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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Friday, September 30, 2022

What to Expect

 By Anna Von Reitz

Expect a collapse in housing values— an effect that has already begun, as home values have just posted a decrease for the first time since 2012.  Expect this devaluation to continue. 

At the same time that the value of your home is decreasing, the idiotic Federal Reserve is raising the prime interest rate in a purported effort to forestall a form of inflation that has nothing to do with the money supply. 

Think of a man hopelessly pumping the brake pedal on his automobile in an attempt to slow down a passing freight train —and you will have the flavor of how ridiculous the Fed’s action is. 

All it does is further ensure the collapse of the housing market by making home loans more difficult to obtain and adding an additional $90,000.00 more expense on a average thirty-year loan. 

All of this is happening against a back drop of ever-increasing “Excess Death” statistics.  Nearly fifty-percent more Americans are suddenly dying since the Covid 19 vaccination program began.  All those “Excess Deaths” mean decreased demand for the housing market — and if pure senseless criminal mismanagement of everything were not enough to guarantee a housing collapse, this final factor nails it to the floor. 

Even if we gave every homeless person in America a house for free, we could not stem the economic consequences of a die-off on a scale like this. 

Lower demand for houses, coupled with higher interest rates and greater long term costs, guarantees a collapse of the housing market and all related sectors of the economy— real estate, construction, loan servicing, and insurance sectors will all hit the tank. 

Millions of white collar and blue collar employees will lose their jobs and not be able to find new employment without WPA-style projects being implemented. 

This will spiral into more mortgages going into foreclosure and more and more people losing their homes.

For those already retired the “structural inflation” —let alone all the counterfeiting of Federal Reserve Notes—- will guarantee that their pensions are worth less and less in terms of buying power. 

This will lead to more senior executives staying on the job at the same time that the corporations are forcing “early retirement” on the lower level employees.  

Millions of Americans will be facing a retirement of abject poverty as the cost of everything continues to climb. 

Millions of young families will not be able to afford a home of their own and will instead be forced to live with older family members or take up a nomadic existence, traveling from state to state looking for work and a way forward. 

Meantime, ironically, the dollar will be strengthening against all other currencies — something that most people will cheer, but which will price us out of the marketplace, and close down international trade. 

The insurance companies already staggering under the weight of all the “Excess Death” claims, will be put down by the “Mortgage Failure Rates”—- as each mortgage is insured as part of the overall cost of the mortgage, the insurance corporations will be double-struck by the housing market collapse. 

They will all go bankrupt except AIG which has government guarantees, and possibly New York Life.  And so, all the money average people have invested to protect themselves and others will not be there when the ax falls. 

In this kind of melee, bank bail-ins are very likely, as the banks (falsely) claim to own all deposits anyway. Whether or not they get away with confiscating depositor’s money is being test run right now.  

It is a no-brainer that banks crooked enough to claim that they own all deposits are also crooked enough to confiscate not only deposited funds, but safety deposit boxes, too. 

In a recent contested FBI raid in Beverly Hills 86 million dollars was confiscated from depositors who were not under investigation. 

The FBI just went in and wantonly pillaged the “safety deposit boxes” of all bank customers, taking family wedding rings and college funds and whatever else they found. 

This kind of lawless activity on the part of the private security “agencies” is on the rise and unless public action is taken, will continue. 

A search of corporation records confirmed that the American Bar Association owns the Internal Revenue Service and the so-called Northern Trust—- and is liable for most of the illegal confiscation and pillaging that Americans have suffered. 

Expect action to be taken against the Bar Associations as a result.  Enforcement is already underway. 

The British National currency, the Pound Sterling,  is presently taking the largest nose-dive against the dollar in recorded history in anticipation of more hidden indebtedness and liability claims to be exercised against the foreign Inner City of London Municipal  conglomerate and its franchises. 

That is, the British National currency is taking a beating on a guilt-by-association basis.  The British people are victims in this scenario, being held accountable for the actions of the foreign Municipal Government of Westminster in much the same way “Americans” are being blamed for the actions of “the US” and the Ukrainian people are suffering as the result of illegal activities by NATO on their soil. 

The practical response to all this is to decrease and limit your deposits in all conventional banks and take no false comfort in FDIC insurance.  

If there is a bank bail-in, which is likely at this point, your account funds will be seized without recourse —large amounts or small— and there will be no insurance companies left standing.  Ask the people of Sri Lanka. 

