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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Paper or Plastic?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Here in Alaska, it's a balmy minus 7, and I am forced to remember a day just like this about three years ago, when I came into town --- Anchorage --- to shop for groceries at a specialty shop.
I was told that the Anchorage Municipal Assembly --- part of the rocker popper Papist Municipal Government that legally and lawfully isn't supposed to exist outside of the Municipality of Washington, DC, had voted to ban plastic grocery bags and unless I wanted to carry out all my separate items by hand, I would have to pay an additional hefty sum to buy two reusable cloth totes....
When I asked the dull-eyed cashier if the Assembly was smoking whacky tabbacky when they passed this latest dictum, the young thing shrugged helplessly and said, "I dunno...."
Nobody seems to know how these morons got all these god-like powers, but we all get inconvenienced and pay for it just the same.
Then I read the highlights of the public commentary leading to this brilliant new "law", and learned that we were trying to be "more sustainable". Plastic bags fill up landfills. Plastic bags use non-renewable resources (oil).
I shook my head. Guilty as accused. Shoot the plastic bags. Hang 'em high! It's time for the Anchorage Assembly to DO something.....
And I reflected that this is the same group that will scream about all the trees being cut to produce paper bags and all the nasty, stinky pulp mills.
This is also the group that will whine loudest when their organic ketchup bottle slides through the strings of their ergonomically designed politically correct reusable grocery bag and the ketchup goes splat all over their Birkenstock sandals and cashmere socks.
So, admittedly, I had a dim view of this new ordinance right from the beginning and was inclined to boycott Anchorage as much as possible.
For the next several months, whenever necessity demanded it, I had to remember to bring my cloth bags and totes to the store, just like the Anchoragites, a rare Northern Branch of the California Coastal Luddites.
We had barely survived and become inured to this latest inroad against personal choice when the pandemic hit, and to my astonishment, the very next time I went to Anchorage for supplies, I was met at the door and told, that no, I couldn't bring my (presumed to be) germ-ridden reusable grocery bag into the store.
The Anchorage Assembly had voted to ban reusable grocery bags as a public health menace, and now, we were required to wear them (or their germy equivalent) on our faces, instead.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I stood staring at the beleaguered store manager who looked like a small vole looking for his next meal.
"Let's see here, I can't bring my reusable, sustainable grocery tote into the store, because it's made of cloth and collects germs, but I am required to wear a mask made of the same thing--- cloth--- on my face?"
The look he gave me made me laugh until my sides ached. He hadn't thought of that. I turned on my heel and tossed my "sustainable" grocery tote into the trash can on my way out, and I haven't been back since.
It's part of the same myopia that surrounds the subject of electric cars. People think they are more sustainable and better for the environment --- apparently, for no logical reason at all.
Let's see, you can burn gasoline directly to produce the energy to move your car, or you can burn other fossil fuels (including coal) to produce electricity, that then is partially lost during transit through the grid, and then store this energy your electric car's battery bank, which represents a massive amount of lithium and Rare Earth Minerals (REM's) that have to be mined and milled and transported and....all you've done is....make more problems for yourself.
To be specific, you've wasted more energy, added to the pollution problem at the level of the power plant, and added all the expense and environmental damage implied by your demand for lithium and REM mining.
You've also greatly increased the likelihood that you and other truly innocent people are going to die in a fiery blaze of glory, because the voltage produced by these electric cars when they are the least bit damaged can fry a bull moose at 500 yards.
As Emily Latella used to say, "Never mind...."
And the CEO's at Ford and GM and Toyota go along with this nonsense, not because they are stupid, not because they can't think, not because they don't know better ---- but because it is "politically correct", which apparently means that we've all been worn down to the intellectual and emotional equivalent of the most backward five year-old in town.
Back to the question --- how did these morons get all these god-like powers to dictate to everyone else?

Because "everyone else" wanted to avoid the job of self-governance, they handed that responsibility over to people who can't think.


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To All The American State Assemblies

 By Anna Von Reitz

You are all suffering growing pains and an influx of new people, many of whom are deeply indoctrinated in the District Government System. 

Many Assemblies are engaged in struggles over learning and agreeing to even very basic things --- like the definition of "California".  

Who could imagine that this was even a question?  Much less a debilitating problem? 

Many of the new people come in looking for a way to seize power.  That's why, despite the urgent need to fill offices, it's a good idea to give them some time to get adjusted to our system, before they are elected to positions of responsibility. 

