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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Franklin Pierce and the New World

 By Anna Von Reitz

Pierce was the last President to abide by and honor the Constitutional limits of the Federal Government. As such, he was the “last President” of the Republic— all the others since then have advocated and enforced a centralized top-down government and have substituted foreign-owned and operated State-of-State organizations for our own American State of State businesses
In this way these foreign commercial interests have controlled and abused our people and controlled and abused our other resources for over a hundred years.
This fraudulent substitution and the semantic deceits together with the fundamental failure to honor State’s rights has been the issue ever since the Civil War.
These men acting as “Presidents” of foreign businesses are not our Presidents.
Look at Lincoln himself. He joined the Bar in 1834. Bar members were prohibited from holding any public office in our government in 1819. Go figure. They were breaching the Titles of Nobility Amendment when they put Lincoln up for Office so you know they were acting in Treason against our Federal Constitution and trying to operate under and substitute the Territorial Constitution instead.
Lincoln was a “President” of the Territorial Government, not our Federal Republic.
So this goes all the way back— a pattern of deceit, fraud, breach of trust, and Bad Faith that treasonously trespassed against the States and the people of this country beginning with Buchanan’s administration.
And when Lincoln saw where this was all headed and tried to return control to the actual States and people, they killed him.
So quite aside from the coup that is presently being attempted, we have had an ongoing coup against our government ever since the 1856 election.
Buchanan breached State’s rights and the constitutional limitations of the Federal Government and that led directly to the Civil War.
Lincoln was never qualified to enter the office of President of our Federal Republic and was “President” of the Territorial Government operating under The Constitution of the United States of America instead of our American Federal Constitution issued in 1787— The Constitution for the united States of America.
Lincoln never had a quorum of the States to conduct any form of valid Federal Government so all he could possibly be doing is exactly what I have told you from the beginning—- operating the British Territorial United States Government instead.
The British version of the Constitution never included the prohibition against Bar Attorneys so Lincoln could serve under that but never under our actual Federal Constitution.
From this first deceit and fraud against the States and the people of this country all the other loathsome betrayals in Breach of Trust have arisen.
The Popes knew this and the Archbishops were not at all surprised when this topic came up for discussion. They even had their own name for our actual Federal Constitution. They call it the “original equity contract”—- and they knew they had breached it, too.
Their attitude was— “What do you want? How can we buy you off?”
It was clear that we were not the first Americans to track it down and visit them— just the first that had all the facts and provenance and could not be bought off.
So the Popes knew and did nothing and acted in gross Breach of Trust. And forget the Queen’s Government or Westminster having any shame.
Those snakes were even oilier than the clergy. They didn’t want to discuss their “Special Relationship” with “the” US nor did they care to discuss their ongoing military occupation of our country and their substitution of Territorial State-of-State governments for our own governments.
In fact, as soon as we mentioned these matters in letters to the Queen and Lord Mayor, we became the targets of successive hit squads trying to murder us by various means.
But we have been miraculously protected and I guess they got sick of losing so many of their top operatives.
Long story short, yes, President Franklin Pierce, who left Office in 1856 (instead of being elected that year) was the last loyal President of the American Federal Republic.
All the others have been either British rats or Papist rats.
And that is the God’s honest truth of the matter, all the way up to the election of Donald Trump — who against all odds got elected in spite of both the Brits and the Papists.
And now you can see why both sides of the aisle, and both political parties, the Dems representing the Papists and the Republicans representing the Brits—- hated and feared Trump, because he wasn’t one of them.
He was just a plain old American.
They knew that when and if he understood what they had pulled here, they’d be dead meat. And that is how I interpret Hillary Clinton’s comment, “We will all hang!” —- if Trump gets elected.
In view of the shameful way these people have betrayed this country and decimated generations of innocent Americans, I can only see that as a just and fitting end of this long and bloody chapter of our history—- to hang those responsible as a warning to all others thus criminally inclined to commit High Treason.
But even if we make the effort to correct and to remove these pirates and realize our true history, we still have to restore and reconstruct the missing pieces of our American Government.
Our State Assemblies composed of declared Americans are already in Session.
I hope that everyone reading this makes haste to join your proper Assembly and sort yourselves out appropriately.
Americans join your State Assemblies.
Federal Civil Servants and their dependents join your Municipal Assemblies.
Military and Territorial Citizens and Dependents join your District Assemblies.
Americans who are acting in the capacity of Americans need to go to: —and begin rebuilding and restoring your lawful government.
Separate according to the guidelines given above and don’t be confused or try to intermix the assembly groups. Doing so would undermine the ability of all the Assemblies to function properly or get anything done.

