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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021


 By Anna Von Reitz

So here it is:
The US Debt is our American Credit. The corporation directly responsible for accruing the US Debt was not able or willing to pay us back. They went bankrupt---- and claimed that we were the Principals responsible for them, so that we were responsible for their debts---- like the co-signers on a loan.
They stole our identity, impersonated us, ran up our credit cards and bailed out.
Then they claimed that their corporation was owned and operated by us, so that we were responsible for their debts and for paying off their bankruptcy.
The Principals actually responsible for owning and operating their bankrupt corporation were, meanwhile, hiding in the weeds, pretending that they had Emergency Powers never delegated to them, allowing them to own and operate these commercial corporations "in our names" --- but not being responsible or accountable for their administration.
So, we called them on it.
We claimed the US Debt as our indemnity, so they delivered the Labor Bonds to our Possession--- even though they remain responsible for the Issuance of the bonds. This evidence of their debt is the evidence of the credit owed to the American States and People --- the labor part of the debt, only.
The debt owed in all other commodities, gold, silver, land, etc., is owed by the Territorial United States corporation and its charter holders in Great Britain.
Before we "accept" in the commercial sense, any portion of the US Debt for forgiveness or the income/profit of these bonds, there are many issues to be settled.
Those who are following along realize that the ownership of all the corporations that have been chartered in our names since 1870 is an issue.
So are the unlawful and illegal operations of many of these corporations, which have been allowed to run amok and act as predators. This has spawned a "culture of crime" in America and around the world that has to be corrected.
These criminal activities are focused in specific ways, especially via the unlawful conversion of living flesh into a securitized commodity, which is then "monetized" to issue the labor-based currency, and also, via the exercise of unlawful patents, and purloined copyrights and trademarks.
The Perpetrators have been doing this by evading the Public Law through such stunts as claiming (falsely) that all the Americans have magically disappeared and have instead agreed to function as Territorial U.S. Citizens and/or Municipal citizens of the United States ----- which allows the Vermin to bypass and evade their constitutional obligations owed to those same Americans.
Or, as we have seen, by removing both the gold and silver commodity standards so as to legalize commodity rigging.
All this wiggling and writhing and evasion is truly worthy of snakes, but it all comes down to a stout garden hoe and the will to use it.
I have been accused of being "stupid" by Phil Hudok and Iran Lopez and numerous others who have been slurping up the remedies offered by the Perpetrators. Let me explain how their proposed remedy actually works.
Let's pretend that I am a pirate (as most of these people are) and I steal the value of your labor and put it in one pocket, and then I steal your gold and silver and land assets and put all that in my other pocket.
Later, you catch up to me, and you want your stuff back.
If you say you want the value of your labor returned, I pay you using your own gold.
If you say you want your gold and silver and land back, I pay you using the value of your own labor.
Not a penny of this offered "remedy" comes out of the pirates who stole all your stuff and used all your assets to profit themselves for over 150 years, does it?
No, it does not. You are stuck using your resources to pay for their sins and debts if you accept their "remedy" --- which is actually no remedy at all from your standpoint.
Just because someone offers a remedy doesn't mean you have to accept it.
I may offer you the "remedy" of chopping off your head in lieu of disemboweling you, but you may have other ideas.
So who is stupid? Those who accept the return of one purloined asset as payment for another purloined asset of theirs get my vote.
And those who accept Federal Reserve Notes (backed by their own labor) as payment for their gold, silver, and land --- are the dumbest of all.
So on a scale of 1 to 10, Grandma is doing pretty well and the rest of these guys are eating their own cake and thinking that this is "remedy" for debts owed to them.
Any American who takes this deal would have to be smoking something stronger than tobacco.
In fact, the only people who would -- relatively speaking -- gain from the offered remedy, would be actual British Territorial U.S. Citizens. Why?
Because they have no gold, silver, or land assets in the first place, so if they get a dollop of their own labor value back in exchange for giving up something that was never theirs --- it's gravy for them, like overtime pay.
Remember that in the British System, all actual value vests in the Queen. There isn't a British Citizen on Earth who owns his own land, gold, or silver.
Giving up their interest in such things is a moot point. The Queen has already stolen their gold, silver, and land, so the pirate in our story only got one pocketful of loot from them to begin with: their labor assets.
As Federal Reserve Notes "represent" labor commodity assets, getting back Federal Reserve Notes may appear to be a fair remedy to them, because that's all they contributed and all they have at risk.
The rest of us, however, would be fools --- well and truly --- to settle for such an accommodation.
We have the other "pocket full" of our assets at risk that need to be returned by the Queen's Government and the Boyz of Westminster, who seized upon them under conditions of non-disclosure, constructive fraud, Breach of Trust, and deceit in dereliction of duty.
They knew we, Americans, weren't knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily lined up in our cradles agreeing to "donate" our Good Names, our land, our gold, our silver, and our material estates to the Queen at three weeks of age. Or in grade school, when we unknowingly recited "The Pledge of Allegiance" without disclosure, either. They knew that for sure.
They also knew that they didn't give our Mothers any full disclosure when they were pressed (as in press-ganged) to "abandon" their babies as wards of the British Territorial State of State organizations.
And why is that?
Because snatching babies and alienating them from their natural-born nationality and jurisdiction is a capital crime under both the Geneva and Hague Conventions. And it's an especially heinous crime when it takes place in Breach of Trust against your loyal Employers, who have stood at your back and paid your debts through two World Wars.
Grandma hasn't lost sight of that one, either.
The Labor Bonds have been returned because they need to be forgiven and the currency converted into a credit-based currency. Fine. We can do that.
The Queen and Westminster have yet to cough up their part of the hairball and return all the purloined titles to our land assets, including the copyrights to our Proper Names, the gold and silver that their misdirected commercial corporations shipped offshore "for safe-keeping" and all the other assets of ours that they purloined and benefited from in our purported "absence".
There is no question that this is owed and that the eyes of the world are upon them. Britain's reputation doth precede them. Too often, this "combined government" of the Monarchs and the Lords of Admiralty, has chosen war instead of peace, self-interest instead of justice. We all remember the Raj.
So batten down and see what happens. Will Britain rise to the occasion? What will happen to them if they don't? Will their new Allies in China witness their treatment of their old Allies in America and expect any better treatment themselves?
Or will the Chinese remember the Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion, the same way that the Americans needed to remember The War of Independence in 1868?
Nobody can turn on the charm like the Brits when they want to. The room lights up and the Blarney flows. They really would have you thinking that poo -- at least your poo --- doesn't smell. They will happily welcome you into their secret club, if they have an ax to grind and you have a grindstone.
But America, and World-at-Large, think well and think truly.