We are trying to overcome lifetimes of negative indoctrination -- decades of living under the boot in a dog-eat-dog corporate hierarchy.  We've been living as prisoners in the "land of the free". 

Is it rational for us to expect that these recently released prisoners will just automatically realign themselves, accept responsibility, "flip the switch" and be able to work well in a completely different system? 

No, it is not.  

I myself have to regularly re-align when I am thrown into the snakepit again and again, and have to rise above it, and expand my mind and my emotions to take me out of that ugly, foreign environment. 

So let's engage our common sense and deal with this challenge creatively and with some humor. 

Pretend that you are all on a leaky old sailing ship in shark infested waters.  And you have to man the ship and sail it to get home.  There isn't anyone to spare, and it's all hands on deck.... 

You need that new person to pull a rope, trim a sail, and haul the anchor, but you also have to realize that they aren't sailors, yet. 

The American Government is foreign to its own sons and daughters who have grown up in a completely different jurisdiction, and we all have to learn the principles and skills to operate it. 

Be patient with yourselves and with each other.  Stop all the screaming and scheming and earnestly try to learn --and do-- the right thing by your country and by each other. 

Do this because your safety and your health and your wealth and everything else depends upon your willingness to work with each other and keep on working for the common good.  

When I was a little girl we used to go visit elderly relatives who still had teams of draft horses working on their farms.  I watched in wonder as these magnificent animals pulled together in harness as one united force.  

The heritage we share and the power we have is just as awe-inspiring, but it is the fruit of education and thought and soul-searching.  It doesn't just "happen" overnight, and it's not something that can be commanded to appear.  

Some people will get so caught up in their own imaginings that they will stray off and try to do their own thing, and try to commandeer your ship --- there will be some who are untrustworthy, and some who are angry, and some who have a different destination in mind.  

Take heart.  Play nice.  Remember who you are. 

Stay centered.  Stick together. 

Have faith.  

And pull. 


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Smallpox, or, What They Did to the Indians

 By Anna Von Reitz

Last week, Bill Gates, or, as some claim, someone who looks and sounds and walks and talks like Bill Gates, showed up and lobbied for billions of dollars to be spent on Smallpox Vaccines.
Most Americans shook their heads and cocked their ears. Smallpox? There hasn't been an outbreak of Smallpox for over a hundred years.
Everyone above (about) the age of 60 has been vaccinated for Smallpox.
Of course, that leaves a lot of younger Americans without protection.
We thought. We pondered. We wondered--- where in his hell-bent profit-mad mind is "Bill" going with this?
And today, reports surface that samples of Moderna vaccines have been found laced with Smallpox. Real, live, Smallpox. And there are only two places on the planet, one in "the" US, and one in Siberia, that are known to keep live Smallpox depositories. For whatever reasons.
Doesn't that just warm your cockles and make you want to rush out and have live Smallpox shot into your arm?
Your invitation to either die or be scarred for life, courtesy of whom?
For you, the students of actual United States History, what does this remind you of?
Answer--- the way the British U.S. Citizens inoculated blankets with Smallpox and gave the Native American Indians these "gifts"---- and killed millions of people on the Reservations and in the other Internment Camps. Using Smallpox.
Here we go again. Different day, same story. Different vector used to deliver the same infection. Same genocidal result planned and hoped for.
Our American Government was blamed for the British deceit and their cruelty, disguising Smallpox as warm blankets, but as the records show, this shameful genocide wasn't carried out by the American Government.
Neither was the Internment Camp System euphemistically called "the Reservations". All that was done by the British Territorial United States Government and carried out by the U.S. Citizens in our midst.
It isn't too much of a stretch to imagine that their progeny are at it again.
They haven't shown a lot of creativity or common sense, and tend to go back and replay things they've done in the past, so---- it worked once to promote a huge die-off of an unwanted population, why not try it again?
Or, it could be someone targeting them. We know they did it once, so naturally, the suspicion falls on them when it happens again.
Maybe this time, they are innocent.
I personally doubt that, because in fifty years of reading the tea leaves, every dog pile holds a Brit, and sometimes a Frenchman.
It seems a stretch to imagine the Smallpox reserves in Siberia just magically migrated over here and appeared in the Moderna vaccines (that aren't vaccines in the first place) just in time for Bill, Create-the-Problem, Gates, to start calling for the cure ---- that is, more billions into his pockets.
No, my dears, I vote for recognizing the Hegelian Dialectic at work:
First, they create the problem..... Then, they suggest the solution to the problem they created....Then, they reap the rewards of providing the solution to the problem they created.
And that works so long as everyone else doesn't think beyond what's for dinner.
From my perspective, look around. Who raised the alarm? Bill Gates. Who most likely created the problem? Bill Gates. Especially since it's something direct from the British Territorial United States Playbook of Filthy Tricks.
And they got away with it on the Indians back in the 1860's and 70's. So why not "update" and try it on us now?
They think we are gullible. They think we are stupid. They think we've forgotten.
But we haven't.
About now, I am counting this as another Act of [Mercenary] War against the people of our country, and if I were the Russian Government, holding onto the only other known lab in possession of live Smallpox, I'd be feeling the British "frame job" clamping down around me.
I am not a Happy Camper anyway. But if I were Vladimir Putin looking at this situation, I'd be a Livid Camper, because I'd realize that the Dirty Limey Scum were out there playing their old tricks again and trying to blame me for it.
And Russia isn't guilty of any genocide against the Americans. They don't have any motive for that.
It's the Brits holding the phony baloney Municipal CORPORATIONS and the equally illegal insurance policies replaying the Bottomry Bonds Scandal of 1702.... and it's the Brits that have promoted the whole modern securitization scheme, too.

