Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9600 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, July 30, 2018

America's First Lutheran Jesuit?

By Anna Von Reitz

I am tired of all this nonsense about me being a Jesuit and an "Agent" of the Vatican.
If anyone wants to know --- I mean, really wants to know --- you can ask my home church in Black River Falls, Wisconsin -- Evangelical Lutheran. You can ask my Alma Mater -- St. Olaf College, in Northfield, Minnesota (oh, and that's a Norwegian Saint, and a Lutheran College for all the complete numbnutz out there).

My detractors keep posting pages from my book, Disclosure 101, as "proof" for their lies and other claims.
If anyone wants to know, everything about those pages and my unpaid "job" as a Notice-giver for Pope Benedict XVI is fully "exposed" for everyone including the gossip-mongers and other irresponsible ignorant and purposeful liars trolling the internet. Read the book. It's available on
Ditto, ditto, and ditto to "Decker Apfel" and "Decker Apel" and "Decker-Anything Else" , "Virgo Triad" and all the others winding their own saws.

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 


By Anna Von Reitz

When I was about fifteen and full of beans and would do something a bit rash or get above myself in making comments to adults, my Mother would wag her head and say, “If you don’t govern yourself, someone else will have to do it for you!  And it will be at your cost!”
What she meant by this was not totally, crystal clear to me at the time, but it has become one of those nagging mantras that expands and clarifies its meaning over the rough road of experience and time.
Like all great truths, it’s deceptively simple.  We have to self-discipline ourselves and choose what is right, or we run the risk of having other parties and powers come into our lives to do the job we have avoided doing for ourselves.
For me as a young girl, it had more to do with minding my tongue and being patient. 
For many people, failing to self-govern means landing in jail.
For a nation, it is the fundamental requirement of existence.
And for a 150 years, America has not been fully self-governing.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Instruction on the Tenth Sunday After Pentecost

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

At the Introit of the Mass pray with the Church for God's help to guard us against our enemies:
INTROIT When I cried to the Lord, he heard my voice, from them that draw near to me, and he humbled them, who is before all ages, and remains forever. Cast thy care upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee. (Ps. LIV.) Hear, O God, my prayer, and despise not my supplication; be attentive to me, and hear me. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT O God, who dost manifest Thine almighty. power above all in showing pardon and pity: multiply upon us Thy mercy, that we running forward to the attainment of Thy promises, may be made partakers of Thy heavenly treasures. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (I Cor. XII. 2-11 .) Brethren, You know that when you were heathens; you went to dumb idols according as, you were led. Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man, speaking by the Spirit of God, saith. Anathema to Jesus. And no man can say: the Lord Jesus, but by the Holy Ghost. Now there are diversities of graces, but the same Spirit; and there are diversities of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but the same God, who worketh all in all. And the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man unto profit. To one, indeed, by the Spirit, is given the word of wisdom: and to another, the word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit: to another, faith in one Spirit: to another, the working of miracles: to another, prophecy: to another, the discerning, of spirits: to another, divers kinds of tongues: to another, of speeches. But all these things one and the same Spirit worketh, dividing to every one according as he will.
EXPLANATION The apostle here reminds the Corinthians of the great grace they received from God in their conversion, and urges them to be grateful for it; for while heathens, they cursed Jesus, but being now brought to the knowledge of the Spirit of God, they possess Christ as their Lord and Redeemer who can be known and professed only by the enlightenment of the Holy , Ghost. The holy Spirit works in different ways, conferring His graces on whom He wills; to one He gives wisdom to understand the great truths of Christianity; to another the gift of healing the sick; to another the gift of miracles and of prophecy; to another the gift of discerning spirits, to know if one is governed by the Spirit of God, or of the world, Satan and the flesh; to another the gift of tongues. The extraordinary gifts, namely, those of working miracles, and of prophesying &c. became rarer as the faith spread, whereas the gifts which sanctify man will always remain the same.,

How to Recognize the Walking Dead -- aka, Undeclared Federal Agents

By Anna Von Reitz

As you now know, most of us have been declared legally dead and have to prove that we are alive and have to take action to establish our birthright political status and re-convey our Trade Names back to the land and soil of our birth in order to protect ourselves and exercise our reversionary trust interest in our own birthright estates.

