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Monday, July 23, 2018

George Washington's Obituary

By Anna Von Reitz

George Washington's Obituary -- Read It Here

George Washington, the American revolutionary leader and first president of the United States, dies of acute laryngitis at his estate in Mount VernonVirginia. He was 67 years old.

George Washington was born in 1732 to a farm family in Westmoreland County, Virginia. His first direct military experience came as a lieutenant colonel in the Virginia colonial militia in 1754, when he led a small expedition against the French in the Ohio River valley on behalf of the governor of Virginia. Two years later, Washington took command of the defenses of the western Virginian frontier during the French and Indian War. After the war’s fighting moved elsewhere, he resigned from his military post, returned to a planter’s life, and took a seat in Virginia’s House of Burgesses.

During the next two decades, Washington openly opposed the escalating British taxation and repression of the American colonies. In 1774, he represented Virginia at the Continental Congress. After the American Revolution erupted in 1775, Washington was nominated to be commander in chief of the newly established Continental Army. Some in the Continental Congress opposed his appointment, thinking other candidates were better equipped for the post, but he was ultimately chosen because as a Virginian his leadership helped bind the Southern colonies more closely to the rebellion in New England.

With his inexperienced and poorly equipped army of civilian soldiers, General Washington led an effective war of harassment against British forces in America while encouraging the intervention of the French into the conflict on behalf of the colonists. On October 19, 1781, with the surrender of British General Charles Lord Cornwallis’ massive British army at Yorktown, Virginia, General Washington had defeated one of the most powerful nations on earth.

After the war, the victorious general retired to his estate at Mount Vernon, but in 1787 he heeded his nation’s call and returned to politics to preside over the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The drafters created the office of president with him in mind, and in February 1789 Washington was unanimously elected the first president of the United States.

As president, Washington sought to unite the nation and protect the interests of the new republic at home and abroad. Of his presidency, he said, “I walk on untrodden ground. There is scarcely any part of my conduct which may not hereafter be drawn in precedent.” He successfully implemented executive authority, making good use of brilliant politicians such as Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson in his cabinet, and quieted fears of presidential tyranny. In 1792, he was unanimously reelected but four years later refused a third term.

In 1797, he finally began a long-awaited retirement at his estate in Virginia. He died two years later. His friend Henry Lee provided a famous eulogy for the father of the United States: “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”

--- I could add a few details.

Washington took a long horseback ride on December 12, 1799.  It was a cold, bitter day at Mount Vernon with three inches of snow on the ground that melted and the snow turned to cold rain.  Washington was out in this weather for about five hours----certainly conditions he had suffered before as a younger man during the Revolution, but later that afternoon and evening he developed symptoms of severe illness and passed away on December 14two days later.

He's gone. 

So, you can't "Let George do it." anymore.  It's now up to you and yours to save this country.  You have to wrap your heads around what has happened here and why and exactly what needs to be done to (1) save your own bacon and (2) save your country so that your own bacon stays saved, too.

Now it may seem rather gratuitous for me to observe this necessity, that your safety depends ultimately on the safety of your neighbors and your country as a whole, but it does.  Some people are missing the point.

We've given you what you need at a minimum to save your own selves --- Article 928 on my website,, lays out the bare bones necessary to establish your claim to your own Good Name and estate.

And after that, as we've explained, the "Federal" part of the Federal Government is missing in action and has been under "Reconstruction" for 150 years, which is a big deal problem.  This work needs to done, finished, and the Federal part of the Federal Government needs to be reconstructed, and in operation, right now.  Yesterday. 

The only way to do this is for you to "return" to the land and soil jurisdiction of your birthright and get your own political status corrected and then to join your State Assembly.  The State Assembly can then organize its proper Federal State of State and can also choose delegates to a Continental Congress to be held in our actual capitol, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to conduct the necessary and long-delayed business of the actual States. 

So don't stand around waiting for George to do it for you, and don't think that one little old lady in Alaska can do it for you, either.  Send a brief message with your County and State as the Subject to

This is your country, your world, your responsibility now.

See this article and over 1100 others on Anna's website here:

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