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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Ted Nugent wrote Joe Biden a letter

 Ted Nugent wrote Joe Biden a letter via Facebook moments ago and it is going viral fast. Just in case it is censored, here it is in it’s entirety.  

Dear Vice President Biden,   Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of Trump supporters. I remember four years ago my President Trump also called for unity. I remember how Congressional members of your Democratic Party responded by boycotting his inauguration. I remember how you and your Democratic party cheated and used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on my President Trump's campaign. I remember how you and your Democratic Party created a fake Russian dossier to try and impeach my President Trump. I remember how your speaker of the house ripped up my President Trump's beautiful State of the Union speech on National TV. I remember how you and your Democratic Party tried to impeach my President Trump over a Ukraine phone call. You accused my President Trump of pay to play.  Come to find out Joe, it was really you and your son Hunter. I remember how you and your Democratic Party blamed my President Trump over a pandemic that he had nothing to do with. I remember how you and your Democratic Party encouraged rioting and looting of my great United States of America. I remember how you and your Democratic Party used the media to spread lie after lie about my President Trump. I remember how you and your Democratic Party stole the election from my President Trump. This Trump supporter remembers all that Joe, and will NOT be unifying with your Democratic Party. Your abject criminal dishonesty is treasonous. You belong in prison along with the rest of the Swamp.   Ted Nugent """Everyone keep this going""" Please!!

I will add that this went on for almost 5 years while Biden's former associates were relentless in their attack of President Trump without any foundation in fact or law. Biden's hypocrisy is beyond the pale considering that which his associates imposed upon President Trump. This in light of the $Billions$ he took from the Ukraine and China alone, plus Iraq, and only God knows what else or what other country. Then, today, he pretends an oath to the Constitution (a dead corporate charter of D.C., INC., a dead corporation) and a reliance on God Almighty, using those two to pretend he is honest and will fulfill his Oath to the Country, and to the American People, when the lying SOB has no intention of doing either, and we know it. Those of us with an IQ at or above room temperature, he expects to believe his bullshit. Talk about being out of touch with reality, the whole damn bunch behind him ought to burn in Hell after they are executed for TREASON

Bob J

Situation Update, Jan 20th – Day of Reckoning: Will the republic DIE or be REBORN?

(Natural News) As America watched, a decrepit, mentally incompetent Joe Biden was “sworn in” today, with almost no members of the public in attendance, but with Biden surrounded by now a reported 65,000 troops, just like you’d see in a Third World dictatorship.

In truth, Biden wasn’t sworn into anything. The election was illegal, unconstitutional and fraught with deliberate malfeasance. The theft of the election renders the Biden regime null and void, carrying no legal weight whatsoever.

Everything the Biden regime attempts to do from this day forward isn’t rooted in law; it’s rooted in coercion. Rule by brute force, in other words. Gunpoint enforcement by a brutal, authoritarian regime that can only browbeat the population into submission through intense censorship, false flag operations and relentless media propaganda.

That’s why this isn’t over. Biden has no legitimacy, and the proof of election fraud still exists in abundance. It’s recorded in the ballots themselves, which must be saved for 22 months according to federal law. Any honest assessment of the ballots would reveal the Biden election theft, and legal efforts are still under way to reveal the truth.

In fact, just today, one hour after the inauguration of fake president Biden, a statement from Arizona Senate President Fann reveals that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has agreed to the voting machine audit they’ve been hiding all this time. They waited until after Biden was sworn in, of course, because they know they cheated.

Biden also knows the election was stolen. He admitted before the election that dems were running the most elaborate vote fraud organization in the history of American politics. On camera, no less.

Now, Democrats are pushing to label all those who demand election integrity “domestic terrorists.” This is a blatant attempt to weaponize the federal government to target and intimidate anyone pointing to the mountain of vote fraud evidence that already exists.

As of today, they think they’ve successful stolen the election, but they know the evidence still exists that proves they cheated, so now they have to go into overdrive to complete their cover-up and try to suppress (or intimidate) anyone who tells the truth.

That’s why dems are now calling for actual secret police to be launched in America to spy on conservatives. One of the key factors they’ll be looking for is people who say Joe Biden is an “illegitimate” president, or that the election was stolen.

