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Thursday, March 21, 2024

International Public Notice: 2014 Final Judgment and Civil Orders

 By Anna Von Reitz

On April 11th 2014 acting as living man and woman and as true Fiduciaries of the lawful American Government, we issued the final findings against the foreign corporations acting "as" the Federal Government: 

In the Presence of God, Pope Francis, and the World:


Let it be known to all living and dead, and to all those responsible for administration of the affairs of the living and dead, that all commercial contracts ever actually or presumptively existing between the living man known to the public as “ james-clinton:belcher” and the living woman known to the public as “anna-maria:riezinger” and their similarly named ESTATES and privately held American express and inter vivos trusts, including “Anna M. Riezinger-von Reitz and James C. Belcher” and the following incorporated entities---the United States of America (Minor), the city-state of Westminster, United Nations, UNITED NATIONS, the UNITED STATES, Federal Reserve, FEDERAL RESERVE, International Monetary Fund, IMF, and all their respective franchises, agencies, and departments including the State of Alaska and STATE OF ALASKA---  are all and uniformly invalidated for semantic deceit and non-disclosure. 

All signatures of the living man and woman are rescinded from all documents in the possession of any of these incorporated entities which claim or seek to claim any beneficial commercial interest in them or their ESTATES or which claim any representative capacity related to them or their ESTATES whatsoever. 

All interest, good faith service, and accrual on investment owed to the living people as the beneficiaries and entitlement holders of their own ESTATES is due and owed to them and their heirs without exception or prejudice by the officers and administrators of the United States of America (Minor), the city-state of Westminster,  and the United Nations. 

Be it also known that these and other individual American Nationals now exercise their birthright upon the land of the organic states united by the Articles of Confederation (1781) and that they have the full and unimpeded right to act as Judges of these organic states, to issue orders related to their administration, and to demand compliance with all Articles of the national trust indenture and commercial service contract known as “The Constitution for the united States of America”  and all related international treaty provisions owed to us by the United States of America (Minor) and the United Nations and the city-state of Westminster, and any successors, executors, administrators, corporate officers, elected or appointed officials, trustees, agents, agencies, franchises, franchise operators, and employees thereof, now and in perpetuity. 


To:  All Concerned and All Recipients of FINAL NOTICE dated February 3, 2014

Final Judgment and Civil Orders

Fifty-five (55)  days have passed without any sworn affidavit in rebuttal of the facts presented by the FINAL NOTICE OF COMMERCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DEFAULT issued to the individuals, persons, and institutions responsible for default.  All have been promptly and properly notified of mis-administration of the public trusts established in the Names/NAMES of living Americans and the organic American states by incorporated entities doing business as the United States of America, Inc. and the UNITED STATES, INC. and their trustees, officers, employees, and agents who are under contract to provide governmental services to those harmed. 

Under Law of the Sea the claims and demands presented by the FINAL NOTICE OF COMMERCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DEFAULT dated February 3, 2014 are decided and are now in permanent settlement.  They stand as fact in law. 

Notice of the Motu Proprio issued by Pope Francis acting as Trustee of the Global Estate Trust on July 11, 2013, has been presented to all directly interested parties in Alaska via ancient Edict of Notice: Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents and Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.   The United States of America (Minor) and the Federal Reserve Banks dba the United States of America, Inc. and the United Nations City State and its agency the International Monetary Fund, (IMF) dba UNITED STATES, INC. and its STATE OF ALASKA franchise are commanded and required under contract to the Global Estate Trust to perform according to The Constitution for the united States of America and to cease and desist action against the American people and the organic American states, including Alaskans and the Alaska State created by The Alaska Statehood Compact.  

The Alaska Bar Association, its members, the various Court Administrators, and the Alaska Judicial Council have been similarly notified and ordered to cease and desist practices, presumptions, and procedures which serve to defraud living Americans and lay false claims against their private property assets under pretense of war and color of law.

The entities addressed under FINAL NOTICE OF COMMERCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DEFAULT dated February 3, 2014 are all competent to recognize their culpability and failure to perform under commercial service contract, failure to honor the national and state trust indentures, and failure to provide full and free disclosure of contracts solicited by the named governmental services corporations and agencies cited for default. 

Absent a fully disclosed and actual maritime contract entered in evidence and subjected by the court to examination and open discussion, no valid contract can be presumed to exist and no American ESTATE or other vessel can be prosecuted under any maritime or admiralty jurisdiction.  No contract based on unilateral, uninformed, undisclosed, or otherwise prejudicial claims of residency, benefit, status, license, mortgage, or other contract lacking true equitable consideration and consent can be maintained with regard to the ESTATES of American Nationals who are living inhabitants of the land and air jurisdictions of the Global Estate Trust, and not naturally subject to the jurisdiction of the sea. 

All such American Nationals who are inhabitants of the land and their ESTATES are additionally protected by treaty and national trust and are owed safe conduct for themselves and their commercial vessels on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.  For military tribunal purposes, all American Nationals, American ‘persons’, and commercial vessels are non-combatant civilian Third Parties.  

