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Thursday, December 12, 2024

International Public Notice: Natural Law

 By Anna Von Reitz

What happens when you kick over a beehive?  

Tons of worker bees scramble and sting the threat -- whatever the threat is -- causing the attacker to retreat, or in some cases, kill the attacker. 

This is the same thing that happens when we attack people's homes. 

Sooner or later, the worker bees come and answer the attack. 

This is why jihadists are attacking Bethlehem.  This is why they are attacking Christians in Syria.  

They and their culture and their homes and their people have been mercilessly attacked by Jews, and at least in terms of governments, the purportedly Christian governments of the west are helping the Jews commit genocide in three different directions at once. 

The British are flying reconnaissance and spy missions for them; British diplomats are burning the midnight oil for them; the Bank of England is paying off all and any debts for them in secret and extending vast amounts of ill-gotten Rothschild credit to them. 

The Americans are sitting on their hands, drooling like big, stupid dogs, and selling Israel "mo'better" bombs, and tons upon tons of all the misnamed "defense armaments".  

Nobody here believes the standard narrative about poor beleaguered Israel being forced to defend itself.  

What we see is yet another British MI6 False Flag set up, Israel acting as the British Bully Boy, lashing out in a lot of pre-emptive strikes against its Arab neighbors, while the House of Saud and Kingdom of Jordan and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt smell the whiffs of a promised Oil Boom (unleashed in an attempt to stave off the advent of free energy) and curiously, don't lift a finger to defend the once vibrant Muslim-dominated but secular governments of Lebanon and Syria. 

Christians could live in these countries and have homes and businesses like anyone else, but thanks to the ham-fisted British policies foisted off on Syria by the US Sock Puppets of Westminster, there was never a way for Syria to recover and have a decent life

Even though we now know that these things masquerading as our governments aren't actually our governments--- they are commercial corporations in the business of providing government services, instead ---- other people still imagine that Donald Trump is the President of our National Government, instead of the "President" of British Territorial Corporation and a "nation" of British Subjects who are our employees. 

These business interests have neither the powers nor the integrity nor the purpose of actual governments, but they act "as if" they were governments and they "assume" the powers of governments under color of law, and they "appear" to speak for us ---- even though they don't.  

So the jihadists are striking back because they have been stopgobbered by Israel for no apparent reason other than blind irrational ethnic and religious hatred, washed down with lots of greed and lust for unjust commercial enrichment from oil and seaways and artifacts that, oops, through no fault of their own, belong to Arabs.

What happens when you plant corn? 

You get corn plants, and eventually ears of corn to eat.  

What happens when you plant carrots? 

You get carrot plants, and eventually carrots to eat. 

All these things are so commonplace, so observable.  Why should we even have to discuss The Law which applies to all of Nature?  

What do you get when you plant hate and fear? 

Hey, pay attention! --- You get a crop of hate and fear.  

Which then self-seeds and creates what?  More hate and fear. 

Britain and France sowed the Nazis at the fake Treaty of Versailles and the Nazis sowed the Holocaust and the Holocaust empowered the Zionists who are Jewish Nazis.  So they work on the principle that one good holocaust deserves another. 

What they are doing right now will solidify Arab hatred of the Jews and regional violence for years and years to come.  And that is precisely what the meddling bloated British pinheads want: create the mess and let the Arabs and the Jews kill each other and never give the region any rest, until every drop of oil is drained out of it. 

Then, suddenly, when Big Oil goes the way of Whale Oil, peace will reign.  Free energy will put an end to all the motives and games. 

What fools we are, to let this "narrative" play out. 

The Bible dictates that "before the end" Damascus in Syria must be laid to waste and left uninhabited.  So the Do-It-Yourself cynics who hope to profit themselves and come to power by "fulfilling" Bible prophecy, are intent on razing Damascus.  The whole once-beautiful city will now be bombed into oblivion.  Those who cannot or will not flee, will be genocided for poor, little Israel.  

The House of Saud will do nothing, because they are being blackmailed.  Their secret is even more explosive these days than being counted among the endless supply of murdering pedophiles. 
They are Jewish in origin.  Relatives of the Sassoons and Kahlounis. 

