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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Immunity to Lies and the Lure of Power

By  Anna Von Reitz

There are many, many kinds of lies.  

It strikes me that I should review the basics for everyone.  

There are outright old-fashioned lies that people tell and they can tell them to achieve something or they can tell them for no very substantial reason at all ---- like Fish Stories.  

These old-fashioned lies run the gamut for lying to your wife about working late to lying to your best friend about what you are doing on Saturday.  People often tell such lies to avoid unpleasant consequences or fights or just to avoid hurting someone else's feelings or causing them worry.  

These latter variety of "lies in a good cause" have been called "noble lies" but in fact there are no noble lies.  

Lies about your weight, your health, your intentions, your job status, lies designed to impress others, lies to make others like you, lies to make others respect you, lies to make yourself look good, lies to avoid punishment, lies to excuse bad behavior, lies to gain something material --- a promotion, a new car, a good seat at the movies -- all these sorts of lies are common as dirt.  

These lies are simple and driven by petty circumstance.  Most people engage in them so constantly that they don't even notice they are doing it:  

"I have to comb my hair!"  

Well, no, you don't really "have to".

Full Court Press for The Historic Trusts

By Anna Von Reitz

The assets of the world are largely owned by Historic Trusts--- vast holdings of actual assets including gold, silver, platinum, rhodium, gems, art, land, government bonds, corporate stock and much, much more.  

There are several different kinds of Historic Trusts.  

Most of them are private family trusts and in the Western World, many of them are Spanish, resulting from the days of the Conquistadors and the New World Gold. In the Far East, you also find Spanish gold that migrated there, especially in the Philippines, and you find traditional Chinese family gold hordes, too. 

Other Historic Trusts are family trusts resulting from mining or industrial operations and investments, still others are Treaty Trusts that accrue to specific nations as "national trusts" or for specific purposes such as war reparations or infrastructure investments.  Still others result from court settlements and land trust investments. Some of the largest trusts are old Commonwealth Trusts created in the 1600's by wealthy trading companies; the oldest of these Historic Trusts dates to 435 A.D.  

And there are, of course, a dizzying array of Church Trusts, which are "historic" but which are not traditionally included as Historic Trusts in the sense discussed here.