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Saturday, January 23, 2021


D.C. is fenced off and  the President is never going back to the White House. But not for reasons you may be thinking.

I will leave the comments open on this one so come back and comment if you feel like it.

For Sidney Powell

 By Anna Von Reitz

This gallant lady must be wondering, “WT....?” — though she is far too polished to say so in public. 

She has been pulled into the inner circle and shut out, pulled in and shut out, and given “the Waltz Me Around Again, Willy!” for three solid months and she has to be wondering — what’s going on?  What does it all mean?

She has properly identified the Admiralty venue as the only available applicable law.
She has doggedly pursued evidence upon evidence.  She has loyally supported Donald J. Trump all the way— and yet? 

Where is the support in return?  Where is the motorcade?  Where is Rudy and the DOJ? Why won’t Trump himself give Sidney the time of day?

Ah, well, you see, the situation is problematic, because both sides in this Passion Play are dirty, they are just dirty in different ways.

Every dirty deed and fraud done by the Popes and the HRE Boyz is matched pretty much head to head with dirty deeds done by the British Territorial US Military. 

And of the two, the military is actually most at fault, because they have been in control since 1863 and have been occupying this entire country as an International Military Protectorate the entire time.

Joe Biden may wear cotton candy underwear, but there are Generals and Admirals who aren’t far behind him.

Most people both inside and outside the US Military support our troops to the Nth degree and for the most part they deserve that loyalty and respect.....there are, however, many issues with respect to their performance —- or lack of performance — on behalf of the American People. 

They have been on our payroll for 150 years with the simple job of protecting us and our borders and you can see for yourself that we have instead been preyed upon by our own grossly misdirected military. 

It was the U.S. Navy that transported all our gold offshore for “safekeeping” and never returned it. 

It was the U.S. Army that set up the “carpetbagger” foreign jurisdiction courts that have been used to harass, pillage, and plunder innocent Americans for the past 160 years.

It was the joint decision of all branches to recognize that THING in Washington, DC, as the “civilian” government they owed allegiance to—— while failing to come to the aid of their actual employers and failing also to fully inform us, the American Public, about what was actually going on.

And let’s face it, it is pretty hard to run 900 military bases in every corner of the world and operate only God knows how many illicit business operations — from drugs to prostitution and child trafficking and arms sales—- without committing crimes and full well knowing that you are committing crimes.

So the actual fact, Sidney, is that the U.S. Military that everyone expects to save them is just as filthy dirty though less obnoxious, as our Federal Civil Service—- and both are foreign owned and operated, ultimately by the Pope.

And both sides— both corporations and services, that is, the US Military Service and the Federal Civil Service — are pointing fingers at each other and threatening to go to war against each other—- but they are both guilty and both desperately in need of amnesty from their actual Employers, the American States and People.

Both are acting like scared and mean-spirited children, trying to bluff out this circumstance; and, neither one have a leg to stand on with respect to the fraud, pillaging, trafficking, and other crimes against our actual civilian populace that has gone on here. 

And while they posture and insult each other, we’ve told the Pope as their Employers that they are forbidden to start any fight with each other on our land and soil—- so the ultimate owner of both “service corporations” has no excuse for misunderstanding or allowing any conflagration to get started. 

We all have an interest in putting a stop to the crimes and we all have an interest in seeing better days for this country — but that is not possible until both the military and the Civil Service own up to the facts, make honest correction, and seek amnesty for the rest.

Now, isn’t that a pretty kettle of fish? 

They are not welcoming your help with open arms, Sidney, because they are all —on both sides— still trying to hide and deny their own guilt and complicity.  They are afraid that once you figure it out, you will prosecute and keel haul every single one of them, because that and worse is what the Admiralty Law of 1860 demands. 

It has not occurred to them that you could work in the Public Interest to help straighten this mess out and broker amnesty from the actual government.

In that way, we could finally bring peace and get the horses back in front of the carts and not waste any more time trying ineffectively to hide the Truth, blame others, or chisel anything further from the American States and People. 

We need our Prodigal Employees to stop squabbling and get back to work, operating in Good Faith, and under the direction of the actual civilian government in this country.


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A Joke Gone Bad

 By Anna Von Reitz

Now I have people running around talking about “the 1776 Constitution” and they don’t get the insider joke.

There is no 1776 Constitution.

In 1776, we were fighting our own battles and doing everything for ourselves and by the way, we were bootstrapping it then just as we are today.

