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Monday, April 27, 2020

Reply About the Fourteenth Amendment

By Anna Von Reitz

Apparently, one of my "translators" got the wrong link to this particular snippet from the Congressional Record --- most likely went to the House discussion instead of the Senate or the final combined Committee. I am absolutely sick of "chasing the cheese" for people who seem blissfully unaware of how complex Congressional records are or how they are constantly manipulated, re-numbered, re-paged, and re-annotated to obscure the "juicy parts" such as this clip from 1967 defining "citizen of the United States":
"A "citizen of the United States" is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT (Public Charitable Trust), the constructive cestui que vie trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds (read:"pays") the debt of the USA and US, Inc." ---- Congressional Record, June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646."
Pay close attention.
The "Fourteenth Amendment" was adopted as a By-Law "Amendment" of the original Scottish Commercial Corporation that usurped upon us immediately following the Civil War and operated as "The United States of America"--- Incorporated --- from 1868 to 1907.
The "Constitution" they published in 1868 as "The Constitution of the United States of America" was in fact a cleverly disguised attempt to "legally enclose" the earlier Constitution of the same name and convert it for use as the Articles of Incorporation for the aforementioned Scottish Commercial Corporation.
As a result, for the purposes of that organization and their Articles of Incorporation deceitfully mislabeled as a "Constitution", the "Amendments" are in fact "By-Law Amendments" --- so did not require ratification by the States.
That's why when you look for evidence of ratification by the States for the 14th Amendment onward, you find that none of these "Amendments" were ever ratified by our States of the Union--- because they weren't actual Amendments to any actual Constitution.
Just more phony look-alike, sound-alike semantic deceits and Templar Bullshit.
The Board of Directors --- the members of the Rump Congress --- simply voted on it, and since they were keen to collect war reparations from the Municipal "citizens of the United States" they set up the "Fourteenth Amendment" as a mechanism to expedite the process of collection by predefining these Fourteenth Amendment "CITIZENS" as guilty debtors and as criminals, both.
The British Territorial Government sided with the North, and the Pope's Municipal Government sided with the South.
The Scottish Commercial Corporation intent on collecting war reparations after armed hostilities ended "redefined" everyone not directly in its employ as "presumed" enemy combatants, "citizens of the United States" within the meaning of their precious Fourteenth so-called "Amendment" and prosecuted everyone as debtors, criminals, and fugitives from justice already condemned-----and applied this scheme whether or not you were ever actually a Municipal citizen of the United States.
They used this despicable set up as an excuse to mischaracterize Americans who were never Municipal "citizens of the United States" and to extract war reparations from us when we never had anything to do with their filthy self-propogated "civil war".
And they never disclosed what they were doing to the Public, either, so unless you were extraordinarily well-informed and knew what they were "presuming" about you, and objected to it appropriately, their Carpetbagger Courts --- then, as now--- simply rolled over the victims of this deplorable, criminal activity on our shores, and pillaged and plundered the "individual Municipal Public Trusts" set up under our NAMES to expedite this fraudulent plundering.
When the Scottish Commercial Corporation dba "The United States of America" --- Incorporated--- went bankrupt in 1907, their Articles of Incorporation, including their phony "Fourteenth Amendment" ceased to have any meaning or authority in any context at all, but that did not keep the politicians and Bar Attorneys from continuing to use this defunct set of presumptions to pillage and plunder under conditions of deceit and color of law.
Ask yourself --- what possible authority a By-Law Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of a defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation --- a corporation that went bankrupt in 1907--- could possibly have in 1967? And the answer is?
NONE. Their "Fourteenth Amendment" is as meaningless as a dry fart in a high wind.
This little snippet quoted above from 1967 proceedings, is the admission by the Federal Rats that they were still operating under this fraud scheme sixty years after all possible basis for it --- bad and invalid and lawfully and legally unconscionable as that basis was --- collapsed.
Absolutely every prosecution brought against every American mischaracterized as a Municipal "citizen of the United States"under these False Registrations and False Legal Presumptions from 1868 to 1907 were nothing but unbridled fraud, racketeering, piracy, pillaging, and plundering exercised under color of law by the usurping foreign Scottish commercial corporation.
And after 1907, all such prosecutions brought against all such STRAWMEN were completely unjustifiable by any stretch of the imagination.
Even people who actually were "citizens of the United States" shouldn't have been prosecuted using these mechanisms after 1907, but as you can learn from reading the Congressional Record, they were still milking this criminal constructive fraud scheme in 1967.
They were still milking it and employing it as of last year!
They will go on using any excuse to milk and bilk that you will allow, as long as you put up with it, but they deserve to recognized for what they are and prosecuted as marauders and pirates under international law, instead.
Read my lips: there is no "Fourteenth Amendment" that ever applied to any American who wasn't a Federal Civil Service Employee or Dependent, and since 1907, there shouldn't have been any claim against Federal Civil Service Employees or Dependents, either --- though you can see that as of 1967, this fraud and all the False Legal Presumptions were still being employed.
Everything that these Vermin collected from everyone was illegal. It was all collected under conditions of fraud and deceit and non-disclosure, and all done under color of law. And they've gotten away with it on our shores for 150 years. No wonder they think we are too stupid to breathe.
And here you are, apparently still sucking up the idea that there was ever any valid "Fourteenth Amendment" that applied to us, still going along with the idea that the "Constitution" published by these yahoos in 1868 as Articles of Incorporation was valid, all of it?
It's like a joke nobody gets. A very bad joke, indeed.
Why don't I sell you all some Florida Real Estate? It's only underwater half the year.