Your “Safety Deposit Boxes” will also be fair game for the white collar criminals. Ask the people in Beverly Hills who are currently fighting the illegal confiscation of their safety deposit box contents by the FBI. 

Expect growing resistance by the corporations to accept cash payments and an overall attack on the use of cash.  Remember that cash is evidence of their debt to you and they want to destroy that physical evidence just like they burned books that exposed them in centuries past. 

Remember that “their” police forces are not here to protect you, even though they are paid with your money.  The police forces are being deliberately misinformed and misdirected. 
When push comes to shove you must be prepared to defend your own homes and your own persons. 

All but the most deluded “Progressives” understand this situation. Make sure your local Sheriffs know and know better than to attack their own people on the orders of foreign corporate interests. 

This  is why we must undertake a massive public education effort to let everyone know and bring worldwide attention to bear on the Government of Westminster and the Municipal City State Governments — the Vatican, Inner City of London, United Nations, and Washington, DC.—- from which all this violence and theft and lawlessness flows. 

NATO, which caused the problem in the Ukraine by building over a dozen germ warfare facilities in Ukraine, is but an extension of these same perpetrators.  The supposed “Good Guys” are actually the Bad Guys in this situation.  

It’s easier for them to victimize people who trust them or who mistake them as part of their own government, instead of knowing that they are private mercenaries being paid with commandeered government funds. 

These are hard facts—- all of them.  But we don’t have the option of ignoring facts. Facts not fantasies are what bite us in the butt. 

So be forewarned. Make every effort you can to explain this situation to all who will listen. Prepare as much as possible for hard times ahead. 

Short of a miracle we can expect a time of great upheaval and institutional collapse throughout the Earth.  This is the result of long term commodity rigging and legal chicanery— and failure to hold “our” government accountable.  

That is all the Bad News. The Good News is that not everyone was caught sleeping.  Thanks to those who stayed awake and watching great efforts are being made to create a vital “End Run” correction that will release millions of people from the worst impacts we’ve described. 

There are ways and means for people to be released from mortgages they never owed, ways to underwrite public debt, and ways to open up honest banks, ways to identify and write off Odious Debt, and ways to heal the damage that has been done. 

Be assured that a majority of the people on this planet are still sane, and as more of them awaken, the balance of power and justice tilts inexorably in our favor. 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

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Cascade County sheriff breaks up federal investigation at gun show

Cascade County sheriff breaks up federal investigation at gun show (

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Nord Stream pipeline SABOTAGE clearly orchestrated by ruthless Biden regime

Nuland, Biden and Sen. Johnson all demanded “ending it permanently” by any means necessary

The demolition of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea is one of the most outrageous and evil acts of terrorism and sabotage in the history of our world. Now that the sabotage has been confirmed by numerous nations, the blame game has begun as everyone is wondering, “Who did it?”

Resident Joe Biden, Russophobic State Department official Victoria Nuland and GOP Senator Ron Johnson are all on the record demanding the Nord Stream pipelines be taken out, implying they will use any means necessary to achieve that outcome.

Watch from 2:52 in the following exchange between Sen. Ron Johnson and Victoria Nuland, a known Russia hater and key architect of the corrupt Zelensky regime that openly cooperates with actual Nazis while stealing billions of dollars from US taxpayers:

See the details here:

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Rat Watch

 By Anna Von Reitz

Thanks to all the wonderful people who have joined us in our formerly lonely "Rat Watch" activity!  

It is such a personal joy and pleasure for me to know that thousands upon thousands of people worldwide are now awake and watching the rats, so that it is getting increasingly difficult for them to pull their crappola by hiding it in a corner and burying it under piles of paper.  

They can no longer hide a single sentence in 2500 pages of gobbledygook, because there are now enough eyes and ears to sort through it all.  And report back.  

Here is another nugget that everyone needs to know. 

According to the WEF, the pandemic "exercise" that demanded "maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing" was all a test to see how compliant all the sheeple will be when the Vermin demand that each and every one of us report on ourselves and each other to monitor our "personal carbon emissions" and no doubt, "voluntarily" pay taxes for every cow fart on our farms. 

Meanwhile, the actual cause of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide is ignored. 

It appears that nobody is bribing the "scientific" community to report on that subject, so all we hear about is the increase in carbon dioxide and not about what is causing the increase.  Instead, we are left to assume that we are at fault.  

