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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Reform or Restore --- That is The Question

 By Anna Von Reitz

This message is for all the State Assembly leaders and all the people who will, over the next few months, be faced with the strange burden of being or not being recognized as an American, joining or not joining their State Assembly. 

As this awakening unrolls like a slow-moving tidal wave, people will naturally be upset, because the status quo is changing.  It will feel as if the ground is shifting under their feet and they won't like the sensation one bit.  

We don't like the Unknown.  And this unknown is likely to bring chaos of various kinds with it. It may, momentarily, seem as if your life savings has been wiped out.  It may seem like you are suddenly unemployed.  

Hold on through this disruption and prepare for it now, so that you may be at peace.  No matter what we do, there will be a varying degree of confusion and you may be tempted to assume "the worst". 

I am telling you in advance in the words of our Master, "Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.".  

On top of this basic alarm and uncertainty, people will immediately gravitate into one of two groups -- those who want to reform the existing "United States" government, and those who are focused on restoring our American Government.

Not everyone will immediately grasp why, but these are two entirely different tasks, so having Restorers mixed in with Reformers results in a lot of confusion and people working at cross-purposes. 

We have to separate out the two groups as swiftly and amiably as possible. 

It's essential that our Assemblies stand ready to recognize and help people get to where they need to go, to do what they feel called to do. 

This is not a question of right or wrong. 

This is pure practicality. 

Our State Assemblies and the people who join them are called to restore and reconstruct the American Government. 

Those who want to reform the United States Government need to operate in that separate and foreign jurisdiction and sign up as members of the District Assemblies -- either District (Territorial) or Municipal District. 

So when someone new walks through the door of your Assembly, describe the choices and delve into why that person is there. 

As a practical matter, we can't directly reform the operations of the Federal Subcontractors.  They are foreign with respect to us and we are foreign with respect to them.  

The only means we have of forcing reform on them is via our State Citizens and our Federation of States holding the other Principals accountable for honoring their Service Agreements, the Federal Constitutions; and, by the slow process of Jury Nullification, by which our courts can nullify any laws that their Legislatures pass.   

Our State Assemblies have to be in Session and our members have to be properly declared in order for us to have access to either remedy: our State Citizens are our Parties to the Constitutions and the only ones who can enforce them, while we have to have our courts up and running before we can exercise the power of Jury Nullification.  

These are our pathways to reform the Federal Subcontractors, so by bringing our State Assemblies into Session, we are indirectly putting ourselves in position to correct the operations of our Federal Subcontractors, but that is not our primary focus at all.  

Our focus is and has to be the growth and restoration of the State Assembly itself, including our Court System, and the eventual reconstruction of the missing parts of our Government.  We are rebuilding and restoring the American Government to its proper place and function. 

It's a huge job and its real thrust is simply to build the machine that allows us to self-govern and enforce our contracts and nullify any repugnant codes or statutes or unauthorized agreements our employees attempt to foist on us.  

We are restoring our own Government and empowering ourselves, not wasting time or effort arguing with our employees or pleading with them to correct their operations.  

Except as consumers of services, and via the two avenues mentioned above, we have no direct control of the "United States Government" that everyone is hot to reform. 

The "United States Government" as opposed to the American Government, consists of two foreign Municipal Corporations operating out of the equally foreign District of Columbia, which is entirely inhabited by foreign "persons" known as "residents".  

They are allowed to be here under the Residence Act for the purpose of providing "essential government services".

Although these residents may have been born in this country, they are "presumed" to be foreign citizens employed by or dependent upon these foreign Municipal corporations. 

Like all corporations, these organizations have their own Administrative Rules, Codes, Ordinances, and Regulations, Public Policies, and so on. These "laws" are created by their Boards of Directors and Trustees and franchised State of State Legislatures. 

Only about 8% of all Federal Codes and State of  State Statutes may, under certain conditions, apply to Americans.  

The rest, about 92% of their 80 million codes and statutes and regulations, apply only to their employees and actual dependents of these foreign corporations -- the residents. 

These residents typically hand over whatever power they have as shareholders in these corporations to proxies known as "representatives" who then make the business decisions for these corporations while sitting in Territorial or Municipal Congresses. 

None of this has anything to do with us, and we don't care how they are organized, disciplined, taxed, or otherwise how they conduct their business, as long as they honor their service contracts with us and keep their noses clean.  

