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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Leaving Which "United Nations"?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Two bills, one in the US Senate and one in the US House, have been floated to remove the United States from the United Nations and as an afterthought, "similar international organizations". 

And which "UN" are we talking about?  The ditzy do-gooder, or the bulky badass mercenary corporation? 

This action proposing that we withdraw from "the UN"  has been hailed as "extraordinary", but in the current climate, it's necessary. 

Twenty million people have been killed by the Covid "vaccine" ---directly, within the first ten days after receiving the injection.  Most of them died very painfully, in front of their families. 

Somebody is going to pay for it, and even if the politicians are clueless about a great many other things, they are aware of political payback. 

They calculate, rightly, that the Giant Poo Ball is rolling downhill and will inevitably hit them.  

They are now trying to remove themselves from the target zone and distance themselves from the obvious scapegoat: the United Nations organization, while continuing business as usual with the UN CORP.  

That's how I read the language.

How interesting. 

The United Nations organization doesn't have enough money to do much toward addressing problems like the worldwide breakdown of the family, education, food insecurity, basic health, clean water, or chronic unemployment. It's pathetically underfunded. 

The United Nations organization actually exists as a perpetual beggar, trying to come up with products to sell to retail consumers to fund programs, begging for sponsors and donations, getting poor people around the world organized in home and community workshop projects to try to generate income. 

The United Nations organization, frankly, looks more like the traditional Roman Catholic Church Social Services Network operating without the religious overtones, or Commonwealth Community Support Program effort than anything else.  

The United Nations organization is not the problem or even "a" problem. It's a pitiful non-entity when you look at its budget compared to the immensity of the needs that it tries to address.  

I repeat: the problem isn't the United Nations organization, and please stop spending your venom on that.   

The problem is the UN CORP, which is an entirely different Beastie with a deceptively similar name. As usual. 

The UN CORP is a very dirty transnational corporation that was incorporated by Vichy French Nazis during World War II.  

It has been involved in every kind of nastiness you can think of.  

It is the parent corporation running the WHO, INC. 

This "UN" has tons of mercenary and military contracts, and has been one of the chief recipients of laundered money coming in from so-called Black Ops worldwide.  

The UN CORP often works both sides of a problem, providing "peacekeeping forces" that solicit young girls into human trafficking rings, or coincidentally keep the peace over poppy fields. 

When I say "dirty", I mean dirty, as in filthy, as in criminal, mean, bad, nasty, as bad or worse than Blackwater or Isis or Hamas. 

This is "the UN" that we need to get out of and stay out of, but oddly, this isn't the UN Membership targeted by the Congressional Bills. I wonder why? 

It's the happy useful idiots trying to do good in the world who are being blamed.  It's their organization that is being identified as the threat to our national sovereignty.  

The actual threat to our national sovereignty sits in Washington, DC, operating our Federal Capitol
as an unanticipated and unauthorized independent international city-state. 

Beyond that, the threat is represented by the UN CORP, which has pulled in illicit money with both grimy paws ever since World War II and never suffered as much as a tax evasion investigation by the French or Swiss Governments, either one. 

When you think of the UN CORP, think of deep pocket payola.  Really deep pocket payola. Think of blackmail, honey pot traps, and worse. Think of murder for hire.  Think of creatures like Klaus Schwab, playing roulette with antique 1911s one moment, prancing around in pink tutus the next. Think of the Weird World, as in, really Weird World. 

Think of, "Hey, Sugar, take a walk on the wild side...." 

Think of my husband rolling his eyes heavenward and shaking his head, muttering that, "One of the best looking "women" I ever saw was a guy in drag who worked for the UN CORP." 

That UN is the one we all need to get shy of, but it looks to me like the intention in Congress is to continue to do business as usual with the UN CORP and continue to give it juicy "government" contracts and "program funding" and even let it run "our" DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, or, was that the DOD or maybe the CIC, INC., or..... well, you see what I mean.  

The truth is not in the Municipal or Territorial Congresses, either one. 