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Quick Start Guide for Veterans - 3

By Anna Von Reitz

States of States
We left off the discussion about the States and the States of States with the question of what are these business organizations?  Who or what is running them? 
We are now prepared to answer that question--- there are two “States of States” organizations in each State of the Union.
One is a British Territorial State of State organization operating under names styled like this: “the” State of New Hampshire.
The other is a Municipal STATE OF STATE organization operating under names styled like this: “the” STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE.
There are not supposed to be any Municipal STATES OF STATES operating within the borders of our actual States of the Union.  In fact, there should be no “Municipalities” anywhere on our soil and no Municipal Corporations, either. 
The Constitution of the United States only provides for one Municipality --- the Municipality of Washington, DC --- and that is limited to the “one mile square” located within the Boundary Stones designated for it within the District of Columbia
The Territorial States of States are, strictly speaking, not allowed either.  They came in and usurped into the vacuum of power created when the American States of States ceased functioning --- as an “emergency measure”. 
They’ve kept the “emergency” going ever since, and never bothered to explain any of this to the American Public. 
So we’ve had Cuckoo Bird British Territorial States of States operating in our States, and these organizations have operated in collusion with the Municipal STATES OF STATES to rob the actual States and people blind.
They formalized their collaboration via “The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States”, signed in 1937.
The clear duty that these Federal Subcontractors owed to us was to fully disclose the situation at the end of the Civil War and to assist us in Good Faith to restore our lawful government to full form and function. 
Instead, they left our actual flag faced down, struck, in the Capitol Rotunda, in the Senate Chambers and the House Chambers, and did nothing to correct. 
They couldn’t even take care of the Title IV Flag we allowed them to use when exercising our “Delegated Powers” --- they let a pirate like Russell-J: Gould walk into the capitol and claim it as if it were their property --- instead of property belonging to us, The United States of America, the States of the Union, the American States and People.
Hordes of foreign political lobbyists have infested our Capitol and used our Public Resources and treasuries and assets as if we were gone on an endless holiday, “lost at sea”, and our erstwhile Allies, the Governments of Great Britain and Westminster, fed on our substance and plundered and pillaged our States and our people for generations. 
These are the facts.
And if you are Americans, it’s time to take stock of them.
Please note that the deceptions involved are all similar forms of deceit.
We have been led to mistake States of States for States, Territorial States of States for Confederate States of States, foreign Municipal STATES OF STATES for businesses that have a right to be on our soil, people for persons, “the” United States of America for The United States of America, and even “the” United States of America, Incorporated, as The United States of America.
No wonder people are confused. 
No wonder this country has been kept at constant war.  No wonder that our institutions and our social fabric have decayed.  No wonder that generations of “public school” children have been fed pablum and false assumptions.  No wonder that our country has declined in absolutely every category of measurable achievement. 
We can’t tell our butt from buttercups without extreme effort on our own parts to delve out our own well-obscured history and map it out as we have just mapped it out for you. 
And it all begins with the simple observation that a State is not a State of State.
Right now, the Perpetrators of these confusions have been thrown into havoc, because their constructive frauds and deceits and embezzlements have been discovered and brought forward.
Both “the” United States doing business as “the” UNITED STATES, INC., and “the” United States of America, doing business as “the” United States of America, Inc., have been bankrupted for cause and criminality. 
Both remaining Federal Subcontractors are at least temporarily out of pocket, out of business, scrabbling around to create some new deceptively named corporation they can throw into the gap and hope to continue the same old game. In Scotland, they recently created a new version of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.) and we have already complained about their continuing abuse of our name and trademark.
By Operation of Law, when a power delegated to another Principal or Party can no longer be exercised by that Principal or Party due to their incompetence --- as in bankruptcy incompetence--- the delegated power returns back to the Delegating Power. 
In this case, the Delegated Powers have returned to The United States of America.
If you made an Oath to serve under those Delegated (and Abused) Powers, your Oath has returned to us, too. 
Go to: to get reacquainted with your actual government and take part in the process of self-government that you are owed.  Here you will also learn how to declare your proper political status as an American State National and "come home" to your birthright standing on the land and soil of this country.   