Going forward, your Assemblies will be a fundamental way to communicate and to receive help and services so it is in everyone’s best interests to peaceably and consciously assemble as shown above.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Situation Update for Jan 25th, 2021 – The trigger for the military to move against Biden (you won’t like this)

(Natural News) A lot of people won’t want to hear today’s Situation Update, even though it still delivers many action items and justification for optimism. What people want to hear are instant solutions: “Joe Biden will be removed by Saturday” or “there will be a new election on March 4th under the restored republic.”

I’m sorry to report those don’t look like viable claims at this point.

Based on the information I’m receiving, Trump isn’t going to be restored as president by March 4th, or April 1st or anytime soon. Although Trump reportedly signed the documents to turn over control to the military under a limited scenario of emergency powers, the military did not want to move against Biden on Inauguration Day out of fear that a nationwide civil war would commence immediately thereafter.

I would have vastly preferred they moved on that day, and most likely you would have, too. But as we’ve seen over and over again, even though Trump has put every mechanism in place for the United States to defend itself against the communist coup run by the Democrats and their Biden puppet, the timing of events continues to frustrate us all.

As I’ve learned, the civil war scenario is a concern to the military because it would destabilize the United States and make the country increasingly vulnerable to attacks for foreign aggressors (namely China). So the Inauguration Day plan was nixed. There was actually an activation of many units a few days before the inauguration, and many active duty personnel thought this was going to be “go time.” But it turned out to be another “hurry up and wait” scenario that’s all too common with the military.

Thus, we are left with a fake president Biden running the table with outrageous executive orders that are already causing damage to the US economy and job market. The only reprieve is that those EOs will eventually be nullified and reversed, but that doesn’t help us today.

On the good news side of things, the FBI had also planned to carry out false flag operations against conservatives on Inauguration Day, but since nobody showed up to be ensnared by the FBI’s trap, that trap failed. This is to the credit of conservatives who avoided being caught up in yet another false flag operation.

Now here’s the part you really aren’t going to like.

As was shared with me, the military has comprehensive proof that the election was rigged by foreign aggressors working with domestic actors. They know the full list of seditious traitors and treasonous operators, and there is indeed an arrest list in place. However, the military is reluctant to move against Biden until Biden’s popularity drops due to his rolling out of bad policies (which has already begun, of course).

When the military makes its move, it wants the vast majority of the US public to be in support of that move. Something like 70%, it seems. And so the war is under way for patriots to drive down Biden’s approval ratings while the fake news media tries to propel Biden’s approval numbers higher and higher by covering up all his scandals and depicting him as some sort of saint.

Naturally, we all know the polls are rigged. But so do the top people who are running the military. They are not going to be trusting mainstream media polls, as no rational person would. Rasmussen would seemingly be a better indicator of the true level of public support, and there are other independent polling companies that can deliver similarly honest results as well.

Don’t kill the messenger, by the way. I’m not the one making these decisions, I’m just reporting what’s coming my way from well-positioned, credible sources. Apparently the military feels the need to position itself on the right side of political sentiment, so that the public sees the military as saving the nation from certain doom (which is actually what they would be doing).

Sadly, it looks like we’re all going to have to experience a few months of that doom as Biden attempts to rip this nation apart and achieve total economic destruction, which is really Obama’s 3rd term at play. Expect an avalanche of disgusting laws to be rushed through Congress and signed by fake prez Biden. Note that some white hats believe this is a necessary step for America to see the damage that the Democrats will cause. Most people only learn from pain and suffering. Most Americans have forgotten what it means to fight for freedom, and they take it for granted. They won’t for much longer! When they “lose” their freedoms under the Biden regime, they will beg to be saved…

So prepare yourself for a rough ride this year. Don’t think March 4th is any special date, either. That’s probably far too soon for things to happen.

Shout out the truth about our suffering and economic destruction under the illegitimate Biden regime

Until the day comes that the military decides to invoke its sworn oath to defend this nation against domestic enemies, we must do our part to publicize our suffering and persecution under the Biden regime.

This is not the time to remain silent but rather a time to voice the truth about how Biden’s horrific policies are gutting this nation, endangering the privacy of little girls (with his trans bathrooms push), destroying 40,000+ jobs related to the Keystone pipeline, flooding America’s borders with illegal aliens and even demanding the release of illegals in custody, many of whom are violent criminals.

