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Monday, December 18, 2023

Come, Sit With Me While I Explain....

 By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, I explained at some length why the Federal Reserve stopped printing cash Federal Reserve Notes and has been gradually "tightening the cash supply" and staging a "War on Cash" and shoving everyone toward so-called Central Bank Digital Currency. 

They are horse thieves and they are attempting to shoot and bury the stolen horse. 

It beats getting hung for the crime.

Every Federal Reserve Note in circulation is evidence of both debt and crime, so being such Geniuses, their instinctive response was to stop issuing debt notes, because those debt notes are actually receipts --- proof that the holders are owed actual goods and services and money.  Can't have that. 

The "someday" implied by their promissory notes might turn out to be now, and wouldn't that be a pickle? 

There is also the little problem that they never developed an honest means of removing their debt notes from the economy and continued to use the same debt notes over and over and over again for hundreds of transactions each. 

Instead of having a means to retire or cancel these notes upon exchange, they sought to control the inflation caused by this practice by using the IRS to inflict a Federal Income Tax --- and extract the excess Federal Reserve Notes using this separate mechanism. 

Inevitably, though, they couldn't keep up with the intrinsic inflation built into their system. Tax claims and assessments grew and draconian illegal confiscations of private property escalated to insane heights, to no avail.  

The people who were the victims of this scheme simply couldn't make enough profit for the corporations to tax.  Every expansion of the economy was accompanied by a commensurate escalation of inflation -- and debt. 

By the 1980's the Grace Commission Report revealed that the interest being paid to the banks on  the factually non-existent U.S. Debt exceeded all payments (ledgered as gift and estate taxes) coming in from the tax system-- that is, they were losing the battle to take enough Federal Reserve Notes ("the Debt") out of the economy via the Federal Income Tax. 

They were also unable to apply our National Credit to their National Debt, because they had already unlawfully converted our political status to be the same as theirs.  

You can't be a-foot and a-horseback at the same time. You can't act as the Debtor and the Creditor in the same transaction. 

So while our "unclaimed" National Credit based on the actual value of the labor and goods we exchanged for their debt notes (I.O.U.s) grew in tandem with their National Debt, the banks charged them interest on the National Debt as if our equal National Credit did not exist. 

Put another way, the American National Credit could not be applied against the U.S. National Debt, because our population was supposed to be separate and "missing" and "presumed dead, lost at sea" and our government was supposed to be in interregnum.

None of which was true, but in the weird jurisdiction of the air anything is possible; and truth, as Satan would say, is relative.  

The value-added profit they made by refining Middle Eastern crude oil into actual refined oil products assisted by creating a new basis of exchange, the so-called "Petrodollar", but that could do nothing but dilute the pressure on the Federal Reserve Note for a time. 

Ultimately, like all fiat currencies before it, the Federal Reserve Note was doomed to fail from birth -- and this was not unexpected.  The bankers meeting on Jekyll Island back in 1910 all knew what to expect, and they planned to profit from it.  

The most obvious profit was made by exchanging a piece of paper promising future repayment (at an uncertain and undeclared future time), for actual goods and services ---and, of course, promoting this inequitable exchange under force of legal tender laws and color of law.  

We can see a huge, direct, and egregious example of this in the 1934 Emergency Banking Act, where the Federal Reserve Notes (I.O.U.s) were exchanged on a one-for-one basis with our United States Silver Dollars. 

Imagine being able to walk down the street and be able to buy anything you saw, knowing that you can buy and sell and offload your purchases -- making it look like they belong to a trust or a corporation and not to you -- and then go bankrupt at public expense?  

This is exactly what these dishonest bankers and business tycoons immediately did and on an unimaginably large scale. Millionaires, billionaires, and now trillionaires have appeared like flowers in the spring, based on nothing more or less than skillful legal maneuvering, impersonation, misuse of trusts, and bankruptcy fraud schemes, all expedited by the unregulated fiat money system. 

