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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 18 -- Hollywood East

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am now given to understand that the "Arise America" Tour being popularized by Robert David Steele and Sasha Stone is actually being funded by the shadowy Bush-connected "We, the People" organization, and that their overtures to the American State Assemblies to financially support and participate in their Tour is an effort to co-opt our efforts.
We weren't told that "We, the People" was involved.
Instead of it being an opportunity to bring the truth out, it's a means to associate themselves and their organization with us. But just enough to lend themselves our legitimacy.
The problem with "We, the People" is that they are the wrong "People".
The only People who are Parties to the Constitutions and enabled to enforce them are the State Citizens, as is shown by our earlier information published as Blood Money 17 -- The Bond System.
Those operating the "We, the People" organization are in fact Territorial U.S. Citizens and they are clinging stubbornly to that political status.
Because they want to "represent" us, and deny our ability to present ourselves ----with no agency granted to them.
After all, impersonating us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens is how they got their foot in the door, how they managed to act in Breach of Trust and latch onto our Good Names and Persons to benefit their Queen and their Pope in the first place.
This is what we call "Hollywood East".
Virtually all these people are literally Actors --- some of them very Bad Actors, indeed.
They are the ones who stage False Flags all over this country, the same Jokers who conduct business as "Acts" of Congress --- literally, acts as in stage play acts.
Most of them have been deluded to think that they are doing something great, something necessary, a "sacred cause" --- when in fact, all they are doing is promoting a phony, illegal, commercial mercenary "war" and pillaging their country and their countrymen to do it.
Who was John Wilkes Booth? An actor.
Who was Abraham Lincoln? A Bar Attorney acting as "a" President, not "The President".
Who was Ronald Reagan? Another actor.
Jimmy Carter, too.
The Walker-Bushes and Carter-Roosevelts are all Rockefellers, too. That's why virtually all the "Presidents" are related to each other, and operate under false names.
Like Ulysses S. Grant or "US Grant" ----ahem, whose actual name was just plain old Hiram Grant from Ohio.
Take a good look at Joe Biden and compare to Jeb Bush or former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. See the resemblance? Now add in Ulysses S. Grant.... and Patty Hearst.
Compare JFK (a Carter) to Jimmy Carter.....
Now compare both of them to Donald Trump..... and Theodore Roosevelt.
Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party ran under the slogan, "A Square Deal All Around." Teddy was a Republican.
And Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Democratic Party slogan ran under "The New Deal". Franklin, his cousin, was a Democrat.
And neither one of them were ever The President of The United States of America.
Starting with Abraham Lincoln, they were, and they are, all actors. All men and women pretending to be what they are not. All imposters.
And we are the people they are playing.
In all senses of that word.
Without us, they have no standing at all, no ability to commandeer our assets, no firm identity, no property, no political status of their own, no "power" except the strictly enumerated delegated powers they are supposed to be exercising "for" us in "good faith".
Their entire political status is created by the Federal Constitutions, and without those Constitutions, they are stateless, homeless, and lacking any purpose---which is why they make such a cult out of preserving and defending the "Constitution" at all costs.
They have impersonated Americans for so long that some of them actually believe that they are us, and they do this because this is the only way that they can seize power over us and our assets --- by pretending to be us and pretending to be our lawful government.
That, however, is something they can never attain, no matter how many times they claim to be, "We, the People". They may be "a" people, but no, not "the" People being referenced by that famous phrase.
So it is time to set aside these repugnant and criminal games, face the facts, admit who pays the bills, and which ones of us actually function as Americans, not U.S. Citizens and not Municipal CITIZENS, either.
The Father of All Lies guides their actions, but the Father of All Truth guides ours. They pretend to be "We, the People" but never paid a dime toward the fulfillment of that contract. They pretend to "represent" us, but we have no need for their services; we are competent to present ourselves, directly, and in our true and Lawful Persons.
Let the records of the High Courts show that we appeared in our true form in the Court of Heaven, and that we appear now as Lawful Persons standing on the land of our country.
All beneficial interest in America is owed to us, and we do not allow our foreign employees or their dependents to substitute themselves for us, manage our private lives for us, or otherwise commandeer our Persons, cashier our assets in trusts, or waive our inheritance for their benefit.
While we initially welcomed the olive branch and the offer to join in and support the Arise America Tour, we realize that once again, this was no genuine effort to support actual Americans, create actual peace or settle anything. It's just another attempt to co-opt what is legitimate by association.