If we are to help save this nation, we must now amplify the true stories of suffering and collapse under the Biden regime. We must:

  1. Call upon our state legislators to nullify Biden’s unconstitutional laws that attacks our rights.
  2. Move out of Soros-controlled blue counties and cities, and relocate into safe red zones where the rule of law still exists.
  3. Prepare for widespread food inflation and food scarcity under the Biden regime.
  4. Prepare for economic chaos and possible collapse if Biden’s policies are allowed to persist.
  5. De-escalate violence wherever possible to avoid handing the Biden regime more excuses to expand his Big Government police state that targets citizens.

At the same time, prepare for all the possible scenarios such as civil war, secession, economic collapse, power grid failures and so on. As I said before, 2021 is going to make 2020 look like a cakewalk.

Finally, remember that whining isn’t winning. People who are still whining about Trump, the patriots, the military or “the plan” are doing absolutely nothing useful. Winners are fighters who deal with the current situation no matter how bad it looks. I’m encourage people to stop whining and start winning. “Ain’t got time to bleed,” as Jesse Ventura famously said in Predator. And we sure don’t have time for whining and complaining.

There’s more in today’s Situation Update podcast, if you can stomach the news you might not want to hear:

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 Week ending January 23rd, 2021

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The total unique visits was  41,979 and the first time visitors was 32,788

We are gaining in subscriptions to our email list accordingly, and I am seeing great gains in our search results in proportion to these gains.

Thanks everyone, for spreading the words and our links.

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Get The Story Straight

 By Anna Von Reitz

I get so worn out explaining and correcting, that I feel like a teacher with ten Middle School Math Classes.  If anyone cares, I fully explained all the details of the Great Fraud and have been doing so for many years now --- including the impact of the Corporations Act of 1870 and the Municipal Corporation Act of 1871.  

Yet, this is an example of what the White Hats are putting out about this subject: 

In 1871 a seditious act was performed by the Government.  A coup was made to rewrite the constitution and put WE THE PEOPLE in all capitals, under a new corporate contract transferring the United States of America into the new Corporation of the United States of America which transferred  the power of We The People and the constitution over to the new corporation. When they did that, it placed the citizens in the United States as property of the Corporation which was centered in Washington D.C..  This action made Washington D.C.  a FOREIGN ENTITY on American soil of sovereign states. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. Citizens rights were taken from them in this process. No one realized this.  

1. No country can be transferred into a corporation.  Just try stuffing a duck into a sheet of paper and see what happens. 

2. What they were trying to accomplish was a different kind of action.  They were impersonating and latching onto the name of our unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America, and incorporating it as a Municipal Corporation franchise (allowed by the usurping Corporations Act of 1870).  The problem with that is that nobody voting for this action had any legitimate right to do it.  

Please note, its routine and allowable to take an unincorporated business and incorporate it, and there is nothing in the Constitutions dictating the form of business that our Federal Subcontractors adopt.  The sticking points are: (1) the Corporations Act of 1870 was an usurpation of rights never granted to the Municipal United States Government and null and void from the start; (2) any action incorporating any business under that Act is also null and void; (3) nobody seeking to enclose The United States of America by issuing a look-alike, sound-alike commercial corporation charter and publishing it "as" The Constitution of the United States of America" --- which happened in 1868, or then seeking to transfer the assets of our Federation as chattel belonging to that corporation via the Act of 1871, had any right to do any of it. 

An action taken without standing is a nullity.  If it were not, I could sell your house and reap the profits, no questions asked.  Those who seized upon the assets of our States and who usurped against our lawful American Government in this manner had no standing to take these actions.  On top of that, these actions liberally employed deliberately deceptive means, including similar names deceits, and were fraudulent on the face of it. 

Our States were not involved in the Civil War.  Only the Confederate States-of-States, both North and South, were involved.  It was an illegal commercial mercenary conflict, and these actions taken (above) were not only illegal commercial mercenary actions taken years after the declared end of the conflict, but acts of treason by the members of the Territorial Congress and acts of Breach of Trust by the British Government and British Crown and the Holy See. 

Our States were completely out of debt to the European foreign powers as of the Andrew Jackson Administration,  and separate from the State of State organizations that went broke fighting the Civil War, and also separate from the Papist and British Subcontractors which were deeply in debt because of it. 