Yet every honest American knows it was stolen. And so do most democrats, who are universally satisfied that their election theft was “justified” because they really, really hate Donald Trump. And when the Left has sufficient hatred, they can justify absolutely anything, including door-to-door genocide of Christians, Whites, Trump supporters, gun owners and conservatives.

That’s where this is all moving toward now: A left-wing “cultural revolution” ethnic cleansing in America. And if the military doesn’t step in and take charge to save our constitutional republic, this nation will descend into a brutal left-wing regime that weaponizes the government against its own citizens and calls for mass killings of conservatives by labeling them all “domestic terrorists.”

It has already begun, in fact.

Today’s Situation Update for Jan 20th lays out more details of what we’re witnessing:

  • Trump’s farewell speech was not a concession speech.
  • Focused on family, life and opposing censorship. Don. Trump Jr., “The best is yet to come!”
  • Why the GOP is dead and a new “Patriot” party will likely be launched.
  • Why we must have faith in God as we navigate uncharted waters.
  • The Dems wanted us to know it was stolen. They want America to react so they can label everyone “domestic terrorists.”
  • Where Trump had real people at his inauguration, Biden’s team sticks flags in the ground and is mostly abandoned. (What a complete joke.)
  • Russiagate declass documents confirmed and partially released.
  • 12 members of the National Guard removed after FBI “vetting.” Also a complete joke.
  • Mike Pompeo declares China to be engaged in “genocide” and “crimes against humanity.” (Today, China has sanctioned Pompeo and 27 other people, including Steve Bannon.)
  • Why the military buildup in DC? It’s clearly not for an inauguration that’s mostly empty.
  • National Guard chief admits now 65,000 troops in DC. Now 4,300 have been deputized as US Marshals. Who are they planning on arresting, especially since there are no protesters there?
  • “Bloody” Gina Haspel resigns from CIA. Michael Ellis put in place at NSA. Haspel’s resignation was a marker claimed by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, who insists Trump will still be president.
  • Haspel was a key person blocking the declass effort.
  • Highway signs tell travelers to avoid going to DC.
  • A preview of the horrors to come if Biden seizes power: A nightmare of “radical trans activist clowns” will attempt to rule over America.
  • Sec. of Defense nominee Gen. Austin wants to turn the US military into a woke festival of LGBT troops and eliminate all Whites, conservatives and Christians from the military. (Get ready for the Gay Marines and the Lesbian Air Force.)
  • The rise of digital fascism: The Left knows they lied and cheated and stole the election, and they fear the people and the military.
  • Steve Bannon warns of the formation of the new “Stasi” secret police to spy on Americans.
  • Laura Loomer put on secret no-gun red flag list by vengeful FBI.
  • Big Tech censorship goes into overdrive, unleashing a “one way” trip to Hell for America if this isn’t reversed.
  • Pelosi launches attack on people who don’t support abortion.
  • Mainline conservative publishers and personalities ordered to toe the line on pushing vaccines.

Black People, You've Been Conned

 By Anna Von Reitz

Well, we've all been conned, but you've been conned more than the rest of us. 

From everything I have seen, Martin Luther King, Jr. took half a loaf --- a grant of "Civil Rights"---- and that, at least temporarily, prevented recognition of the Natural and Unalienable Rights actually owed to black people.

Maybe he thought that half a loaf was better than none.  Maybe he saw it as a stepping stone to eventually have the Natural and Unalienable Rights of all people fully recognized and honored.  

We'll never know what MLK knew or what he thought about this issue, but certain other things are sure.  

It's certain that the Democratic Party that so many black and colored people identify with and support has in fact been their primary political opponent for decades.  Look at the history.  Look at the voting records.  

It was Democrats that engineered conferring Municipal CITIZENSHIP on black people following the Civil War --- effectively making them publicly-owned slaves instead of privately-owned slaves. 

It was Democrats who substituted Civil Rights for Natural and Unalienable Rights, too.   

Civil Rights are merely privileges conferred by the Municipal Congress.  And they can be taken away from the Municipal Congress on a whim.  

But your Natural and Unalienable Rights come from Nature and Nature's God. 

Think about it.  You've been snookered.  

And you don't need Municipal citizenship.  It was conferred on you, but you never needed it, and if you knew what it entailed, you would never want it, either.  