This ability to extend public credit for private purchases of both public and private assets, and then dump the real cost of this back on the public, was a dream come true, a Land of Oz Money Machine, for the bankers and the industrialists who were in on the scheme. 

Not so much the rest of us, who got stuck paying for it, with interest.  

This conversion of private debt into public debt was the guts and glory, the meat and potatoes, of the Federal Reserve System, but there were other perks for the Perps, too.  

It allowed them to buy up the major corporations listed on the stock exchanges in exchange for I.O.U.s, then cashier the corporation's assets including their names and trademarks as property belonging to other umbrella corporations, and then crash the stock market, so that they could use their I.O.U.s to buy up everything else for pennies on the (silver) dollar.  

They've been planning to do the same thing again, on a larger scale, for the past twenty years or more. 

You can follow the development of all this by observing the bank and legal transactions engaged in by the individual Robber Barons at the time. It was a "dirty, filthy business" and most of the industrialists and banks got down and wallowed like pigs in slop. 

After the Great Crash of '29, which they caused and profited from, the rulers of the Federal Reserve System turned their eyes toward political domination, killing their creditors, and war-profiteering -- which took place mainly in Europe.  Within a dozen years they had engineered both the Great Depression and the Second World War.  

They accomplished all this in three easy steps -- (1) the imposition of the Federal Reserve I.O.U.s allowing them to "buy" everything for nothing, (2) the undisclosed registration of American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and (3) use of foreign "military district" courts to collect war reparations from these same clueless Americans 

They latched onto the credit and the assets of the Americans to pay for their wars for profit, latched onto the Americans themselves and secretly converted their political status to subject them to British Territorial law (including the Draft and the Spanish Law of the Inquisition), and then, used so-called British Territorial Equity Courts to pick the carcass clean. 

They contrived to make the Americans pay for everything at least once, and often up to five or six times. And, of course, they charged the Americans for all this service they were providing. 

It's this last little insult added to injury which is proving to be a major part of their undoing. 

It's one thing to defraud someone and practice all sorts of other crimes against them, but to additionally take money for this "service"  under pretense and assumption of employment contract, puts it in another whole realm of aggravated wrong-doing. 

So, there's that, and then, their other pretense trying to excuse all of this, the idea that they were "at war" and justified in doing all this as a result, has fallen through.  

Turns out there was never any war, just a filthy undeclared Mercenary Conflict disguised as a war. 

The American victims of all this have actually been at peace since 1814. 

We have been illegally occupied by what merely appears to be our own military since 1863.  The U.S, Military is actually functioning as a British Territorial Expeditionary (Mercenary) Force, and has been this entire time. 

We call it "the American Raj" because it is exactly the same sort of oppressive, illegal, colonialist set up as the Raj in India -- and was set up at nearly the same time. 

The end of the Federal Reserve's robbing, looting and pillaging, along with the IRS's rear-guard action, and the end of the "military district" courts is fast upon us.  

We haven't been caught totally unaware. 

We've validated and confirmed the presence of  Americans who have chosen their birthright political status and populated our States of the Union. 

We've enrolled all the post-Civil War Territorial States as actual States of the Union. 

We've recouped enough of our assets and built our own bilateral bank system and issued our own gold-backed currency.  

We've survived everything else.  We'll survive this, too. 

When it's over, the American people will be held harmless.  There will be a new and honest currency system.  The immense wealth the criminals accrued for themselves will be distributed back to the victims. 

You will hear about the "M2" -- cash market "money" disappearing, and the Great-Great Depression that is threatening humanity because of these miscreants, but be of good cheer.  

We were not meant to spend our lives trading on someone else's debt.  Such a system is poisonous for all concerned. 

So, let's leave "debt notes" behind with a sense of relief and gladness, and with faith that we can quickly restore balance and supply chains and sound money and all the blessings that go with it. 

And no, we don't need a Third World War to dig the pigs out of their troughs again.  