They lie, they cheat, they steal, they avoid accountability like the Plague, they liberally exempt themselves from the requirements they lay down for everyone else, so they are proven hypocrites as well.  

What would you expect from organizations that have spent the last 160 years bilking their employers and hiding their true nature from the public? 

That's what you've got in Washington, DC. 

Of course, such a nest of Vermin is sympatico with an organization like the UN CORP.  They may even feel that they need good relations with the UN CORP for a rainy day. 

None of this has anything to do with the American Government, which has never been a member of either kind of "UN" ---  but just sayin' --- withdrawing from the United Nations organization is ridiculous unfair grandstanding, and withdrawing from the UN CORP relationship isn't yet on the table.  

Before you start celebrating "the United States" talking about withdrawal from "the UN" --- stop and ask yourselves, which "United States" are we talking about?  And which "UN" are we talking about?  


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Wonders Abound

 By Anna Von Reitz

And not just because it's Christmas.... 

We got to thinking a while back that, well, if "the" President isn't occupying the actual intended presidential office, and if the military is being used as a mercenary force, what else doesn't smell right? 

We decided to look and apply the same methods of historical research and public record deduction to other institutions, offices, and subjects.  

We were shocked, but not too shocked, to discover that both King Charles III and King Charles of Scotland are acting out of school and neither one of them have been crowned in the crucial jurisdiction necessary to actually be and act with the powers of a king.  


So what have they been up to?  

Essentially they are acting as glorified business executives, one in the jurisdiction of the air (His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III) and one in international jurisdiction (His Royal Majesty, King Charles of Scotland) and absolutely nobody is sitting at home on either the English or Scottish throne --- perhaps this denouement is even a shock to them, as it has been this way for a long time, long before either of these men were born. 

Queen Anne started the practice as of 1707 with the settlement of The War of the Spanish Succession. She ascended the throne of Great Britain, which is not the same as and exists in a different jurisdiction than the Throne of England. 

Other Monarchs returned to the normal course and sat on the Thrones of England and Scotland after that, but in the middle of the Nineteenth Century, Queen Victoria went a bit balmy after her husband's death, and not only vacated the English Throne in favor of the "throne" of Great Britain, but fancied herself as Empress of India, too.  

All her various children ensconced in various Royal Households throughout Europe went on to play the same games. 

It is an eternal truth that you can't really sit on two chairs at the same time, so that gives you the gist of the current dilemma: Charles III is covering the bases in the jurisdiction of the air, Charles of Scotland is covering the Chair of the Estates in international jurisdiction, and nobody is at home covering the soil jurisdiction of the homelands. 

Charles III hasn't ever occupied the Throne of England and King Charles of Scotland hasn't actually occupied the Throne of Scotland. Both have been too busy shuffling business deals and managing assets to do the good old hum-drum -- with the inevitable result that both "Kings" are legless. 

If you don't stand on the soil of your own country, you have no standing at all.  

Even the faithful Hereditary Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, who instinctively moved to cover the empty throne with his claims back in the 1990's, was confused by it and didn't fully realize the magnitude of the situation. 

The facts -- that the soil jurisdiction could have been lost to foreign creditors except for Talbot's action, and that the Queen didn't occupy the soil jurisdiction of England during her seventy-year reign -- are still sinking in. 

Elizabeth II went through the motions of the Coronation. She kissed the Bible, said the words, and then, within three days, she reneged on her public and social contract with the people of England, as proven in the High Court case Regina v JAH (John Anthony Hill).  

Elizabeth II may have sat on the English Throne for two and half days, but she didn't stay there, and as she reneged on the contract that allowed her to sit on the English Throne in the first place, it's unlikely that she or her progeny could claim any benefit at all from her thwarted coronation, with or without the Stone of Scone. 

So, it's all been more Royal fun and games, kiddies, with everything (to use the English vernacular) bollixed up and beyond recognition, but still clunking along as if all this was normal and acceptable.  

The fact remains that without the soil firmly underfoot, no office of kingship exists, which is where the Windsors left England, and the Kings of Scotland left Scotland, too.  