This is because we are being targeted as victims in the biggest identity and credit and bankruptcy/insurance fraud scheme in history. They indemnify you from loss and damage to legalize their theft and literally "put a gloss" over their seizure and use of your identity, credit, and assets---- and then prevent you from ever making a claim, simply by not telling you how and never revealing that you have the option.

But at least you can, by dint of hard work and learning and help from others along the way, regain your living status.

Not Alone

By Anna Von Reitz

I used to feel alone.  I used to sit in my office known as "The Toad Hole" because it was in the basement, and pour over documents like the IRS Code and feel utterly forsaken, scared, and alone. Faced with a lawless and an unaccountable and out of control government, how is anyone supposed to feel? 

Once I realized that the IRS was being run illegally, the bottom dropped out. My faith in law and government was forever decimated. My innocent belief that things were as they should be was shattered. I was left to contemplate the "rest of the story".

If the IRS was a racket, what else was a racket, too? 

And what to do about it? 

The IRS Code alone is thousands upon thousands of pages of the worst legal gobbledygook known to man.  Imagine me, sitting in my little basement office in Big Lake, Alaska, confronting the entire bulk of the Congressional Record and Federal Code?

Friday, July 27, 2018

More Nitty-Gritty: How the Bar Associations Contrived to Overcome the Constitutions and Common Law

By Anna Von Reitz

More Nitty-Gritty: How the Bar Associations Contrived to Overcome the Constitution and Common Law

We have long been aware of the "sea change" that happened in the American Court System circa 1965-66. We have been aware that the result was an unlawful conversion of the State of State Courts from operating in Common Law to Statutory Law and that this was accompanied by an equally unconstitutional and improper shift in legal presumptions about our "Persons"---in fact, an unlawful conversion and trafficking in our Persons occurred.

The organic constitutions under which our states (soil) and States (land) function all refer to "persons" defined as Natural Persons --- living men and women -- and "inhabitants" -- again, living people who have made their home (soil) and established their domicile (land) in one of the sovereign States of The United States of America.

So exactly how was this sleight of hand "redefining" Natural Persons as legal fiction "Persons" accomplished, and how was the Organic Constitution and Common Law overthrown? And why?

Here It Is, Tied Up With a Bow

By Anna Von Reitz

Many people are still having a hard time grasping what went on here, even after the research has been done and published and re-researched and affirmed again.
The states that went to war in the Civil War were the Federal-Level “Confederate States” --- yes, there were “Confederate States” long before the Civil War.  Those States of States were formed in 1781 under the Articles of Confederation as doing business entities belonging to the States of the Union.
We have the Federation (Union) of States doing business as The United States of America (September 9, 1776) and a few years later, we have the Confederation of States known as the States of America formed under The Articles of Confederation (March 1, 1781). 
The members of the States of America Confederation were all corporate entities doing business using names in the form: The State of Georgia, The State of Ohio, The State of Massachusetts, etc.  They  got along well enough and exercised the Delegated Powers under the Federal Constitution (The Constitution for the united States of America) from 1787 to 1861, when some of the “confederate” states broke away from the original Confederation and formed their own group, the Confederate States of America.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Who to Light a Fire Under.....?

By Anna Von Reitz

Where to go to report a crime?  Like you being falsely identified and impersonated as a "US CITIZEN" or "citizen of the United States" and presented with federal tax bills and liens?  Well, here it is, folks!   Thank you, Texas! 

Claim your indemnity from all this bull crap and make it stick. 