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Quick Start Guide for Vets - 2

By Anna Von Reitz

Original Sovereign Jurisdiction – Government of, for, and by the people/People.
Our actual government was set up during The War of Independence, between 1776 and 1781.  The first instrumentality of this government was the Union of (E)states, published 4 July 1776, as a result of The Unanimous Declaration of Independence issued by the original colonies.  A few months later, in September of 1776, these new States joined together and created a Federation of the States of the Union doing business as The United States of America.  Nearly five years later, the States additionally created a Confederation to take up some of the slack and conduct commercial business for them.
All three – the Union, the Federation, and the Confederation – were set up and functional during the Revolutionary War and all three continued to function before, during, and after the Constitutions were adopted more than a decade later.
Stop and think about that. 
It is important to understand that the Federal Constitutions (there are three (3) of them) represent the implementation of treaty agreements that were reached with King George and the Pope as part of the Peace Treaties ending The War of Independence.
It is also important to understand that our Federal Constitutions, like all Constitutions, are debt agreements based on service contracts.  Someone agrees to do something and someone else agrees to pay for it. 
In the case of the Federal Constitutions, the People acting as State Citizens and occupying the international land jurisdiction owed to each of the States, agreed to pay for certain enumerated services and also agreed to delegate the powers needed to perform these services to Subcontractors.
There are nineteen enumerated services and nineteen enumerated “delegated Powers” granted to three (3) Federal Subcontractors.  They were/are:
1.     The States of America ---- operated by “the united States of America” [the original Confederation] under “The Constitution for the united States of America” – which were American Subcontractors, organized as States of States, doing business under names styled like this: The State of New York.  This organization functioned from 1787 to 1863.
2.     The British Territorial United States doing business as “the” United States of America, operating under “The Constitution of the United States of America”.
3.     The Municipal United States Government doing business as “the” United States, operating under “The Constitution of the United States”.
Do you notice something important? 
Our actual and original government and its instrumentalities – the Union doing business as The United States, and the Federation doing business as The United States of America and the Confederation doing business as the States of America don’t operate under any “Constitution”. 
It’s only the Federal Subcontractors that operate under Constitutions. 
Why?  Because we don’t pay ourselves in gold to mow our own lawns. 
So our actual government is the Union, the Federation, and the Confederation.
The Subcontractors are the American FederalBritish Territorial and Papal Municipal Businesses.  
The American Federal Subcontractors ceased cooperative operations in 1860 (Southern States of States walked out) and the remaining Federal States of States went bankrupt in 1863 (Northern States of States).
So if you took an “Oath” to protect and preserve “the” Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic --- were you told any of this?  
Did you know that you were taking an “Oath” to support and defend the service contracts of the remaining foreign business interests? 
Were you told that you would be working for the Pope (Federal Civil Service) or the Queen (U.S. Military)?  
Were you told that the American Federal Subcontractors were out of business, still pending “Reconstruction”?  So there was no possibility that you were working directly for the American States and People? 
Were you told that, ultimately, no matter which remaining Federal Subcontractor you worked for, Federal Civil Service or U.S. Military, you’d be working for the Pope? 
The Pope directly controls the Municipal United States Government and the Federal Civil Service, and indirectly controls the U.S. Military because the Queen operates as his Overseer of Commonwealth – that is, British Territorial operations. 
At any time, was it ever your understanding that you were working for the Pope or the British Monarch acting as his Overseer? 
Read that – “the” United States refers to the Pope’s Municipal Government and “the” United States of America refers to the Pope’s Territorial/Commonwealth Government under the oversight of the British Monarch. 
If you are like most Americans, you thought that “the” United States of America was the same as The United States of America --- but one is a foreign British Territorial Subcontractor at the Federal level, and the other is the Federation of States.  Actual States.
Exactly which one of these two entities did you mean to give your oath to? 
The actual Government of the American States and People, or a foreign Federal Subcontractor?
And if you were never given full disclosure about any of this, why would you feel obligated to an Oath that was made under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure?
What possible legal or lawful obligation could ever be created by such an oath, purloined under conditions of non-disclosure? 


