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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, June 24, 2024

"You" Are a Photon Particle Matrix

 By Anna Von Reitz

Precisely 7.8 times per second, you disappear.  It happens so fast that the human eye cannot detect this, but it is happening.  You "flicker" into sight and out of sight like the frames of a movie moving too fast to be perceived as a series of images. 

What does this mean?  

It means that advanced cameras can slow down the images to reveal the truth: we aren't really here, aren't really solid, and in whatever sense we do exist, it is nothing like what we imagine it to be. 

The same is true for animals and plants and rocks and everything else we perceive external to ourselves; they are all flickering in and out of sight and apparently out of existence, within a spectrum of frequencies that we can perceive.  Other beings that we cannot perceive exist, but simply "flicker" at a higher or lower frequency. 

The essence of our life is thus more like the focusing mechanism of a camera, a force bringing immense amounts of energy into order and clarity to function as a body; the body itself is made of energy--- approximately 33 Trillion volts of focused and ordered energy--- and nothing else.  

And it's not static.  Our body image is literally made of photon particles of light, which in the aggregate create a pixelated image that is not that much different from the images we see on a movie screen, only projected in three dimensions instead of two. 

So it is confirmed that "we" are a holographic photon particle matrix, and everything that seems so solid and sensitive and factual, from a skull to a nose-hair, is not solid at all.  Our body is in fact alterable and editable. 

In addition to being a photon particle matrix, our body functions as a sensory data collector and information processor --- a form of self-assembling biological computer adapted to "life" on this planet --- and the information contained in its database (DNA) software goes back 13.8 billion years. 

Each lifetime adds its bit to the DNA data storage, and as each generation comes forward, we literally inherit the experience and energy and knowledge of our parents in a far more direct and permanent way than anyone previously supposed.  

We subconsciously know and experience and react to events that happened to our ancestors up to twenty generations ago, so it is no joke that the "sins of the Fathers" endure unto "three and four generations" in a very direct, day-to-day way. 

We are, each one of us, living with the full explicit knowledge of the impacts and experiences of our ancestors during the American Civil War and World War I and World War II, with precise inner knowledge and unresolved issues completely preserved --- and all this recent history is running as a subprogram in the background. 

This has many odd consequences, like a four year-old boy weeping over what "he" experienced at Gettysburg, or an eighty year-old man suddenly getting an inexplicable new lease on life. 

We have a very large number of data templates stored within us, including templates of ourselves and our ancestors as young and healthy people. It's because of this that the blind can see and the lame can walk and a terminal cancer patient on the last day of their life can go into remission.  

The memory of Gettysburg, for example, is preserved in the DNA that the child received from his parents, who received the data from their parents, who received it from their parents.... six generations ago, and it's still potent, still searing enough to make a four year-old from a distant generation sit down on the stairs of his modern home, and weep.  

We each carry forward the unresolved dilemmas of our ancestors. In us, they continue to work through their questions and conflicts.  A single intense love affair will imprint the sons and daughters, with all its unresolved desires and unanswerable moral dilemmas and conflicts of allegiance.  

Everyone now alive on this planet carries such unresolved issues, loves, soul memories of glory and horror--- the experience and knowledge of our ancestors is literally within us, encoded within us, and is made part of us. 

We are the sum total of their memories, combined with the memories we are making for ourselves. 

As you start to come to intellectual grips with this information, you will notice an odd sense of relief creeping in when you would least expect it.  We should, perhaps, be alarmed to think of ourselves in this radically new way --- but instead, it feels good.

It's a relief akin to the comfort of a truthful diagnosis. 

The confusion that so many of us have lived with ebbs away.  We are free to accept ourselves as is. 
We can finally explore the inner landscape we've inherited, work with it, mold it, and change it as we will.  In doing so, we can live new and different lives. 

We can make different choices, resolve ancient conflicts, forgive injuries, and clear the decks for new loves, or settle into the bliss of knowing our true love now.  Whatever our history is, whatever our internal data bank holds, and whatever choices we now make, our life -- strange as it is -- is ours to hold. 

Within us lies the secret of our origin, and all the ties that bind us together with each other, everything that makes us unique, and all that we must strive for.  

In describing the physical Shroud of Turin and new scientific investigations concerning the mysterious image burned into its fibers, an astonished radiologist said, "It's like a vacuum ultraviolet light exploded outward in all directions from every cell of the body at once...." 