So the foreign Federal Subcontractors, both the Municipal United States and the Territorial United States, colluded to "seize upon" our States of the Union and used usurpation, breach of trust, and fraud to transfer their own debts to our shoulders.  They've been colluding in the same way ever since.  

 3. And unlike the ideas presented above, claiming that the Act of 1871 made WASHINGTON, DC, a foreign entity---- let me point out that Washington, DC, has always been a foreign entity and a foreign government.  It was set up that way from the very start and it's genesis is clearly elucidated as Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, which was published in all three Federal Constitutions nearly a hundred years before the Civil War, and which has never changed.  

Pick up any version of a Federal Constitution you can find, and look it up for yourselves. It's right there in black and white, the fateful codicil allowing the members of Congress to act as the government of Washington, DC, and allowing them the powers of a plenary oligarchy within Washington, DC.  

We know from the dates of the Federal Constitutions that the "Congress" being referenced by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, was supposed to be our United States Congress and not either the Municipal or Territorial Congresses, because it appears in 1787, when our United States Congress was the only Congress in existence.  

Washington, DC, has thus always been both a foreign city-state, and a foreign government, albeit,  it was supposed to be operating under American control. 
Our American Federal Republic stopped functioning in 1860, along with the Confederation. 

As a result, both the functions and authorities of the Confederation and the American Federal Republic were up for grabs, and instead of doing the honorable thing and assisting with the Reconstruction, the Holy See and the Queen and the Lord Mayor, all colluded against the limits of the Constitutions and used legal chicanery to fleece their innocent employers, the American States and People, blind, under color of law.  

4.  I "realized" it.  I've been stomping around from official to official for the past thirty years, explaining it like a quadratic equation.  And they have almost universally stared at me and looked dumb.   Why, you might ask yourselves,  with all the brain power and lawyers and clerks available to the Federal Government has it been necessary for old people from all over America to fight for decades for correction?  And face prison time, IRS harassment, threats and murder at the hands of people pretending to be "our" elected officials?  People who are our employees, taking their paychecks from our pockets? 

Most of my colleagues are in their eighties. In my circles, I'm a spring chicken. I lost another dear friend this weekend.  We've all suffered all our lives as a result of the deplorable dishonorable actions of our misdirected Public Employees.

And they think they aren't going to get the story straight?  They think they are going to substitute a British version of our Federal Republic for our lawful Government and our own American Federal Republic?  


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Third Sunday After Epiphany

 Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's

The Church's Year

INTROIT Adore God, all ye His angels: Sion heard, and was glad; and the daughters of Juda rejoiced. The Lord hath reigned; let the earth rejoice; let the many islands be glad. (Ps. XCVI. 1.) Glory be to the Father, etc.

COLLECT Almighty everlasting God, mercifully look upon our infirmity, and stretch forth the right hand of Thy majesty for our protection. Through our protection. Through our etc.

EPISTLE (Rom. XII. 16-21.) Brethren, be not wise in your own conceits. To no man rendering evil for evil: providing good things not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as is in you, having peace with all men; not revenging yourselves, my dearly beloved but give place unto wrath; for it is written: Revenge is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. But if thy enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink; for doing this, thou shaft heap coals of fire upon his head. Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good.

When are we overcome by evil?

When we wish to take revenge. "Revenge is no sign of courage," says St. Ambrose, "but rather of weakness and cowardice. As it is the sign of a very weak stomach to be unable to digest food, so it is the mark of a very weak mind to be unable to bear a harsh word." "Are you impatient," says the same saint, "you are overcome; are you patient, you have overcome."

What should we do if our reputation is injured?

We should leave its revenge, or its defence and protection to God, who has retained that for Himself. "But as a good name," says St. Francis de Sales, "is the main support of human society, and as without it we could not be useful to that society, but even hurtful to it on account of scandal, we should feel bound, for love of our neighbor, to aim after a good reputation, and to preserve it." We should not be too sensitive about this, however, for too great a sensitiveness makes one obstinate, eccentric, and intolerable, and only tends to excite and increase the malice of the detractors. The silence and contempt with which we meet a slander or an injustice, is generally a more efficacious antidote than sensitiveness, anger, or revenge. The contempt of a slander at once disperses it, but anger shows a weakness, and gives the accusation an appearance of probability. If this does not suffice, and the slander continues, let us persevere in humility' and lay our honor and our soul into the hands of God, according to the admonitions of the Apostle.