All Provost Marshals, all members of the civilian police forces, all members of the American military, all members of STATE operated National Guard units, all members of government agencies including the U.S. Marshals Service, FBI, State Troopers, BLM, BATF, IRS, and other code enforcement agents are ordered to recognize the civil authority of the organic 50 states created by Statehood Compacts and united under The Articles of Confederation, and to also recognize the absolute civil authority of the American people inhabiting these organic and geographically described states in all matters pertaining to them and the administration of their domestic government on the land known as The United States of America (Major), not to be confused with the United States of America (Minor) which is a foreign, maritime entity under commercial contract to provide governmental services for The United States of America (Major). 

All police and military officers are obligated to honor the Law of the Land in all dealings with or pertaining to the organic states and their living inhabitants without exception, noting that these people and states are owed the terms and conditions of the original equity contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America, are to be addressed under American Common Law exclusively, and that they retain their natural and unalienable rights, including their natural identity, property rights and controlling interests without prejudice and regardless of fraud and monopoly inducement practiced against them in breach of trust and contract default.    

All actions of the various Probate Courts operating in maritime jurisdictions and merely presuming death based upon the inaction of American National beneficiaries of the American Republic and serving to establish maritime salvage liens against their ESTATES are by these Orders invalidated, made null and void.  All American Nationals whose names and ESTATES are presently included on tax rolls, and who are recorded by census data, school records, birth certificates, and other public documents must be presumed to be alive and competent in the absence of a properly sworn Death Certificate signed by the local Coroner stating cause of death, date, time, and place, corroborated by at least two responsible and knowledgeable living witnesses. In the case of legitimately missing people diligent search and fully disclosed publication of all claims against their estates must be made by giving Notice to the last known address and next of kin. Any contrary presumption or practice is fraudulent, null and void.  

Any action of the Probate Courts operating in maritime jurisdictions and making claim upon actual real assets of similarly named American Nationals in behalf of legal fiction “missing persons” owned by the United States of America, Inc., UNITED STATES, FEDERAL RESERVE, or any franchises or agencies thereof, are similarly rendered null and void.  Once created legal fictions do not have any necessary or valid estate; such estate as they may legitimately be granted must be obtained under conditions of fully revealed and disclosed contract entered into voluntarily and with explicit individual understanding and consent. Any estate obtained by legal fiction entities by process of semantic deceit or undisclosed contract belongs in fact and law to those defrauded. These Civil Orders command and require the return of all titles to land, homes, properties, and businesses which have been held under color of law by the Federal Reserve doing business as the United States of America, Inc., and their bankruptcy Trustee, the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, and their administrative agents, including the Custodian of Alien Property and the Comptroller General. 

All separate registrations under the Sheppard Towner Act and the Selective Service Act of American Nationals and their progeny by agents of the United States of America (Minor) dba the United States of America, Inc. and its various State franchises and subsequently maintained by  STATE franchises of the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund, are invalid as a class for anything but traditional recording purposes and the benefit of any securities based in whole or in part upon these and any other involuntary or undisclosed registrations such as “Vehicle Registrations” are private property benefiting the individual American Nationals who are the lawful entitlement holders of all commercial vessels operated under their given names by any corporation providing governmental services, including banks. All vessels in commerce operated under the names of American Nationals are owed full treaty and trusteeship obligations from the United States of America (Minor) and the United Nations and all franchises and agencies which these nation states operate worldwide.  

These Civil Orders command performance delivering unto Caesar upon the land, including return of all real assets and property owed to American Nationals free of claim, debt, and encumbrance created under conditions of fraud, breach of trust, and breach of commercial contract.

All judges, attorneys, clerks, and other employees of incorporated courts and court systems, together with the international banks employing them, who have knowingly failed to fully and freely disclose their nature, identity, status, jurisdiction, standing, and venue are subject to international criminal prosecution for felony fraud under full commercial liability and officers of the law and military officers who enforce illegal actions ordered by these in-house international commercial  tribunals against American Nationals at the request of any such “court” are responsible for war crimes committed against non-combatant civilians as of September 1, 2013.

All politicians and Trust Management Organization employees acting directly or via franchise or agency who have been elected or appointed to private corporate offices within governmental service corporations, their franchises, or agencies, and who have knowingly pretended to occupy public offices of the American organic states and who have transgressed beyond their limited and private authority are fully liable for impersonating American public officials while acting as private corporate officers.

All federal and federal franchise (“State” and “STATE”) employees who have willfully and knowingly conspired to misinform, mislead, mortgage, indebt, extort credit from and otherwise undermine the material interests of American Nationals via non-disclosure, fraud, racketeering, force of arms, extortion, compulsion, semantic deceit and constructive unlawful conversion are guilty of international war crimes against unarmed and non-combatant civilian inhabitants of the land and against commercial vessels belonging by birthright and copyright to those inhabitants.