You can choose to exercise your birthright political status as Americans, instead.  You can be truly free and have your Natural and Unalienable Rights respected and protected.  You can claim your own assets for your own benefit.  

Like every other American, you simply need to know that you have that choice. And then, you need to make it.  

Go to:  Start learning the truth about your country now.  


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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President of What?

 By Anna Von Reitz

If you have been reading my posts or following along at all, what is Joe Biden now "President" of?
Another Municipal Corporation formed by himself and Nancy Pelosi and a few other bad actors.
So what? We don't have a contract with their new corporation. It's an entirely foreign entity. Foreign owned. Foreign operated.
And they can't have access to our money.
We have a contract with the Holy See called The Constitution of the United States, but that is a different matter entirely.
Now that the actual American Government is in Session, and the Municipal United States Government has been found guilty of fraud and violation of contract, it's time for their paws to get out of our pockets, and for the Pope to pay his own program expenses.
Also time for him to Cease and Desist any pretense that Americans are Municipal citizens of the United States just because his minions confer a gift citizenship on us--- that we don't want or need--- without our knowledge or consent.
We recognize the fraud for what it is, and accept the gift and return it to a permanent domicile on the land and soil of The United States. We dry dock it and take control of it.
Now the foreign VESSEL is ours and under our Public Law. It has been re-flagged and all Municipal Employees are obligated to recognize these facts.
To give you an analogy, it would be like Mexico conferring Mexican citizenship on you and then claiming that you owe Mexican taxes. It's obvious fraud, and once you recognize the fraud, they are helpless to overcome it.
So now you know what to think and say next time the "Mexican police" --- aka, the IRS, FBI, CIA, FEMA, MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH, etc., come snooping around and pretending that you are a Mexican.
Habla non Espanol.
This is just an analogy. It could be the Canadian Government trying to pull the same trick on you.... and under their Roman Civil Law, as long as you are deceived by this nonsense, you are fair game.
After all, if you don't know who you are, that you are an American, and if you don't have sense enough to object to their presumptions, if you don't bring your own government into Session and self-govern---- heck, who is to fault if they think you are a Mexican?
Instead of thinking of that THING in Washington, DC, as "your" government, which it most certainly is not and never was---- think of it as a foreign embassy sitting on your soil--- because in essence, that is what it is.
We already told the Chinese that they can come collect all the property on the "one mile square" in recoupment of the debts "the US" owes them, and be welcome to dump it all in the Atlantic, for all we care.
It's not our capitol. It's not our debt. It's not our carnival sideshow. And Joe Biden is not our President.
And as for the rest, the Municipality sits in the middle of another foreign entity, the District of Columbia, which is controlled by the Territorial Government --- and is run by the United States Armed Forces.
Having been fully informed of the fraud committed against Americans the Territorial Government (Military) has encamped around the Washington, DC Municipality to (1) keep the peace and (2) enforce the constitutional limitations of the Municipal Government.
This is causing great consternation, but it's okay. Everyone who took my advice and formed their State Assembly and all those who are "coming home" every day and joining their State Assemblies are sitting in the cat-bird seat and our country is perfectly safe.
The criminals who plotted all this are either: (a) long since dead, or (b) on their way to jail or (c) locked down in Washington, DC.
Just steer the course forward, depend on the military and the Church leaders to catch up with the nogoodniks, and do your Public Duty to Self-Govern. That will help President Trump more than you could possibly know.
Go to: and weigh in today.
Expect that the Territorial (Military) Government will also be in a transition of its own, as it reorganizes as a republic and no longer operates as a Municipal CORPORATION. Be aware that governments at the Territorial level around the world will be making similar changes.
We need to keep our noses in our baileywick and keep on doing our Public Duty to operate our State Assemblies and open our State Courts to serve our people. At that point, everything becomes much simpler for everyone. The Public Law once again becomes accessible for every American, the Constitutions click back into place and we all avoid a great deal of nastiness.
Learn all that you can about your own history.

And don't mistake "US History" as being "American History" any longer.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Is this the letter that President Trump left in the desk for Joe Biden?


Interesting post about today from Ignatius Piazza, the founder of Front Sight Firearms Training Institute