Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's The Church's Year What festival is this? It is the day on which the Holy Ghost descended in the form of fiery tongues, upon the apostles and disciples, who with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, were assembled in prayer in a house at Jerusalem. (Acts II.) Why is this day called Pentecost? The word "Pentecost" is taken from the Greek, and signifies fifty. As St. Jerome explains it, this was the last of the fifty days, commencing with Easter, which the early Christians celebrated as days of rejoicing at the resurrection of the Lord. Why is this day observed so solemnly? Because on this day the Holy Ghost, having descended upon the apostles, the law of grace, of purification from sin, and the sanctification of mankind, was for the first time announced to the world; because on this day the apostles, being filled with the Holy Ghost, commenced the work of purifying and sanctifying mankind, by baptizing three thousand persons who were converted by the sermon of St. Peter; and because on this day the Church of Jesus became visible as a community to the world, and publicly professed her faith in her crucified Saviour. Why did the Holy Ghost descend on the Jewish Pentecost? Because on their Pentecost the Jews celebrated the anniversary of the giving of the law on Mount Sinai, and God would show by sending the Holy Ghost on this days that the Old Law had ceased and the New Law commenced. God also chose this time, that the Jews who on this day came together from all countries to Jerusalem to celebrate the Pentecost, might be witnesses of the miracle, and hear the New Law announced by the apostles. Why is the baptismal font blessed an the vigil of Pentecost, as on Holy Saturday? Because the Holy Ghost is the Author of all sanctity and the Fountain of baptismal grace, and because in the Acts (i. 5.) the descent of the Holy Ghost itself is called a baptism. In the Introit of the Mass the Church rejoices at the descent of the Holy Ghost and sings: INTROIT The Spirit of the Lord hath filled the whole earth, allel.; and that which containeth all things hath knowledge of the voice, Allel., allel., allel. (Wisd. I.7.) Let God arise, and his enemies be scattered: and let them that hate him, fly before his face. (Ps. 67.) Glory etc. COLLECT God, who on this day didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit: grant us in the same spirit to relish what is right, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Thro'. — in the unity of the same, etc. LESSON (Acts II. I-II.) When the days of Pentecost were accomplished, they were all together in one place; and suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them parted tongues as it were of fire, and it sat upon every one of them:. and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with divers tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak. Now there were. dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men, of every nation under heaven. And when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded in mind, because that every man heard them speak in his own tongue: and they were all amazed, and wondered, saying: Behold, are not all these that speak Galileans? And how have we heard every man our own tongue wherein we were born? Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea, and Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphilia, Egypt, and the parts of Lybia about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews also and Proselytes, Cretes and Arabians: we have heard them speak in our own tongues the wonderful works of God. Why did the Holy Ghost come upon the apostles in the form of fiery tongues? The appearance of fiery tongues indicated the gift of language imparted to the apostles by the Holy Ghost, and inflamed their hearts and the hearts of the faithful with the love of God and their neighbor. Why did a mighty wind accompany the descent? To direct the attention of the people to the descent of the Holy Ghost, and to assemble them to hear the sermon of the Apostle Peter. What special effects did the Holy Ghost produce in the apostles? He freed them from all doubt and fear; gave them His light for the perfect knowledge of truth; inflamed their hearts with the most ardent love, and incited in them the fiery zeal for the propagation of the kingdom of God, strengthened them to bear all sufferings and persecutions, (Acts V. 41.) and gave them the gift of speaking in various languages, and of discerning spirits. GOSPEL (John XIV. 23-31,) At that time, Jesus said to his disciples: If any one love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and will make our abode with him. He that loveth me not, keepeth not my words: and the word which you have heard is not mine, but the Father's, who sent me. These things have I spoken to you, abiding with you: but the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. You have heard that I said to you, I go away, and I come unto you. If you loved me, you would indeed be glad, because I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I. And