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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Picture for Texas:

 By Anna Von Reitz

I have faith in the people of Texas.
The Federation of States has no desire or intention to shut The Texas Assembly down --- just need to shut down the activities and influences that have been trying to create an excuse to attack us and label a lot of innocent people "armed insurrectionists" and "extremists".
People don't realize that our enemies have a LOT to gain by painting us as insurrectionists and extremists, and this is exactly the scenario Eric Dingus was setting up. They have been preparing to kill their Priority Creditors for a long time, but in order to get away with it, they need a cover story. Making us look like the aggressors and law-breakers suits their interests to a T. They’d love to attack us and blame the victims, too.
Everyone is aware of what happened at Ruby Ridge, at Waco, and to LaVoy Finicum. Don't forget the Colorado Nine and the tragic story of young Schaeffer Cox, jailed for 26 years for a "thought crime". All these actions were promoted and executed by the FBI.
It does not take rocket science to figure out what the FBI is capable of ---and understand the need to keep an eye on them. They watch us. We watch them. As long as everyone stays in their lane, that's fine enough. But when they trespass, things get ugly.
Their bosses have motivations and business interests contrary to ours, and sometimes, things go sideways. They get uppity and start planning and hiring operatives (for big money) to "garner influence" and "spread confusion" and "compromise the organization". That's their lingo, not mine. Right off the page in front of my nose, on their letterhead.
Pretty soon, you've got a situation like we've got right now.
Eric Dingus has been presented to you all as an innocent Texan, wrongly accused, slandered, harmed by outsiders, the Big, Bad Federation. Your instinct to protect a fellow-Texan, your sense of justice and fair play, your well-established dislike and distrust of the Federal Government ---even though the Federation is resoundingly NOT the Federal Government, it is being deliberately confused with the Federal Government---all that, is being manipulated and used to fuel high emotions. But high emotions are not called for.
What is called for is cold analytical evaluation.
The FBI admits that Eric Dingus is an "asset" and that he has worked for them providing information (and selling that information to them) about the Texas Militias for over sixteen years and has also worked undercover for the DEA. When applying for the job as PKTF Director, he admitted the DEA connection, but not the FBI connection.
Why admit one and not the other? That's the first question.
When we ran a routine background check prior to him coming on board, it came back squeaky clean, so clean that both I and one of our security chiefs said, "It looks too clean. Looks like its been scrubbed." Then our contact on the ground came back from Amarillo and said, "This guy barely exists." None of these reports were definitive --- that is, we couldn't prove anything one way or the other, but it wasn’t a warm, fuzzy feeling.
When Eric started the job, we gave him the Mission Statements for both the PKTF and the Continental Marshals as a starting point. This is perfectly routine and there is no reason in the world that we didn't or wouldn't do this. There are multiple ways we can verify that we did. So he had cause to know what the PKTF was supposed to be doing from the get-go, and he also had cause to know the completely separate mission of The Continental Marshals Service.
Now he is claiming that we didn't give him that information. Why wouldn't we?
It's public information, used to define and organize both organizations, all of it discussed multiple times and in multiple ways in many emails. There's no way or reason that we would pay a man $2000 a month, plus project money, plus offer him use of a 37' motorhome and a car---- and not tell him what his job was.
He had those Mission Statements, but he ignored them and deliberately didn't share them around with the men and women involved. Why?
The most likely answer is that it's a lot easier to misdirect people if they don't know or aren't sure of what their mission really is.
Next question, what did he do?
He put himself in the middle, told the Marshals that he was in charge of them (and every single one of those men will affirm it) and proceeded to commandeer the Marshals Service---- something not even remotely related to the job of the PKTF Director. That's contrary to the Mission Statements of both organizations and contrary to any directive spoken or written ever given to him.
Then, there's the sequence of events---
Le Laroi introduces Eric Dingus as a likely candidate for PKTF Director.
Eric get his intro.
Eric threatens Le Laroi privately, three times, she “mysteriously” steps down from being Texas Coordinator.
Kim Reynolds is brought forward by Eric Dingus, vetted, and installed as Texas Coordinator.
Eric goes to Utah and gets embroiled in a child custody complaint --- having nothing to do with his job at all.
Eric stays in Utah.
During this same time, the FBI/State of Utah installs a gun bunker on the property of Jackie Smyth, the Utah Coordinator, attempting to frame her as a “violent insurrectionist” and give themselves an excuse to kill her and confiscate her property.
We foil their efforts, dissolve the Utah Assembly so there is no target for them there, and expose them to Interpol and other law enforcement groups. They recoil and move on.
Eric begins moving all over the western states, notably to Colorado and Oklahoma and Texas and Nevada. We track his movements. He makes many inexplicable side trips between Point A and Point B, and not to visit anyone associated with our Assemblies. We give him the benefit of the doubt and think at first that he is meeting with covert militia leaders, trying to get them to come in under the safety of the official and “well-regulated” State Assembly Militia. But no.