Make them go through the process they are supposed to go through --- present the bill for your approval, accept your signature to release the credit, take the signed "voucher" to their TTL Officer at their bank and submit it to the U.S. Treasury for permission to deposit equal credit in the Billing Party's account. After the Treasury returns the green Return Receipt to the TTL Officer submitting the request, they have to wait sixteen days from the return date before issuing the credit equal to the debt. The Billing Bank and the U.S. Treasury are supposed to be cancelling out all these bogus charges being sent to Americans.

Report Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

Trying not to lose my property

By Anna Von Reitz

Anna answers the following question from one of our readers.

"Howdy Paul , I was trying to offset some debts. Had some luck with an A4V, offset 39k of student loans. But have had no success otherwise. Trying not to lose my property. What do you know about the BC and Indemnity bonds? I really appreciate your time and I would like Anna to know the same. I am very much grateful. Respectfully, (Name Withheld) "

Answer from Anna:

Paul-- I am in a location with very poor internet reception.  You will probably want to post this as a separate article as everyone needs to wrap their head around this situation. 

Any debt that is from a public lender --that is, an incorporated business- is subject to discharge.  Private debts are not. 

The vermin responsible seized upon your private property- your name-- and created unauthorized franchises named after you.  This use of your name was unconscionable and non-consensual.  In order to make it legal they had to indemnify you against loss or damage --that is, insure you against loss or damage resulting from their use of your property.  Also, if they confiscate any of your assets they have to pay you fair market value.  All that is required and set in cement by the Lieber Code and Hague Conventions and spelled out in Army Regulations AR 27-20.

They just never told you and never made it possible for you to claim your Indemnity.  

So when they force you to pay off their mortgage you have the right to discharge it via the Federal Treasury Window but instead you are misled into assuming that it's your mortgage-- you are deceived and defrauded into paying off the government corporation's debts for them and the guilty banks facilitating this gross fraud don't even bother to report all this "Gift Income" to the IRS. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Free Lifetime Membership coming to an end in a few days!

Click Here:

Note from Paul Stramer,

This will probably be the last time Mint Builder offers this free Lifetime Membership.

The normal cost is $199 per year. Click the link to see all the benefits to you of a free Lifetime Membership.  You can save a bundle on precious metals by buying wholesale for the rest of your life without ever paying a membership fee.
You will also accumulate MS70 graded rare mint coins every month which can appreciate much faster than bullion coins.
See the movie to get the details.

This also helps us support the work of Anna Von Reitz for freedom.

Paul Stramer   406 889 3183

Monday, July 23, 2018

The Devil Went Down to....... Alaska?

By Anna Von Reitz

So we finally won our case. Donald Trump sicced teams of lawyers and archivists and historians onto all the information we've provided and guess what? We stand exonerated. All that we have brought forward has been proven, nailed down, and tied up with a bow, complete with all the research and case law and historical documentation.

Count that much done and over.

President Trump now knows -- definitively -- what is wrong, what the game is, what the game has been all along, who is responsible, and from what he has done so far, he is swiftly taking care of business. But he can't do it alone.

You see, he is working from the "federal side" of the fence. He needs our help coming from the side of the states and the people to meet him halfway. I already thumped on everyone to get their political status corrected and join their State Assembly, so I won't beat that drum again. At least not today.

What I will tell you is that there has been an extraordinary "up-tick" in millionaires and billionaires contacting me and promising support for my work and the work of The Living Law Firm.....if.....

George Washington's Obituary

By Anna Von Reitz

George Washington's Obituary -- Read It Here

George Washington, the American revolutionary leader and first president of the United States, dies of acute laryngitis at his estate in Mount VernonVirginia. He was 67 years old.