now I have ;told you before it came to pass, that when it shall come to pass you may believe. I will not now speak many things with you; for the prince of this world cometh, and in me he hath not anything. But that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father hath givers me commandment, so do I. Because He is the Author of inward sanctity and of all supernatural gifts and graces, and therefore to Him is especially ascribed the work of man's sanctification. What does the Holy Ghost effect in man? He enlightens him that he may know the truths of religion and salvation, and the beauty of virtue; He moves him to desire, to aim after and to love these things; He renews his heart by cleansing it from sin, and imparts to him the supernatural gifts and graces by which he can become sanctified, and He brings forth in him wonderful fruits of holiness. What are the gifts of the Holy Ghost? According to the Prophet Isaias they are seven: 1.The gift of wisdom, which enables us to know God, to esteem spiritual more than temporal advantages, and to delight only in divine things. 2. The gift of understanding, by which we know and understand that which our faith proposes to our belief; children and adults should pray fervently for this gift, especially before sermons and instructions in the catechism. 3.The gift of counsel, which gives us the knowledge necessary to direct ourselves and others when in doubt, a gift particularly necessary for superiors, for those about choosing their state of life, and for married people who live unhappily, and do not know how to help themselves. 4. The gift of fortitude, which strengthens us to endure and courageously overcome all adversities and persecutions for virtue's sake. 5. The gift of knowledge, by which we know ourselves, our duties, and how to discharge them in a manner pleasing to God. 6. The gift of piety, which induces us to have God in view in all our actions, and infuses love in our hearts for His service. 7. The gift of the fear of the Lord, by which we not only fear the just punishment, but even His displeasure at every sin, more than all other things in the world. Which are the fruits of the Holy Ghost? As St. Paul (Gal. V.. 22-23.) enumerates them, they are twelve: 1. Charity. 2. Joy. 3. Peace. 4. Patience. 5. Benignity. 6. Goodness. 7. Longanimity. 8. Mildness. 9. Faith. 10. Modesty. 11. Continency. 12. Chastity. To obtain these fruits as well as the gifts of the Holy Ghost, we should daily say the prayer: "Come, O Holy Ghost, etc." Why does Christ say: The Father is greater than I? Christ as God is in all things equal to His Father, but as Christ was at the same time Man, the Father was certainly greater than the Man-Christ. Why does Christ say: I will not now speak many things with you? Christ spoke these words a short time before His passion, and by them He wished to say that the time was near at hand when Satan, by his instruments, the wicked Jews, would put Him to death, not because Satan had this power over Him, but because He Himself wished to die in obedience to the will of His Father. |
Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress
You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9600 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Instruction on the Festival of Pentecost
Friday, May 29, 2020
Constitutional Attorney Eviscerates Dershowitz's Claim of Constitutionality
Found Here:
Alan Dershowitz is just another lefty plant. He appears on Fox often and they try to legitimize him but he is just another cog in the deception machine of their "fair and balanced" controlled opposition so called "news" channel.
We should all treat their poisoned needle like the deadly weapon that it is and act accordingly to defend ourselves.
What is that saying again? Oh, Never bring a knife to a gunfight!
Thursday, May 28, 2020
An End to Black and an End to Oaths
By Anna Von Reitz
You see it everywhere -- black rocks, black water, black acres, black robes -- black, black, black. What is this about?
It's all connected to the Great Fraud and to a pre-history of the Earth that we have never, ever, been taught in any school, church, or other institution.
Black Acre is an infamous and completely theoretical bit of property used endlessly in law schools to demonstrate "positions in tort" --- a sort of Kamasutra of all the various problems one can face with respect to different kinds of property law and injuries that may be sustained and arguments that can be made.
Black Water is an infamous mercenary subcontractor of the Municipal United States.
The Black Rocks, both literal and figurative, are all over the place ---- the Kaab in Mecca, the "Black Stone of Light" at the United Nations, the Upside Down Pyramid in Alaska --- even the name of Larry Fink's Bond Company.
So what is all this black, black, black crappola about? Probate.
Oh, it's about a lot of other things, too, but primarily, it's about probate.
That's why all the judges and even the justices wear black robes.
They all think that they are engaged in probating God's Estate. They think that the Living God is dead.