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Quick Start Guide for Veterans -1

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been asked, repeatedly, for a very brief explanation that everyone can understand, that explains the structure of our government --- how it is supposed to be, and how it is, and the obligations of veterans and current military personnel with regard to their oaths made to defend the Constitution(s).  

Okay, that's a tall order and one I have struggled with for years.  How to make it simple?  Quick?  Easy?  I now have it down to six pages.  It's a dense six pages, but only six pages.  Not a book.  I am publishing this new effort in a series of three posts, 1, 2, 3, each one about two pages long.  If you are a veteran or know someone who takes their commitment to this country seriously, this was written for vets. Please pay attention.  

Part 1 -- A State is not a State of State: 

State is not a State of State.
Read the statement above as many times as necessary and think about it. 
Florida is not the same as State of Florida.
In fact, Florida is not the same as The State of Florida, the State of Florida, or the STATE OF FLORIDA or anything calling itself the STATE of FLORIDA or FLORIDA or…. These are all separate and distinctly different entities. 
Florida is “corporate” but unincorporated--- meaning that it has a name and a physical definition but is not “incorporated” into any other country or corporation. 
Florida, the actual State, stands alone.  It is complete.  It has well-defined physical borders and is populated by living people. 
All these other things calling themselves some variation of “State of Florida” are fundamentally different.
These are called “inchoate states” or “states-of-states” or “incomplete states”.  
These States of States are various kinds of business organizations and they have no physical borders and no people live in them. 
They are all incorporated, meaning that they are part of larger, parent organizations, and to the extent that they are “inhabited” they are inhabited by “persons” not people. 
Persons are officers and employees of corporations who have duties to perform and who “reside” on a temporary basis in our actual States.
Stop a moment and think about what you have just learned.
The people living in Florida and the persons working for the State of Florida are not in the same political status.  They aren’t operating in the same capacities
Just like a State is not a State of State, one of the people isn’t a person.
The difference is very clear-cut, yet many of us get confused and think that the State of Florida is the same as Florida, when it is not.  We also assume that if you have a pulse, you are one of the people, but in fact, you may be acting in the capacity of a person, instead.
There is an “apples and oranges” difference involved-- and it needs to be clearly understood.
You, as one of the people born in a State of the Union, say Virginia, start your life as a Virginian. You are one of the living people of Virginia and you employ the State of Virginia (or some other State of State organization) to do business for you. 
However, you can, if you so choose, go to work for the State of Virginia, and accept “an office of personhood”.
Do you see how that changes the capacity in which you are acting? 
You went from being one of the people and an employer, to acting as a person and being an employee
In effect, you left Virginia behind and entered the State of Virginia.
By doing this you subjected yourself to the private rules, codes, regulations, statutes, and policies of this business organization, which is simply in the business of providing “governmental services”.
In addition to accepting a paying job with a State of State, you can unwittingly enter this status if you “volunteer” to serve the State of State as a voter, a tax collector known as a “withholding agent”, a juror, or in any similar capacity. 
Finally, there are two other ways you can leave your home in Virginia (or Florida or one of the other States of the Union---) and find yourself in the “foreign territory” of a State of State.  
You can willingly and knowingly seek welfare benefits from the State of State, or you can be turned over to the State of State as a “ward of the state” --- that is, an “incompetent” of some kind--- an abandoned child, a pauper, a mental incompetent, or someone so physically incapacitated they can’t care for themselves. 
Most of us have been misidentified as “wards” of State of State organizations when we were babies in our cradles.  This has been done via False Registration processes that result in equally Unconscionable contracts obligating us to act as persons --- known as citizens of the State of State.
So how do you get home to your birthright political status as one of the living people?  A free man, a Virginian-- living in Virginia, owed all the protections of the Law of the Land?
This question will be answered, but first, we need to look a bit deeper into the what these State of State business organizations really are--- and who or what operates them?  