We couldn’t afford to pay ourselves to do the work, much less pay anyone else to work for us.

So there was no Constitution in 1776. 

Constitutions are debt agreements in which one Party agrees to pay another Party to perform some service for them. 

You can be sure there was no such contract in 1776, nor for more than a decade afterward. 

We mowed our own grass the entire time between 1776 and 1787 when the first such constitutional contract was signed between the States and an “American Service Provider” called the States of America.

Lately, some people started snarking in an ironic way about “the Constitution of 1776” precisely because there was no Constitution in 1776. 

They were talking about ousting the foreign Federal Subcontractors and doing without their “services”— in a veiled way, and suggesting that we just slam the door on the Pope and the Queen and the Lord Mayor—and hoe our own beans.  Again. 

It’s a “Shank’s Mare” joke.  Shank didn’t have a horse, but he had a shank (leg) and that was his “mare”.  Get it?

But now I’ve got perfectly sane, intelligent, should-know-better people talking about “returning to the Constitution of 1776” as if there was ever any such document and I groan like a wounded animal every time I see or hear it.

A patriot joke, turned into a widespread public display of patriot ignorance? 

No, no, no, no! 

We get to laugh at them from now on; and, we give our employees nothing to laugh about at all.

So, pass the word.  And share the humor. But please, also realize that there was no constitution in 1776.  And that is exactly the point.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Hopium Hangover?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Not me.

You may have noticed that I sailed through this past week with nary a bump. And that might have irritated some of you.  

It irritated my Sister.

She loves me, but having someone in your family who “always” wins is irritating. 

It just is.  Sometimes it’s downright infuriating.

She, like so many Americans, was depending on Donald Trump, or “Q”, or “the White Hats” to DO something, and of course, the only thing that happened was that a lot of petty insults were traded, and thousands of National Guardsmen were mistreated.

That made me angry, but I can’t say I was surprised.  Having them there at all was just a stage prop for the rats, anyway.

The  “Progressive” (What?) Plan  fizzled out when the rest of us stayed home and didn’t come to their riot. So they spitefully left their stage hands without rides home and didn’t pay the beer bill.  That’s par for the course for the Dems.

Dump on “the Little People” while running your mouth about how you are helping them and fighting for them.

For the record....

The only thing I ever saw a politician fight for was more Barbecue. 

That’s Politics 101– which is another course offered by the School of Hard Knocks.

Today, however, is Hopium 101.... and today I am going to give away the secret of my lifelong success, for free! 

While I hope for things like everyone else, I place no stock in hope. 

Hope doesn’t pay the bills or get the dishes done.  Hope doesn’t change anything.

And if your hope depends on other people doing things you are bound to be disappointed, because they are all sitting around on their butts hoping that you will do something. 

You see how this works?

Nothing gets done and everyone is disgruntled and disappointed over what? 

Nothing.  Nothing at all.

I noticed this phenomenon a long time ago and after laughing in astonishment, I made it a point to never, ever sit around hoping for anything. 

I decided right then that if anything was going to get done, I had to do it. 

And sure, it was fine if other people helped me or even came to my rescue, but I didn’t let hope stand in the way of taking action that I could take.  Right now. Today.

So I had sports cars when I was young.  And I was the Belle of the Ball when I was young. And I got to travel the world and live in exotic places and earn the Big Bucks and wear the fine clothes and everyone loved me and showered me with success after success after success.  I had it all.

Sure, I had “bad luck” once in a while, but I just shoveled up the clod and threw it on the nearest rose bush.  And kept on trekking.

And I was happy. Why wouldn’t I be?

Seeing this, my Sister must have wondered why she didn’t get to drive around in a Jaguar? 

Heck, she was better looking, taller, more socially adept, she had the same parents, came from the same place.... but....

She waited for someone else to live her life for her. 

She lived in hope and “someday” never came, just like the White Hats didn’t show up to save the nation.

I wish I could tell her what I am telling you.

You have to be your own answer.  You are the only answer there is. 

It doesn’t matter if the White Hats don’t exist or never get off their pity potty or can’t decide what to do.


Because you’ve got you. 

And the guy standing next to you has himself and he can get in gear, too. 

Suddenly, you aren’t hoping or waiting —- you are doing.

And doing is how things get done.

So, whether the White Hats or Q or Donald Trump shows up or not doesn’t matter. If they do, fine, and if not, fine, too. 

What matters is that you show up.

Go to:

Stop waiting. Stop hoping. Start doing.

It’s a great cure for a hangover.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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