By Anna Von Reitz
Dear Mr. Putin:
We send our greetings and heartfelt sympathy for the sacrifices of the Russian people. We, too, have been the victims of the same commercial mercenary forces responsible for the proliferation of the bioweapons laboratories in Ukraine under the puppet Zelensky "government", but for a far longer period of time.
Our investigations confirm the following facts:
(1) All the operating parties are commercial corporations of one kind or another, not lawful national governments at all. As a result, the problem is not political. It is criminal.
(2) These offending corporations which include WHO, NATO, AUSTRALIA, DOD, CDC, NIH, UN CORP, Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Moderna, etc., etc., are all subject to involuntary dissolution.
(3) All these corporations have their genesis in the Jurisdiction of the Air which is administered under Ecclesiastical Law.
(4) Under Ecclesiastical Law, the Pope and the Church of Rome are specifically and explicitly responsible for dissolving any corporation caught engaging in unlawful activities. (This is a higher standard for them, than merely "illegal" activities.)
(5) This is because the Church of Rome and the Pope have created all forms of corporations --- C-Corps, S-Corps, Cooperatives, Foundations, LLC's, Statutory Trusts, etc. --- and by Maxim of Law, they are responsible for what they create.
(6) Our lawful government operating in international jurisdiction as The United States of America (Unincorporated) has already brought a demand before the Vatican Chancery authorities and the Office of the Pope for the dissolution of these corporations and the punishment of their officers.
(7) We are asking for the dissolution of the corporations, the confiscation of their assets for the benefit of the victims, the removal of the corporate veil, the denial of bankruptcy protection, the seizure of the personal fortunes of the officers involved, their prosecution for actual crimes, and additionally, the removal of their privilege to create or operate any corporation ever again.
(8) This effort can be bulwarked and given wings by the Russian Patriarch and other religious leaders and organizations worldwide who have a voice in their Ecumenical capacities to bring political and diplomatic force to bear on the Pope and the Vatican Chancery Court. The religious institutions of each country can also be instrumental in bringing legal action under the dissolution laws of each country and state.
(9) Please do not attack our country under the False Presumption that we are responsible for the Zelensky government or the foreign corporations that have committed these heinous and mindless acts of terror. You will find that these entities are not "American" --- they are all Municipal or British Crown Corporations, who have employed individual Americans, but are not American in origin or under American direction.
(10) Also note that the same circumstance applies to these foreign corporations sending tanks to Ukraine and other acts of war -- they are all acting in a private capacity as commercial corporations. All so-called "American troops" are not acting as American military units. They are all acting as mercenaries employed by the offending foreign commercial corporations that have been masquerading as our government.
(11) If we can all act together to dissolve these corporations and punish the criminal wrong-doers responsible for misdirecting them, there will be no further need for war --- and no more lies and no more enmity.
(12) Please remember that the lawful American Government and the lawful Russian Government have been Allies since 1858, with the establishment of the American-Russian Alliance. We remember it thankfully and hope that our good faith and honor can still be respected in spite of the way that these international criminals have insinuated themselves and pretended to "represent" our government.
Thank you, and please feel free to contact us for additional information and initiatives being used to bring these criminals to justice.
James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
The United States of America (Unincorporated)
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