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Yes, Virginia, There is a Galactic Council....

By Anna Von Reitz

The trillions of embezzled dollars siphoned off the American and European economies were invested in space development and exploration.  There is indeed a "Galactic Council" and it is not at all "airy fairy" or imaginary.  

There are also space technologies that have been developed, either via reverse engineering or direct application, some of which have been exploited to provide unfair advantages.  All of these issues of space development have been covered by a series of international treaties beginning in 1954.  Right now, one of those treaties, G2O2-P3, is being violated, which is why the hunt is on for the perpetrators and why the member nations to the Treaty are taking action to catch and shut down these renegade operations. 

At the risk of stating the obvious, just because you don't know that something exists-- case in point, the Galactic Council--  doesn't give you any right or reason to disrespect more knowledgeable people who are trying to explain what is going on and why.  Feel free to question things and be skeptical until you experience or verify things for yourselves, but don't "dismiss" anything I tell you.   
Most of you haven't even been aware that you have been living in an "international military protectorate" for over a 150 years, haven't accounted for the giant sucking sound coming out of your wallets, and still think that your votes count.  Need I say more?  

Most Americans still don't know that the "Reconstruction" of their government was never finished after the Civil War.  Most Americans don't know that, yes, indeed, the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia and the UNITED STATES, INC. together with all the alphabet soup Agencies have been bankrupt and in Chapter 7 Involuntary Liquidation since 2015.   

As a result of not knowing, or not really appreciating the fact of the bankruptcy, the same Americans also don't know that the DOD and PENTAGON and FEMA and a great many other entities have been shuttered and in the process of closing down for five years ---- a process that is just now being completed as they are required to "vacate" the premises for a period of ninety (90) days.  

You want to know how long the Covid-19 Hoax prevails?  Exactly ninety (90) days. 

I have recently had to explain that "the PENTAGON" no longer exists, except as a skeleton crew of auditors and property managers, that there are groups of former PENTAGON employees, both White Hats and Black Hats who have been left adrift because of the shut down, many of whom have continued to operate as volunteers in little enclaves around the country.  

We just had a nasty skirmish between Black Hat Mercenaries and White Hat former PENTAGON forces in Michigan.  We have cause to think that this was precipitated by another violation of the G2O2-P3 Treaty and we are busy tracking down the participants and the funding sources for this unauthorized quasi-military activity on our shores.  

Let's be perfectly and blatantly honest with the Pope and the Queen.  They are responsible for tracking down and cutting off the funding for all such activities contrary to our public peace and safety.  