We still don’t know all that he was doing, but we do know that several of the places he visited are FBI Safehouses.
So, go figure. Didn’t admit FBI employment. Was present throughout the big Dust Up in Utah. Was visiting FBI Safehouses while purportedly on business trips for us.
Walks like a duck. Quacks like a duck.
Eric brings forward a proposal to contract with a Canadian company for our secure email and internal communications system. Canada is always the backdoor for the Brits to spy on us. We inquire about this aspect of the proposal and get a Shine On answer.
Eric starts negotiating with private corporations for funding, including corporations known to be shelf corporations for government agencies.
Fast forward, in rapid fire succession, Wayne Whomsley, California Coordinator, comes under fire for being irresponsible with petty cash. Scott Sanford, Colorado Coordinator, is threatened and a real estate Ponzi scheme gets “attached” to him without his knowledge or consent --- he is being set up for criminal charges and removal as Colorado Coordinator, in broad daylight.
We intervene and derail the real estate gambit they are trying to foist off on Scott. Again, we report them to Interpol and police corruption investigators.
At this point, I sent Eric a nasty note and told him enough is enough – get back in his box. I order re-investigation of what happened with Le Laroi and send a team to investigate Eric’s cover story on the ground in Amarillo. Comes back that Le was threatened and coerced to resign her post as Coordinator by Eric, after having befriended Eric and having recommended him in the first place. Investigation in Amarillo is inconclusive; has a house there, but no real presence.
Texas, Utah, California, and Colorado Coordinators, all successively attacked and targeted for removal and replacement --- the four most important states in the west from a military standpoint. Coincidence?
We get wind that Eric is pushing “something big” and a copy of correspondence in which he promotes forming a “unified” and “national” force ---- something roughly equivalent to the National Guard, financed by the private corporations mentioned before. The problem is that the National Guard is illegal as it is presently composed, and so would any such armed force promoted by the Assemblies. Creation of such an armed force extending beyond individual State borders would give the FBI and other Agencies all the excuse needed to crack down and go to war against all the “violent armed insurrectionists” Eric was trying to create out of thin air.
So we sacked him and not a moment too soon. Eric vows revenge and that there will be trouble.
We named his Co-Director, Susan Hauck, to replace him, and then had to replace her, too, because barely a week later, she moved to decommission The Continental Marshals Service --- an action that Eric had planned prior to his departure, and which she attempted to carry through, and which neither one of them had any authority to do.
Three weeks after sending Eric packing, all the simmering misbehavior in Michigan erupts, Kim Reynolds is warned to make tracks away from Eric and his agenda, but instead, she starts bad-mouthing me and the Federation and plotting an end-run around our authority, Wayne Whomsley is found in dishonor by a second independent investigation, and Josh Gandy, the now-former Hawaii Coordinator, has another “episode” in which he spews all sorts of gossipy nonsense and slanders Le Laroi and my Executive Officer.
So the way I read this, Texas, Utah, California, and Colorado were targeted and attacked, while Michigan and Hawaii and possibly Nebraska, had “sleeper cells” of people who had infiltrated and were undermining morale and progress in those States.
Someone said that I was cleaning house and I hope to do a good job of it.
Assembling a nation is a serious job and responsibility. There are a lot of Big Business interests that don’t want to see us succeed, and a lot of Federal Agencies that are armed to the teeth and do whatever they are told, no questions asked.
Every assembly and every assembly member has to be clued in and vigilant and has to know that these things happen. And it’s the Federation’s job to make sure things don’t go astray on the road to get where we are going.
If you think we were wrong about Eric Dingus --- look where you’d be without us.
First, you wouldn’t be assembling at all, You’d be cowered down in your homes, waiting to be “resettled” so as to expedite Chinese and Arab Creditors of the U.S. Corporation coming in and seizing your homes and businesses and moving you to nice internment camps. Or on the lam, fighting a guerrilla war with whatever gunpowder you had.
Second, you wouldn’t have any public records identifying you as Americans. You’d all be misidentified as Territorial Subjects of the Queen and Dual Federal Citizens, owned as property by the Roman Pontiff.
Third, the rest of the world wouldn’t have ever known what was going on in this country. No action in your favor would have been brought in the High International Courts. Nothing would have been said or proven and this entire country would have been deemed “vacated” and without a government operating in international jurisdiction.
Fourth, your Continental Marshal Service would have been decommissioned on paper, and there would be no international peacekeeping officers in your land jurisdiction, which would have allowed the UN an excuse to move their officers into your States and begin the “resettlement” described in the first item listed here.
Fifth, if Eric Dingus had had his way, you would be blamed for creating an illegal armed force and that illegal armed force would have been liberally described as a rabble of armed violent insurrectionists and extremists, and the various Agencies would have been let loose on you with the support of the National Guard, and this whole country would shortly look like the siege of the Branch Davidians in Waco.
Do you need the Federation to guide you through this and keep you safe?
You’d better know that you do.