How odd is that? They are about to find out otherwise.
In days to come, the Brotherhood of Saturn will be no more, and all the wrong-headed ideas that gave rise to their traditions will be exposed as the fantasies of children gone astray.
We'll have no more black rocks, black waters, black acres or black robes at all.
It's all going away, as it must and should, like a bad dream evaporates in the morning.
There have been two groups of "oathkeepers" since very ancient times. In some parts of the world they have been described in terms of "feathers" --- one group wore a single feather, and the other group wore two feathers.
Interestingly, the oaths that both groups took were invalid.
And still are.
Null and void, forever.
Here is a good example of how and why oaths are invalid.
How many of you used to watch "Perry Mason" on television (long, long ago) or "Matlock" or other law-and-order courtroom dramas?
Remember hearing Witnesses being "sworn in" to give testimony?
"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God."
Swear? Whole truth? Nothing but the truth?
Swearing is against scripture, so you are sinning in public.
How would you know the "whole truth" about anything?
And exactly how you are to deliver "nothing" but the truth?
If you are breathing, you fail that test.
This is the kind of guile and nonsense used to entrap men like General Michael Flynn and subject them to judgment for "lying".
Let your yes, be yes.
Let your no, be no.
Don't be shy about calling out the shysters for entrapping you and don't hesitate to nullify any oath you may have taken.
You have a responsibility for your words and thought processes, but others have an obligation to fully disclose what they are doing, too.
See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:
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Message to Pope Francis, May 28th
By Anna Von Reitz
You can't possibly think that you can continue to obfuscate the role of Greg Hallett and continue to let your flunkies occupy the home owed to the actual Kings and Queens of Britain?
You need to rethink this -- seriously.
Every single one of those men owe fealty to the King of Gaul, including Gregory Hallett.
And the King of Gaul is not pleased by these developments.
The Earl of Shrewsbury is the lawful replacement for the Queen and you certainly know that. You are not going to be allowed to foist another ringer off on the people of England and all those purloined trust properties are going bye-bye, too.
You will be lucky to retain any kind of interest in any Church property at all, and it's your own fault.
Take your "King of the Commonwealth" and remove him to a suitable office and place -- not Buckingham Palace.
The people are going to know the whole truth -- the All of it. And they are going to act upon it.
The Saturnine Brotherhood has failed. Your "Black Rock" is of no use and your import portal is destroyed in less than a single night.
Stop the payload on its way to Saturn. There's no point in continuing to fight a war that ended 32,000 years ago. It's complete lunacy.
Reveal yourselves and remove yourselves from positions of power.
All of you. Now.
See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:
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Emotional Eunuchs -- A Reply to Randy
By Anna Von Reitz
Greg Hallet is the new "King" of the Commonwealth---- the Pope's Overlord of Church property in England, a position that is unlikely to endure for very long.
Please see my very recent article "For England - 4.0" which explains the entire history and exposes the fact that the Queen wasn't Queen of England, either.
I do believe that your intentions are good and that you did indeed get "the message" that living people are the both the "presumed donors" and are supposed to be the beneficiaries of "The Trust"---- only thanks to the fact that the Powers That Were made it a "generation skipping trust" they've been precluded from receiving anything, and the assets have instead been invested "for" them.
In practical terms this means that the bankers and politicians and military generals and priests and "judicial officers" have had free access to gigantic Slush Funds that exist "in the name of the people" ---while the actual people function as slaves to continuously bulk up these same Slush Funds.
What you may not realize is that the reason these people lack compassion and fellow-feeling and what the rest of us generally possess as an in-born conscience is that they are the genetic result of eugenics programs in the distant past aimed at creating super soldiers. Their feelings were bred out of them purposefully. Some of them came here as refugees after The Great Plasma War which ended 32,000 years ago. Our guests have been causing trouble and creating war (mostly out of boredom) ever since.
They were supposed to leave and go home in 1913, and have overstayed their welcome. Instead of leaving us, they decided to invite more of their kind to settle here. If we had not dismantled their plans and machinery, we'd now have a World War of unimaginable dimensions on our hands as a thank you for rescuing their sorry rumps.