How do we "heap coals of fire on the head of our enemy?"

When we return him good for evil, for seeing our well meaning towards him, the flush of shame reddens his face for the wrongs he has done us. St. Augustine explains these words thus: "By giving food and drink or doing other kindnesses to your enemy, you will heap coals, not of anger, but of love, upon his head, which will inflame him to return love for love." Learn therefore, from the example of Christ and His saints, not to allow yourself to be overcome by evil, but do good to those that hate and persecute you.

ASPIRATION Ah, that I might, according to the words of St. Paul, so live that I may be a child of the Heavenly Father, who lets His sun shine on the just and the unjust!

GOSPEL (Matt. VIII. 1-13.) At that time, when Jesus was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him; and behold, a leper came and adored him, saying: Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus, stretching forth his hand,  touched him, saying: I will, be thou made clean. And forthwith his leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus saith to him, See thou tell no man: but go, show thyself to the priest, and offer the gift which Moses commanded for a testimony unto them. And when he had entered into Capharnaum, there came to him a centurion, beseeching him, and saying: Lord, my servant Beth at home sick of the palsy, and is grievously tormented. And Jesus saith to him: I will come and heal him. And the centurion making answer, said: Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant shall be healed. For I also am a man subject to authority, having under me soldiers; and I say to this man: Go, and he goeth; and to another: Come, and he cometh; and to my servant: Do this, and he doeth it. And Jesus hearing this, marvelled; and said to them that followed him: Amen I say to you, I have not found so great faith in Israel. And I sad to you that many shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. And Jesus said to the centurion: Go, and as thou hast believed, so be it done to thee; and the servant was healed at the same hour.

Why did the leper say: “Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean"?

He believed Christ to be the promised Messiah, who as true God had the power to heal him. From this we learn to have confidence in the omnipotence of God, who is a helper in all need, (Ps. CVI. 6. 73. 19.) and to leave all to the will of God, saying: Lord, if it be pleasing to Thee, and well for me, grant my petition.

Why did Jesus stretch forth His hand and touch the leper?

To show that He was not subject to the law which forbade the touching of a leper through fear of infection, which could not affect Jesus; to reveal the health-giving, curative power of His flesh, which dispelled leprosy by the simple touch of His hand; to give us an example of humility and of love for the poor sick, that we may learn from Him to have no aversion to the infirm, but lovingly to assist the unfortunate sick for the sake of Jesus who took upon Himself the leprosy of our sins. The saints have faithfully imitated Him in their tender care for those suffering from the most disgusting diseases. Oh, how hard it will be for those to stand before the Tribunal of God at the Last Day, who cannot even bear to look at the poor and sick!

Why did Christ command the leper to tell no man?

To instruct us that we should not make known our good works in order to obtain frivolous praise, (Matt. VI 1.) which deprives us of our heavenly reward.

Why did Christ send the healed leper to the Priest?

That he might observe the law which required all the healed lepers to show themselves to the priests, to offer a sacrifice, to be examined and pronounced clean: that the priest if he beheld the miracle of the sudden cure of the leper, might know Him who had wrought the cure, to be the Messiah; and finally, to teach us that we must honor the priests because of their high position, even when they do not live in a manner worthy of their dignity, as was the case with the Jewish priests.

What it taught by the centurion's solicitude for his servant?

That masters should take care of their sick servants, see that they are attended to in their illness, and above all that they are provided with the Sacraments. It is unchristian, even cruel and barbarous, to drive from the house a poor, sick servant, or to leave him lying in his distress without assistance or care.

Why did Christ say: I wild come and heal him?

Because of His humility, by which He, although God and Lord of lords, did not hesitate to visit a sick servant. Here Christ's humility puts to shame many persons of position who think themselves too exalted to attend the wants of a poor servant.

Why did the centurion say: Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof?

Because he recognized Christ's divinity and his own nothingness, and therefore regarded himself as unworthy to receive Christ into his house.

From this we learn to humble ourselves, especially when we receive Christ into our hearts, hence the priest in giving holy Communion uses the centurion's words, exhorting those to humility who are about to receive.

Why did he add: But only say the word, and my servant shall be healed?

By this he publicly manifested his faith in Christ's divinity and omnipotence, because he believed that Christ, though absent, could heal the servant by a word.

If a Gentile centurion had such faith in Christ, and such confidence in His power, should not we Christians be ashamed that we have so little faith, and confidence in God?