Now that we know what the body is, that it is a three dimensional image formed of light, we are better prepared to accept the concept of such a  resurrection. 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Not Us, Not Our Guys, Not Our Money

 By Anna Von Reitz

Just in case anyone missed the Memo, the Americans are not behind Joe Biden or Donald Trump or any of their corporations pretending to be us or to represent us; we do not condone nor support any attack on Russia. 

That's them, their deceptively named foreign  corporations, not us. 

So far as we are concerned, they are renegades and criminals operating as rogue commercial entities. Anyone who gives them aid or succor at this juncture is either an accomplice or a fool.   

We did not order nor do we condone any action deploying technology developed in The United States being used against Russian civilians in Sevastopol: 

"The US Air Force directed the ATACMS missile strike against Russian civilians today. This is
an act of war by the US Govt against Russia. Did Joe Biden seek permission from Congress to
start a direct war with Russia? Did Americans sign up for this?"

No, we did not. 

Any bank continuing to back these criminals in their unauthorized draws on our credit and assets for purposes of war-for-profit around the globe needs to be shut down permanently as a criminal organization. 

This includes any extension of credit or assets for a proxy war in Ukraine or Gaza or Africa or anywhere on Earth.  

Our contract is strictly limited to the defense of this country.  

Anyone who can't read The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, including those currently sitting in the Territorial and Municipal Congresses, is invited to get a Reading Tutor.  

This continued heinous interference in the lawful governance of Ukraine and commercially-motivated rape of Gaza and over a dozen countries in Africa needs to recognized for what it is --- the action of criminal commercial interests abusing our military as mercenaries under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.  

Shut them down. 

If SERCO won't pull the plug, pull the plug on SERCO.  

If the Federal Reserve continues to fund these illegal, unlawful and immoral operations, shut down the Federal Reserve.  

If the BIS continues to fund war-for-profit and indulges these criminals, shut down the BIS. 

These are corporations.  If they don't operate lawfully, which is a higher standard than mere legality, they have no right to exist. 

You have our authorization to shut them down, lock the doors, and throw away the key.  

You have our authorization to arrest these war-mongering criminals and charge them wherever you find them; you have our authorization to charge these imposters with treason, personage, barratry, conspiracy against the Constitutions, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, fraud of all kinds, counterfeiting, illegal securitization, breach of trust, breach of contract, racketeering, identity theft, credit hacking, human trafficking and genocide. 

We have a treaty Alliance with Russia which we have always honored.  We do not authorize our Federal Subcontractors to do anything that would jeopardize or harm our venerable Alliance with Russia which has stood since 1858. 

Any hostile action these mere commercial entities undertake should be understood as the action of private commercial corporations and not this country and not this nation.  The men promoting these acts of violence should be recognized as criminals and arrested and prosecuted as such.  

It should also be obvious that any Board of Directors or Board of Trustees pretending to be operating "for" this country in any capacity, which fails to honor our treaty obligations and fails to properly direct the use of our resources according to our contracts, is operating illegally, unlawfully, and immorally.  

Any such persons standing by and allowing this behavior from any Administration deserves to be summarily arrested and court martialed. 

It's past time, White Hats.  We will not go to war with Russia.  We will not allow conscription of our sons and daughters.  We will not allow the extension of our credit for these attacks and purposes.  We will not allow ourselves to be misrepresented any longer. 

All International Law organizations on this planet are hereby served Notice: any attack on Russia is not authorized by the American Government. 

You are explicitly made aware of the fact that these hostilities are being promoted by foreign commercial entities and are in no way authorized by, supported, nor encouraged by this country or its people.  

These corporations are acting on their own as rogue commercial entities and rogue municipal states that are impersonating The United States of America and The United States, neither one of which condone any of these attacks or other acts of violence being promoted "in our names".    

America is at peace and we are telling you that these criminal elements are abusing our Title IV War Flag in ways and for purposes never intended and never allowed by the American Government.  

We are flying our peacetime flag; our Federal Subcontractors have no basis to continue flying our wartime flag in any version.  

Any Postmaster who continues to fly the Title IV Flag is guilty of mutiny; any Post Master who continues to fly the Title IV Flag is guilty of Gross Insubordination and Dereliction of Duty. 

This country is at peace. It has been at peace since 1814.  The gross misbehavior and breach of trust on the part of these corporations and the foreign Principals responsible for their operations speaks for itself.  

We stress that these misrepresentations and acts by our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors are all criminal in nature, not political, not religious, not racial; these matters must be addressed as what they are -- crimes against our lawful government and crimes against humanity, not acts of "war". 

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 23rd 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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