Anna Maria


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Cleaning Up Michigan

 By Anna Von Reitz

More malfeasance is being addressed now.
The Michigan Assembly has never been right. You know what I mean? There was something rotten in Denmark from the first, but hard to put your finger on.
There were gossip campaigns, warring factions, strong opinions and contentiousness about every little thing---- and we thought that perhaps that was at an end this past year, but it turns out that the peace was bought at an unacceptable price ---allowing some individuals to operate in a secretive and ultimately, dishonest, way.
Think of it as somewhat like paying protection money to the mob.
So long as the Gang of Eight got whatever they wanted, got to control the money with no accountability, got to control the computer system however they pleased and according to their ideas of "security" --- theirs, nobody else's --- and got to control the membership records, too, they were content.
They weren't prepared to be dissolved as an Assembly, maybe because it never occurred to them that that was a possibility, or, given the circumstance they presented, a certainty.
I have been accused of arbitrarily and unilaterally dissolving The Michigan Assembly, but that is not true at all.
I had to take the action, because so far as I knew, the Coordinator had given up trying to work with the Gang, and there were substantial aberrations in their business practices which could not be rationally explained.
Why, for example, had a Treasurer been elected, and then not given control of the money? There were other irregularities as well.
Now we find out that the Recording Secretaries destroyed all the digital records of the membership instead of participating in the orderly process of dissolution which should have preserved the membership records intact and ready for a new Assembly to form.
This also gives rise to the question --- did they ever do the job of recording at all? Or did they just collect money for doing so?
The former Michigan Recorders apparently sent the paper copies back to the people, destroyed the digital records for spite ----and left everyone high and dry.
And then, for the cherry on the top of their ugly sundae, they have tried to blame this action of theirs on me.
Au contraire.
They were told to turn the records over to the former Coordinator pending reorganization of the Assembly, but they took their own "unilateral" action instead.
Building a viable State Assembly from the ground up requires cooperation between the Summoning Authority, the Federation, and the people coming together to build the Assembly. We have the blueprint and the responsibility for making sure that it is followed.
For whatever reasons, that cooperation and understanding of the process didn't exist in Michigan, where the Gang of Eight continued to say, "My way or the Highway" from beginning to end.
So these men have destroyed property belonging to the people of Michigan, and left everyone in doubt concerning the disposition of their records in any of the actual recording systems--- and they pretend that by doing this, they upheld their responsibilities.
Hogwash. Their responsibility was simple and clearly stated. Create the records and maintain them.
So they did this by refusing to record the paperwork (which is why the Federation got involved in the first place) and by destroying the records that had been recorded prior to their latest temper tantrum.
Selfish, spiteful, wrong-headed, uncooperative, self-important, and irresponsible to the end.
Of course, they don't see it that way, or won't admit it, just like teenagers think that they are right and the rest of the world is wrong.
The bad news is that these miscreants destroyed Michigan's records. The good news is that the Gang of Eight is gone and a new day for Michigan is dawning. Everyone of goodwill who does want to do things the right way for the right reasons can come back and make unfettered progress.
We will assist everyone in re-establishing their records and making sure that they are in fact secure from now on. Those who have had their records destroyed can have them re-recorded, with the original date, at no cost.

Keep watching The American States Assembly website for updates and I will try to keep everyone updated as we rebuild The Michigan Assembly--- according to what an Assembly is supposed to be and the way it is supposed to operate.


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 By Anna Von Reitz

We reject the Big Tech offer of a global take-over.  The "unthinkable" is still unthinkable, Mr. Huxley. 

We shall never accept the label "Transhumans" to please you and your ilk. 