What is meant by: Many shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven; but the children of the kingdom shall be cast into the exterior darkness?

This was said by Christ in reference to the obdurate Jews who would not believe in Him. Many pagans who receive the gospel, and live in accordance with it, will enjoy heavenly bliss with the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who were the most faithful friends of God, while the Jews, God's chosen people, who as such, possessed the first claim to heaven, will, because of their unbelief and other sins, be cast into outer darkness, that is, into the deepest abyss of hell, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Thus it will be with those Christians who do not live in accordance with their faith. Therefore, fear lest you, for want of cooperation with God's grace, be eternally rejected, while others who have faithfully corresponded to the divine inspirations will enter into your place in the kingdom of heaven.

ASPIRATION O Jesus, rich in consolations! grant me the leper's faith and confidence, that in all things I may rely upon Thy omnipotence, and may resign myself to Thy divine will, and may ever honor Thy priests. Grant me, also, O most humble Jesus! the centurion's humility, that for Thy sake, I may compassionately assist my neighbor, and by doing so render myself worthy of Thy grace and mercy.


Lord, if thou wilt. (Matt. VIII. 2.)

Those who in adversity as well as in prosperity, perfectly resign themselves to the will of God, and accept whatever He sends them with joy and thanks, possess heaven, as St. Chrysostom says, while yet upon earth. Those who have attained this resignation, are saddened by no adversity, because they are satisfied with all that God, their best Father, sends them, be it honor or disgrace, wealth or poverty, life or death. All happens as they wish, because they know no will but God's, they desire nothing but that which He does and wills. God does the will of them that fear Him. (Ps. CXLIV. 10.) In the lives of the ancient Fathers we find the following: The fields and vineyards belonging to one farmer were much more fertile and yielding than were his neighbors'. They asked how it happened and he said: they should not wonder at it, because he always had the weather he wished. At this they wondered more than ever: How could that be? "I never desire other weather," he replied, "than God wills; and because my desires are conformable to His, He gives me the fruits I wish." This submission to the divine will is also the cause of that constant peace and undimmed joy of the saints of God, with which their hearts have overflowed here below, even in the midst of the greatest sufferings and afflictions. Who would not aspire to so happy a state? We will attain it if we believe that nothing in this world can happen to us except by the will and through the direction of God, sin and guilt excepted, for God can never be the cause of them. This the Holy Ghost inculcates by the mouth of the wise man: Good things and evil, life and death, poverty and riches, are from God, (Eccles. XI. 14.) that is, are permitted or sent by God; all that which comes from God, is for the best, for God doeth all things well. (Mark VII. 37.) Whoever keeps these two truths always in mind, will certainly be ever contented with the will of God, and always consoled; he will taste while yet on earth the undisturbed peace of mind and foretaste of happiness which the saints had while here, and which they now eternally enjoy in heaven, because of the union of their will with the divine will.


The master of a house should be careful to have not only obedient, faithful, willing, and industrious servants in his home, as had the centurion in the gospel, but still more, pious and God-fearing ones, for God richly blesses the master because of pious servants. Thus God blessed Laban on account of the pious Jacob, (Gen. XXX. 30.) and the house of Putiphar because of the just Joseph. (Gen. XXXIX. 5.) The master should look to the morals and Christian conduct of his servants, and not suffer irreligious subjects in his house, for he must, after this life, give an account before the tribunal of God, and he makes himself unworthy of the blessing of God, often liable to the most terrible punishment by retaining such. Will not God punish those masters and mistresses who suffer those under them to seek the dangerous occasions of sin, keep sinful company, go about at night, and lead scandalous lives? Will not God, one day, demand the souls of servants from their masters? The same punishment which will befall those who deny their faith, will rest upon careless masters and mistresses, for St. Paul the Apostle writes:

But if any man have not care of his own, and especially of those of his house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. (I. Tim. V. 8.)

Subjects should learn from the centurion's servants who obeyed his only word, that they also should willingly, faithfully, and quickly do every thing ordered by their masters, unless it be something contrary to the law of God. They should recollect that whatever they do in obedience to their superiors, is done for God Himself. Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not serving to the eye, as pleasing men, but in simplicity of heart, fearing God. Whatsoever you do, do it from the heart as to the Lord, and not to men: knowing that you shall receive of the Lord the reward of inheritance. Serve ye the Lord Christ. (Col. III. 22-24.)