These Charmers have invaded more countries than any other Empire in human history, including Rome.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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Additional Issues for the International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 10 -- Commodity Rigging

 By Anna Von Reitz

It will come as a shock to many, but everything traded in this world is based on commodities. Labor is a commodity. Currencies are commodities. And despite a great deal of false advertising, all currencies including the Federal Reserve Notes, are asset-backed.
It will also come as a shock that we have been using "digital accounts" since the 1930's --- and all "money of account" has been created by the account holders themselves in a closed system of domestic legal tender.
Whatever the currencies have been and however they have been traded as cash commodities, so far as the banks are concerned, these external "tokens" are converted into digital currency tokens and entered as digits (therefore, "digital") on ledgers.
Once entered on a bank ledger, these "representations" become both a liability for the bank and an endlessly fungible and malleable source of new currency credits. That is to say, that a "digit" on a bank ledger can mean almost anything. And can be credited as almost anything, too.
A digit can be a ruble. It can be a yen. It can represent labor or gold or oil or steers in a feedlot. It's all the same to the digits. This is where the power of denomination comes in.
The people who are the source of all these digits have the power to define the digits for the bank via their endorsement, but they seldom do. And the bank doesn't ask, because the bank would rather have the latitude to define the digits however they see fit.
Thus, in America, the remedy to the debt-slavery system that gives rise to the labor-backed Federal Reserve Notes, is to properly "denominate" the digits going into and coming out of your accounts as "lawful money". This then allows people to escape the debt-slavery model and forces the banks --- at least on paper -- to actually discharge the debt represented by the Federal Reserve (Promissory) Notes.
That is, instead of allowing the debt to endlessly expand, the banks are required to "redefine" the digits and decrease the "national debt" by the redeemed amount, when you denominate your deposits as lawful money.
Unfortunately, almost no one existing outside the Beltway of Washington, DC, was ever told a word about this cozy contrivance, and as a result people did not know how to access the remedy and didn't know how to endorse their checks or how to denominate funds so as to reduce the so-called National Debt ---- a sin by omission and act of self-interested non-disclosure on the part of those offering the remedy ---- that eventually and arbitrarily allowed the US National Debt to balloon to over $25 trillion dollars.
Although it may not immediately jump off the page, this is the largest commodity rigging scheme in history, and the commodity being rigged on a stupendously large scale, is labor.
It was at this point that we raised our hands and said, "But what about the equal National Credit?"
In a Debt/Credit monetary system all transactions are in fact zero-sum. The creation of a debt also creates an equal and answering credit.
So, no "National Debt" is possible, unless the answering "National Credit" is not being applied. This is as true in America as it is in Greece or Cambodia.
The digits accounting for the National Debt were being religiously accounted for; we even had a large neon-style ticker tape counter in Times Square, showing the second-by-second growth of the National Debt.
Not a whisper about the National Credit. What happened to all those answering digits?
They were being sequestered, siphoned off, and pooled in gigantic investment slush funds, used to buy majority interests in the Fortune 500 companies in America and eventually to dominate the stock markets worldwide, and also to buy large, large quantities of foreign currency.
And all of this served to rig-- first the labor market -- and through this initial fraud, the rigging of all other commodities, including international currencies. The so-called "Economic Stabilization Fund" acquired enough of nearly every National Currency to control it.
Once that was accomplished, any National Currency could be destroyed at will, either by hyperinflation or deflation, simply by dumping large amounts of that currency into the market (inflation) or deliberately taking it out of circulation (deflation).
How, the court may ask, is this possible? Commodity rigging is illegal.
So it is, except that once you remove both the gold and the silver standard, there is no recognized "standard commodity" and it becomes impossible to establish the value of any other commodity.
If there is no known recognizable standard for commodity value, it's impossible to say that the commodity prices are rigged. Thus, commodity rigging becomes "legal".
We now observe the actual reason that the gold standard had to go, and the criminal motivation behind that removal.