Perhaps it would help your friend G/B to simply realize the truth about who --- and what --- his ancestors really were, the fact that he is missing a crucial part of what it means to be a man through no fault of his own, and that he can have that part of himself restored to full function, if he will simply accept help.
You can see the pathos in the whole situation. They have been bred for war. It's what they do. It's all they really know. Even their thinking functions are reduced to "Either-Or" calculations. That's why they are always creating two sides to everything. They operate instinctively, and that's why even when it is perfectly obvious that all their tricks and their entire modus operandi is exposed, they continue to do the same old thing like hamsters in an exercise wheel.
Once we wake up, they are no match for us, and as we start giving them their orders they naturally fall back in line. They might resist. They might disagree to some extent. But they don't have the true command functions that normal people possess --- instead, they've got a command structure, and when that disintegrates, as it is right now, they are lost as kids in a department store.
I am not among those that want vengeance. I realize that these people came to power by default. I know their limitations and how those limitations were built into them and for what purpose this was done. What I want for them is to see them fully restored to their heritage as men. I want their situation truly understood. And I want it corrected.
With the technology now available, we can restore them to be and to function as the men our Creator meant for them to be. The castration of their emotions can be reversed, and for the good of all, must be.
See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:
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Final Big News of the Day
By Anna Von Reitz
I keep getting reports that President Trump and his advisors use "Looking Glass" and all these people keep mindlessly repeating the phrase, "Future proves past."
And that's rubbish.
Looking Glass is a magic trick worthy of Hogwarts Middle School, and if you let it, it will show you anything you like along any number of timelines. But it's still just a magic trick, and a particularly dangerous one at that. Men are not meant to use such a device, precisely because they are beguiled by it, and led astray by it.
Future does not prove past, because there is only one moment and that moment is called "Now".
Until everyone fully, thoroughly, and without doubt knows this with certainty, the "relative delusions" of "a" past and "a" future will continue to muddy things up and cause no end of problems.
Our existence and our only time and our only power is right now.
Breathe in. That is inspiration.
Breathe out. That is expiration.
It's a mini-lifecycle, a fractal of life. So be inspired and choose life and choose to live it now, entirely in this moment, because that is all there is and all there has ever been: one clear and shining moment.
When you realize this fully you will stop being distracted by what you perceive as "the" past and stop worrying about "the" future, and you certainly won't be fooled by any kid's games like the Looking Glass and plan National Strategic Policy around it.
Each one of us has the power to change both the past and the future, simply by thinking about it.
Strange, but true.
So, let's get busy rewriting not the number of days, but the content of days.
Let there be only life and love and truth in our moment.
I repeat -- just as money is a kid's game gone horribly wrong, so is the Looking Glass a kid's game with the potential to ensnare and entrain the visual creative power of men to serve ugliness and sin.
Don't believe me? Believe Harry Potter, who more often than not gets the magic stories right. There's a brief encounter with Looking Glass technology recounted in one of the Harry Potter books quite early on, where Harry finds the Fatal Mirror in storage and starts getting quite lost in it, before Aldous Dumbledore snaps him out of it.
Well, I hate to think that I have a bunch of Generals and Admirals committing the same basic mistake, but if they believe in money, what other chestnuts will they take?
There was a planned invasion of a most diabolical kind underway, but, it has been intercepted.
The "Black Rock of Light" -- a giant slab of magnetized iron installed at the United Nations in 1953 and programmed like an unimaginably large magnetic disk, has suffered a permanent malfunction.
The ancient Saturn Monument known as Stonehenge -- which makes its own weather and can modulate an incredible range of frequencies -- has been disabled.
So, if you think that "future proves past" and you are ready to go around parroting that, think again.
Those few moments exercised as "now" have drastically changed all of that, disconnected the mechanisms, and thwarted the command centers and dragged the satellites out of their positions and melted the entire Saturnine grid.