The British Royals have been absent from the realm of life and love and playing around in the kingdoms of the dead for the last 160-plus years. 

Everyone just kept calm and carried on with a vacated throne; no doubt some of the earlier witnesses to this circumstance hoped that the Kings and Queens would someday return, and went to their own graves still wishing, similar to the situation that has left the Americans waiting for their President.   

So, bottom line, there is no King of England nor any King of Scotland at present. Without first populating the soil jurisdiction there is no basis to occupy the land, the sea, or the air: you are looking, rather, at two Business Executives tatted up and called "kings" --- but they're not really.  

Just like the "President" of the United States, Inc., bears no relation to The Office of The President of The United States, the "King" of Great Britain is a different beastie and operating in a different jurisdiction than the King of England. 

So, no actual President, no actual King, let's go three for three. 

No actual Pope, either?  

What else can you deduce? 

The Jesuits bind themselves as foot soldiers for the Pope, vowing to do whatever the Pope needs them to do.  

Jorge Bergolio was a Jesuit. 

So, Pope Benedict XVI decides to distance the Church from the troublesome Office of the Roman Pontiff and dissolves it (2011) and next he decides to retain the sacred "ministerial office" of the Pope for himself -- he said so in his good-bye letter -- which leaves the loyal Jesuit in the "secular office" doing the dirty work.

The Pope has been similarly reduced to being a Business Executive. 

There has been no conclave to decide what to do about Benedict XVI's vacant ministerial office since his death and no tradition that we can find that allows his ministerial office to simply migrate to an "acting" Pope upon his death. 

So, there is nobody actually occupying the traditional and intended ministerial office of the Pope, either. 

That makes it a trifecta. Pope, King, and President all operating under False Pretenses, and acting as Business Executives.

The "acting" Pope has lost his sacred office. 

The King has lost his kingdom, or rather, never gained it.  

The "acting" President is an Executive in charge of a foreign Municipal Corporation headquartered in the District of Columbia.  

They might as well all wear pin-stripes and move to New York.

Except for the recent upheaval of the Pope's offices, these conditions have existed for a long time.

Knowing this may not be comforting, but it helps make sense of the roiling madness.

These men have no sacred or truly public duties. 

They are all functioning in a private capacity as business executives, seeking to maximize profits. 

Profit has clearly become their "god" and master, not the God of Nature, and certainly, they have little time and less respect for the fools who expect them to provide spiritual guidance or depend on them to look out for the Public Good. 

If they are sentient themselves and fully aware of their circumstance, they must wonder about the rest of us.  

They must wake up at night and pinch themselves wondering when the rest of us are going to realize that our public and even our religious institutions have been overtaken and bamboozled by commercial interests? 

We have no actual President, no actual King, and to top it off, no actual Pope.  

It's all for show -- a massive pretense to keep the masses sedated -- and to keep themselves seemingly in office, wielding authorities that they don't actually have, wearing crowns and tiaras and titles that aren't actually theirs, because they aren't in their intended (and advertised) office and aren't performing the actual job.  

Standing here flat-footed, the very least of the crimes we could charge them all with, are false advertising, fraud, and obstruction of trade. 

This daunting Christmas Eve, I have only this advice: make the True God, our Creator, your King; realize that the governments and institutions of Mankind have been reduced to commercialized sideshows; and know that you are the answer you've been waiting for.  

It's all up to you now.  

George Washington is dead.  There's no English King, so there's no British Monarch, either.  The Office of The President of The United States of America has been vacant since 1872.  And the Pope is a Jesuit doing his duty to perform. 

No wonder the entire world is in chaos. Nobody knows who anybody is anymore, nor in what office and jurisdiction they are acting.  

The Presidents aren't Presidents.  The Kings aren't Kings.  And now, even the Pope isn't technically the Pope. 

The ministerial office of the Pope has been separated from the secular office, and now the ministerial office has been vacated by Pope Benedict XVI's death with no official replacement process evident, and no official acceptance of the ministerial office by "Pope" Francis, either. 