We'll just stop raising pigs. 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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Ever Wonder How MUCH?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Ever since the 1870's the U.S. Government has been spending our credit and our precious metals on lavish bribes to foreign governments and foreign government officials. 

The 1934 A  Bearer Bonds are an example of "Helicopter Money" back in the day.  

You may recall that we cancelled and collected exactly such a 1934 A Bearer Bond and published the video of us doing that all over the Internet. 
For us, doing that was okay --- because it was our credit and our silver. 

Nobody can accuse you of bribing yourself with your own money --- but plenty of other individual countries and government officials and corporate officials got paid off by FDR's Administration using Bearer Bonds this way.  

Individuals were given a box (or more) of these bonds, which they could deposit and spend at will for their private purposes.  In exchange, they sold their votes, influence, or properties or agreed to perform certain services, like espionage.  

It was all very traditional bribery, except that those making the bribe didn't have to pay for it like more honest mobsters.  

The American populace was forced to pay for FDR's Bearer Bond bribes also known as "payola" via mortgages, taxes, and inflation. 

In more recent times, the use of Bearer Bonds for bribery purposes has become far less common, if only because international banking laws have been tightened up and bank surveillance of illegal activities has increased. 

Both bribery and influence peddling are nowadays more often laundered through corporations.  

A corporation pays a guy with no experience in the oil industry a million dollars to consult them on the subject. 

A corporation makes a million dollar donation to the Ex-Prez Foundation. 

As it's not really the corporation's assets that are used for this --it's all traded in Federal Reserve Notes -- so the American people also ultimately pay for these corporate bribes. 

In case you are not following along, Federal Reserve Notes are public debt obligations. The question is -- whose "public" ---theirs or ours?  
The corporations pretend that their debts are our debts, and charge their debts, including all the debt represented by Federal Reserve Notes, to us. 

Like an organized cartel of credit card hackers....they steal our credit and leave us to pay their bill. They pre-print their own I.O.U.s and make it look like we're the ones on the hook for it. 

Then they pay their taxes with --- you guessed it --- more public debt charged off against us. 

Nobody in the government or the corporate world has actually paid a bill or a tax or a bribe, in over a hundred years. They haven't even paid for the feedstock materials to make their products or the labor to produce their services. 

It's all been on tickky --- and up until now, we've been presumed to be the debtors responsible for paying the corporate bar bill. 

Bank Bearer Bonds and corporate "donations" have all been used as the equivalent of "Helicopter Money" in the past and even today, but what about actual Helicopter Money, huge stacks of FRNs loaded in the back of C-130s on pallets and delivered to warehouses in places like Kuwait? 

Thanks to the brazen nature of the corruption we actually know the answer in terms of circulated bills: $1.9 Trillion. 

This does not count all the uncirculated bills still sitting in warehouses.  I vividly recall the comments of one pudgy, pleasant, but irritated sheik who said, "It's costing me more to store them (pallets of Federal Reserve Notes) than they are worth. Please, can't you give me something in exchange for them? Something of at least a little value, and not so bulky to store?"  

My turn to scratch my head. 

It's also hard to get a handle on the Bearer Bonds outstanding, as many boxes of them have been ratholed away and as bondholders are somewhat afraid to cash them in now that the Bearer Bond role as payola has been highlighted. 

We know how many bonds are issued in each series. We know how many have been redeemed by the Treasury.  We don't know how many have been lost or destroyed or buried in the backyard. 

It's blind speculation to wonder how many old 1880s, 1890s, 1900s, 1910's, 1920s and 1930s era Bearer Bonds might come to light. 

Except for us, the owners of the Treasury that these instruments were issued against, they are tainted paper, and because of that, for most recipients, they are not worth much.  We, however, can recoup the full face value, so to us, it's worth a Finder's Fee. 