If I had one handy, I'd slap on a big "happy smile" Emoticon and add it to this message--- the world is being made new in spite of the Liars and the Grifters and the Con Men and the Tricksters. In spite of Black Rocks and Looking Glasses.
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For England - 4.0 -- New "King" --- of the Commonwealth
By Anna Von Reitz
Well, well, well, and very well....
You have just realized that your country was irreversibly conquered by William the Conqueror in 1066, and that he very methodically patented every scrap of land, and then parceled it out to his loyal Barons making them "sovereigns in their own right" upon his death in 1087 A.D.
This created many small (and some not so small) separate kingdoms that created a patchwork across all the conquered territory.
It was William's strategy to create so many "kings" in England that no British king would ever be able to cause trouble again.
There was only one flaw. The Church. The Commonwealth.
The kings all made grants of land to the Church for the purpose of establishing "good works" and "productive estates" for the support of the poor, the sick, and the indigent.
Most often this meant off-loading barren and unproductive land, swamps, gravel pits, barren escarpments, etc., on the Church, knowing that the Church would make use of the monks and nuns and the same paupers that came to it for help as free labor to do all the arduous bit of draining and composting and building up and tearing down and other work associated with making bad land into something worthwhile.
Also as we have seen, William decided that his son, John, should inherit no land in England, and should remain firmly under the thumb of the Crown of Gaul. This was the result of certain unfortunate character traits that John possessed and which run in the family. The name "Lacklands" attached to John and his progeny as a nickname that stuck until 1213 when John's Grandson struck a deal with Pope Innocent.
Prior to this, the Church worked for the King, now the Church would have a King working for them in England.
So, "King John" became the Church's Overlord of the Commonwealth ---- King of the Commonwealth, not of England. Basically, a Steward for the Pope. And still not a true King of England.
Likewise, "Queen Elizabeth" has served in that capacity, too, and not as any true Queen of England. So, not only is she not British, she's not actually the Queen of your country.
Any one of the Norman Barons and all their progeny still have a stronger claim to the title---"King of England" and "King of Britain" -- than Greg Hallett, who is, once again, a descendant of King John, acting as King of the Commonwealth and an Overlord/Trustee serving the Pope.
So, if you Englishman, Scots, and Sons of Eire and Wales have a brain in your heads, you will protest this situation and rain hail and brimstone on the members of Parliament who have gone along with this undermining of your actual national governments and played footsie with Whitehall all these years, instead of taking care of your own country and people.
A determined and lawful and nationwide housecleaning and investigation into the issues raised is certainly in order.
I would give Greg Hallett a nice office overlooking the Thames, but I certainly wouldn't recognize him as my king. He's just another Frenchman owing his entire put-together to the Pope, so not really a suitable substitute for a British King, and certainly not a reasonable candidate to act as the Head of the Church of England.
There is this caveat, too, that all the French Barons who became "kings in their own right" in England, remain under the command of the King of Gaul, Guilleroi de Armentrois du Lac ---- aka, James Clinton Belcher--- who is an American.
You have to laugh once you get a good look at all this. A German Queen on a "Commonwealth" throne, or worse, Chair of the Estates -- versus a French Baron, albeit, over a thousand years in the country, owing fealty to the French King of Gaul--- who is an American.
Right. One can only shake one's head, be grateful for the Norman Patent, because at least you have claims as Freeholders to own your own land, even if the issue of an actual British King remains at issue.
There are, of course, many scions of the French Barons still living in England and more scattered around the Earth, especially in Australia. Those who are awake are aware of the late King Michael Plantagenet, and there are others, all with the same French-based lineage as "King John" without the Papist duties muddying things.
Where is Merlin when you need him? We need some sort of a big stone and a sword to pull out of it, so that the people can see who their rightful King should be....
There is one other reasonable and worthy choice, affirmed by tradition, steeped in history, lineage, and Lawful Office: The Lord High Steward, John Talbot of Shrewsbury. He has every right to claim the actual throne of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales --- and in fact, he has done so.
However, we really do need a Sword in the Stone, some kind of publicity stunt to get people focused and thinking about who and what a true King of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales would be?