The shut down of the PENTAGON is actually a good thing.  It was largely redundant, just as the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR was redundant.  We have been paying for multiple "Defense Agencies" --- layers and layers of them---  we have had "the" Department of Defense, The Department of Defense, "the" DOD, THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, and on and on, not to mention the DIA, CIA, DARPA, FEMA, DHS, etc., etc., etc.,  and most of them did nothing but siphon off money and resources or provide defense services for other countries, and, of course, get into all sorts of criminal mischief on a global scale. 

Most Americans never realized that at the end of World War II we got stuck paying for the defense of Europe.  For a period of fifty (50) years we were bound to provide for virtually all the Defense costs of Europe and various other "essential" protection zones, like the Philippines and Japan.  All that came straight out of our pockets for fifty years, and when the obligation technically ended, the morons in Washington did nothing to transition us out of that obligation.  They just went on paying it all, year after year.  

Mr. Trump was the first President worth his salt enough to question this arrangement and have the timerity to ask why Europe isn't paying more than 4% toward its own Defense costs? 

Ya think?  Maybe they should be paying more in support of their own defense?  

The PENTAGON served as an additional Municipal Government nerve center and coordinator for all this "extra duty" around the world.  

This is how and why "the US" wound up having, supporting, and paying for over 900 military bases scattered around  200 other countries. Hello?  Are you beginning to wonder what else you don't know?  What else has been hidden right in front of your faces that you paid for as good little "TAXPAYERS"?  Like the entire "Secret" Space Program, which was never so secret?  

How could it be "secret", when companies like Boeing and Lockheed were producing anti-gravity technology engines and constructing the machinery for all of this space exploration and expansion right here on Terra Firma?  

Mr. Trump's announcement of a Space Force is only about fifty years after the fact.  What the hey?   We've been paying for it all. 
Should we know it exists?  Should we examine The Black Budgets?  Generations of Congressional Subcommittees and all the Presidents since Eisenhower didn't think so.  

They thought it was perfectly all right for them to steal our money and labor and time on Earth under false pretenses, invest it "for" us, and never say a word.  

And now, even after we know what is going on ---- at least some of us know ---- their reaction is what?  To try to keep the old scam going or impose something even worse.  No remorse.  No sense that they did anything wrong, betrayed anyone, or failed the Public Trust. 


So the next time that someone gigs me for talking about things that you don't all know about, and rolls their eyes toward the ceiling when I mention, for example, the Galactic Council --- do me and everyone else a favor, and slap them silly?  Draw their attention to just how stupefyingly clueless they really are, and the motives that other countries and other people have had for keeping them in that condition of gross ignorance? 

How many millions of Americans would have "voluntarily" contributed 30-40% of their gross earnings to defending Singapore, if they had known where their tax dollars and other resources were going?  

I get up every day and one of the perennial circumstances of my life is to face the fact of how much Americans don't know, and how much they've got to learn in short order.  

The learning process is expedited when you all take the attitude that you need to learn, instead of toddling along thinking that your leaders wouldn't betray you, wouldn't lie to you, and certainly wouldn't cheat you out of your peace and your rights and your earnings.  Would they?  Haven't they?  Are you awake?  Even beginning to get tuned up?   

Or worse, assuming that your Eighth Grade American History Teacher told you all that you need to know.  

Every day I am confronted with the spectacle of people playing with half or maybe a third of a full deck, not through any fault of their own, but because they have been deliberately fed pablum and yes, fairy tales. Literally.  

They live in a Hollywood dreamland where the good guys always win because they are good guys, and the President of the United States is always trustworthy and competent and sane.  They assume that they are blessed because they are Americans.  It never occurs to them that they are being farmed like sheep and shorn of their wool and slaughtered in wars for profit that benefit sleaze bags like George Soros.  

Well, time to wake up and smell the dog piles.  It's spring.  It's as good a time as any to face facts. Facts like the existence of the Galactic Council.  Facts like the betrayal and Breach of Trust practiced against us by both the Pope and the Queen ---and the moral failure of the international community that has fed off of us and done absolutely nothing to help rectify this situation.  