We aren't taught about the Carbon Cycle in Public School anymore, so the population is left without even the basic tools to think about this situation.  

The reason that atmospheric carbon dioxide is increasing is that atmospheric oxygen content is decreasing. 

The activities of men that matter are: pollution by major corporations and entire countries. And rather than take responsibility at the corporate level, they are, of course, passing the cost of their misdeeds onto the backs of the living people. 

There are two answers to the problem --- enforcement of environmental laws against offenders, or, new proactive initiatives to inspire better waste management technology and proactive oxygen replacement projects employing technology and natural ecosystem restoration.  

Meanwhile, the Rat Watch continues its thankless duty to watch the rats and report back on what they see: 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

International Notice of Claim and Proven Interest

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am publishing the attached Dropbox files for the entire world to see and understand.  These records concern only one (1) of dozens of accounts that are under the administration and Power of Attorney of Julius Shiva.  At the time these documents were created, Julius was being shadowed by Giovanni Battista (sometimes spelled Baptista) Richello, a CIA Officer who was his Witness. 

Like many other immigrants to this country, Julius was not given the benefit of full disclosure and so, he spent many years in the No Man's Land of U.S. Citizenship, without knowing that he wasn't yet in America --- but instead, inhabiting a foreign jurisdiction under the auspieces of the District of Columbia.  That changed once he realized how and why the CIA was claiming (through the person of Giovanni Battista Richello) a General Power of Attorney over funds that belong to and which should naturally be administered by Julius.  

It was the same crock that the Brits have used against all of us, falsely claiming that we were voluntarily adopting U.S. Citizenship and acting as willing Wards of their State-of-State organizations as Subjects of the Queen.  

So, when Julius stepped through the open door after decades of being in political status limbo and became a South Carolinian, part of the population of an Organic State of the Union, everything changed.  The Queen and the CIA could no longer claim to be his Trustees and "Representatives". 

And the entirety of his fortune and the power of his inherited General Power of Attorney came back to him, no longer subject to a foreign sovereign.  

This circumstance means that the World Bank and other banks that have been abusing and misusing his deposits as if they owned those deposits, and who have been allowing vast crimes of money laundering and misappropriation, have been caught red-handed in a personage fraud scheme that has impacted millions of people.  

I am here as Julius Shiva's Witness, to say that he is the rightful heir of the D'Avila Family and that he owes no special allegiance or fealty to the British Monarch, is not an "asset" belonging to the CIA, and is, instead, a living man and an American, a South Carolinian owed all the protections of the Federal Constitutions. 

Whereupon as the Fiduciary for The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, I clearly and unequivocally say that Julius Shiva is an American and stands under the protection of the American Government.  

We hold the only proper role of Government to be the simple aim of protecting the people and their assets, whereupon, we claim that Julius Shiva is owed the unencumbered enjoyment of his fortunes and the exercise of all the General Powers of Attorney that he has acquired as the rightful heir and administrator of all the primary trusts and accounts held here and throughout the world. 

This is just one primary account out of dozens.  There are over 5000 secondary accounts and literally billions of individual personal accounts.  

By stepping forward and offering this as an initial proof to all Parties, we invoke the protection of the mighty presence of the True God and ask for assistance and guidance as we create a new understanding of money and institute a new banking system. 

To see the evidence regarding just one of the accounts that Julius holds under General Power of Attorney see the following link: 

The banks of the world know his name, know that he is the true heir, and have pretended otherwise for their own self-interest.  They have colluded together to seize upon deposits that lawfully and legally belong to him.  Let all honest men bear Witness to the truth.  

Notice Issued By:  Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

                       The United States of America


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Friday, September 23, 2022

ALERT: The ALMOST Everything Bubble Set to Explode

In today’s video, let’s hear how Mike Maloney sees the economic emergency playing out:

“Every time they have tried to contract the currency supply, raise interest rates…do Quantitative Tightening, the markets have thrown some sort of fit. Whether it’s the bond market, or bank liquidity drying up…every time they try weaning the markets off of this artificial life support there’s some kind of tantrum that happens. The next one is going to be some kind of big crash and that is finally when the Fed will pivot. They aren’t anticipatory, they are reactionary. They will pivot, and they’ll start increasing the currency supply and lowering interest rates once they have caused the economy to break.