The United States of America (Minor) and the city-state of Westminster and its franchises, employees, and agents, are ordered to comply with all stipulations and limitations required by the original equity contract known as “The Constitution for the united States of America” when addressing American Nationals, and when providing any and all government services to American Nationals inhabiting the land of the domestic geographically defined 50 states.   They are likewise commanded to release all titles and claims held under color of law against the ESTATES of the American states and the American Nationals inhabiting the organic states of the Union.  All incorporated governmental services organizations must immediately cease all action against the material interests of their employers and creditors, the American states and people, and settle all accounts.

There are no so-called “war powers” allowed to any member of Congress representing The United States of America (Major), which has remained at peace since 1865.  Likewise, there are no “emergency powers” granted by any of the organic states, no indefinite detainment provisions applicable to any American National under the National Defense Authorization Act 2012 or any similar “Act” of Congress. All “Acts of Congress” undertaken without full commercial liability and not fully enacted as Public Law apply only to the employees and citizens of the United States of America (Minor) and no claim of employment or “US citizenship” made by the United States of America (Minor) against any inhabitant of the land of the 50 states can be maintained on the basis of undisclosed, unilateral, or second party contract or presumption in violation of the actual American Public Law governing US citizenship, US Statute at Large 2.

Any deliberate or systematic use of the given name of any living individual man or woman by any incorporated entity pretending to represent them or their material interests to create legal fiction entities operated under-in-or for their name without the full knowledge and consent of that individual is a prohibited abuse of the rights of usufruct. All such acts, proposals, programs, and agencies created by the United Nations and by the United States of America (Minor) addressed to American Nationals seeking to conscript, obligate, indebt, misinform, or entrap them into any contract whatsoever in which the identity and true nature of the Parties is obscured, not in kind, or wherein the actual terms, claims, conditions, and results of contract are not made explicit, plain, and fully revealed are null and void ab initio, as if they never were.  All representations serving to misappropriate the good faith and credit of American Nationals and their organic states in favor of any incorporated entity are self-interested, null and void.  All registrations, licenses, application processes, and similar devices used by the Federal Reserve dba United States of America, Inc. and International Monetary Fund dba UNITED STATES and the FEDERAL RESERVE now operating as an entity incorporated under United Nations auspices, and their various agencies and “state” franchises, are fraudulent, null and void, contrary to Public Law of the United States of America (Major) and the individual free states. 

Any undeclared agent of the United States of America (Minor) or the United Nations caught soliciting such contracts will be arrested, prosecuted, and deported and no further enforcement of such contracts will be allowed on the soil of the United States of America (Major) against any birthright inhabitant of the land.

Such foreign, repugnant, and misrepresented commercial contracts include but are not limited to: vehicle registrations, driver licenses, marriage licenses, voter registrations, applications for welfare or medical or insurance benefits, including “social security insurance”, claims of foreign citizenship or foreign personage, residency, mortgages, and public employee retirement benefits.   

Parents are not enabled to indebt, pledge, conscript, or otherwise enter their children into any form of bondage, debt, peonage, or enslavement. Any and all relinquishments of individual or parental rights must be voluntary, fully disclosed, completely enumerated, fully discussed, and the real natures and actual identities of all parties to any custodial, commercial, or grant contract of any kind whatsoever, like any agency appointment, must in all details be fully revealed and disclosed, explicitly discussed, explicitly agreed upon, and voluntarily entered into by all parties.   Any contracts failing these requirements and merely being presumed to exist via tacit agreements, third party representations, or presumed benefit are null and void.

These Civil Orders require that all law enforcement and military officers currently in the employment of the United States of America (Minor), the city-state of Westminster, and the United Nations, together with their commercial companies under contract to provide services within the 50 states United be fully and freely informed of these facts and the limitations that are fully applicable to them and their operations on American soil.  All American Nationals are to be considered non-combatant Third Parties without exception, who are owed peace and protection and performance upon all commercial contracts, treaties, trust indentures, and agreements entered into with the Global Estate Trust and its members, franchises, and agencies.


These Civil Orders also require that corporate administrative tribunals being operated as courts of any kind explicitly and fully declare their identities, natures, venues, services, ownerships, and proper jurisdiction in plain, explicit, fully revealed language with no further purpose of evasion, obstruction, or lack of good faith service.  They are additionally commanded to scrupulously observe their limitations and to clearly state their foreign jurisdictions whenever addressing American Nationals.


These Civil Orders come without the United States of America (Minor), without the United Nations, without the city-state of Westminster, without representation, and without prejudice. 