He's a goat without a rope. Fancy free. Wheeling and dealing without the constraints of a Christian ministry. 

All you've got left are the humble and unexpected offices -- the Hereditary Lord High Steward, the Hereditary Head of State, and, we must guess, there will be a Hereditary Head of the Church next, if the pattern of heroic last-minute saves plays out. 

If so, he will be just as unlikely, just as humble as Ivan Talbot and James Clinton Belcher have been, someone you would never expect at all. Maybe a Reiki Master from New Zealand. 

Whatever happens, be ready. 

The insidious corruption of the commercial world has seeped into everything like ink spilled on a blotter. By a process of lies and deceits, it has made its bid to rule us by its rules. It hasn't succeeded. 

We, Americans, are here to restore our lawful government vested in our States of the Union. No doubt after reading this, many Brits will be motivated to get to the bottom of their dog pile, too. The world's Catholics have been restive the last ten years, sensing that something is afoot. 

We all have to deal with "evil in high places" and muckle our share. 

We all have to realize that evil is not vested in one man or even a group of men; evil exists in-and-of-itself, and it lurks within earshot of all of us every day that we live. 

Rather, the struggle is always to recognize evil for what it is, one-on-one, to know when something or someone has gone off the rails, and to get them (or it) back on track again if possible.

At some point, we also have to realize that, "You can't fix evil."  

Evil is just evil, unto itself.  The only way to ultimately deal with evil is to give it the heave-ho, out of your life and out of your world.  

If someone is in the thrall of evil, and they refuse to turn away from it, you have to let them go. 

It's the same way with governments and institutions. 

When they stop serving in good faith, you stop paying them and stop supporting them.

You don't go to war, you send them a pink slip and take away their credit cards.  

Yeshuah said we would know evil by its fruits, and it's plain to see the dystopian nightmare that corporatism and commercial self-interest are bent on creating. 

Whatever else you do this winter, commit to ending the threat posed by Corporate Feudalism. 

Just say no and demand what you are owed -- from the government, from the churches, and from the business community, too.   

Make the effort to envision and then, take action to create the world you want to see -- a world that is sane and solid and at peace.  

May that safe and pleasant world prevail for you, dear Reader, and for your family, too.   


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What Does It Mean to Foreclose on Kings?

 By Anna Von Reitz

It means they were never actually Kings. They chose to avoid the perils and responsibilities of the land and soil jurisdiction, so they never inherited the rights that go with the responsibility. 

Our research indicates that this practice started 300 years ago when Queen Anne abdicated her position as Queen of England in favor of the international office of Queen of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales --- Great Britain, in other words. And Great Britain is not England, nor any true country at all. 

Queen Victoria similarly abdicated the throne of England for the international office of Queen of Great Britain after the death of Prince Albert. Still later, she accepted the Imperial Office of Empress of India under the influence of Benjamin D'Israeli, Lord Pirbright, and the British Crown Corp. 

A similar bait-and-switch by Queen Victoria's progeny created such political anomalies as the unincorporated Kingdom of Prussia operating in tandem with the incorporated German Empire, and it accounts, in part, for the sorry state of the world today

We foreclosed on His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III in the Air Jurisdiction and His Royal Majesty, King Charles of Scotland in International Jurisdiction, because they chose not to stand on the soil of their respective homelands.

They were bluffing it, claiming to be Kings and to act with the authority of Kings, while operating in foreign corporate offices, instead. 

They never touched down on the land and soil of England or Scotland, either one, so they have no standing. 

No standing as a Sovereign means no ability to charter corporations and no ability to further incorporate anything (derivatives).  No ability to underwrite. No state immunity.  

Any corporations that they or their similarly disabled Predecessors created have to be brought under our respective national charters via a process of lawful conversion. 

The process of lawful conversion is also sometimes called "nationalization" as it reins corporations in and forces them to function under the Law of the Land. 

Usually nationalization is a piecemeal process which is rarely enforced; this action will force broad spectrum nationalization of millions of corporations.