It's also hard to guess the ultimate damage done by corporate bribery each year, but we could start by counting up all the donations that corporations make to political parties and private foundations sponsored by politicians and activists and lobbyists and apply a standard circulation factor to get a high and a low estimate. 

Finally, if we want to get a ballpark estimate of the total damage to our public's purse, we have to add in Obama's counterfeiting campaign, which logs in at about $5T per year since 2016, or @ $50T so far.  

If I add in intrabank currency, the various species of so-called "Big Bills" which used to be used for bank transfers and still are sometimes used for that purpose in trade banks--- that is, old time payola for bankers --- it turns out that loose Helicopter Money in private hands estimated at $1.9T is probably the least of it. 

My best guess is somewhere north of $150T in loose cash instruments and equivalents still in circulation or potentially in circulation from 1900 to today in non-institutional venues. If you count institutional stockpiles you are looking at at least $400T.   

I may also be able to shed some light as to why there are no Federal Reserve Notes since 2017 and why "the Fed" banks have not been providing the branch banks in the system with sufficient funds in cash. 

Acting as the Fiduciary for this country I released a YouTube video addressed to then-President Donald Trump in which I asked the simple question--- what about our National Credit? 

It should be obvious to anyone that in a debt-credit monetary system, all transactions are zero sum transactions, where every debt is answered by a credit. Immediately.  On the spot. 

If that were not true, there would be no transactions or exchanges going on. 

Obviously, there are, and just as obviously, we have produced a National Credit equal to the U.S. National Debt --- so why aren't we being credited? 

How can there be interest owed on a U.S. National Debt that has in fact already been paid and off-set by our National Credit? 

Nobody wants to admit that we have been impersonated and defrauded, so our credit can't appear on their ledger to counterbalance their debt. 

Yet they can't keep on wailing about their National Debt when it has already been paid. 

What to do?  

This got people thinking---and part of what they thought was:  Uh, oh, all the Federal Reserve Notes are receipts! They are proof of our indebtedness, because all those people in possession of those Federal Reserve Notes exchanged something -- labor or material for them....

Oh, boy, we have to get rid of the evidence, Hector.  No more cash.  Have to get rid of the cash.... which is like saying, we have to bury that horse we stole.   

As usual, the Rocket Scientists at the IMF-sponsored United States Department of the Treasury devalued the U.S. Treasury Bonds in a vain (and stupid) attempt to stop the credit hemorrhage caused by using I.O.U.s for currency, and then multiplying the problem by not removing the I.O.U.s from circulation once exchanged. 

For some reason, right up to a couple weeks ago, the IMF denizens thought their hands were lily-white and clean, and kept prancing around like Klaus Schwab, all petulant protruding lower lips and bulging eyes. 

Why they should think this, considering that the IMF was created by the same Standard Oil tycoons and shareholders who got busted for monopoly control of oil pipeline transfers, is beyond me. 

Seems like a simple conclusion to observe that the Standard Oil Company got busted for monopoly practices in this country, and moved to Europe, and set up another transfer control monopoly -- only this time they aimed to control currency transfers, not oil. 

And they got away with it.  Until now, when everyone is so fed up that they are joining BRICS and are happy with Vladimir Putin as a bedfellow. 

Imagine me, sitting here, staring into space. The unthinkable has happened, because nobody was bothering to think before. I have never met such a collection of politically correct, prissy pedants, with all the wind knocked straight out of them.  

If we are to believe it, they had no idea what they were doing at the behest of David Rockefeller, and no idea that it was wrong. 

They are part of the same group that imagines it is the nature of things that the Americans pay for all their defense costs and they pay nothing in return --- and it still hasn't reached them that they are being occupied illegally by British Crown Mercenaries, stripped of their national sovereignty, and have been pillaged since World War II. 

Not as badly as we dumb-dumb Americans, but still bad enough. 

At about this same time, the Federal Reserve said, whoa, we don't want all this evidence piling up as cash (receipts) against us, even if we receive 1000 times the face value of our I.O.U.s which are used over and over again in an unregulated legal tender system. 