This Final Judgment and Civil Orders are issued upon our civil, commercial, and canon authority, by our living hands and our testaments jointly sworn and Witnessed by Our Seals and autographs before Pope Francis and all nations, declaring that the truth of these matters has been established by due process without rebuttal, and that they have been decided this 11th day of April 2014.  We hereby autograph, seal, and issue this Final Judgment and Civil Orders to all officers, appointees, agents, franchises, agencies, subsidiaries, and employees of the United States of America (Minor), the city-state of Westminster, and the United Nations operating on the land of the 50 organic states of The United States of America (Major) and subject them to performance of all treaties and contracts owed as employees, public servants, trustees, administrators, commissioned officers and  in all and any capacities whatsoever which allow their presence on our soil and which provide for their strictly defined and limited use of our property:

_________________________________: Judge anna-maria-wilhelmina-hanna-sophia:riezinger-von reitzenstein von lettow-vorbeck non-negotiable autograph, under seal and in service, all rights reserved; ________________________ : Judge james-clintwood:belcher non-negotiable autograph under seal and in service, all rights reserved.   


The actual signature page and other proofs of service have been published in our book, Disclosure 101, and distributed worldwide; they have also been recorded. 

Please note that references to the United States of America (Minor) refer to the British Territorial Government and its role as a Federal Subcontractor, dba the United States of America, Incorporated. 

References to The United States of America (Major) refer to the actual Federation of States operating as an instrumentality of the physically defined States of the Union; this unincorporated entity is both the Delegator of all Powers conferred to the original Confederation and the Federal Republic and also the Successor by Operation of Law to the American Confederation of States formed under The Articles of Confederation (1781) and the Federal Republic formed under The Constitution for the united States of America (1787), until such time as our American Government is fully restored.  

Please notice that this finding and judgment came at the end of a seven (7) year period of Due Process and Notice, and prior to the 2015 bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, thus establishing our absolute identity and right to establish priority liens and claims upon the assets of the UNITED STATES prior to its bankruptcy, and providing a superior lien against its assets, all established under the Uniform Commercial Code prior to and during the bankruptcy proceedings, where despite this effort on our part and despite the UCC records, other countries and city-states were granted priority status against the actual Priority Creditors --- the States and people of The United States. 

This is yet another example of the self-interested Municipal and British Crown Corporations and their Personnel offering our assets as chattel backing their debts and our physical assets as payment to their secondary creditors, when in fact they were and are over 35 Trillion dollars in debt to us and have been in debt to us longer than any other Creditor of theirs except, possibly, the people of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 

These practices of fraud leading to economic and financial peonage and enslavement, coercive control and abuse for political advantage must come to an end and a settlement.

None of us agreed, for example, to enshrine a coercive commodity transfer monopoly, the Swift System, created by the same people who were busted for a similar transfer monopoly of crude oil and refined oil transfers while doing business as Standard Oil, nor have we voluntarily granted these criminals any kind of control over our ability to transact in international trade or commerce, either one.  

Such coercive control is only established if one accepts the idea that 320 million Americans knowingly agreed to act as Federal Dual Citizens and obligate themselves as both U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States under contract to these service purveyors as indentured servants and slaves.  

We would not encourage anyone in such a misapprehension. 

We believe that it is glaringly self-evident and has been self-evident for a long time that the Swift System used to make bank transfers has been operated by the Rockefeller and Standard Oil Heirs as the same kind of illegal transfer monopoly as the Standard Oil transfer monopoly that was busted in the early 1900s for monopolizing transfer of oil commodities--- only this time, the commodity being transferred is bank currency on a worldwide basis. 

The Swift System Transfer Monopoly is just another example of the patently criminal nature of these commercial and municipal corporations masquerading as "our" government, and the overall criminality of the Central Banks, which were created for unlawful and illegal purposes of commodity rigging and control from the beginning of their existence. 

These matters are or should be self-evident and must be addressed. 

The establishment of an honest, transparent, and non-political banking system is an imperative need for this country and the rest of the world, and is fundamentally necessary for the security and well-being of all nations and all life on Earth.  

We cannot continue to be reduced to the confines imposed upon us by a 19th Century Bully Boys Club seeking to create a form of Corporate Feudalism and impose it on us using legal deceits and Territorial Police Forces completely analogous to the British Raj in India and a government by corporations scheme analogous to the "government" provided in South Africa by the British South Africa Company. 

These phony authorities and criminal organizations that have been institutionalized over time without disclosure and without consent must be uniformly and consistently dismantled and Corporate Feudalism enforced by private police forces must be recognized for what it is --- a modernized and mechanized Caste System imposed on the living people by faceless corporations, protected by paid retainers, and otherwise very little different from the structures of Feudal Serfdom.   

The British Monarchy, the Popes in their Office as Roman Pontiffs, and the British Crown have long operated as enemies of human progress and decency. The massacre at Amritsar is echoed by the massacre at Lahaina, the hail of bullets merely replaced by the firestorm caused by laser and scalar weapons unleashed against an innocent civilian populace --- a civilian population that was owed the good faith service of these criminals. 

Now it is apparent that they propose to replace one of their horridly criminal and mismanaged corporations with another, flipping from the USA, Inc. to other venal paramilitary mercenaries operating as Black Rock, Inc.  