George Washington was born in 1732 to a farm family in Westmoreland County, Virginia. His first direct military experience came as a lieutenant colonel in the Virginia colonial militia in 1754, when he led a small expedition against the French in the Ohio River valley on behalf of the governor of Virginia. Two years later, Washington took command of the defenses of the western Virginian frontier during the French and Indian War. After the war’s fighting moved elsewhere, he resigned from his military post, returned to a planter’s life, and took a seat in Virginia’s House of Burgesses.

A Sad Day for OPPT

By Anna Von Reitz

Heather Ann Tucci-Jareff has been sentenced to 57 months in a Federal Prison. Almost five years of her life is being stolen from her and her family and for what?  Attempting to do to the banks what the banks have done to all of us.

What she is really being sentenced for is insubordination.  As a Bar Attorney, also known as a Shipping Clerk in the British Merchant Marine Service, she has no right to sue  those chartering her "vessel for hire".

She assumed that she had standing to sue, but she didn't argue it.  She didn't fall back on the actual Dual Citizenship that applies to her, and she didn't make preparation to defend her claim on that basis.  She never took my advice.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Instruction on the Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

Implore God for help and protection against all temptations both visible and invisible, and say with the priest at the Introit:
INTROIT Behold, God is my helper, and the Lord is the protector of my soul: turn back the evils upon my enemies, and cut them off in thy truth, O Lord, my protector. (Ps. LIII.) Save me, O God, by thy name, and deliver me in thy strength. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT Let the ears of Thy mercy, O Lord, be open to the prayers of Thy suppliants: and that Thou mayest grant them their desires, make them to ask such things as please Thee. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (I Cor. X. 6-13.) Brethren, Let us not covet evil things, as they also coveted. Neither become ye idolaters, as some of them: as it is written: The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed fornication, and there fell in one day three and twenty thousand. Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them tempted, and perished by the serpents. Neither do you murmur, as some of them murmured, and were destroyed by the destroyer. Now all these things happened to them in figure, and they are written for our correction, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore he that thinketh himself to stand, let him take heed lest he fall. Let no temptation take hold on you, but such as is human: and God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able but will make also with temptation issue that you may be able to bear it.
Can we sin by thought and desire?

Friday, July 20, 2018

A Brief Comment to "With All Due Respect", Kim et alia

By Anna Von Reitz

Of course, Kim thinks she is fine --- except in those dim moments of confusion when she notices that she is doing things that she doesn't actually want to do, and equally, can't do what she says she desires to do. 

The victims are never told.  They are left to think that they have been "sick"  or had an "accident" of some kind, and they were in the hospital, but everything is just fine now.  . 

She doesn't know she has been hijacked.  None of the victims know that they are victims.  If they did, they might--- conceivably --- seek help.  They are ultimately helpless, because they can be ordered to self-destruct, but their loved ones might even bring a criminal complaint or find a way to sue the complicit institutions (MIT, CIT, DARPA, IAG..... the list goes on) out of existence. 

Anyone who has been "modified" allows other entities to play them like a piano, to direct them to do things that are reprehensible and not do things that are in accord with their own verbally expressed desires. They are no longer in control. The computer interface is in control. 

Additional Explanation About 18 USC 911

By Anna Von Reitz

To explain to those who didn't understand what I was talking about when I referenced "More Ammo in the Territorial United States Code"-----here is what 18 USC 911 actually says: 

18 USC 911

Whoever falsely and willfully represents himself to be a citizen of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 742Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994108 Stat. 2147.)

Now, as part of reclaiming your birthright status, you have to face the fact that you have made some mistakes.  You have claimed to be a "US citizen" more than once, and now that someone finally explained that they aren't talking about the same "US" that you are, you realize that you were never a "citizen" of the Territorial or Municipal United States, either. 

Now that the deceitful language is exposed, it's clear as day that you weren't born in and don't desire to be in the same political status as someone from Puerto Rico, right?  

The Rewards of Socialism

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on this plan". All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A.... (substituting grades for dollars - something closer to home and more readily understood by all).

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.