Go to: and take up your actual duty to self-govern.  You may be ignorant as Pat's Pig, but if you love this country and realize that you've got a lot to learn and a long way to go---- move it.


See this article and over 2400 others on Anna's website here:

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Jettison WHO, NATO, and the PENTAGON

By Anna Von Reitz

Now that it is firmly known that the World Health Organization has engineered the deaths and intended the enslavement of millions of people---- why not liquidate the WHO crime syndicate and make a clean job of it?
Whatever good purpose the World Health Organization once had, it is no longer serving. It's assets need to be confiscated and redirected to organizations that actually care about health and science, not profits for Board Members and Employees of WHO, not politics.
The same with NATO. It turns out that our purported Allies have been undermining us, pillaging us, and sending us the bill for their "defense" --- ever since the Second World War. Where's the sense in that? Again, whatever good purpose NATO may have once served, it no longer serves.
And the same is true of the illegal Municipal PENTAGON organization. They never really had a right or reason to exist on our shores, just another case of double-dipping the Dumb Americans and siphoning, siphoning, siphoning.
We are dealing this week with all sorts of "Octagons" and "--gons" of various sorts, the Octagon of Wuhan, for example, and the Octopus of George Soros, and the eight-sided umbrella organizations and all their trust directorate sub-units. And the PENTAGON is just another "GON", too.
Soon the Pentagon Grid will be no more. They inverted the Star, to the Anti-Human Emblem of the Satanic Corporatists. Like the Nazis before them who unlawfully converted the power of man to the power of the beast, the same fate awaits the PENTAGON.
There are firefights beginning as the misdirected and misinformed NATO and UN "Peacekeeping" Forces begin their activities on our soil. These activities are premised on the totally false idea that America owes the rest of the world money and assets, when in fact, the debts are all owed by the Pope, the Queen, and Westminster ---- not Americans at all.
Their puppet "the US" is what begged, borrowed, stole, and war-mongered all of us, misleading and misrepresenting "the Americans" on one hand to the rest of the world, and while the Perps stood in the middle, siphoning off money and assets belonging to the Americans and their trading partners, like China.
The Black Ops mercenary units known as Black Hats are guns for hire, being paid for by Westminster to come in here and kill Americans. Westminster is the problem and has been since Day One.
They owe us peace and Perpetual Amity, as the Treaties of Westminster prove, but instead they have done the dirty with the Mossad and are intent on making Americans pay for their debts --- all their debts and the debts of the Israeli government, too, when we have already paid all we ever owed and a great deal more.
They are criminals and so is the UN Corp in back of all this. Filthy dirty criminals. Nazi sympathizers all.
In the days to come the Angels of the True God will be seen in broad daylight. In a single night, the Spirit of the True God will pass over them and blot these THINGS out forever. The men who have turned against their own countries for the sake of corporate greed will see their demise and know their fate.
The True God will withdraw his life from them and will not remember them, for they have forgotten His Name.
He will forget their names in return.
NATO will be no more, as the member nations will learn what their "leaders" planned for them. The PENTAGON will be destroyed, because the symbol of man has been turned against man. When the energy reversal is reversed again, their power will be shut off like a light switch being flipped. And they will be no more.
They, the Black Hats, will be recognized as mercenaries and criminals and the bankers paying them for murder will also be identified and brought to ruin; indeed, they already stand naked before the throne of justice, condemned by their own thoughts and deeds and acts.
These Municipal Corporations have no business being on our soil. The Pope knows this and they are his responsibility. Everyone around the world, make him own it!
NATO and the PENTAGON and all the other Alphabet Soups are being bankrupted one by one; their assets should be returned to the American States and People who paid for all that glitz and corruption at the same time they paid for the Department of Defense and The Department of Defense and the DOD, too.


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To Pope Francis: No Deal.

By Anna Von Reitz

For the past ten years I have listened to no end of freebooters and wannabes making claims based on their ancestors.  I don't entertain such claims because I don't deal with the Kingdom of the Dead.  I am alive, therefore, I belong to the Kingdom of the Living.  

