The BLM also sought to seriously limit anyone and everyone’s access to the so-called public land, and persuaded the FAA to implement a No-fly Zone. The BLM also sought to seriously restrict anyone and everyone’s First Amendment Rights, including freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press.
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend the Iron County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner in Cedar City, Utah. It was a grand event. I couldn’t help but contrast the principled underpinnings of Iron County Republicans with my own county’s Republican Party. Just for starters, the Iron County Republicans brought in Ron Paul as the keynote speaker.
They also asked newly liberated and fully acquitted Ryan Bundy to offer the invocation (opening prayer) on the whole event. And the political candidates who spoke made multiple respectful references to the Bundys, their whole ordeal, and the recent outcome of their landmark cases.
I couldn’t help but note the stark contrast between the sentiments expressed on that occasion, with the rhetoric of the past 2-4 years while the events were unfolding and the cases were pending, when many of the very same people – including the vast majority of politicians — considered the Bundys to be completely toxic, and were doing everything in their power to distance themselves, happy to use a whole plethora of derogatory labels, ranging from “rednecks” and “radicals” to “extremists” and “domestic terrorists” – even “The Virus.”
But it was amazing to see how quickly some people are willing to about-face, when they are easily blown around by the wind, and it starts blowing from the other direction – and they become the epitome of fair weather friends.