The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Nature of the Crime

By Anna Von Reitz

When you crank it all down, the nature of the crime that affects most Americans most immediately and deeply is an insurance fraud scheme.

By misidentifying you as Territorial or Municipal United States "citizens" instead of people native to the actual United States we all think of, they avoid their obligation to indemnify you from loss or damage and also avoid their obligation to compensate you when they seize upon your assets as an occupying army.

For a clear statement of the indemnification you are owed as a civilian non-combatant see Army Regulations AR 27-20, which also explains the reason that you have to hold the Court harmless before the Court can act in your favor.

Once you have corrected the falsified registration and exercised your "reversionary trust interest" in your own estate, Good Name, and other assets, and have "removed and re-conveyed" your Good Name and the Derivative NAMES to a permanent domicile on the land and soil of the actual states, everything changes.


More Ammo in the Territorial United States Code

By Anna Von Reitz

More Ammo in the Territorial United States Code

Thanks to an alert researcher, we have definitively located the "negative enactment" regarding false claims of citizenship.

Everyone please read 18 USC 911.

Bring this forward in Territorial Court and slap the vermin who are bringing false claims against you silly. 
"And by the way, your Honor, in your own Federal Code if I may bring it to your attention, there is the matter of 18 USC 911 to be addressed....."  

Answers to Questions

By Anna Von Reitz

1)  What is the current status of the International Obligation Lien? 

The Lien is there for all to see and it is still standing.

2)   Should we add the authenticated birth certificate as an addendum to the Deed of Re-conveyance?

No, the BC is a private document that you should use in the conduct of your private business.  Some of us who have had cause to act in public capacities have recorded BCs but if you are not in such a situation there would be no reason to do this.

3)  On a show about 6 month ago, you had talked about doing three UCC filings.   Do these still need to be done?

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Never Doubt It

By Anna Von Reitz

This has been a very introspective day, despite the usual amount of hectic activity, phone calls, correspondences and case work.  I have had cause to think deeply about my friends and compatriots on this narrow road.  So many have struggled and still are.

Rod Class is preparing his answer to the Federales challenge of his right to keep and bear arms. 

Other friends are taking the accounting and system errors straight to the source-- the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. 

Still others are forging ahead with new means of enforcing and accessing indemnity guarantees.

I am so grateful to know all these wonderful, determined people.  It makes me proud to be part of the effort to restore America and the rightful American government --- to, as Donald Trump put it -- "Make America Great Again". 

We might also say --- "Make America American Again". 

We have been under the thrall of corrupt European and corporate powers for a long, long time. It feels good to know that we finally have the "weather gauge" on the vermin and that our Ship of State is no longer headed for the jagged rocks our enemies had in mind for us.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Two Important Links to Share, Share, Share....

By Anna Von Reitz

Here's the link to the Sealed and Unsealed Indictments so far:

It is indeed gratifying to think that the US DOJ might have actually done it's job this time and might be going after actual criminals after eight decades of too often prosecuting the victims of human trafficking and identity theft instead. 

President Trump's Swamp Draining has taken on a life of its own. 

This initial effort is aimed at the physical  child and sex slave traffickers among us, as it should be, but let's not forget the Undeclared Uniformed Officers at the local hospitals and the paper terrorists at the Registrar's Offices and Vital Statistics Bureaus clicking along and doing the same thing to Americans --- kidnapping, identity theft, etc., etc., etc.

And next...... from my in-basket from the Legendary Snoop ---- a magnificent tool for anyone who needs or wants to look up case law; though it should be less and less necessary for any American to do so, it is useful sometimes to be able to shove their own case law under their noses. 

Most important, this tool sorts out jurisdiction for you, so you can clearly see which jurisdiction applies to which case law, and that, believe me, is worth weight in gold. 

Here you go, direct from El Snoopo: 

Below are easy, step-by-step instructions on "HOW TO FIND THE LAW FOR YOURSELF" on ANY subject in ANY jurisdiction absolutely FREE OF CHARGE. 