Imagine bankers all over the world, but especially in the United States enclaves, with their sphincters shut tight and all slightly hyperventilating over lunch.  

The answer, the only answer -- at least in their minds, was to stop printing Federal Reserve Notes  (to stop the accumulation of receipts) and use only the fresh crop of 2017 FRNs to meet demand for cash ---while they were busy phasing the use of physical cash out entirely. 

Their "war on cash" and desperate bid to push everyone into a "cashless society" is because yes, it is illegal to present the same I.O.U. over and over again when the debt has already been paid. 

That's what they do when they keep the same $10 Federal Reserve Note in circulation through hundreds of transactions. If it were a Silver Certificate it wouldn't matter, but the Federal Reserve Note is an I.O.U., so it does matter. 

Oh, dear, let me buy a hamburger with this I.O.U. and then, let Gertrude buy some tulip bulbs with the same I.O.U., and let Hans buy a piece of cheese with this same I.O.U. and let Dieter buy new strings for his violin with this same I.O.U. --- and just keep going, until the soft and tattered old bill is taken out of circulation by some clueless bank employee who puts it in a drawer and sends it back to the Treasury, where it came from in the first place, and they can get a credit for it, too.  

Wouldn't it be wonderful to live in a world where you could get thousands and thousands of dollars-worth of goods and services, and still be on the hook for only one $10 I.O.U.? 

It's a form of exorbitant illegal usury, resulting in gross unjust enrichment for the bank and the cronies of the bank, playing against every productive member of society. 

The systemic "tax" represented by the inflation this  causes gradually erodes the legal tender currency until someone like me wakes up one day and says, "Good God, Almighty, what kind of shell game have we got going on here? People work all day and can't afford to eat?  People can't keep their homes because they are being taxed too much for services they don't even receive? Hello?" 

As one minion of the New York Fed put it in a deep monotone: "This is like being caught effing the Boss's wife, the Boss's sheep, the Boss's dog....and wrecking his car. A vintage 1969 Ferrari.... And all at the same time...." 

And then the immensity of the corruption really hit bottom, and he moaned, "We're all going to jail!  If we aren't strung up!"  

Maybe it will come to that --- again.  It would not be the first time in history that dishonest incompetent bankers and attorneys have met bad ends. All the scurrying and butt-covering has been quite amusing since then, with the arrogant swaggering pricks getting shut down on a regular basis by their formerly mousey cohorts that happen to have a brain and a sense of self-preservation. 

When men spend their whole lives pretending to be experts and professionals and never bother to observe what they are actually doing and the effect that they are actually having, and show no concern for their own actions because they think they are not liable for anything and will never be held accountable --- then this is the kind of insanity and injustice we suffer as a whole. 

This goes for kings and congressmen as well as bankers and generals and attorneys-for-hire.  A debacle of this potential, harming this many people, a Perfect Storm of corruption caused by run amok unregulated banks and platform trading casinos, institutionalized inflation built into the structure of a currency system, and political impersonation of entire nations so as to benefit corporations at the expense of living men--- has required the most abject and studied sociopathy on the part of the educated and elite strata--- that anyone could ever imagine. 

People say, how did you get involved in this?  How did you know?  Were you complicit somehow?  

I looked.  I saw.  I smelled the stench. 

The wealth of the General Economy throughout the entire Earth has been sucked dry beginning with the collapse in 2007 and ever since. 

In a period of fifteen years the wealth, comfort, security, morality, and the cultures of our people around the world --- which have formed over thousands of years --- have been collapsed with a giant sucking sound, and that can only happen when there are rats at work and clueless useful idiots helping them along. 

How did I get involved? I observed that what appeared to be my own dear government was lying to me, coercing me, threatening me, and robbing me blind. Is that not enough motive for anyone to get involved? To wake up?  To say, WT.... is going on?

