of jurisdiction and lack of Due Process, and (B) they are simulating legal processes, which is clearly criminal activity [constructive fraud] and whenever it has involved fines or charges for incarceration fees charged to the Public Purse, it is organized crime and racketeering.


I think we have just sounded the death knell of the "Prisons for Profit Scheme" and mandated the end of the false charges and false imprisonment of millions of Americans who aren't from Guam, the Marianas, or the Virgin Islands.

This coming to light is especially helpful in view of our discovery that the IRS has moved its headquarters from Puerto Rico to the Marianas. Now we know why, and we also know where all the "Public Transmitting Utilities" --- the entities using our names in the form JOHN M DOE are being domiciled. These Municipal Corporations are being housed in the Marianas to bring them under the jurisdiction of these criminal District Courts, and only God knows what form of "law" is being practiced in the Marianas.

In Puerto Rico, where they domiciled our ESTATES doing business under names in the form JOHN MICHAEL DOE, we were being held accountable under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.


Well, folks, this also appears to be a gross violation of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Municipal Constitution, which limits the activities of the Municipal United States Government to the District of Columbia.

Houston, Houston.... we have a problem here, Mr. President. A real, great, big, fat, stinking corruption problem. Corruption of the Municipal Government. Corruption of the Courts. Fraud, theft, and racketeering by these subcontracting commercial corporations on an unimaginable scale.

Here is the scheme in black and white to impersonate the American Employers, steal their identities, and move the resulting fictional doppelgangers offshore, so as to manipulate and subject THEM under foreign Territorial laws and enable the Territorial Courts of Guam, the Marianas, and the Virgin Islands to claim jurisdiction over people and property assets to which they have less than no justifiable claim.

Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth, and President Trump --- we have figured out the whole scheme, top to bottom. We can cite chapter and verse, not only for the prior fraud against our estate interests, but the present fraud involving the PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES--- and it looks like we need to send a million volts up all of your Collective Entity knickers.

The Great Fraud is over. Done. There won't be a reboot.

Your continued unwillingness to face facts and deal with us all in an honest fashion, the continued efforts to install foreign "States of States" on our shores, the continued use of "substitute" PERSONS and attempt to conscript and subject us under whatever local law is adopted in the Marianas-- is all emblematic of continued Bad Faith.

I recently told my Readers that Stigmatics are bleeding and to expect "more idiocy on a half shell" -- and here we are.


See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here:

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Robert David Steel's latest report

There are many aspects of our life on Earth and within the larger Cosmos that I do not understand. I am however fortunate to have gotten to know over time and through common trials some extraordinary people. Anna von Reitz is one such person, Sacha Stone is a second, John McAfee a third, Bill Binney a fourth. What I lack in direct understanding I augment by “knowing who knows,” a phrase devised by Stefan Dedijer, the founder of the modern discipline of commercial intelligence (not to be confused with database idiocy known as business intelligence). What is clear to me is that the British did not “lose” the War of Independence and the Germans did not “lose” WWII. The ostensible “losers” simply went covert. Between Freemasons and other secret societies the British ended up controlling the US economy and US politics, and between CIA and NASA and Argentina and Antarctica the Nazis lived happily ever after. Most of what we are taught, be it history, medicine, science, is a lie.

I know a hundred times more today than I ever knew at a clandestine case officer in the Central Intelligence Agency, and I owe that knowledge to a mix of non-fiction reading and the convergence of great minds — of like minds — on me as a unifying force. I am blessed to be in the company of these other minds and I embrace my role going forward as a catalyst for unity with integrity.

In ten days time over twenty indigenous kings and sultans from across Asia are meeting with over twenty high priests of the indigenous peoples, among them representing all of the gold and land and other forms of wealth that are NOT controlled by the faithless Cabal and its sluts in the banking world. The indigenous peoples have re-emerged as a force — the era of absentee ownership and geoengineering and 5G and the tolerated poisoning of the planet and of the human species with glyphostate, chlorine, aluminum, mercury, flouride, and other toxins is OVER.

It is my prayer and my hope that this coming 4th of July our President will announce the 2nd American Revolution, this time for real.

Below are my preliminary thoughts on the 2nd American Revolution and the four core reforms that I will strive to help our President effect in his second term, followed by my larger vision — a vision I have articulated since 1992 — for creating a prosperous world at peace.

I want to pay a special tribute to Wayne Jett, author of the book below that documents the degree to which Presidents Wilson and Roosevelt were traitors to the Republic and complicit with the banks in contriving the Great Depression with three goals: to destroy the rising middle class; to buy up America at depression-era prices; and to consolidate banking control over the federal government.

Review: The Fruits of Graft

I also pay tribute to Nicholas Nassim Taleb, author of many books including the two below, all of which suggest, as Elinor Ostrom and Ron Paul have suggested, that decentralization and localization are the only form of self-governance that works. We must cut the federal government by half, end the income tax, make the federal government again subject to allocations from the United STATES of America, and restore the sovereignty of both the individual US citizen and the individual state, commonwealth, or tribal territory.

Review: Skin in the Game – Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life

Review: ANTIFRAGILE – Things That Gain From Disorder

I am sick of evil. I am sick of lies. I am sick of waste. Enough, already. Let us be all we can be, which is to say, a cosmic force for good demonstrating intelligence, integrity, and imagination — exercising free will, in liberty, with compassion and justice for every living being including particularly the Kurds and the Palestinians, both at the core — at the center — of our struggle for decency as a species.

America is at a turning point. Conservatives stand for values and the Constitution. Liberals stand for perversion, “anything goes,” what Herbert Marcuse calls “repressive tolerance.” Election 2020 is about the soul of America — about the goodness of America triumphing over centuries of subversion by the British and the Zionists and the Nazis.

This is a fight we can and will win.