First off, he'd have no conflicts of interest or duties to foreign theocracies. He'd be a thorough-going son of the British Isles, a man in love with the people and the countries of Great Britain, a love of Law, a love of the Church of England, a man with only one axe to grind --- to protect and nurture and care for the land and people with fierce loyalty.
Not some internationalist punk with a glib line and a big smile, even though those are far easier to come by.
It should be perfectly apparent that you've been "gulled and cullied" for a long time, lied to about the true nature and offices of those who have masqueraded as your Lawful Monarchs. What you really need is an honest man with a valid claim to the throne, someone with the moral fiber to stand up for Britain, and the courage to do so.
I think you have such a one in the Earl of Shrewsbury, but you will have to elect him by Acclamation. Just like King Arthur.
See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:
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Urgent Warning!!! Get This to President Trump!
By Anna Von Reitz
Urgent Warning!!! Get This to President Trump!
All ancient prophecies come down to this.
There will be "a moment" in time when it appears that we must give up our souls and our freedom in exchange for a solution to our problems.
In this moment, we will be offered an "easy way out" of what otherwise appears to be an impossible situation.
In that moment, we must trust our own creative abilities and inner resources.
We must say, "No thanks--- but why don't you get off our planet, once and for all?"
Because at that moment, the Sons of Saturn will be overcome and forced to leave. Finally.
So prepare yourselves for the Test. Resolve to be calm and centered and know the answer to your very soul.
Only the meek, the strong, and certain will remain.
See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:
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Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Gossip and "Blood Oaths"
By Anna Von Reitz
Of all our sins, gossip is one of the worst. It harms others and does nothing to help us, rather serving to degrade us. It is not in the nature of any honest investigation into facts, but exists in the realm of idle speculation and hearsay, and is mostly immune to rebuttal because it takes place behind our backs.
The very worst kind of gossip is the kind that deliberately exploits half-truths and preys upon the ignorant.
If you go to my website,, and read the very first article called "Letter to Cardinal George" you will learn some very alarming things by following along as I explain them to the departed Cardinal of Chicago.
There are some references in that letter which you, as a Lay Person, may not completely grasp, but as this is a letter addressed to a Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, that content held specific meaning known to him and to me, much in the same way that legal terms have meanings that lawyers know and that average people are unfamiliar with.
Chief among these "Universal Church" means the whole assembly of those called together by the Creator to abide with his son. The actual church like actual people, has no name, so it is called the Universal Church--- a church that comes from all corners of the Earth and includes people based on their hearts, minds, and souls, not their politics, dogmas, or denominations.
If you have read your Bible you will recall where various people came seeking favor and positions in the new kingdom, thinking of it as an earthly kingdom with offices and honors and powers to be bestowed --- and what were they told? That even the son wasn't privy to who would be called to him, and that it was not his decision to make, but his Father's.
Think about that. It is your mind and heart and soul that matter, and the True God who searches your mind and heart and soul who decides whether or not you are part of the true, only, and Universal Church.
I was telling him --- again --- that all this ridiculous sectarian strife and arrogant assumptions of Catholic superiority are never justified; there is no excuse for taking advantage of people based on the fact that they are not Catholic. The True God does not allow for that. And if he serves the True God, neither can he.
This is a bone of contention, because certain elements within the Roman Catholic Church have treated it like an elite clubhouse and used belief or disbelief in Catholic Dogma as a rationale for committing crimes against non-Catholics, even heinous crimes.
I was giving him Notice that I have been called to the Lamb and to his altar, which is his body and blood, and that I am consecrated to him at the level of my soul.
Now these concepts may be difficult for you to grasp, but the scripture plainly tells us that the soul is in the blood. And my blood, my soul, are united with him always: his blood with my blood, his soul with my soul, his mind in my mind, his heart in me, his power like a river set free.
We are but an "expression" of the True God, like a poem or a song, a singular creation, each one already whole, already mighty, already perfect. All the rest is just delusions and bad choices, wrong turns, mistakes, scars waiting to be erased, wounds to be healed.