The ability to rig all commodity markets and all commodity prices and to artificially restrict access to commodities, including those needed to sustain life --- water and food and shelter -- has been the Unholy Grail of Merchants since time began, and in this century, in this country, it was finally achieved, except that none of it actually belongs to the Perpetrators of this scheme.
They have bought, sold, and traded upon the assets of others, using the pretext that they "represent" us, when in fact they don't represent us and have no granted authority to do any of these things in our names.
One of the princes in Europe gave the Rothschilds assets on loan with a contract for a specific rate of return and date of repayment. They seized upon his assets, invested them, and paid him his expected return -- keeping the rest of the profit for themselves.
And that is all it took to spawn the history of banking as we have known it.
The bankers and other corporate beneficiaries of all these schemes have assiduously seized upon assets belonging to the living people, have bought, sold, and traded these assets "for" us, and manipulated the outcomes to benefit themselves at our expense.
Now the day of reckoning arrives and we find a quintillion dollars-worth of unpaid labor bonds, our gold and silver purloined and stored "offshore" for "safekeeping", controlling interests in virtually all productive capacity in every economic sector being held "in our names", and unimaginably large Slush Funds, most of them being managed as combined pension fund associations which are organized, apparently, to ensure liquidity of these funds 350 years into the future, while quibbling and denying a comfortable retirement to retirees who are alive right now.
It is this underlying worldwide commodity rigging scheme that is the Sacred Cash Cow around which all the wagons are circled--- and while it is comforting to know that our public employees will be able to count on their pensions centuries from now, we do not consider that a reasonable definition of "the Public Good" here and now.
And while this same commodity rigging scheme may warm the cockles of the hearts of those who have engineered it, a future determined by a meritocracy of crooks who have undermined and evaded the plainly stated Public Law in order to acquire all this wealth, is something that the rest of us object to.
No matter how brilliant or motivated they may be, a crook is still a crook, and unjust enrichment is still as unjust. Our laws against commodity rigging, including currency commodity rigging, exist for a reason. This country is not, as some would claim, a nation of brigands.
We have suffered as a result of these out-of-control corporations along with the rest of the world, and so we invite the High Courts to support us in the exercise of our sovereign imperative to declare the peace, end enslavement, balance the books, restore a lawful monetary system, return pre-paid credit owed to the people of the world, reform the corporations, dismantle the illegal commodity rigging scheme that has served to artificially impose the Doctrine of Scarcity, and educate everyone concerning the responsibilities that go with the freedoms that all men and women are heir to.

We do not object at all to free discussion and future planning initiatives. We earnestly hope that the truly meritorious thinkers and inventors among us can be promoted and will be, without political prejudice.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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REJECT medical tyranny and “Faucism” or lose your freedom forever (and die as a medical experiment prisoner)

(Natural News) It has come down to this simple choice: Either stand up and fight against “Faucism” now, or lose your freedoms forever and die as a medical experiment prisoner. We must denounce the medical fascism and “Faucism” and courageously resist the tyranny of masks, vaccines and lockdowns. This is the only path to save ourselves from the fascist medical police state that’s being rolled out right before our very eyes.

In today’s Situation Update, I cover the progression from fascism to Faucism and how why Tony Fauci must be arrested and charged with crimes against humanity in the spirit of Nuremberg and the aftermath of the Holocaust.

On a day when one police officer (Derek Chauvin) has been found guilty of murdering one drug-induced perp (George Floyd), the real criminals of our time (like Fauci) are involved in schemes that may murder millions of innocent people… yet they have so far faced zero justice.

They funded the bioweapons and then released them. They terrorized the nation with false fear. They withheld and suppressed knowledge of natural treatments that can prevent and reverse covid infections. And they demanded mass vaccinations of everyone, using dangerous experimental gene-altering “vaccines” that may yet produce a death wave of millions of people. The heads of the NIH, CDC, FDA and WHO are criminals against humanity, and they must be called out, resisted and stopped from murdering any more innocent human beings.

Listen to today’s full podcast for details

Leigh Dundas at Health and Freedom 2021

Freedom Rising over the Fourth Reich – Leigh Dundas