Forward this email to your entire email list!

You will assist your colleagues and followers enormously.


Have No Part of Any "Warrants" --- Warning!!!!

By Anna Von Reitz

Now, apparently, some of the partially-informed and half-baked among us are sending out "Warrants for Arrest" addressed to whoever they disagree with. Not only is this a "threat" within the meaning of the Public Law being made against living people, it is also an act arguably well-within the meaning of "paper terrorism" under statutory law.
It is also an attempted infringement of everyone else's free speech.
This idea that you can go around sending out "warrants" for the arrest of other people based on your opinions needs to be squelched. With prejudice.
This latest plague of nonsense will either be: (a) laughed out of the courtroom or (b) more likely used as an excuse to "make an example out of" more people.
Look at what happened to Bruce Doucette --- 38 years in federal prison. He thought he knew more about this stuff than I did, too.
Whoever came up with this one lacks basic knowledge of our history and is a few bricks short of a load when it comes to basic logic.
Let's get this straight: The United States of America is a Federation of States formed on September 9, 1776.

Proof of World Bank "Gang of 300" Collusion and Criminality

By Anna Von Reitz

The last several days I have posted copies of Karen Hudes' false claims about our government and the condition of our government and alleging that the World Bank Board of Governors gave her authority to "cast our votes" in behalf of the Territorial United States.  

We have replied that the Territorial United States is under contract to us, not the other way around, and that we will speak for ourselves in all matters affecting our assets. 

Here is proof of their criminality and collusion spanning the whole world and affecting all people.  They are attempting the overthrow of all the sovereign governments on Earth via control of banks and misappropriation of Historic Trust Assets.  

See attached.

This is a 144 page document.

Agencies Are the "Shadow Government" -- Worldwide

By Anna Von Reitz

Chaos reigns with con artists and would-be interlopers and competing "government services corporations" all giving themselves deceitful names like "Republic for the United States of America" and "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (LTD)" --- all infringing on our Common Law Copyright, and all serving to delay and obstruct meaningful action to address the actual problems that need to be addressed. 

Enough, already.  This is not a free-for-all and this is not our first trip to the rodeo. 

Our Forefathers put in place a structure and a system to do everything that we need to re-do now, which is more than sufficient to meet our needs at present and to guide our actions in restoring our government peacefully and lawfully.  

First, we have the actual Federation of States dba The United States of America (Unincorporated) intact and functioning.  

Second, we are properly calling the States to Assemble to conduct the necessary business at hand.  Go to: or contact: for additional information. 

I Stand Corrected --- Mysteriously So

By Anna Von Reitz

Today, I got a message from a British reader informing me that (in regard to my article about peonage in our British-run jails titled "Prisons For Profit Run by Foreigners")  Compass Group, PLC, sold off its interest in prison services to this multinational conglomerate: 

Matt Sanford
Managing Director

Christopher Paldino

H.I.G. Capital
1450 Brickell Avenue
31st Floor
Miami, FL 33131
P 305.379.2322
F 305.379.2013

There's just one problem --- this acquisition occurred in 2012 and in 2018, Compass Group, PLC, is still appearing as the owner operator of Trinity Services and not H.I.G. Capital. 

Most likely, as is very and unfortunately common, H.I.G. Capital swooped in, gained control of a portion of Compass Group, PLC. by acquisition, gained use of the name and logos, etc., associated with one part of Compass Group, PLC, and continues to use the Compass Group, PLC, name as a storefront for H.I.G. Capital.  

Something similar happened when the U.S. Attorney General acquired Wells Fargo and continued to use the "Wells Fargo Bank"  name and trademark to mask a securities corporation owned and operated by the US AG. 

Who knows what H.I.G. Capital's stance on the Modern Slavery Act 2015 is? 

Manna World Trust, AI, Quantum, and More

By Anna Von Reitz

There are very foolish and uninformed rumors on the internet about these topics. I will share the facts as I know them. 