The "Kings" were so busy avoiding debt and  accountability, they  never entered upon the soil jurisdiction, never took and upheld the Coronation Vows of a Christian Monarch. 

And that collapses everything else like a house of cards. 

No soil, no land.  No land, no sea.  No land and sea, no air. 

It's over, folks. 

All that remains are the claims of the Hereditary Lord High Steward preserving the land and soil of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales and the countries of the former Commonwealth. 

The land and soil reverts to the living people, and they can decide what to do from there, under the care and guidance of their Hereditary Lord High Steward, who appears to be the only sentient remaining High Official of the Kingdom of England still on the job, and our Federation of States in The United States, and all the other yet-to-be restored lawful governments owed to the people of this planet.  


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Dave Hodges is Making a Common Mistake

 By Anna Von Reitz

Can you tell what it is? 

He is mistaking "the US, Incorporated" for America.

Listen to this Rumble Report posted below with that factoid firmly lodged in your brain --and repeat if necessary: the US, Incorporated, is not America, and therefore, the US, Incorporated, debt, is not American debt: 

The US, Incorporated, under whatever similar and related names, including but not limited to the White House Office, Inc., that provides Joe Biden with his office as "a" President, has accumulated $18 Trillion in debt, with $9Trillion of that in the past two years of the Biden Administration.  LOL. 

Dave Hodges is very concerned about this and he thinks that you should be very concerned, too --- and you should, if you are a Federal Employee, because all this debt has been run up in your names, betting that the Scum-In-Charge will be able to foist off their bankruptcy on you and then, when you are all bankrupt, on the American Public one more time. 

It's "Play It Again, Sam" time.

These crooks are so indoctrinated they don't even know when they've been caught. 

An arrest team will have to roll up to their front doors before they get the message.  

The banks that have been lending Uncle Joe all this credit -- credit belonging to Federal Employees -- will be so distressed when they realize that this time, they are taking it in the shorts instead of the long-suffering Americans. 

The Americans (except Dave Hodges and some other well-intentioned folks who haven't yet heard the news) woke up.  Guess what? 

We never authorized a Probate Court to exist in this country.  That means we didn't authorize any Bankruptcy Courts, either.  And that means that absolutely none of this folderol applies to us. 

That isn't our $18T worth of debt.  It's debt owed by Federal Employees. Some of them may be Americans by birth, but none of them are adopting their birthright political status as Americans when working for the US, Inc., so that is not "American debt", Dave Hodges.  

That debt is "United States" Debt, and it's not our United States, either. 

That version of "United States" belongs to the Pope. 

So if you want to make short work of the worry, just realize that it's not your debt, it's his debt. 

And make sure it stays that way.  

No little misunderstandings. 

No need to worry about the Pope, either.  He owns all the corporations in the world, so he has very deep pockets. 

He's just fond of maximizing profits for his corporations and likes to palm off their tax debts and other expenses on innocent bystanders whenever possible. 

Any poverty or suffering arising from this $18 Trillion debt needs to be confined to the District of Columbia and especially the Municipality of Washington, DC. 

Let the Beltway feel the pain. They've been causing it for other people long enough. 

They didn't want our unwashed people peacefully assembling in their "independent international city-state", so let the unauthorized independent international city-state pay its own bills. 

Just step back and let the crap-a-dab fly past you for once. 

If our Federal Capitol is magically not our Federal Capitol anymore, why are we paying their rent?  Why aren't we prosecuting the rats for unlawful conversion and breach of trust and fraud and treason and a whole lot more? 

Oh, wait.  

We are doing that. 

And the Vatican Chancery Court already has our initial billings for all sorts of nasty double-dealing criminal malfeasance by their Municipal Corporation Officers. 

So instead of being frightened and thinking that an extra $18 Trillion just got dumped on your laps, think of it as $18 Trillion dumped on the Pope's lap. 

And he can afford it. No problem. 

Somebody please tell Dave? 


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Good News!

 By Anna Von Reitz

Belay the funeral!  Call off the professional mourners, pallbearers, and the dreary consignments to the dirt! No massive floral displays!  No sniffling!  (No Irish whiskey, at least, not for a wake.) 

I am satisfied that Neil Keenan lives. I heard from him today, and yes, it is "Himself" reporting from whatever exotic location he is in. 

It's very strange but after corresponding so many years with someone you can hear their "voice" in the typed communications.  AI can't duplicate it. 

So we have good news about Neil and hope that we can and will help bring the whole worldwide Mess to a happy conclusion for humanity. 

It would be truly righteous if Neil Keenan and I can finally meet face to face and take a bow together at the end of the day. Ben Fulford, too. 

I don't think that guys like Neil and Ben ever "retire".  I don't think they can. They can't stop thinking and doing and trying to make things work and make things better.  Me, either.  

However, we could stop fussing about such dolorous topics as dishonest banks and glued up world finance and crooked politicians and worse courts. 

Yes, we could putz around thinking about better barbeque recipes, instead. That would be nice. 

Neil said he missed me and explained the long silence; Lord knows, I have missed him, too.  

The people who have been on a journey like this together -- a fight for so much more than any personal glory -- come to love each other, if only for the many times we've been attacked by the same bandits. 

Maybe someday the bandits will no longer be a problem.  Who knows?  Maybe they will settle down with their own little hacienda and their own fruit trees and families. It's possible. 

Until then, Neil Keenan is alive and I stand corrected. Happily so.  Just in time for Christmas

Merry Christmas, Neil!  Merry Christmas, Group K! 


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International Public Notice: Foreclosing His Imperial Majesty, et alia.

 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

It has come to our attention that there are two (2) King Charles, one who would have in theory been eligible to operate as the King of England, and one who would have been eligible to operate as the King of Scotland, neither one of which have actually occupied the soil jurisdiction owed to either Kingdom nor conformed to utter and perform under the Christian Coronation Vows required. 

We note that Charles Windsor, formerly known as Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and now functioning as His Imperial Majesty King Charles III, has removed himself to the Air Jurisdiction, while King Charles of Scotland has removed himself to the International Jurisdictions in hopes of retaining those for the countries subscribing to the Act of Union first proposed in 1689, redefined following the War of the Spanish Succession, and expanded to include Ireland and Wales by process of enclosure. 

This is International Public Notice of what these Persons are doing and how they are operating in an attempt to save themselves and their incorporated holdings at the risk of losing General Jurisdiction. 

We are not inclined to deprive the living people of England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales, nor any country of the former Commonwealth, nor any country at all, of anything that they are owed by Nature and Common Decency; we are not their enemies. We know what they have suffered for the past 300 years. 

It is with this and our own similar sufferings in view, that we take action today to foreclose His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III, and His Royal Majesty, King Charles of Scotland, both, together with all their chartered and incorporated entities, their franchises, their derivatives, their holding companies, banks, trusts, and foundations. 

These two men occupying positions of merely legal sovereignty and the incorporated "governments" they have employed, have endeavored to fool the entire world and defraud those relying upon their administration: His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III, by evading the limitations of the Christian Monarchy and the obligations of Constitutional Monarchy, both, and King Charles of Scotland by evading the similar duties owed to the people of Scotland in favor of a purely international office purporting to own and manage the real estate of Great Britain, that is, The Chair of the Estates, all without the nicety of performing the duties and upholding the law owed to the national soil jurisdiction of each nation subscribed to the Union. 

As the soil of each nation subscribed to the British Union known as Great Britain has been vacated for the better part of three centuries, and as no known Claimant other than Lord Ivan Talbot, Hereditary Lord High Steward, has acted to preserve the nations of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, together with the nations of the former British Commonwealth, His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III stands foreclosed in the Air Jurisdiction, and King Charles of Scotland stands foreclosed on Land and Sea, with all assets and property interests, individual and collective, returning whence they came: to the soil of each country and to the living people of each nation who have declared their birthright and populated the humble soil, and all those who will in time to come, realize their errors and do the same. 