The Kingdom of Jordan is similarly compromised by western influence and is too small to think about doing anything but save its own hide. 

Egypt?  After some good intentions and saber-rattling over the genocide in Gaza, Egypt has retreated, spooked by the sudden entry of the Turkish Army into Syria and the lure of a fat cut of the so-called "New Oil Economy".  

So what finally moved Erdogan off his thin dime?  Was it love or money?  Money.  And where did the money come from to launch the Turkish Army into Syria.  From Constantinople, of course, from the Eastern Orthodox side of the Catholic (Universal) Church.  And where did they get such wealth?  From Pope Francis, of course. 

As his Creditors warily approach, Francis has turned his pockets inside out.  No money left at the Vatican.  What gold wasn't sent to The United States under the watchful eye of the British Territorial U.S. Military, was collected up and then moved to Constantinople, where it has been used to launch a Muslim on Muslim Crusade. 

While we hear about all the unbelievable actions of the Israeli Defense Forces, nobody talks about the million-man Turkish Army suddenly deployed as a mercenary force in Syria in support of the Israelis.  

If you had a million Turks going in front of you and cleaning up behind you, you'd be able to do some pretty incredible things, too. 

Reminds us of all the unbelievable exploits and success stories surrounding British WWII General Montgomery, who always managed to show up first at the Victory Party and get the most photo opportunities, even if the rest of us, the Russians included, had to wait for three weeks for "Monty" to show up. 

Now that we know that the Brits, the Templars, and the Roman Church are at the bottom of the dog pile, such well-paid supporting actors as the Turks are no longer confusing.  

Once they have utterly destroyed Damascus for no real reason, other than their plan to "fulfill" Biblical prophecy and profit themselves from the narrative ---- they'll wheel and head for Mt. Herman and Balbek --and come back through the Plains of Armageddon.  The only thing spoiling their little historical tableau is the recalcitrance of the Russians and Chinese to play their parts as Gog and Magog.  

Maybe they can get Zelensky to play both parts for them. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 12th 2024


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Reposting For Your Outraged Information

 By Anna Von Reitz

Quote, "We just figured out how Democrats got all the illegal Haitian and Venezuelan migrants into America --- MASSIVE FRAUD." 

Watch the video clip as U.S. Representative Andy Biggs goes after one of the complicit Immigration Officials about the fraudulent misrepresentation of the entire process of migrant identification and application for entry to this country. 

The end result is not only did these people enter our country illegally according to the established immigration laws -- all at the behest of Joe Biden and his Administration, which was itself fraudulently misrepresenting itself as our civilian government --- we don't have the faintest idea of who these people are, where they came from, or where they are. 

However, we do know who is responsible for this atrocity and we know who must be arrested and prosecuted for it.  

This fraud is similar to the mortgage fraud scheme, in which billions of investors worldwide have been left with worthless unidentifiable mortgage securities, including securities based on public road easements that were used to latch upon developed properties and homes, mortgage securities ginned up and based on copyrighted land descriptions, mortgages based on "loaning" the landowners their own credit, etc., etc., etc.  

All of it is complete fraud being enforced under color of law and duress.

So, our response to Donald Trump is --- get on with it.  

Announce the findings of the Supreme Court in the Brunson Case, announce the fact that the Biden Administration has been removed accordingly, and then address the entire country with a plan to locate and remove all these people who are here illegally.  

We are prepared to assist and do not wish for any violence or cruelty to anyone; those who have legitimate claims to political asylum are to remain, those who simply came in search of better economic conditions, jobs, etc., are to be returned to their country of origin free of charge, and in the happy anticipation that their home countries will soon have funding to greatly improve their own infrastructure and economies, medical services, educational programs, and much more. 


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: The Role of the Pilgrim's Society

 By Anna Von Reitz

What happened to the Tories, the American-British Loyalists who supported King George before, during and after The War of Independence? 

Answer, a few were prosecuted for war crimes and their property was confiscated to repay victims of heinous crimes.  Others took what they could take and decamped to Canada and elsewhere in the British-speaking world, where they sulked and plotted vengeance against the upstart Americans.  