In 2000, we had the crash of the tech sector and all the dotcoms, the NASDAQ went down eighty-something percent…then in 2007 it was the stock market and Real Estate. Well, this time it’s stocks, Real Estate and Bonds that are all in crisis - it’s the Almost Everything Bubble and the reason why I say Almost Everything is because gold and silver are not in bubbles…yet!” - Mike Maloney

Get OUT of the banks NOW!  If you need some silver, in small or large quantities, reasonable prices and immediate shipping go here:

From: Teri Sahm   Date: 09/19/2022 3:46 PM MST Subject: Important Message from Anna     

The banks are preparing for a massive bail-in program and
restricting withdrawals.   Close all accounts and withdraw as cash to
the extend possible.   Only money we have already cashiered in Global
will be safe.   Nothing INSURED WILL BE SAFE.   It's the insurance
collapse that is precipitating the bank collapse.   Peter is robbing
Jesus to pay Paul.   The FRN's are evidence of their debt so they are
seizing them and seizing accounts denominated as FRN's in all insured
banks.   That includes credit unions that offer insured accounts.   If
they are insured they are NOT indemnified.   The insurance companies
are failing because ot the strain of the vaccination death toll
worldwide.   All those Life Insurance claims are being disallowed and
the insurance companies are losing in litigation.   The banks are not
willing to go on with the charade without insurance.   Best thing
would be cash and if you need to transact, Money Orders.   We will be
hitting the Post Offices all over the country buying Money orders in
various amounts.   It looks like that will be the only viable way to
get things done in the interim - and that is why the Pope insisted
that all liquid assets be in the Vatican Bank by September 30.   He
anticipates the draw down of the Money Orders which are backed in
gold.   We have maybe 10 days to act

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Did Rocky Mountain Labs in Hamilton Montana have a part in Lyme Disease?

Plum Island resurfaces: Secret research programs run by the USDA, DoD and DHS are engineering agricultural bioweapons to starve nations into collapse

The US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) has been actively involved in engineering biological weapons for decades. Long before Fauci and the NIH were funding gain-of-function bioweapons development with the People’s Liberation Army in Wuhan, China, the USDA ran a bioweapons facility on Plum Island that was tasked with researching agricultural weapons that could be used to attack and destroy the food supply of enemy nations. (Both Cuba and the former Soviet Union were considered likely targets.)

In a bombshell story published by Xinhua news agency in 2021, author, researcher and journalism professor Karl Grossman alleges that Lyme Disease was one of the many bioweapons produced in this US government-funded laboratory originally staffed by Nazi scientists who were brought to the USA under Operation Paperclip, a program that saw the US government recruit former Nazi scientists to work in fields like rocketry (NASA), medicine and computing. From that story:

The “godfather” of the Plum Island laboratory was a Nazi bioweapon expert, Erich Traub, who was brought to the United States after the Second World War.

“During the WWII, Traub ran a Nazi secret biological warfare laboratory in the Baltic on an island called Riems, with a mission to poison cattle in the Soviet Union. Also, Traub had some familiarity with the New York area before the WWII. He was also involved in Nazi activities on the Long Island,” Grossman noted.

“There was a military base on the island at that time for over 50 years, which was called Fort Terry. Thus this notion was to make this laboratory to do biological warfare,” he said, noting the lab was later taken over by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

See the entire article here:

A Message to All State Assemblies

 By Anna Von Reitz

People who have been deeply indoctrinated into a foreign political system are trying to restore the American Government we are owed; unfortunately, many of them cannot recognize it when they lapse backward into the old "system" and they react by acting upon the old political power paradigm they were taught.  

As a result, there are three key bottlenecks that these people attack and attach to and try to control in the Assemblies.  

The first bottleneck opportunity that they swarm to is the Vetting and Oversight Committees.  They assume, based on their past experience, that these committees can be used to promote their individual agendas for the group, either by limiting the choice of candidates to those who meet their own personal approval (Vetting Committee) or by removing officers who don't perform to their personal satisfaction (Oversight Committee).  

What everyone is missing is that we don't have political parties and neither of these Committees have the authorities and functions that some people assume that they do, 

The Vetting Committee is supposed to check three things: (1) basic eligibility for the job in question; (2) past criminal history that might affect job performance; (3) substantial conflicts of interest.  