It's too bad for all concerned, but no, we won't be participating in nor supporting the Arise America Tour, and we turn the High Courts' attention to the issue of impersonation in all its senses.

These people don't stop with impersonating us on paper, they actually take to the streets and attempt to pull the same thing in the flesh. They pretend to be our Agents, when they are not. They pretend to be our Trustees, when they are not. And they even pretend to be us, literally, when they are not.


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Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 17 -- The Bond System

 By Anna Von Reitz

Before publishing this, I want people to fully grasp the fact that bonds are associated with "bondage" --- which always requires "performance". So bonds impose a form of servitude. Always. Bonds are not a good thing.
So when people get all excited and talk about the "value of bonds" what they are actually talking about is the value of someone's performance --- their labor, their talents, their intellectual property--- being exchanged for money for a period of years, and their obligation to perform upon the terms of those bonds.
When you are sold into bondage, someone gets a pay off and that someone is typically not you. You get the performance part of the deal only.
Many of you have read about the practice of "indentured servitude" --- a process by which people "bound themselves" to serve in a particular capacity for a number of years, typically seven (7) years, to pay off a debt. Many people came to this country as indentured servants (bonded servants) and worked off their debt and became free men.
Even slaves could, given the right opportunities and conditions, find means to earn "extra" money, and buy themselves out of slavery.
It is impossible to bond an American against their will, but we remain "free" to bond ourselves, which we have been "presumed" to do, as a result of the Birth Certification and underlying Registration process.
To be exact, the Perpetrators claim that our Mothers freely and voluntarily gave us up as Wards of the State-of-State British Crown Franchise operating our State Government "for" us. On an "emergency" basis, of course.
Millions of Americans know that this is total bunk and that our Mothers were never given full disclosure and that these innocent women were railroaded into signing these papers under color of law and in breach of trust, but that little fact is lurking like a Great White Shark, just under the surface of their system.
According to them, our Mothers signed us up and we continued to "voluntarily" participate when we reached the age of majority.
The fact that the purported contract was signed when we were just babies and therefore totally "unconscionable" to us, and never disclosed to our Mothers, either, is another point that the Perpetrators neglect to admit.
Thus, we have been "self enslaved" under foreign and undisclosed contracting processes promoted by our public employees, who have sold us into both slavery as Municipal citizens of the United States, and as indentured servants presumed to be British Territorial U.S. Citizens.
So now that you know that bonds are not good things and that you only get the bad end of the stick, let's take a look at an actual Birth Certificate ACCOUNT--- mine.
The STATE OF WISCONSIN BIRTH CERTIFICATE shows that a "female", that is, a "daughter of Adam" was physically born on June 6, 1956, and the initial certificate was issued by Dr. Kenneth F. Manz, M.D., actually, the attending physician, on June 27, 1956. It was received by the Office of the Registrar (from Dr. Manz) on June 28, 1956, and I was "unlawfully converted" into a British Territorial U.S. Citizen and Indentured "Person" on June 28, 1956. All this registration work was done via a Municipal Corporation doing business as the WISCONSIN STATE BOARD OF HEALTH.
Remember that "Wisconsin State" is the State Trust the rats established after the Civil War "for" us, to manage our property "for" us in our "absence" --- even though we hadn't gone anywhere.
So, the doctor was the Undeclared Foreign Agent "claiming" me as property belonging to the Queen and the British Crown Corporation franchise running both the Wisconsin State (Trust) and the State of Wisconsin "for" me. And not a word was said to my Mother, or, for that matter, to me, when I reached the age of majority.
The initial bond has been rolled over several times in the course of my life, so the original "bond" shows as a File Number: 148-56-XXXX. The first set of numbers identifies the British Crown Corporation franchise and the "56" identifies the year, and the XXXX --- which is also numeric, but I am not publishing--- identifies the exact record that entered "me" into their system.
A more recent version of the document shows an eight-digit Bond Number in red ink at the bottom of the certificate. This is an IMF Bond Number; the United Nations has held these bonds since Jimmy Carter so generously donated them in 1980, as one of his last, thank God, acts as President.
Now, this is purportedly, a "private contract", something that my Mother and later, I, entered into knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily --- a supposition that everyone reading this knows is pure bunk. We were simply never told anything about these cozy unilateral, undisclosed, and for my part, unconscionable contracts, being entered into "for" me by "Uniformed" Federal Officers.