Simple enough, isn't it? 

Don't tell me that the blood of King Poobah La-Dee-Dah runs in your veins and that that makes you "noble" and "royal" and all the rest of it.  

Nobody and nothing makes you "noble" but you and your own thoughts, words, and deeds, right here and right now. 

The current regime has tried to exalt the Kingdom of the Dead over the Kingdom of the Living.  They have tried to impersonate living men as dead THINGS --- estate trusts, public transmitting utilities, public charitable trusts, and only the True God knows what else.  

It's all lies and bunko, pure, unadulterated crime.  False Registrations.  Fraudulent conveyancing of grammar.  Claims based on the blood of King La-Dee-Dah.  

So first there was the "Deal" that was never disclosed to operate the Federal Subcontractors as commercial corporations.  

And then there was the "New Deal" which was never disclosed, either, and which involved the literal enslavement of government employees---and anyone else that you merely claimed was a government employee or dependent --- but never actually were.   

And now, you are trying to rewrite the Uniform Commercial Code and apply it retroactively to save the guilty banks.  

We are calling fraud and damnation on this self-serving rewrite of Article 9 published by Cornell Law day before yesterday, and we are taking exception to its fraudulent aims and assumptions, such as pretending that the banks invested anything whatsoever of value in us or our assets, and we also call "Foul!" on pretending that any incorporation or trustees of such corporations have any representative role or agreements related to us.  

We don't even have a contract with THEM.  Our contract, Francis, is with you and the Queen and you both have cause to know what it says. 

The bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC., cannot be settled absent negotiation with the actual Priority Creditors--- the American States and People, represented in international and global affairs by their unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America.   


Mr. Trump has no ability granted nor delegated to him to settle any such matters, much less Mr. Fink,  and neither does the Queen and neither do you, Francis.  

The members of the Galactic Council need their information updated and need the truth this time.  No more shimmy-shuffle dances and excuses about your keymasters.  

Here's the only key that matters ---- by Operation of Law, all delegated powers return to the grantors when the grantee is incapacitated.  

It was the Curia's decision, which we did not approve, to operate the Federal Subcontractors as commercial corporations.  

It was their decision to bankrupt both the Municipal and Territorial commercial corporations and to immorally and illegally seek protection of bankruptcy for their criminal profits--- all of which are based on fraud, racketeering, False Registration processes, unconscionable contracts, adhesion contracts, and other white collar crimes your bully boys have pulled here. 

You have been trying to avoid all the uncomfortable and inconvenient facts for the better part of twenty years, but here they are, again, written in gold and underlined: 

The Curia is called to account.  
The military is called to account. 
The politicians are called to account. 
The bankers are called to account. 
The securities agents are called to account. 
The bonding companies are called to account.

We have said it and we mean it before the True God, and so let it be. 

You all chose to operate as corporations. Your free choice.  Nobody was awake at the time to stop you, so you had your way.  

So now you reap the results of that decision and all your decisions to let these corporations run roughshod over the living people of this country, and your decision to allow them to use False Registrations and DOG LATIN against the innocent, and your decision to get in bed with the banks and fornicate, fornicate, fornicate.

Shame on you all.  

 All of this is the fault of the Curia and the Pontiffs and the Popes and the British Monarchs and the Lord Mayors of London and nobody else's.  It is well-past the time for twisting and turning and trying to post some more false claims to save yourselves---retroactively, no less. 

Your self-interested rewrite of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code is not accepted, and even if were, it would not apply to us and the chain of title we established in 1998 and again in 2007 and again now.  

Take Notice --- Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

We are grandfathered in and we brought the American States and People with us.   Suck it up and pay up, Francis. 

All our land grants and patents and all titles and trusts collapsed and returned to us.  Our gold, our Special Deposits, our "Legacy Trusts" returned to us.  Our good names and other intellectual property returned to us.  Our Lawful Money, our banking system, our facilities and our public properties returned to us.   All free and clear of debt or encumbrance.

That is the Deal and it is the only Deal on the table. 


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