And all the while, none of these corporations have any right to exist, no basis beyond our merely "presumed" agreement to have them exist. 

This is where any such presumption of acquiescence to continue the existence of any predatory corporation ends. We demand, in fact, that these out of control criminal organizations benefiting from the privilege of incorporation be brought to a swift and peaceful end.  We further demand that they cannot be replaced by any similar or worse incorporated entity.  

No matter what they call it, Black Rock,Inc., USA, Inc., or Billybob, Inc., this practice substituting corporate subcontractors for our lawful governments is fraudulent and criminal; it still results in the abusive use of commercial Mercenaries to promote war for profit, to oppress civilian populations, to steal from those civilian populations, to masquerade as governments to abuse the powers of government, and to cause havoc, death, disease, and misery upon the Earth. 

Our ancestors, faced with the possibility of this specter in the 1850's insisted that the Pope, responsible for the definition and creation of all these various kinds of corporations, must take the responsibility for destroying them when they are operating for unlawful purposes or engaging in unlawful activities. 

This is why the Pope bears this responsibility and has the power under Ecclesiastical Law to liquidate corporations that are engaged in criminal activity. 

It is more than past time for Pope Francis to get off the pot and liquidate these offenders and otherwise turn over the ownership of these corporations to the lawful national governments and living people that have been harmed and offended by these vaporous creations of the Roman Curia.  

Issued by: 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 21st 2024


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Illegal and Unlawful Occupation

 By Anna Von Reitz

Remember the very swift withdrawal from Vietnam? 

After twelve (12) years of relentless pounding, billions of dollars invested in the Vietnam "War", suddenly, in April 1975, it was all over and the US Government could not vacate Saigon fast enough.  

You never saw such a completely disorganized, panicked, rapid, crazy exit in your lives.  And what had changed, really?  Nothing material. The meat grinder kept grinding. The bombs and napalm and DDT and Agent Orange kept falling. 

Right up until the end. 

And then, boy, howdy, Uncle Sam left lickety-split. No adulterer exiting the upper story of a house ever left his nest any faster. 

We witnessed this same thing much more recently in Afghanistan.  After decades of tromping around poking in caves and chasing goats and guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan, after billions upon billions of dollars spent on military equipment and support operations in Afghanistan ---- poof! 

Again. Rapid exit, stage left, so fast that all the American men and women didn't get evacuated, much less friends among the Afghans, and billions of dollars worth of high-tech military equipment was simply abandoned where it sat.  

What's going on here, some kind of cyclic insanity? Every fifty years we lose our minds? 

No, it's because the "US military" was recognized as a Mercenary Force, not a Military Force at all.  Their continued occupation of a foreign country was illegal and unlawful and immoral, so they were shunted out quicker than poop from a fat goose. 

So, why are they still occupying Japan, Western Europe, the entire former British Commonwealth, the British Isles, and significant parts of the Middle East, not to mention our country, The United States? 

They didn't have the authority to declare any actual War in the misnamed American Civil War, nor did they have a Congress competent to declare war in any following conflagration. 

All of these so-called "wars" --- the American Civil War, the First World War, the Second World War, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq I and II, Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, and innumerable smaller incursions, have all been illegal Mercenary Conflicts, owed no benefit or dignity under the Law of War.  

So, we repeat --- what are these Bounders doing in all these "occupied countries"? 

These reptiles have been charging their operating expenses as Mercenary Forces to the American people, illegally conscripting our children under the Selective Service Act, and delivering the profits from all this criminal activity to foreign interests -- to the British Crown, the British Monarch, and the Popes. 

Read their contract --- any one of the three (3) Federal Constitutions.  What are they supposed to be doing here?  Defending our country. Period.  Not going out and attacking other countries.  So anything and everything that they have been employed in of an "extra-curricular" nature, has self-evidently been done in the service of someone or something else. Not us.  Not the "Americans". 

Let us suggest that these U.S. and UNITED STATES Mercenary Forces have been deployed by the British Crown and British Monarch and the respective Popes, and that those operating as "Presidents" are merely the Presidents of the British Territorial Corporation doing business (deceptively) as "the United States of America, Incorporated" and the Municipal United States version, UNITED STATES--- Incorporated. 

Literally millions of Americans have been illegally conscripted and deployed under grossly False Pretenses, thinking that they were fighting for their country, when in fact, they were being deployed as Foreign Mercenaries by for-profit, privately owned foreign corporations in the business of providing "essential government services".  

This is the literal truth, and is easily verified. 

"America" isn't the culprit. America has been the trusting stooge. And victim. 

The British Government, both the Monarchy and the Government of Westminster, working in collusion with the Municipal Government of Rome and the "Holy Roman Empire" ---- are the ones responsible for these atrocities and for the recent genocide and attempt to redefine living people as Genetically Modified Organisms -- aka, Transhumans.  

Why didn't we come forward before?  We did. We have been bringing this forward from the moment we realized it in 1998.  How much more damage and misery and death could have been avoided, if everyone addressed by this email and by these communications, had listened?  

