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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Regarding the Israeli-Iran Document Dump

By Anna Von Reitz

Nuclear weapons are obsolete.  They have been obsolete for decades.  They are sitting around in rusting towers all over this planet connected by MS-DOS software that was in use thirty years ago.   

Does everyone clearly understand that?  It's possible that they could be deployed, but then, it's possible that I'll take up table dancing, too.  

Defense systems have moved waaaaay beyond nuclear weapons, so far beyond that the biggest controversy about nuclear weapons today is how to safely dispose of them. 

Iran is not stupid.  Iran has some of the best mathematicians and scientists in the world.  Iran knows that nuclear weapons are obsolete, horribly expensive, pollution nightmares, and under international sanctions.

It would be like sneaking around building contraband whale oil lamps. The whole idea of Iran coveting nuclear weapons is ludicrous. 

Trillionaires for a Day

By Anna Von Reitz

To all the BS surrounding "GCRs" and "RVs" and "NESARA/GESARA" I wish to call a halt. 

The Central Bankers and their buddies are the ones who owe the debts, because they are the ones who profited from the gross misapplication of assets both before and after both World Wars and from the inflation this malfeasance has caused.  

Since when did you or I ever "benefit" from inflation? 

Since when did we get to "create money" by entering digits in a ledger? 

Since when did we get to exchange our I.O.U's for gold and silver under force of legal tender "laws"---and then go bankrupt, taking the gold and silver with us?  

The Flannelmouths Among Us

By Anna Von Reitz

The description "flannelmouth" used to be pretty common.  It was applied to all the politically correct wishy-washies who "couldn't say shit if they had a mouth full of it" and who began appearing in larger and larger numbers after the Second World War.  

These people are always careful to not offend anyone, to "mouth over" everything repeatedly and never say or do anything that might be considered controversial or violent or unpopular.  

These are the people Ben Franklin spoke of when he said those who give up freedom for safety deserve neither. 

Insight for Churches, LLC's, S-Corps, Foundations, Trusts and Cooperatives

By Anna Von Reitz

If you have "incorporated" your business, you have given it away to those who offered you a charter and the "benefits" of a charter, which include bankruptcy protection--- mainly---- and the corporate veil, meaning that what you have in your incorporated business is all that you are putting at risk in conducting that business. 

Except for very large businesses engaged in risky business none of this adds up to any advantage worth spitting on, but the members of the Bar Association have been soliciting and advising everyone to jump on board and "incorporate" everything from dog kennels to Mom and Pop convenience stores. 

Why?  Since it offers no actual and substantial benefit for the small fry?