The remainder of Tories stayed in this country under a complex scheme anchored by the Federal Constitutions and the Residence Act, which allowed them to stay here, keep their homes and investments and commercial enterprises, and placing these foreign assets in a "National Trust" overseen by the British Monarch while they, themselves, were allowed to remain here under the presumption that they were here to provide us with "essential government services" or otherwise seeking political asylum or foreign aid. 

Because they, their assets, and even their good names belong to these foreign governments, they are considered to be part of the foreign Federal citizenship and although they live under limitations and constructs of one or more of the Federal Constitutions, they are not protected by these same agreements. 

Now, how, you may ask, was all this orchestrated?  In the early days, the responsibility rested with the International Immigration and Naturalization Service. After the so-called Civil War, "public/private partnerships" were formed which among other things allowed the legalized monopolization of entire sectors of our economy, distributed our land and soil holdings into their National Trust structures, and at the bottom of it?  The British-American Pilgrim's Society. 

Please take time out to read, listen to, and deeply consider the role of the Pilgrim's Society in this country: 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 11th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: High Crimes and Misdemeanors

 By Anna Von Reitz

Dear John F. Kennedy, Junior --- if that's who you truly are: 

The only "thousands dead" are those harmed by DEW weapons and EM pollution and chemtrails and Pandemic bioweapons and weather warfare and poisons in our food and water and wars-for-profit dumped on us by both sides of an illegal mercenary conflict in which both sides owe us "good faith service" and take their paychecks from our pockets. 

That's how we look at this.  A gross, long-term, institutionalized breach of trust and fraud scheme perpetrated by senior bureaucrats, public employees, political party capos and officers of foreign corporations that are Successors to Constitutional contracts that they have evaded, dishonored, misrepresented and usurped upon for well over a century. 

Whether Trump was cheated out of an election four years ago is not the real issue.  The real issue is the 157 years between 1863 and 2020, plus the last four years of Biden's totally criminal rampage.  We've looked and we have seen the betrayal of the top ranks of our military apparatus as well as the vicious breaches of trust carried out against us by members of the Federal Civil Services --- and we have proof that both these "services" acting under The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, respectively, have colluded with each other against us, their employers, since 1937.  

And whether it was Federal Reserve Notes or United States Notes, they are still Promissory Notes drawn on our credit and against our assets without our knowledge or permission.  

The now $154 billion dollars of our credit that the Biden Administration has squandered on the Ukraine Proxy War in the past four years is just one example of how the world has been reduced to ruin for the unjust enrichment of criminals, and then, the fault for all this vicious aggression has been blamed on the victims --- the American people, who have been lied to and deceived throughout.

That's the real skinny.  The Truth.  And now the only question is why isn't the U.S. Military carrying out their contractual obligation to protect this country and its people?  

When we see them arresting the bankers responsible, the Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements and the whole Nest of Central Bank Vipers who have facilitated all this fraud and theft from this country and many others, we will start trusting and supporting the U.S. Military again.  

When we see Joe Biden and his Administration and a majority of the members of the usurping Congress in jail, we will weigh in.  

When we see our borders closed, our money back home supporting our own people, and peace at last, we will consider the duty of the U.S. Military well done.   

Joe Biden isn't the "President" of this country and has no state immunity; he should be under arrest for Impersonating The President of The United States of America, influence peddling, treason, fraud, misprision of treason, breach of trust, promoting public insurrection (2020 riots), election fraud and a whole lot more.  Start there. 

No "narrative" is needed or wanted.  No demonization of anyone is needed.  Tell the truth, which all by itself, unvarnished and unspun, is bad enough. 

The government of the people of this country has spoken. We declared peace and raised the peacetime flag years ago.  We also fully informed military and civilian leaders of the Great Fraud and the attendant evils our country and the world has suffered as a result of this fraud.  We have sued in the Highest Courts on Earth for redress for ourselves and everyone else impacted by these Gross Breaches of Trust and Service Contracts. 

This does not require any revolution, no political struggle at all.  All it requires is for the U.S. Military to honor its contract with us and assist us in putting an end to these High Crimes and Misdemeanors.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 11th 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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