No, Cardinal George and I both knew --- and you need to know --- that I was not talking about any altar made of marble or stone, no cutting with any knife, but a different kind of altar, a crossroads, a single point, where across all of eternity we are part of him and he is part of us, forever.
"Neither life nor death shall ever, from the Lord his children sever." -- and the tie that binds us is love. Our love for him and his love for us.
Nothing can separate us. No circumstance. No accident. No condition of depravity or delusion or sin. No need. No grief. No rejection or rebuttal, no mistake. We are bound together in perfection at a far deeper level than all of this.
As part of the True and Living God expressed in this small vessel of flesh, I was telling Cardinal George and through him the entire Roman Catholic Church and all of its Vatican edifices, to repent of the evils I explained in my letter and which I brought before his conscience and his consciousness as a sword, not a pin prick.
Contrary to his habitual expectations, I did not address him as a beggar seeking any absolution this Earth can give. I addressed him as a child of the Living God and called upon him to do his duty in no uncertain terms -- and I could do this, because I remembered who I was and who I am and who I will be.
So all those silly people scurrying around behind my back and whispering and pointing and saying, oh, look! She's talking about blood and oaths and altars, oh, my! Oh, big, scary dangerous things!
Let me remind you all that it is far more "dangerous" to remember who you are and act upon it as Sons and Daughters.
It is far more dangerous to perceive the true altar of the Lamb, which is his message written with his life, sealed with his blood, and shared by his soul, than to sit around stupidly supposing that you need middlemen to arbitrate your salvation.
If he abides in you and you abide in him, there is no separation. There is no chink for Satan to enter in. There is no space for delusions. No time like the present to stand with all you are or can muster against evil of all kinds. No time like now to speak up and take action, as I surely have.
Take up your cross at the crossroads, that point of intersection where his life and your life unite. Stand there in utter humility and explode with the fire of the Holy Spirit born within you, and know that you are well and truly baptized by no human hand, created by no human flesh, named nor bound by any human mind.
There is truth and power and freedom and might in you, far beyond any concept of limitation or pain or time.
But you must wake up. You must leave childish things --- like gossip ---behind.
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For All the Gossips Among Us
By Anna Von Reitz
Here in Alaska we struggle with some exceptional problems. One of those problems is a long history of incest and child molestation in isolated Native communities. From time to time this issue comes into public view more forcefully than others, and certainly that was the case in the early 1980's, when we had a virtual statewide witch hunt in which hundreds of men, both Native and Caucasian, were accused and convicted without oversight by the courts.
My husband was one of them.
He was living in Sitka, Alaska, at the time -- an isolated mostly Native community, where he had carved out a life as the captain of a fishing boat during the summers and working as a successful artist in the winter. He had three children and a wife that he loved.
His eldest child, a daughter, was in High School at the time, and she had a Native friend in school who actually was molested by her own Father. As a result, this other girl was emancipated by the court at the age of 16, and given her own apartment by the State. It promptly became "the" place for her classmates to party, party, party. Jim's daughter got caught up in all this, which included underage sex, marijuana, recreational drugs of other kinds, and a whole lot of skipping school.
That summer, his daughter got a job as a waitress at one of the local restaurants and one night she was invited to a party that required her to have transportation. She stole her grandfather's car, got drunk, and wrecked it on the way home.
Amazed and outraged, her parents told her that she had to start turning over her wages each week to buy her grandfather a car. She seethed and rebelled and went to the authorities and told them that her Father had put his finger in her vagina.
Of course, he never did any such thing, and she later fully admitted it. She just wanted to be emancipated like her friend and avoid paying her grandfather back. She had no thought of what it would do to her family --- that her parents would divorce, that her younger brothers would suffer, and that her innocent Father would be put through no end of humiliation because of her actions.
But the witch hunt was on and Sitka was a remote mostly Native community where such things (and a lot worse) were known to go on, so the prosecutors came in like the Wrath of Joe Public and he was convicted without a plea, without any physical evidence, without cross-examination of the witness, without any valid due process at all.