The Government is supposed to serve and protect me, and instead......? 

Another sign that things are tainted, festering, and going South is the constant cost and stench of war, war, war.  This tells you that war profiteers are at work.  Lobbyists and manufacturers, horrible, purring, nasty men and worse women, who make the most absurd arguments -- "If you don't give us millions of dollars to destroy ourselves and other people, we might not be ready when it comes time to do it." 

Are you beginning to see?  This is the kind of insanity that is abroad in the world, and this should concern you at a fundamental level. 

You should realize that the people you have trusted to keep the world safe and sane and moving along and clean and decent -- have not only failed their job, but have been weak-minded and selfish and mean and stupid enough to take things in quite a different direction.  

If average good people don't stand up and shove, this whole construct is going right down the crapper. And I am not mincing any words here.  I am doing all that I can to transition us out of this mess and provide for everyone, but I want you to appreciate my situation via an analogy: 

Imagine that I am a Mother with ten kids all under the age of eleven. I am an adult.  I know what I am doing. I am trying to make dinner for myself and my ten kids. I have a kitchen and appliances.  I have a fuel source.  I have the ingredients.  I have pots, pans, bowls, utensils, everything I need. I even have a recipe and know what I am making. 

But in the Living Room my three year-old twins are on the loose, one with a box of matches, and one with a hammer in his hand, eyeing my glass-topped coffee table.  

The rest of the kids are playing in the backyard and occasionally screaming at me, "Mom! When can we have dinner?  I'm hungry!  Lauren said you forgot to get ice cream!  Mom, what are we having for dinner? 
Maaahm! Eugene is standing on my foot!"

You all got the picture?  I am here.  I am sorting things out.  I am preparing the food.  I am doing my job and I know what I have to do, but I need help. I need other adults to weigh in. 

Other adults who will corral the three year-olds and keep them from hurting themselves --and others-- because they don't know any better.  Other adults who can cook and clean and know the basics of living. Other adults who can calm down the backyard riot.  Other adults who can answer questions and lead everyone on a gentle, productive path. 

I need you -- yeah, you sitting there reading this, who think you are not an expert. You don't need to be an expert. Maybe it's better that you're not, because you are free to deal with the problems at hand with kindness and common sense, instead. 

You should trust yourselves enough to know that  you have more sense in your little toe than all the experts that have brought us to this impasse. 


How many of them betrayed their profession and their patients and believed lies when they had to know better?  How many greased their palms? How many looked the other way? 


How many of these professional Liars have sat in courtrooms with cause to know that there was something desperately wrong and unjust going on in the justice system, but did nothing to research it or correct it?  


Blandly allowing the casinos of the platform traders to suck every last breath of vitality and creativity and life out of the economies that people depend on to live. Watching the wealth of 99% of humanity be sucked up and drained away like water down a giant flume, to feed the 1% of truly worthless eaters, the gluttons beyond measure, who have desired this.  

These are all men so clueless that they stagger out of their Executive Bathrooms saying, "What's going on?" 

So don't be comforted and don't sit quietly, waiting for me or anyone else to save you from this horrific vacuum of intelligence and moral leadership. You have to take action. Each one of us. 

And when you wonder how much money has been wasted and stolen, when you wonder how much damage has been done, and when you wonder how much it will take to get things back on track --- stop wondering how much.  We will never know. 

The only question that we are good at and competent to answer is: what? 

What do we want?  

We can envision that. We can be sure of that. We can feel that.  Yes, without too much effort at all, we can feel warmth, peace, and security. We can get past fear and want.  We can shut the door on chaos and Liars and greedy men and thieves. We don't have to put up with gossips or bullies in our world. 

We can concentrate purely and powerfully on what we want our world to be and not be troubled by anything else.  

Now, in the depths of this cold early winter night, it is time to plant the seeds of a glorious future for the Earth and all Mankind. 

Find your vision. Bring your helping hands. 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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