Doctors are conscripted under Federal Code Title XXXVII, so while my Mother was paying for a private physician, Dr. Manz was acting as an M.D. and signed the certificate as such. He took me into "custody" and sold me into indentured servitude benefiting the USA, Inc., and he very broadly presumed that I was an unwanted bastard child, abandoned "on the battlefield" of an illegal mercenary war being carried out in secret by my own public employees---- 91 years after the American Civil War actually ceased.
You can't make this stuff up.
Now, what happens to little Anna Maria? The living girl goes on and lives and grows up. The British Territorial "Person" berthed by this illicit registration process, is moved to the District of Columbia, where "she" is registered again by the Department of Commerce as a "Special Purpose Vehicle" doing business as a corporation franchise of the Municipal United States Government: ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER.
While the British Person carrying my Proper Name is just an indentured servant, the Municipal PERSON is a slave, both of whom have to buy their way out of their servitude every step of the way, because at the end of that day, they owe everything to the State Trust, where "I" am actually "lodged"----and which they manage "for" me.
Okay? Are you able to follow along here? They seize upon me as a baby in my cradle, include me as property belonging to the Wisconsin State (Trust), which they then commandeer and manage "for" me in my "absence". After this initial act of misrepresentation and kidnapping and unlawful conversion of my nationality and political status, they remove the resulting British "Person" they have named after me to the District of Columbia.
Once in the District of Columbia, they incorporate an additional Municipal Corporation named "ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER" as a Cestui Que Vie ESTATE Trust, and they begin spinning off "derivatives" --- other commercial corporation franchises that are all "Special Purpose Vehicles" presumed to be engaged in various public commercial capacities. So, we have, for example, their current scapegoat, ANNA M RIEZINGER, a bankrupt Puerto Rican Electrical Company franchise.
These Municipal franchise CORPORATIONS are all promptly bundled up and transported offshore to Puerto Rico (or more recently, the Mariana Islands) where they are graciously administered as Church properties, under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.
Now you know how and why the IRS is so effective as a debt collector of your "voluntary" Federal Income Taxes, whether or not you are a Federal Employee or Dependent.
Let's examine the actual "books" using my BC account as a totally typical example of what is in fact owed to an average American versus what is owed by that same American in the aggregate. This is a recent -- April 2021-- look at "my" account.
You will see that it is organized as "BC FRONT CUSIPS" and "BC BACK EE SERIES PAPER BOND CUSIP" numbers.
FPURX x 3 Cusip: 316345107 Amount: 475 Million
FSELX Cusip: 316390863 Amount: 5,833.64 x 1,000,000.00= 5,833,640,000
FTRNX Cusip: 3164231025 Amount: 3,281.00 x 1,000,000.00= 3,281,000,000
FDESX Cusip: 316127109 Amount: 2,731.59 x 1,000,000.00= 2,731,590,000
Altogether, they are holding $12,321,230,000.00 in the Wisconsin State (Trust) for me, but all this Pre-paid Credit is, conveniently, blocked. It was pre-paid by my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents and by me, too, but I can't access it. Remember---- my "Person" has been unlawfully converted into a British Territorial Person, and until I "return" from "over the seas", this account belongs to an American and is "unclaimed" property. So the Perpetrators of this scheme use it as an investment capital Slush Fund instead of using it to benefit me or my family or even my country.
Now, let's look at the "debt side" of the account. Here we see the "back side" of the account, and we see that Federal Reserve Notes of the EEOOO80771 Series have been issued in MY NAME, as public debts. So, "I"--- that is, the Municipal PERSON(S) they have created "in my name"--- owe $50,360,000.00 in debt.
This is what they are always promoting and attempting to collect from the DEBTOR and using as the excuse to confiscate the property of living Americans and to harass them in Municipal COURTS and claiming that these PERSONS owe all sorts of taxes and other debts---when in fact, all these debts are owed by the organizations promoting this enormous fraud and money laundering scheme on the backs of the American people.
5,036.00 x 10,000 for denomination 50,360,000.00
The actual tally when the books are balanced is that these Vermin owed me:
$12,270,870,000.00 as of the day we pulled the record.
And they are still trying to pretend that I, or at least, various Municipal PERSONS named after me, owe them money for all this "service" and they are proposing to steal my house, entitle themselves to my home, arrest me whenever they please, and, if necessary to free themselves of their insurmountable debts, they propose to "sacrifice" their property --- that is, to kill us all, in order to get rid of their Priority Creditors.