And upheld their duties and responsibilities as elected officials and as government officers and employees? 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

I affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of The United States of America, that these facts and the history associated with them are easily confirmed, and that we, the lawful Government of this country,  have been loyally bringing forward our objections since we first became aware of them in  1998 without redress. 

Just as these Mercenary Forces disguised as lawful Militaries have been obliged to vacate Vietnam and Afghanistan, they must be obliged to vacate their occupation of The United States, Western Europe, Japan, the former Commonwealth, the Middle East, and everywhere else these "Territorial Forces" have been deployed. 

The Governments of the Vatican City, aka, Holy Roman Empire, the British Monarchy, Westminster, and their associated commercial and municipal corporations, are at fault for all of this.  

We are not addressing this against the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, who have suffered with the rest of us. Nor are we addressing this against any hapless American illegally enlisted or conscripted without benefit of full disclosure. 

We are addressing this against the offending corporations and their foreign Principals, who have operated for many decades as a collusive crime syndicate on a worldwide basis. These corporations and their actual ---as opposed to purloined and imaginary franchises--- are guilty of horrific crimes against humanity. 

They deserve to be hunted down and eradicated as Legal Fictions and prevented from assuming any position of power or right or economic control over any living man or any nation of living men, ever again. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

Issued March 21st 2024


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Failure of Legalization

 By Anna Von Reitz

When a government wants to do something that is fundamentally evil and unlawful and illegal, it has to justify its action via a process of legalization.  

This typically involves: (1) specifically limiting the impact and scope of an action so as to make it legal; (2) offering exemption; and (3) providing remedy, such that those who would otherwise be harmed have a means of avoiding harm.  

Thus, they can "legalize" abortion, which is essentially murder.  They can legalize conscription of medical doctors. They can legalize the use of a private military scrip as a domestic currency. And the list goes on.  

All sorts of horrific things can be legalized, because the legal system doesn't deal with living people. It deals with proxies -- that is, persons, and the legislation that applies to persons is not supposed to be applied to living people.   

Legislation never applies to living people. 

However, if the Legislators don't provide exemption and remedy for living people, none of these legalizations stand. 

Furthermore, if they don't honor the exemptions and actually provide access to the remedies, none of these legalizations stand.  

We are faced with a situation wherein the Territorial and Municipal Congressional Bodies undertook acts of legislation -- such as the registration of babies via the Sheppard-Towner Act -- which were supposed to address Persons ---  indentured servants in the British Territorial jurisdiction, knowingly and voluntarily operating as U.S. Citizens, or Municipal citizens of the United States born into slavery.  

In the real world, this legislation was applied in a self-interested fashion and misapplied universally to the freeborn American people; this failure to exempt renders the whole process and all claims based on it illegal as well as unlawful.  

Their legalization process which was supposed to limit the action to the registration of babies belonging to U.S. Citizens (initially and later to Municipal citizens of the United States) failed on the first default: failure to limit their action to those reasonably required to comply with it, failure to disclose the process to those who did, and failure to provide exemption.  

Same thing with the issuance of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES as a domestic currency; the legislation provided for specific exemptions and remedies spelled out in Federal Code Title XII, such as debt swaps known as Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions, but nothing was done to actually provide those exemptions and remedies. 

Again, their proposed legalization failed for lack of making the exemptions and remedies accessible. 

The Municipal United States Government and its pitiful excuses to legalize their actions all hinge on the fact that they never adopted any of the Federal Code, except Title 50, the so-called War Powers Act. 

Although the Federal Constitution (1787) provides for the existence of a plenary City Government within the District of Columbia to administer and maintain the Federal Capitol, the City of Washington, DC, it does not provide that duty or power to the members of the Municipal Congress.  It does not provide for the existence of an independent, international city-state organized as a foreign municipality.  And it does not provide for "war powers" of any kind attached to the intent for this congressional oligarchy, which was merely charged to maintain the security and neutrality and good order of the Federal Capitol for the conduct of Federal business.  Period. 

Thus, the adoption of the Territorial Federal Title Code 50 and trying to excuse any of their repugnant actions based on non-existent "War Powers" that the Territorial United States Government never received, either, provides no basis for legalizing anything. 

Not only is there no actual war and no "War Powers" because all that ever happened here was an illegal Mercenary Conflict, so that there is no application of the Law of War available, but no delegated authority to engage in or declare war "on our behalf" was ever granted to any Territorial or Municipal Congress, nor to any Municipal oligarchy tasked with maintaining our Federal Capitol City.  

The Inheritors of Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman's perfidy are in a sticky wicket of their own making. They have been acting as a Mercenary Force, charging their expenses to us, and delivering the profits to foreign interests -- the British Crown, the British Monarch, and the Pope -- all with absolutely no authority vested in them to do any of this. 

So all the Municipal Government's attempts to legalize their repugnant acts based on the idea of having War Powers falls flat. The only thing they were ever authorized to do and which they have done very selectively and poorly, is to provide for the security of Washington, DC. 