We are not interested in directly reforming these foreign corporations --- which is something which we couldn't do anyway, but there are people, the residents themselves, who can directly influence the outcomes of their private corporation elections, their political parties, their legislative processes, administration of their courts, and many other issues.  

People who, for example, wish to reform the operations of the foreign District Courts or Federal Agencies from inside the box, can join political parties, seek election, lead petition drives, report on corruption, sponsor legal suits, etc., etc., etc., and none of that would be appropriate for an American standing in their birthright political status. 

Without prejudice, we need to separate the sheep  from the goats, the land from the sea, the restorers from the reformers. 

So we ask all the present State Assemblies to address this issue and ask all Americans to consider the same. 

The State Assemblies are in the process of assembling for the first time in decades. They have a lot to do and learn, minimal resources and manpower, and they have to keep on track with their mission.  

The State Assemblies don't have the time, the money, or the jurisdiction to engage in pissing matches with the Federal Subcontractors and their State-of-State franchise operations. Sure, it's part of our intention to enforce their contracts.  Sure, it's part of our job to stand up our own courts, educate our people and toss out repugnant and misapplied Federal Codes and State-of-State statutes.  

Such corrections are well and good, but the focus of the State Assembly is on fully restoring and empowering our own lawful government, not on locking horns with our erstwhile employees. 

There is something vaguely repugnant and less than appropriate about us sinking to the level of our foreign employees and addressing their corporations as if those corporations had any standing commensurate with ours.  

And while we have every guaranteed right to assemble our State Assemblies and operate them and staff them and bring their functional elements to bear, including their State Militias, we don't have any responsibility or right to micro-manage or unduly interfere with the operations of our foreign Subcontractors. 

As I have often said, it's like a two-lane highway. The only way you get into a wreck (or get accused of sedition or insurrection) is if you cross into the wrong lane.  

The natural separation between the American Government and the US Government must be maintained as is, or peacefully renegotiated, for the good and benefit of all concerned.  

It is vital for the State Assemblies and their members to know who they are, what they are doing, and what their mission is: restore the American Government. 

If individuals (otherwise eligible to join their State Assembly) feel compelled to address the United States Municipal Corporations-- people who are constantly involved in de facto litigation, people who focus on foreign codes and statutes and use these to fight, fight, fight -- are, whether they know it or not, placing their focus on reforming what is, instead of restoring what is meant to be. 

For many reasons, it is desirable that these "Reformers" be brought up to speed, have the restoration mission and purpose of the State Assembly clearly stated and set before them, and let them think about how they are approaching their concerns, and where they best belong. 

Not everyone who is eligible to join a State Assembly should join one--- this is especially true of people who want to continue arguing and fighting and warring.  

We don't war with corrupt employees.  We fire them. 

We can do this from either side of the street.  

The State Assemblies have their high authorities and means to compel reform of the Subcontractors, and the District Assembly members have their means.

Some Reformers, when forced to consciously consider their assumptions and reactions, will become Restorers instead.  

They may still need to be reminded from time to time -- hey, we don't do things that way on this side of the street. 

For example, we don't send "legal" notices and threaten litigation when we don't agree with each other.  

We don't pour our energy into producing long legal screeds quoting foreign codes and statutes.  

We don't act angry and combative and disrespectful toward our employees or anyone else. 

We are not confused about who we are or about what we are doing and why we are doing it. 

Some Reformers may be impatient, eager to discipline and judge, unwilling to put the time and effort into the restoration effort, uncaring whether or not we are on solid ground to take an action. 

Hotheads, in other words. 

State Assemblies can't afford that, either.  Our leaders need to be focused, determined, fair-minded, mature, steadfast, calm, and polite.  Hopefully, they are also patient and caring. 

Reformers can be very impatient with Restorers, because they assume that we are working on what they want to work on and are doing it the way they want to do it --- which simply isn't true. 

Reform and restoration are two different things, and in this case, they additionally apply to two or more different governments. 

Reformers of the United States Government typically have their favorite Pet Peeve issues or Special Expertise that they want to focus on to the exclusion of anything else. It may be taxes or driver licensing or child custody or bonds, etc. 

Whatever their specific issues are, their narrow focus is not in harmony with the Big Picture perspective of a State Assembly.  

A fully functional State Assembly holds the General Jurisdiction, air, land, and sea, and can speak to any issue arising in any of these jurisdictions within the borders of their State.  

The State Assembly is an incredibly powerful and necessary part of the American Government. 