Afterward, after she saw the damage she had caused her family, his daughter repented, but it was too late. Efforts were made to overturn the conviction based on her recanted testimony, but that required a new trial and reliving all the hurt and embarrassment and disruption again. And this time, though her Father would be cleared of wrong-doing--- she would go to jail for perjury and related offenses, leaving her toddler without a Mom.
The Governor heard about the case and offered a pardon, but a pardon admits that a crime occurred --- and no actual crime occurred.
So damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Jim decided that he was better able to bear the stigma than his daughter, a decision he might have regretted, if he could have foreseen her future. She sank ever deeper into the twisted world of drugs, alcohol, and sexual escapism, gradually accruing a criminal rap sheet as long as my arm and doing long stints in jail.
We don't love her "at her best" any less, but facts are facts.
I once asked her whatever happened to her, that she did this to her family? She lifted her face and looked me right in the eye and said two words: "Public School." Now, over fifty, her health is shattered. We do what we can for her.
I met Jim when I was 32 and he was 47. Neither one of us could claim to be children anymore. We met through my work. I hired him as an artist subcontractor to work on package designs. He was always quiet and very nice to everyone, always got his jobs done on time, always superlative quality, and we got along well for over a year before he asked me out.
To be honest, I was very surprised, but it seemed innocent enough: dinner with some old friends of his, a couple, and he didn't want to go without a date. I understood being the Third Wheel all too well, being 32 and unmarried myself. I agreed.
On the way to dinner, he told me he was a "registered sex offender". He looked like he was going to choke on the words, and I certainly must have looked completely thunderstruck and blank.
Two thoughts hit my brain simultaneously--- (1) This doesn't make sense. A guy doesn't ask you out on a first date and tell you something like this; and, (2) Boy, Howdy--- how'd our Personnel Department screw up on his background checks? I could have been working with an ax murderer....
Normally, everything would have ended right there and then, but my logic circuits and Shinola Sensor were on full alert.
A man who is guilty of such offenses doesn't tell you something like that on a first date. He covers it up, gets his hooks into you, and then waits for other gossipy people to let you know. That's how real sex offenders operate.
There was more.
Jim didn't say anything to defend himself, no explanations, no excuses.
People who abuse children always have excuses. They always have some reason or rationale. They were drunk or high or reliving some trauma of their own, blah, blah, blah.
Not Jim. He sat with his hands folded and looked straight ahead, and I was intrigued. I suspected that there was more to the story, but he wasn't going to give me any excuses and try to make it look better for himself--- so I'd have to take it on the chin for what it was. And I did.
His friends were delightful. The conversation was lively and intelligent and gracious. Dinner was elegant. It was a beautiful evening and by the time we left the restaurant the early stars were out. We walked along the sidewalk, heads down. He took my hand as we reached the corner and our separate ways home.
What do you say under such a circumstance? He shook his head and smiled a bitter little smile. I caught the glint of a tear in the corner of his eye as he looked away.
"Thank you for coming with me tonight," was all he managed.
"Sure," I said. "Let's do it again."
Now, for all the one-in-a-million shots a guy could have, that was one. I would have bet against him for a second date, and I was the one making the odds, but I wanted to know the "rest of the story" --- which his daughter eventually told me. And in the meantime, we fell in love.
Here we are, 31 years later.
I have never known a better, more unselfish, kinder, more generous, more inspired, more gallant, or more enduring soul. And I have never found anyone more loyal to a cause or to his family.
What he has suffered, no man should have to suffer --- not once, not ever. But as long as our culture refuses to honor Due Process and relies on Public Policy instead, such miscarriages of justice and all that they entail will continue.
In an actual court for people, his daughter would have had to face him and lie about him in front of God and everyone else. She'd have to get into the details and nitty-gritty of her accusation. She would have broken into tears of shame and regret in the courtroom under cross-examination, and that would have been the end of it.
She would have gone back to work and paid off her grandfather's car.
And who knows how much better her own life would have been?
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