These Legislatures vested as Territorial and Municipal Congresses have acted in Gross Breach of Trust, gross violation of their Service Contracts, and gross failure of their Usufructuary Duty. 

By seizing upon the names of American babies and using these as the basis to create corporate franchises benefiting their corporations they accepted the role of Public Usufructs.  

A Public Usufruct can use a Lawful Person's name to create Legal Entities, only to the extent that they hold that Person harmless from any ill-effect resulting from the creation of these Legal Entities. 

That is, the British Territorial Government could create a Benjamin Leroy Fuller franchise for itself, only so long as they hold the original and actual Benjamin Leroy Fuller harmless and protect him from any harm resulting from their action. 

The same goes for the Municipal United States Government.  They could create a BENJAMIN LEROY FULLER franchise, only so long as they hold the original Benjamin Leroy Fuller harmless, and protect him from any harm resulting from their action. 

Instead, both these foreign Territorial and Municipal Corporation parent companies and all their attached "Federal" Government Personnel, have grossly failed their duty as Public Usufructs.  

They have failed to disclose the existence and purported purpose of these franchise corporations named after their American victims.  They have failed to provide the exemptions and remedies owed to the living people. 

Any legalization they provided failed in the misapplication of their legislation to Americans, or in failure to provide exemptions, or in failure to make remedies accessible --- or all three. 

Their pernicious and self-interested pretense of war when in fact no war was declared by any Congress having authority to declare war, their pretense that a Mercenary Conflict is owed the Law of War, and that they have War Powers apparently engendered out of thin air, is self-interested fraud on the face of it.  

Likewise, their assertion of oligarchic power over the City of Washington, DC, even the power to turn it into a foreign, independent, international city-state, has been grossly overstated and fraudulently employed to create a new "object" for their supposed powers and to redefine a grant of power that is limited to maintaining the security and neutrality of the Federal Capitol defined as the City of Washington, DC. 

All these evils, all these contractual breaches, all this negligence of duty owed, all this harm caused to our country and our people, has been done by foreign Principals owing us good faith service and by commercial and municipal corporations that stand in Breach of Trust and guilty of all manner of crime carried out in our names, but not for us, not for our benefit, and not under our direction.  

We have, therefore, taken action to address the other Principals who are in violation of both our Treaties with them and our Contracts with them.  We have also brought liens against their corporations and property interests to satisfy their debts and the damages done to our people and our country. 

There should be no question in anyone's mind why we are doing this, why it needs to be done, nor any failure to support us in this recoupment action.

The Perpetrators of these evils cast upon our country have used our resources to wage illegal mercenary war on the innocent, have used our sons and daughters as cheap and clueless mercenaries, attempted to consign our freeborn people to the status of indentured servants and debt slaves --- and now, when things are getting hot for them, they are fully intending to move their parasitic sideshow to China, where they will repeat the same performance if allowed to continue with their war-mongering for profit and their legal fiction schemes. 

So we are calling an end to it, or else, an end to them and their systems and their city-states and everything else associated with the entire crime syndicate, including currencies based on theft and fraud, securitization of living flesh, genocide, unlawful conversion, unjust enrichment, illegal enfranchisement (impersonation), illegal mercenary "wars" for profit, kidnapping, human trafficking, peonage, enslavement, conspiracy against the Federal Constitutions, identity theft, personage, barratry, abuse of our credit, inland piracy, deliberate pollution of food and water sources, and many, many other crimes.  

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 21st 2024


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International Public Notice: Extra-Territorial Mischief

 By Anna Von Reitz

Long ago in the very early 1900's, a series of Supreme Court cases known collectively as the Insular Tariff Cases cleared the way for what dissenting Justice Harlan prophetically called, "mischief".  

The Insular Tariff cases allowed the USA, Inc., to collect taxes owed in the Territories and Possessions of the United States in the States themselves, and vice versa, so long as the entities that were being collected upon were Territorial Corporations or franchises thereof.  

This goes back to the English Scheme of "enfranchising" the working class people and using this device to impersonate them as mere franchise corporations and thereby subject them to Maritime Law. 

The British Territorial USA, Inc., wanted to create the same system in the Territories and Possessions and apply it to their employees and corporations organized in the Territories and Possessions. This would also allow them to collect "income taxes" and other "gift and estate taxes" from their own employees and from corporations registered under their auspices.  

In the Insular Tariff Cases they were allowed to expand their activities and collect against Territorial Persons and Corporations residing in The United States.  

However trivial this might at first appear and however justified (of course, they can "tax" their own employees for the privilege of enfranchisement, and they can tax corporations registered in Puerto Rico or Guam) it was an occasion for far greater and extra-territorial mischief than anyone but Justice Harlan could foresee. 

Because they had already substituted their British Territorial State-of-State organizations for our American State-of-State organizations in the confusion after the Civil War, they already had the means to register large numbers of Territorial Corporations in The United States proper. 