We are not now and never will be "hackable animals", despite Bill Gates and DARPA and all the rest of the slimeballs in the world. 

And we can still connect the dots. 

Fact: No separate virus called Sars-Cov-2 or "Covid 19" has ever been isolated. 

This means no such virus has been sequenced or identified.  

Fact: Without isolation and identification, Sars-Cov-2 isn't proven to exist.  

Take that in. 

That means that all this talk about "variants" and "new outbreaks" is BS, because you can't have a variant of a virus if you haven't isolated and identified any specific virus to begin with, can you?   Simple logic. 

If a unicorn doesn't exist, it is senseless to talk about the dangers of hybrid unicorns. 

Fact: What WHO is now calling a virus is only a few dozen base pairs of amino acids that are patented for profit, whereas actual viruses have thousands of base pairs of amino acids.  

This means that WHO is using relabeling -- a propaganda technique --  to redefine the meaning of what a virus is, in order to call this patented snippet of amino acids a virus and thereby deceive the public.

And Facebook, Inc., is censoring everyone who tells the truth about this, which makes Facebook, Inc., an accomplice to the fraud.

Everyone is invited to adjourn to my website:, and keep your sanity and logic circuits intact about this and other topics. 

And now, a moment to consider another idiocy---all this talk about clones and military tribunals and blah-blah-blah.  

Even if you have a credible source, take these reports with two grains of salt and a whiskey chaser.  

The intel reports now circulating contain a recount of a recent meeting of big [ear]wigs in Sun Valley, Idaho, and detail how members of our gallant military observed these persons engaged in child sacrifices and other Luciferian ceremonies, etc. 


Do we sit on our rumps and "observe" murders?  How about armed robberies?  Rapes?   What next?  

My point is: if these members of the military were "observing" why weren't they arresting and carting off the perpetrators of these crimes being committed right in front of their faces?  

Maybe they forgot their obligation to uphold the Public Law? 

I could make the rounds to a couple bars in Wisconsin and get enough guys to do what needs to be done.  

I could find enough Grandmothers with garden hoes and knitting needles to do the job that's needed. 

I won't pay for military services, if the military doesn't serve.  And that will significantly cut into the Queen's revenues.  

And then you will have two old ladies bashing your ears. 


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More Clarity for Texas:

 By Anna Von Reitz

I offered some more clarity last night on the Monday night teleconference and spelled it out as clearly as I could.
Eric Dingus threatened your first Coordinator, Le Laroi, and forced her to step down. We didn't know that at the time, but that's what happened. He then recommended Kim for the Coordinator slot and Kim was then put in place. Kim is a very able administrator and got things better organized; we were grateful for that.
Time went on and things weren't ringing true about Eric and his activities. We conducted a two month investigation into what he was actually doing and saying and found out that not only was he not following the directions we gave him and not doing the work we assigned, he was actually promoting his own separate and very dangerous agenda --- an agenda that would have given the Feds the excuse they need to crush us and accuse us of being insurrectionists.
He was also meeting one-on-one with FBI Agents in various locations -- Oklahoma City, Denver, some known FBI Safe Houses. If he had been on the up and up with us, any meetings with the FBI wouldn't have been in secret and he would have brought along at least one of the other members of the PKTF or the Marshals Service as a witness, but he always went alone. We later received affirmation from sources within the FBI that he was considered "an asset" and that he had been working for them and selling them information about the Texas Militias for years, and also working in plain clothes for the DEA.
It took considerable delving, and being me, I didn't want to hurt anyone who was possibly innocent, but the red flags kept piling up. He recommended that we put all our important private information on a Canadian system --- even though Canada is always the backdoor for MI6 to spy on us. Wouldn't they just love to have access and control of all our private communications? From my lips to the Queen's ears; though in fact I have no qualms about what I say to her or her government, a proposal that we expose ourselves in such a fashion didn't sit right.
Next, upon examination of current activities it was apparent that Eric had been in the middle of ousting Coordinators and replacing them with his own candidates. In Utah, the Coordinator was very feisty and Unknown Parties came onto her property in the middle of the night and installed a bunker full of guns to frame her (and us) --- apparently planning to pull a Ruby Ridge style attack on her. We got wind of that and forced her to resign for her own safety and sent out our own agents to make sure that she was safe and that the focus had shifted from Utah. We found out that FBI Agents had been involved and that State of Utah front end loaders and thumb buckets had been used to dig the hole and install the gun bunker.
Next it was the California Coordinator, Wayne Whomsley, who was targeted and accused of petty theft; it turns out that he probably was being irresponsible with the petty cash, but what was the motivation behind the investigation? Worry about a hundred dollars in donations collected at a barbecue? So Wayne stepped down and again, there was an attempt to put in specific new leaders.
Next, the Colorado Coordinator was targeted for removal --- and at that point, I sent Eric a nasty note and told him to get back in his box and I ordered reinvestigation of the circumstance surrounding Le Laroi's resignation --- and that's when it became all-too clear that these attacks against our Coordinators were purposeful.
Just like the Brits substituted their Territorial State of State organizations for our American organizations, our Coordinators were being picked off and persons personally involved with and loyal to Eric Dingus were being substituted. He was building a network of either: (A) other Federal Agents, or (B) flunkies loyal to him who would believe whatever he said and do what he told them to do.
After we fired Eric, for Cause, Kim was told why and it was observed to her that her association with him and the fact that she became Coordinator via his recommendation cast a shadow over her position. She was specifically told this and told to distance herself from him. She chose to ignore that warning, continued her close association with Eric Dingus, and instead started talking trash about the Federation and about me, personally. Meantime, Le Laroi finally came forward and told us what happened in Texas and how he threatened her.
About two weeks ago, Kim started holding meetings with members of the (International) Business Assembly, who she apparently figured would be self-important and power hungry and eager to escape from any discipline imposed by the Federation. She proposed to get herself elected as the Assembly Chairperson and do an "end run" around Federation oversight. She described me, personally, as a "security risk" --- me, the person singularly most responsible for preserving the States and calling them into Session in the first place. We have the transcript.
Lucky for us all, the Assembly Chairperson is not a CEO and doesn't have the unilateral executive power that Kim was seeking. Lucky too, that various other Texans had good common sense and recognized the fact that she was not riding for the brand. So we removed her.
I would advise the people of Texas to look around and choose a man or woman with a good head for business and someone with enough street smarts and experience to know when they are being played by agency shills, then come forward with a recommendation for a new Coordinator. Texas is a large, rich, powerful State and will be targeted. There will be attempts to commandeer, people will be offered bribes, people will be threatened. This is par for the course for the corrupt "government" corporations.
Most of all, keep your eyes open, heads up, and be aware of it when you are being tempted and misled and manipulated by flattery or threats, either one. Remember that these people will use your virtues against you as quickly as they will use your vices. For example, they will appeal to your sense of justice and present Eric Dingus as a loyal Texan who has been unjustly accused and mistreated. That is, they will try to use your virtues --- your sense of justice and fair play and fellow-feeling for another Texan --- to get you to protect a snake in your bosom.
Don't do it. He has been thoroughly investigated and he is what he is.

You have to be on your toes to overcome The Liars Club, but if you keep your Shinola Sensors on high and look around the corner, some horse sense and knowledge of cow patties will keep you all safe and Texas well-served.


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Notice to Texas Assembly

 By Anna Von Reitz

It is apparent that The Texas Assembly is acting upon several ignorant presumptions.
The first such presumption is that the Assembly Chairperson is a CEO. That is not true. In our jurisdiction and in our American Government, the Assembly Chairperson is a Spokesperson only and enjoys no other executive position or power over other Assembly Officers and Members.
The second such presumption is that Secret Meetings are allowed in American State Assemblies. There are no such provisions. Remember that this is a Public Government. Not a club. Not a corporation.
All members eligible to vote, both ASNs and State Citizens, must be given notice and allowed to attend all General Assembly Meetings and all State Citizens must be given notice and allowed to attend International Business Meetings.
The third such presumption is that The Texas Assembly gets to appoint Coordinators, Temporary or otherwise, for the Federation. That choice and function is not in your wheelhouse. You can recommend someone that you would like as Coordinator, and if that person passes the vetting process, we will honor your request--- but it is a request, and we retain the right to appoint all Coordinators.
Coordinators are all Federation Officers. They work for us and under our direction and instruction.
The fourth such presumption is that The Texas Assembly can be seated as a State of the Union without being certified by The United States of America. That is also a misapprehension on the part of a misguided leadership.
Your Assembly like all American State Assemblies must be properly composed of declared and recorded Americans, and must be fully operational and all offices filled, before it can be certified and "fully seated". It is at that time that you inherit all the rights, titles, and interests. Not until.
Until then, you remain under Federation protection and oversight. If we see you going off track any further, we will simply dissolve the entire Assembly as it now exists, and reorganize with people who are serious about getting it right and staying in their lane.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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