We are committed to work with the Hereditary Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, the only actual Kingdom of England official left standing and performing his duty by the people of England, and via lawful treaties, the people of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and the countries of the former Commonwealth.  

Lord Ivan Talbot is the only Hereditary Official of the Kingdom of England, who took appropriate action to claim and save the soil jurisdiction owed to the people of each nation from being vacated and claimed by international corporations as abandoned property.  

By doing so, similar to the work accomplished by James Clinton Belcher for The United States, Lord Ivan Talbot has rebuffed all claims of abandonment on the international public record. 

His timely claims have settled the issue of ownership in favor of the countries and living people and against the international and transnational corporations that have sought to defraud the actual governments of these countries and nations. 

Insomuch as His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III, and King Charles of Scotland, have promoted and allowed the promulgation of these same international and transnational corporations at the expense of the living people and have vacated the soil jurisdiction of their home countries, they have no standing to maintain the charters and incorporation of the Municipal and Commercial Corporations of Great Britain and must forfeit to their Preferential Creditors, the unincorporated countries and States and the nations comprised of the living people. 

His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III, and King Charles of Scotland, must return the purloined assets of the land and soil and convey them from the foreign jurisdictions of the dead to the Lawful Governments represented by The United States of America and the Hereditary Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, of Shrewsbury, without further obstruction, violence, or recourse to merely legal representations. 

"Let the dead bury the dead." ---Luke 9:60.

When Queen Victoria embarked on her unlawful course of world conquest fueled by the undisclosed enslavement of British working people via a process of corporate enfranchisement, and then unleashed the unlawful, illegal and immoral Raj on the people of India, she condemned both nations to unjust suffering promulgated via deceit and fraud that was perpetuated by corporations masquerading as governments. She did this in violation of her Coronation Vows and Constitutional Obligations. 

This and all the other acts of fraud and crimes of state committed by her later administration under the influence of Benjamin D'Israeli, the Rothschild banking empire represented by Lord Pirbright, and the British Crown Corporation deserve to be universally recognized as crimes of commercial fraud, unlawful conversion and unjust enrichment amounting to crimes of state. 

The crimes against the people at home, in The United States, throughout the former Commonwealth, and around the world in the form of undisclosed Mercenary Conflicts and unresolved Armistices has continued unabated and largely unrecognized until now. 

The war profiteers have continued their filthy business under the noses of their victims, disguised as departments and agencies of what appears to be their own government --- but are in fact merely the  subcontractors of our foreign Federal Subcontractors --- subcontractors of subcontractors, with all the guilty Parties and Principals attempting to wash their hands and pretending to be ignorant of what their Employees are believing, saying, and doing.

Plans of the Federal Reserve banks to run up the stock markets of the world for a gigantic 1929-style collapse will have to be called off.  Deflation of the Federal Reserve Note is as unnecessary as the existence of the currency itself. 

Despite all attempts to keep us at sea, the Americans are home again. We have come home like Odyseus late and against all odds, to deliver ourselves and all mankind from these criminals occupying our house and pretending the right to be here. 

The foreign central banks and their willing agents, His Imperial Majesty, King Charles III, and King Charles of Scotland, hereby stand foreclosed by their Preferential Creditors for cause: without the supporting soil jurisdictions of their respective kingdoms, there is no authority available for these Offices to proceed.  The chain of title is breached. 

To the extent that the Kingdom of England has been preserved along with the other countries and nations impacted by this Victorian-Era incorporation scheme, it is saved for the people who live there. Their faithful Hereditary Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, has acted in favor of the country in the face of a merely Legal Sovereign --and has won the day. 

For God and country.  Literally.   

Until the long-vacated unincorporated Lawful Governments and authorities are re-established with the blessings of the people, we are acting as the Fiduciaries of the living people worldwide to preserve their lives and assets from predatory foreign corporations and corporate officers operating "as" Kings and Presidents, without accepting the duties and accountability of the actual unincorporated offices.  

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                 The United States of America
                  In care of: Box 520994
                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 23rd 2023


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