All they had to do was keep their mouths shut, and when people came through the door seeking to set up a business corporation --- not tell them that they had the option to organize under the State Trust or the British Territorial State-of-State --- and assume that the victim wanted to set up a State-of-State (Territorial) Corporation instead of a State Corporation.  

In effect, all they had to do was hand the victims the wrong set of paperwork, and not disclose the existence of the better choice --- which they did.

State Corporations don't have the regulatory and taxation burdens of State-of-State Corporations, so it's unlikely that people given full disclosure would ever choose to incorporate their business under a State-of-State Corporation, but acting in ignorance, they did. 

And their lawyers let them, because their lawyers were largely British-affiliated Bar Attorneys, Esquires loyal to the King, and the King gained a lot of control over and money from owning these Territorial State-of-State business corporations. 

The Esquires also omitted telling their clients that when they "registered" their corporations with the State-of-State organization, that State-of-State and its parent Corporation and the British King all gained the ownership interest in the new enterprise.  

Needless to say, all the British Territorial bureaucrats operating in this country were highly motivated to register as many of our Corporations as they possibly could, so that all these businesses organized by Americans would become subject to British Crown regulations and would be owned and taxed by their King.  

Their mammoth failure to disclose both the choice to organize under the State Trust or the State-of-State and the effects of registration of a corporation with the State-of-State organization versus a State Corporation, amounts to self-interested fraud by omission and deceit. 

Americans were never told that the State-of-State organizations after the Civil War were franchises of a foreign, for-profit corporation in the business of providing governmental services.  They firmly believed and assumed that these organizations were the same before and after the war, and that they were dealing with their own State-sponsored State-of-State organization, not a British cuckoo bird. 

The British Territorial Usurpers have operated under color of law, and in extremely bad faith, in competition against their Employers, while pretending to act as the custodians and trustees of our, their Employer's, property interests. 

This particular bit of "mischief" resulted in the creation of thousands of registered Territorial "State of State" Corporations operating in The United States proper -- all of which the British King owned secret title to, all of which became subject to British Territorial law, and British Territorial taxes.  

This gave rise to the infamous "Federal Income Tax" which is not Federal per se, but is a Territorial tax levied on corporations organized under and registered by State-of-State corporations which are franchises of one of our Federal Subcontractors, the United States of America, Incorporated.  

As a private matter, the United States of America, Incorporated, could require an employee payroll kickback "tax" as a condition of employment from the employees of their franchise corporations registered by their State-of-State organizations. 

It wasn't long before the Municipal Corporation operating as the United States, Incorporated, got on board with the same gravy train, with the result that we soon saw a "Sixteenth Amendment" that was never ratified by our States being randomly enforced against our people, and two new Federal Agencies called the Internal Revenue Service and IRS, respectively, harassing everyone to pay this new "Federal" (Territorial and/or Municipal) Income Tax. 

Shortly thereafter, the Brits operating in Bad Faith and Breach of Trust, hit upon the idea of "enfranchising" American babies, by registering them as U.S. Citizens.  And then the United States, Inc. hit upon the idea of registering the Estates of these "lost at sea British Merchant Mariners" as Cestui Que Vie Trusts.  All very creative.  All very criminal. 

When called to account for these activities, the criminals claimed that they were acting as Public Usufructs when they created all these unauthorized franchises to benefit their corporations, but then, they mysteriously failed their Usufructuary Duty to protect the American victims of all this fraud and didn't hold them harmless from the effects of creating these foreign Things named after them; most especially, the American victims were not protected from the bills and taxes owed by all these foreign Persons and PERSONS, so gratuitously registered and named after them without their knowledge or consent. 

We would say that all this goes a long, long way beyond "mischief" and long ago entered the realm of capital crimes of unlawful conversion, inland piracy, breach of trust, conspiracy against the Constitutions, kidnapping, impersonation, barratry, and more. 

Based on the non-disclosures and omissions cited above, we claim all State-of-State and STATE-OF-STATE or STATE registered corporations that exist on our land and soil as the fruits of Breach of Trust and Bad Faith and filthy paws in commerce; we also claim that unless someone says that they knowingly want to be treated as a British Territorial Indentured Servant or as a Municipal Slave, all the American-sourced corporations and the employees of all these misbegotten British Territorial and Municipal Corporations must be set free of any presumption of being U.S. Citizens, citizens of the United States, or US CITIZENS in receipt of Federally-connected income.   

These are issues to be known to the International Community at Large and specifically made plain for the Esquires and attorneys and Hired Jurists among us.  Our purported Trustees and Custodians have acted in Gross Breach of Trust and have been about as Dishonorable as it is possible to be, whereupon we are making it crystal clear to them and to the International Community that they do not represent us or have permission to do anything to or for us, beyond the strictly construed services we contracted to receive, and as defined when the contracts were signed.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

March 21st 2024


See this article and over 4700 others on Anna's website here:

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