Kim Goguen aka Kim Possible aka Virgo Triad is the purported Trustee of Manna World Trust.  

She is a Romanov from the same family as the former Czar of Russia murdered and deposed by the Vermin who selected Kim to be a lab rat in one of their genetic engineering experiments.  

She doesn't know what happened to her, why she "isn't the same" as she once was, why she can't feel certain emotions--like love-- any more, why she is in some respects compulsively driven to work 24/7 with immense focus, and at the same time is confused, her mind as unsettled as her jumbled, broken emotions. 

But I know what THEY did to her and why.  They get their rocks off on "converting" survivors of families they have murdered to their religion ---and using and abusing them to do their own dirty work.  In this way, their "victory" is complete and their enemies are not only dead and dishonored, but even their shirt-tail relatives are employed doing things and believing things that the Romanovs despised. 

This is a religious "war" and a spiritual conflict, in which the Father of All Lies contests with every means of guile against the Father of All Truth.

And those who murdered her family have converted Kim into their literal living breathing tool.  

Monday, July 16, 2018

Prisons For Profit Run by Foreigners

By Anna Von Reitz

25 million Americans are in jail tonight.
On a percentage basis, that is a wildly larger percentage of our population than any other major country on Earth.
The majority of these Americans are in jail for non-violent white collar crimes like kiting checks (----why don't they arrest the Federal Reserve for doing the same thing?), marijuana use, abuse of prescription drugs, alcoholism, mental and emotional illness, trespass, homelessness, vagrancy, and thought crimes.
Virtually all of these are "victimless" crimes.
And probably 95% of these people aren't actually federal territorial or municipal citizens. They aren't actually subject to statutory law or municipal legislation, but they have been kidnapped and solicited and human trafficked into the foreign jurisdictions, summoned, enticed, railroaded, and prosecuted under false legal presumptions ----for one reason: profit.
The vermin responsible make big bucks charging us thousands of dollars per month to keep each one of these people in jail. Six dollars for an aspirin.
Reminds me of the solid gold toilet seats the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE was requisitioning for certain generals a few years back.
For starters, these foreign courts make $25,000 per misdemeanor they bring in, and over a million for every felony, guaranteed. Some felonies fetch as much as $25 million per charge. Let's just say that these teams of privateers operating under color of law are "highly motivated" to arrest people on any pretext at all.
The only crime that prosecutors are supposed to address in our system are cases of murder or disability wherein the injured party literally cannot speak for themselves.
And it is well-established Federal Law that the "federated" State of State Courts should be following, too, that attorneys are not allowed to act as injured parties or give testimony concerning events and circumstance they have no direct first-hand knowledge of (see Trinsey v, Pagliaro).
So how is it that every day and in every one of these courts in America, attorneys are acting as injured parties, being allowed to enter testimony as witnesses to events they never saw or heard, and otherwise trample on any standard of evidence and Due Process?

House Joint Resolution 192 and Congressional "Intent"

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been asked to comment on HJR 192 and the whole subject of Congressional Intent.

A "Joint Resolution" is like a New Year's Resolution. It has no force of law, but it does clearly express the intent of a Congressional Body.

Which "Congressional Body" is expressing their intent in HJR 192?

It's the Territorial United States Congress acting in the wake of FDR declaring "the" United States of America, Inc. insolvent.
And they are attempting to meet their obligations owed under the Hague Conventions by saying, oh, yes, if anyone wants to, they can reclaim their "reversionary trust interest" in the actual United States as remedy for us taking title to their assets and using their assets as collateral backing our debts.

What they are doing is -- to put it bluntly -- expressing their intention to provide remedy and thereby legalize their crime. The rats had to provide remedy in the form of an escape clause or go to jail and have no ability to enforce their false claims.