Well, we have a better idea. We have come home and proven and declared our birthright political status as Americans, owed every penny of our State Trusts. We are the actual landlords, and they are the tenants. It's time to balance the books.
Please bear in mind that this does not mean that you or I are suddenly going to be in possession of "gozillions" of dollars with no stipulations or responsibilities; that's not what it means at all. What it means is that we and our State and our ancestors are owed a tremendous amount of pre-paid credit that needs to be gradually paid down, so as to maintain the value of our currency throughout the world, improve our lives, set us free from harassment from our own employees, and promote a safe, clean, sane and truthful world in which all children can grow up happily and achieve their dreams, a world in which all families and all nations are respected.
We cherish the many cultures and nations, the colorful diversity of life, and all its forms, and we utterly reject any model of Corporate Feudalism that certain bankers and other scum have advocated. Norwegians won't be inundated with displaced Muslims from Iraq anymore. Neither will there be wars that murder and leave people homeless, promoted by thieves and mental incompetents.
What this means on an individual level, is that you, plain old Joe Q. American, should never see another tax bill of any kind again. Or suffer any potholes. You should never have to quibble over a "land title" belonging to a British version of yourself. You should never see another public utility bill of any kind in your lifetime. You should never be misaddressed by any foreign "federal" officer or foreign "State of State" Court or Law Enforcement Officer. You should never have to worry about a medical bill, the cost of medicine, a college debt, or buying a new car when you need one. Ever.
And bear in mind, this is just the "sort out" of the Birth Certificate Bonds.
Other bonds were placed on your weary backs as well.
You are the richest people on Earth, even though you have been treated as slaves in your own country for 158 years.
It's time for this abysmal nonsense to end.
The Americans have seen through the deceit and the Roman Civil Law demands the removal of the fraud and its results, to return our land and our Good Names and our pre-paid credit and everything else that is legitimately ours.
We have also seen through the inland piracy practiced against us by the Queen's Government and the Lords of the Admiralty. The Law of the Sea maintains that "Possession by pirates does not change ownership." and so, we have reclaimed all our property--- our purloined gold and silver, our Good Name, our copyrights, our trademarks, our patents, our public buildings, our land patents, our post offices, all of it.
As it turns out, we also own most of Western Europe, which has been badly bungled, too. Contrary to fears that we will enslave the populace or repossess property, we propose to free everyone concerned and return each man to his own place with his own property intact. The principles of war do not apply.
We will consider this a true Jubilee, the first in over 800 years, and the Creditors will gradually and sensibly release all the debts and hold the living people harmless, so long as everyone keeps their heads together and proceeds in an orderly fashion.
There will be no UN Death Squads on our shores, no Chinese Troops on our nickel, no false claims in commerce misapplied to anyone--- and no more continued pretense of mercenary war on our shores.
Instead, those who have been harmed by this pernicious system will be made whole and enabled to live free and secure and dignified lives. Everyone will be educated and fully informed and enabled to take responsibility for their own lives as self-governing beings, and anyone seeking to enslave, bringing false claims in commerce, impersonating anyone, or playing any of these loathsome games on our turf will be recognized as a criminal, arrested, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Public Law.
This is our Will as the actual Government of this country, and our employees of every stripe, are fully obligated to obey and the High Courts are all obligated to enforce from the top down as we enforce from the bottom up.
We believe that this little expose using my account as an example of what is totally typical, more than adequately demonstrates not only the existence of our "Exemption Accounts" but locates them, and also explains the mechanisms used to establish and misdirect this system, so as to misidentify and enslave the actual Creditors.
Instead of owing anyone for the use of Federal Reserve Notes, I am owed for the use of Federal Reserve Notes issued against my good name and credit. Any debts owed by any corporate PERSON named after me utterly pale in comparison to what I am owed, so that I, and millions of other Americans, are without question, owed the Mutual Offset Credit Exemption Exchanges that were stipulated in 1933-34, and our feckless foreign Employees need to organize themselves to issue the Exemption Credits.

We suggest an overhaul of the "Internal Revenue Service" and the "IRS" to coordinate their activities with the Treasury and expedite the opening of our Exemption Accounts as each American "returns" home to the land and soil of our beloved country and re-establishes their identity as an American.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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