Finding no significant evidence of impairment, the Vetting Committee must let the candidate apply for and/or run for office and let the Electors elect whomever they judge to be the best candidate. 

In no case can the Vetting Committee base any of their  "Pass/Fail" decisions on their collective personal feelings or prejudices. To do so would be to put themselves in the position of Electors PRIOR to an election, and thereby put them in position to bounce out candidates BEFORE they have a chance to present themselves to the General Electorate. 

The job of the Vetting Committee is simple.  Check to be sure that the candidate is properly recorded as a member of the Assembly, check to be sure that they have no criminal record that would prejudice or impair their job performance; check to be sure that the candidate has no substantial conflict of interest, such as having significant income from foreign sources. 

Yes or no?  

It is not the Vetting Committee's job to judge whether the candidate is "personable" or pretty or enforce any judgements related to a person's religion, appearance, age, race, or former political persuasion.  

Similarly, regarding the Second Potential Bottleneck, it is not the Oversight Committee's job to nit-pick and harass anyone.  They exist so that any perceived serious breach of trust or improper activity can be brought forward and addressed.  Examples of breach of trust include misrepresentation of the Assembly, abuse of or misrepresentation of office or authority, and violation or evasion or prejudicial exercise of service obligations.  Examples of improper activity include nepotism, adultery with subordinates, petty theft and the like. 

In no case can the Oversight Committee lapse into witch hunts or complaints based on nebulous unfounded suspicions. Complaints must be based on facts.  It is the Oversight Committee's job to inquire into the actions and operations of The Assembly to ensure that everything is above board and running properly. 

Any conflicts need to be brought to the Ombudsman.  If the Oversight Committee finds that the Treasurer made an improper payment, for example, and they can't get correction from the Treasurer, it's their right to bring the matter forward to the Ombudsman's Office.  If the Ombudsman's Office can't solve the problem to everyone's satisfaction, it can be taken to the General Assembly for a vote. 

All offices and positions in a State Assembly are subject to recall by vote of the General Assembly, either for cause or for lack of confidence. 

The third and final bottleneck is the Marshal-at-Arms Office. In a traditional State Assembly, the members are engaged in face to fact meetings.  The Marshal-at-Arms is charged with ensuring the physical safety of the Assembly and its members during meetings and events. Today, that duty can extend to maintaining simple decorum in meetings and enforcing the Agenda and limits which the Assembly may adopt on the length of time that individuals may speak.  It is important to note that these limits must be imposed by vote of the Assembly and must be applied impartially, so as not to censor dissent or curtail free discussion. 

In Assemblies with a lot of members and especially a lot of talkative members (California, for example) it is advisable for the Assembly to set up a process by which topics can be added to the Agenda prior to scheduled meetings and to also set up a limit as to how long an individual speaker may speak.  These are actions that help expedite the flow of business and discussion, and are not meant to prohibit or prevent action or censor anyone unduly.  Each Agenda item should be limited in proportion to the other Agenda items and if an Agenda is too packed to get through in one meeting, the topic gets held over to the top of the list at the next meeting. 

Rules of Basic Decorum may also be adopted.  People come into Assemblies flat-footed and often they are angry with "government" in general.  Some people may also come in drunk or under the influence of other drugs, and start raging and shouting and causing inappropriate disruption, at which point it is the duty of the Marshal-at-Arms to terminate the disturbance. 

In this manner, everyone knows the rules beforehand and there are no surprises.  Keep your cool, have your say within the time limit established for individual speakers, and behave politely. That is not too much to expect from our members. 

I should also say that if elections are properly conducted in the first place, the results of elections are permanent for the term of the office and may only be overturned by recall and/or impeachment for cause.  

Everyone who is a member of an Assembly is an adult and expected to act like an adult. 

Name-calling, threats, outbursts of rage, unfounded accusations, drunken speech, and similar activities are to be discouraged and curtailed for the sake of the Assembly-at-Large. We have work to do and can't let it be sidelined by a lot of nonsensical drama.  The Marshal-at-Arms must exercise discretion and let people have their say within the limits set by the Assembly and may not abuse their position for purposes of censorship --- but if anyone is being disruptive, impolite, or threatening, overstaying their turn at the podium, or otherwise imposing upon the other members, it is entirely proper for the Marshal-at-Arms to hit the mute button. 

Assemblies are here to conduct business for their membership and their State and maintaining a calm and business-like atmosphere is important.  There are many other places for people to vent outside the forum provided during General Assembly meetings.  