Restorers know that their mission, restoring their State Assembly, is paramount, as it will allow them to exercise their native powers and give them the tools to end injustice, corruption, and the hijacking of their State assets by foreign interests.  

For Restorers, it's a much bigger game that goes far beyond reform.

So ask yourselves -- are you a Restorer or a Reformer? 

If your mission, first and foremost, is to restore your lawful State Assembly and its constituent functions to full glory and power--- then come on in, take a seat, get your Committee assignments, grab an oar. 

If your mission is to reform the present things functioning "as" governments in this country, you need to take a different course, and join a District Assembly, instead. 

Recently, our Assemblies all over the country have had to issue "Time Outs" to Reformers who were trying to shift the focus from Restoration to Reform. 

It isn't that we disagree overall with what the Reformers are trying to do.  It's that we are engaged in a different activity altogether and can't afford to get sidetracked.  

There should be no hard feelings about this.  No acrimony.  No moral judgements implied. There is a time and a place for both Restoration and Reform. 
We owe it to ourselves and to each other to be clear about where our priorities lie and where the priorities of the State Assemblies now are. 

In that way, Reformers are set free to most efficiently reform the District Government entities from within, and the Restorers are not sidetracked or delayed in their important and urgent work.  


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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Basel III is Finally Here -- Thirty-plus Years Overdue

 By Anna Von Reitz

It's Basel IV that the banks are supposed to comply with by this January.  

And they've had over a decade to pony up on that, too. 

This is just another one of the media propagandist's tricks --- make a big deal of the banks finally doing something that they should have done decades ago, to deflect attention away from what they still aren't doing now. 

And the Silly Public will think, oh, everything is okay, the banks are doing what they should do, obeying the rules.  

No, they're not. 

This is what happens when you allow an industry to "self-regulate". 

Government of the fools, for the fools, by the fools. 

Given enough payola, the members of Congress will readily admit that high finance is too complex for their little walnut-sized brains.  They couldn't possibly get involved and make decisions about that. It would be dangerous for the country.  

I have several video clips collected over the years including one of Nancy Pelosi saying, "I can't tell a yen from a ruble."  

And I can still hear Nancy Pelosi saying, "Is it House Speaker or Speaker of the House?" 

If all the banks had complied with Basel III back when it was first adopted, it could have made a difference.  Maybe. 

But now?  It's like shutting the barn door after all the horses have escaped, gone feral, and raised ten new generations of wild horses in Wyoming.   

Indeed, it's almost funny. Almost. 

For bank industry insiders it qualifies as a Groaner. 

People look up at the ceiling and shake their heads, as if they believe in miracles because everyone is finally Basel III compliant.  

Don't ask them about being Basel IV compliant.

They will blink and shuffle their feet and after an awkward pause of several seconds they'll offer something bland about the weather. 

"Looks like we might get snow today....later the afternoon." 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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And the Digit Counters Fall

 By Anna Von Reitz

With Evergreen, the Rockefeller Wet Works giant down the toilet, Evergrand, the Chinese construction giant had to follow, and now comes the collateral damage.  Another giant Chinese corporation has fallen and it's taking millions of jobs with it.

Just imagine all the CIA pensioners on Medicaid.  

The only thing propping up BlackRock is the mercenary fighting in Africa and a giant insurance fraud--- which is going to catch up to them. 

UBS is failing to deliver bonds. 

Then, DTCC erases those bond numbers as if they didn't exist. 

Quaint.  Oh, wait, that's a "Q" which stands for "Queen" word.  

I can't wait until we have "T" words that stand for "Turd", as in Charles, the. 

The "US Treasury" holds a sale for United States Treasury Bonds, and the only Buyer is the Federal Reserve.  

In other words, they bought back their own bonds. 

Pathetic. That's a P Word. 

Thousands of bank franchises closing their doors. 

Emergency meetings with white-faced bankers agreeing to whip up batches of "Central Bank Digital Currencies" out of thin air.

The Maritime Commercial Banks are going down like so many ships breaking deep in a Perfect Storm. 

Miles of strip malls and office buildings standing vacant.  

Sixteen million (with an "M") foreclosed homes standing vacant. 

Where are all the people? 

They are dead, or never born, thanks to the idiots running "our" government. 

Fortune 500 buying back their own stocks to make it look like the market is active and as if people are buying their stock. 

Warren Buffett divests $13 B and retires $8 B in the second quarter, and the Mainstream calls this good? 

But if you listen to them, you are also dumb enough to believe that unemployment is down in the United States--- because all the welfare cases and illegal immigrants can afford to stay home. 

I call that a Sin by Omission, but I lost count of those a long time ago.  Let's just call it another one. 

They are trying to cobble together a Hollywood narrative to explain how they are in receipt of our stolen assets, and it just gets wilder by the day. 

Resurrecting JFK and John-John  wasn't enough.  The latest is that Trump is dead and JFK is standing in for him.  

I am sitting here waiting to hear that Jackie O., Marilyn Monroe, and Princess Di are not only alive, they're all lesbian lovers. 

After that, Al Bundy and Queen Latifah....were Hunter Biden's real parents. It happened. Beach party. Martha's Vineyard....Stevie Nix saw it and never recovered. Still in therapy. 

Frankly, I am ready to hear that That Darn Cat and Lassie are living alone in the White House. And it's not exactly Kosher between them. 

But plain and straight and true --- it's still our money and our credit, and it's still due. 

Lawfully convert the banks and corporations.  

The only way out is through. 

We are the depositors and shareholders and preferential creditors of all the Maritime Commercial Banks and their Underwriters, too. 

It's a clean sweep and it's ours, not yours. 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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Strontium, Barium, Aluminum Oxide

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Holy See and the Vatican have been spraying these poisons on the Earth since at least 1969.

These materials are Heavy Metals and Metal Oxides. 

They are all poisonous. 

They are all incendiary. 

They are all carcinogens. 

They are all industrial by-products.  

They are commonly found waste-products of Fly Ash, the final end product of coal combustion, so every coal-fired plant left on Earth has an abundance of this detritus and in a sane world, the plant owners would have to pay to safely dispose of these wastes. 

However, we don't live in a sane world. 

We live in a world where the secular administrators of the Roman Catholic Church palm this industrial waste off on politicians as a product that will: (1) reduce the population and (2) increase revenues and (3) provide a handy substrate for a new class of scalar weapons -- Directed Energy Weapons. 

Do you hear the pinball machine in the background as the little steel ball hits, hits, hits and the score counter goes off the grid?  

With one move, they: (1) offload nasty industrial by-products at a profit, (2) increase profits from the 'Health Sector Industries" and (3) guarantee a better than 1000% increase in "efficacy" of Directed Energy Weapons.  Score! Score! Score! 

"He's a pinball wizard; there has to be a twist.
A pinball wizard's got such a supple wrist....' 

Of course, Elton John had to reprise the Who.... the WHO.   

It's 1969.  I can only imagine the Feckless Wonders dancing around. They release the chemtrails.  And twenty years later, 1989, they release a Commemorative Coin, which the Faithful buy without understanding what it commemorates. 

1999, 2009, 2019..... oh, boy, it's been fifty (50) years of chemtrails laying down layer after layer of poisonous heavy metals and incendiary metal oxides on every garden and dockside.  

It's time to test the results!

Let's burn down Paradise, California.  And because that wasn't proof enough, let's burn down that sex pit of iniquity, Lahaina, Hawaii. 

Sodom and Gomorrah ain't got nothin' on us. 

We'll just go in and buy up prime beachfront for pennies.  Another fifty years and nobody will remember that anything happened. 

"It's all relative!"  Just ask the Rockefellers.  

Ever wonder why all their last names begin with R? 

These are the nasty little boys who used to play with their balls and pull the wings off of flies while picking their noses and mindlessly pressing their greasy noses against the windowpane to see the smudges.  

You probably weren't paying attention, but when they grew up, they put on dresses. And shaved their legs and waxed their hairy stubs.  

They've poisoned the entire planet for profit and fun, and gotten away with it.  And as for you, they consider you too dumb to matter. 

Imagine what happens when a female of their species walks into the room? 

Quite apart from the fact that they haven't seen a female of their kind in such a long time, they are terrified. 

Their Queen Bees are known to eat them alive. 

Like bon-bons during a sentimental late night binge of Seinfeld. 

It's 2023.  Nobody on Earth is committed and organized and knowledgeable enough to put an end to them.  So they settle down uneasily, a little perturbed. 

They wonder about the quality of mustard this year. 

They look over their shoulders and pause. 

Was that a gust of cold wind that wafted through the hall?  

Or an Avenging Angel touching down to Earth? 

Stay tuned, for the True God hates a hypocrite as much as he hates Liars.  


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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