This is how they claimed (and continue to claim) that we are all paying federal income taxes voluntarily, and paying off their mortgages taken against our property voluntarily, and licensing our right to travel voluntarily, and subjecting ourselves to their statutory codes and rules voluntarily ---- when we all know that none of this has ever been fully disclosed to the American People, is unconscionable, non-consensual, and enforced under color of law.

But it was, and it still is, and it is only now --- twenty years after the 1933 Bankruptcy settled --- that people are waking up and beginning to realize that: (1) HJR 192 exists and (2) why it exists and (3) what to do in response to the circumstance.

What is perhaps more important is that people are beginning to wonder--- WTH? Why is the Territorial Government in charge here, as if we were all a bunch of Puerto Ricans?

Page 2: False Claims by World Bank and IMF

By Anna Von Reitz

I gave you the first part of Ms. Hudes' explanation to Japanese officials alleging that the Secondary Creditors (World Bank and IMF) had superior claims to control our country, our land, and our assets than we do, as the Priority Creditors and Donors of all Delegated Powers.  

And now, as Paul Harvey would say, page 2 of her Letter to LTC Okubo dated October 31, 2016...... in which she alleges that General Dunford was engaged in "treasonous and corrupt activity" and an "attempt to steal the world's monetary gold reserves".

Quote Hudes -- "The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF have authorized me to exercise the voice and vote of the United States of America during this interregnum in the legitimate government of the United States until the Constitution of 1789 goes back into effect under an Article V Convention." 

Point of information --- it's the Constitution of 1787 that counts.  And beyond that, no delegated power holder is greater than the donor of that power, which in this case is The United States of America [Unincorporated] and our member States: Wisconsin, Iowa, Maine, Florida, et alia. 

Second point of information --- nobody died and left the "Board of Governors" of the World Bank and IMF parties responsible for our "Federal" Government or for us. 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Instruction on the Eighth Sunday After Pentecost

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

The Introit of the Mass reads:
INTROIT We have received thy mercy, O God, in the midst of thy temple: According to thy name, O God, so also is thy praise unto the ends of the earth: thy right hand is full of justice. Great is the Lord, and exceedingly to be praised in the city of our God, in his mountain. (Ps. XLVII.) Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT Lord, we beseech Thee, mercifully grant us the spirit to think and do always the things that are right: that we, who can not subsist without Thee, may by Thee be enabled to live according to Thy will. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (ROM. VIII. 12-17.) Brethren, We are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh, you shall die: but if by the spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live. For whosoever are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again in fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption of sons, whereby we cry: Abba (Father). For the Spirit himself giveth testimony to our spirit, that we are the sons of God. And if sons, heirs also: heirs indeed of God, and joint heirs with Christ.
Who live according to the flesh?

Saturday, July 14, 2018

More of "Our" History With China

By Anna Von Reitz

Bear in mind that the information I just published concerns China in the 1920's and 30's and the Nationalist Chinese Government, which became a major Creditor of the Federal Reserve just before the Federal Reserve turned around and used the Chinese Nationalist gold to finance Mao's Communist regime in the war against them..... the demise of the Nationalist Chinese Government then allowed the Federal Reserve to keep the Chinese gold and claim that it was "abandoned assets" and avoid paying even the interest that was owed.

See how this works? The vermin borrow from and then attack their creditors. Just like the Nazis borrowed from the German and East European Jews and then attacked them. Just like the Bush and Obummer Administrations borrowed up the ying-yang against our purloined credit, and set up FEMA camps on our soil, planning to attack us.

But the history of fraud and betrayal and murder from these bankers doesn't end there. There is a sequel, which is the history of the Communist Chinese Government in the 1940's, and how the same vermin came back in and "rolled" the Communist Chinese Government.

Here is a long (very long, very detailed) movie -- All Quiet in Peking -- currently available on Netflix (thanks for recommending, Steve!) that tells what happened in China in the 1940's at the hands of these monsters.