Keep the ideas of "appropriateness" and "reasoned debate" uppermost in your mind when it comes to General Assembly business.  Is your concern better addressed by a Committee --or best addressed by a Committee, before you bring it to the Assembly?  Is your issue personal or does it impact everyone?  How important is your issue, really?  If it involves debate, should that debate be scheduled as a Special Event with time allocated for a prolonged discussion?  

Creating a safe space for reasoned discussion is the job of the Marshal-at-Arms.  Setting the rules to provide that safe space is the business of the Assembly-at-Large.  If everyone understands the goal --- which is calm and productive business meetings --- there should be no great deal of controversy about how we arrive at our chosen destination and put an end to grandstanding and political rhetoric and irresponsible accusations.  

As members of your State Assembly, you should be aware of and sensitive to the functions of these Committees and the office of the Marshal-at-Arms, so as to make sure that practical level-headed people are drafted to serve in these positions.  


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Abolish the CIA - America's Open Wound

 By Edward Snowden

Continuing Ed

September 22, 2022

America’s Open Wound - LewRockwell

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Why ‘Ventilator Frenzy’ Swept the White House During Early Days of COVID

 Why ‘Ventilator Frenzy’ Swept the White House During Early Days of COVID • Children's Health Defense (

Protect Yourselves and Others

 Are you at Peace? Do you fly the Peace Flag?

By Anna Von Reitz,

These supporters of the Trucker Convoy are flying the American Peacetime flag, and by doing so, they are identifying themselves as peaceable Americans --- people who are NOT at war, NOT soldiers, NOT here to blow anyone up, shoot anybody, etc., etc., etc. --- and that is important.
If every American War Flag in this convoy was converted to a Peacetime Flag, there would be nothing at all that any of the Rats could do to attack or complain or harass anyone involved. They would all have to stand down and watch the parade.
Flying the right flag can save your life or the lives of people you care about. Flying the right flag can protect your property and your Natural and Unalienable rights and Constitutional Guarantees.

Remember that America --- the actual America and the actual American Government --- has been at peace since 1814, and all the "peaceable" Americans are owed the full support, protection, and respect of their government employees without exception.
So stand up for who you are and what you are doing and use the proper flag to make your silent declaration of your standing and peaceful intentions. All over this country, more Americans are waking up and catching on. They are flying the Peacetime Flag. Isn't it about time you did, too?
Check out for the honorable and venerable history of our Peacetime Flag --- and stop a moment to think: do you want war or do you want peace? It's up to you to declare.
To get your own US civilian flag go here: 

Bail In, Bail Out, Good Cop, Bad Cop

 By Anna Von Reitz

First, the Gubmint steals your credit to bail out banks and insurance corporations. 

Second, the banks and insurance companies steal your bank deposits to pay back the Gubmint. 

Third, it all comes down to crooks bilking you in your own name.  Crooks who are pretending to “represent” you.

Crooks who are impersonating you. 

Brace for losing every cent you have deposited in commercial banks and in “equitable” consideration, you will be given shares in the bankrupt bank that stole your deposits. 

How’s that for compensation? 

You will get more shares based on the size of the deposits you lose.  And this has been advertised since 2010.

Did you know you were buying shares in a bankrupt bank? 

Did you know your deposits became bank property the moment you walked away with a receipt in your hand? 

Did you know you were loaning the bank your home when they offered you a home loan? 

All those IRS garnishments were the obligations of the bank? Not yours? 

And what about all the investments made in your name?  What became of them? 

Your “shares” again? 

Naught into naught is naught.  Naught divided by naught is naught. 

Every positive number is greater than every negative number. 

Every debt creates an equal credit. 

Fraud vitiates everything. 

Don’t take any wooden nickels and I would not accept any bank shares, either, because the shareholders become responsible for the debts  of the bank. 

Ever heard of the Trojan Horse?  Gifts that kill are all too common to this day. 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

DRACO Down the Memory Hole They had a cure over a decade ago, but not for you

 From Anna Von Reitz

Please Publish ALL of This On the Websites!

by Spartacus

On July 27th, 2011, a paper was published in PLOS ONE describing a novel protein biologic antiviral. It was called DRACO, an acronym for Double-stranded RNA Activated Caspase Oligomerizer.

Read the article on Substack here: