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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, November 14, 2016

So Trump is President- Elect

By Anna Von Reitz

The election is finally over.  Thank goodness and mercy for small favors.  And Hillary didn't win, which would have been four more years of the same old nasty, corrupt, self-serving disaster.  So a hearty "Thank God!" for that.  And now we are embarked on another chapter in United States, Inc.---- not American--- history.

This is an important distinction for everyone to learn.

As a non-citizen American State National none of the ups and downs of these elections mean anything more than a changing of the administration of a service company----- imagine that your local hardware store changed management, or your dry cleaning service got a new boss. 

That's all that these elections really mean for you, and you would be right to be unconcerned and maybe even totally unaware of all this hullaballoo.  After all, do you get all bent out of shape when the local Dairy Queen gets a new manager?

A Worthy Case for a Presidential Pardon if ever there was one.

Someone should tell Donald J Trump about this case

standbydaniel site header

This was found here:

Like always, this writer believes Daniel is IN THE WRONG COURT. 

They are once again using their Admiralty Court against an American State National by birth.

Jurisdiction is the issue that could free this man, but Donald J Trump could strike a blow against the cabal and drain this FDA swamp by simply pardoning Daniel and wiping his record.

If Mr. Trump intends to keep his campaign promises he should be given the opportunity to review this case as a way to reign in the COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL FDA and the tyrannical Federal courts who empower them.

This man deserves a pardon, and should be paid a lot of money for the persecution they have put him through, let alone the actual monetary damages and physical damage they have caused him.