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Friday, August 6, 2021

The medical cabal and false government want to lock you down again.

The coming Delta lockdown is DESIGNED to invoke nationwide protests so they can be exploited as a backdrop for false flag event to blame “anti-vaxxers”

Within the next 12 days, multiple sources have told us, the pretender-in-chief Joe Biden will announce a nationwide lockdown, fraudulently blaming the “delta” variant and “anti-vaxxers” for the overzealous action. The lockdown will have no specific end date, and it is likely to be strongly resisted by red states, while blue states will effectively be turned into medical police states with brutal enforcement of the lockdown measures.

Most importantly, the new lockdown will be perceived as so overreaching and totalitarian that nationwide protests will soon commence.

This is actually all part of the plan. The lockdown push is being engineered to invoke a backlash, even among Leftists who will join conservatives in taking to the streets to protest the medical tyranny.

This backdrop of nationwide protests is the setting needed by the deep state to stage a violent false flag event that I’m told will most likely target a medical facility or medical group of some kind. The FBI will of course be running this just like they ran the Whitmer “kidnapping” in Michigan as well as the Jan. 6th “capitol siege” false flag operation. Nearly every act of terrorism in America over the last two decades has been plotted and spearheaded by the corrupt FBI, and there’s little question they are planning a new theatrical caper to place blame on so-called “anti-vaxxers.”