By Anna Von Reitz
This morning found me embroiled in a text
conversation with yet another patriot telling me "what's going on" and accusing
me of being a nasty, old, mean-spirited cynic, for not "keeping the faith" and
not "hoping" and "waiting".
Where do I begin? How about 1863? Think
I've been waiting long enough? 37 plus 100 plus 21.... that's 158 years
that Americans have been waiting for their military, particularly the United
States Army and later, the United States Air Force, and when on the land, the
United States Marine Corps, to do their jobs and protect us from "all enemies
both foreign and domestic".
I think we've all waited for them long
enough. Okay? I am not waiting for them anymore. I am
showing up myself to settle my own hash and I highly recommend that you all
do the same, each and every day.
The whole Civil War was a set-up by the British
Territorial Government. Lincoln was substituted for election as the
"President" of the Territorial United States, because as a Bar Attorney, he was
prohibited from holding any office in our actual government. That should
put up some red flags, shouldn't it?
And then, there's the strange story of Ulysses S.
Grant, or, as he is known, U.S. Grant --- like "Grant of the US" --- which is
what happened under his endlessly corrupt administration. Now, add the
fact that Grant's actual name was Hiram Grant, and he picked up the nickname
"Ulysses S" at West Point, and it doesn't seem that his politics as a Queen's
Man was exactly a secret, does it?
What you are looking at is a 158 year-old coup
d'etat staged against our lawful civilian government by our own dear military
and commercial mercenary interests operating under color of law and fraudulent
misrepresentation and Breach of Trust.
The U.S. Army has been overtly in charge since 1863
and we've got what we've got here. These awful things literally could not
have happened to our country if our military had been honest and acting in our
best interests to protect us.
Could not. So stuff that down and believe it,
because that's the facts, Ma'am.
For all those standing around "hoping" and
"waiting" for the U.S. Military to do jack diddly, I suggest you stop waiting
and pay attention.
Let's see.... I have been hearing rumors about
NESARA for forty years, but nothing whatsoever has been done with this
legislation since the 1990's. So if there is some kind of "NESARA" on the
Agenda, there is no sign of it being addressed in any degree, way, shape or form
on the public record for thirty (30) years. And call me a fool, but that does
seem to be problematic.
I've also been hearing rumors about "global resets"
and "currency exchanges" and all sorts of other currency-related speculation for
the past ten years.
I get regular emails about all these "tiers" and
exchange rates and preparations being made and protocols to be followed when you
trot in to exchange your Zims or your Dinar or whatever else ---- for a
decade. And it is always the same story---- it's going to happen!
It's going to happen next Tuesday. It's been
delayed. It's going to happen this weekend.... there was this trouble,
there was that trouble.... Saudi Arabia farted, a computer system failed, a Beta
Test went sideways.
There is always some excuse. And there's
always a new date, right around the corner, when all the pipedreams will come
true. Well, folks, I really hope they do. But my Mama taught me that
someday never comes. She also taught me to observe what is right in front
of my face, and what is right in front of my face is ten years of talk, talk,
talk that is completely devoid of walk, walk,
And now we've got another version of this same
schtick going on --- the Military is going to save us. There's going to be
a big announcement via the Emergency Broadcasting System and all of a sudden
it's all going to be clear ---- except, of course, the Military's part in all
this heinous crime and breach of trust. It's going to happen January, no, it's going to happen January 21st..... no, no, it's going to
happen February 6th.....
And it's all part of a brilliant plan to entrap the
members of Congress and the Media Moguls and the people like Bill Gates so that
they face prosecution for Treason, or, alternatively, all the Bad Guys including
Joe Biden are already dead and we're just watching a movie..... a distressing,
ugly movie that we don't need and don't benefit from, for no reason at
Oh, the Military is going to save us. They've
only had 158 years to do so, and it's right around the corner. Oh, yes,
really, for sure. Our heroes are out there rescuing tortured children from
underground bunkers and tunnels all over the world. They are protecting us
from China, Six Foot Tall Rabbits, and stale beer. Nobody knows the wonders
and #@%% blunders of our military....because most of it doesn't
But I observe that they've had 158 years to get off
their butts and actually do something to protect the American States and People
from the British Bounders and European Bankers and American Industrialists that
have been robbing us blind and illegally conscripting and taxing and pillaging
us for six generations.
And they haven't done
I'm sorry, but I am done "hoping" or "waiting" for
all these miscreant Employees to do the right thing. The only White Hats I
know are actually Gray Hats with lots of grease spots on their
I want to see it. I want to smell it. I
don't want to hear about it, and I certainly don't need any more excuses about
softening up the American Public and trapping more rats in more legal
All I am seeing is John Roberts booking for England
and taking the powder he so richly deserves. And Joe Biden pumping out
Executive Orders for all his Municipal Slaves to keep them wearing masks so they
don't offend the sensibilities of his Arab Investors.
Great Almighty, please spare me the drama---- and
the rest of you, look at the facts.
This entire country has to wake up and stop waiting
and stop hoping, gather all the common sense you ever had, and get off your
rumps. There's nobody here but us chickens and what is left of Public Law
and Decency. Hike up your skirts and unbutton your shirts and bring your
mops and buckets.
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