So grab hold of your Shinola Sensor, Harry, and batten the hatches. The best thing that could happen for humanity right now is for everyone to wake up and start sniffing the dog piles for themselves.


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Public Announcement Regarding California Assembly

 By Anna Von Reitz

The first California Assembly organized by Wayne Whomsley has been dissolved.
It was dissolved because it was off track and refused correction.
Our American State Assemblies are dedicated to the restoration of our lawful American Government, at the State level, and countrywide.
Our State Assemblies populate the States of the Union.
All States of the Union are members in good standing of the Federation of States, by definition.
Any other kind of "state" is disallowed, and the promotion of alternative definitions of "states" is, strictly speaking, illegal and grounds for prosecution for insurrection.
From the very start, the Assembly in California was off-beat. On top of numerous administrative problems, some members of the Assembly promoted radically different ideas of what a "state" is.
These included a Mexican "California" or alternatively, a "California" that would declare war on Mexico and annex it, a Gay California in which only members of the LBGT community would be eligible to vote, a "California" in which Republicans would be outlawed, a "California" that would separate itself from the Union and stand as a separate country and so on.
We are not condoning or promoting any of this, and anyone who does, is in fact acting in insurrection against the State of the Union known as California, by trying to redefine it as something else.
Our State Assemblies are for the people of California, our State of the Union, a loyal member of the Federation of States. Period.
Things got so bad in California that these former members were running around making promises and promoting political agendas that have nothing to do with our version of California --- and doing it in our names.
They were organizing counties before they organized the State, which is exactly backwards, as determined by the location and political status of the people repopulating California --- and they thought this was all right.
If you can transport yourself to the second floor of a building without the use of a stairway or ladder, it's just fine. For the rest of us mere mortals, there is a logic involved in getting from Point A to Point B.
Try as we might, and as often as we tried, some would-be members of The California Assembly refused to understand what we mean by "California" and continued on trying to build something else and to build it a different way --- in our names.
To guarantee the success and validity of the whole effort, and to preserve the safety of the rest of the members, we pulled the plug and dissolved the first California Assembly effective November 1, 2021.
What remains is the second California Assembly which is guided by Satya Orion and Michelle Ford. Hopefully, the people living in California can get it right this time.
Those who wish to "peaceably" assemble and who agree with our definition of California as a State of the Union and member of the Federation of States don't have to do anything or worry about doing more paperwork.
Those who got off track will receive their paperwork back and their names will be expunged from The California Assembly records. Any offices, hired or elected, that were held by these erring former members are null and void.
I personally regret that things devolved to this point, but the fact remains that there must be agreement about what "California" is and there must be agreement about what The California Assembly represents and how American State Assemblies are organized.
What was happening in California wasn't it.
So we have hit the "restart" button and those who agree with our definition of California and who understand the need for logical development of the Assembly functions going from A to B, are welcome.
Those who want to argue about our definition of "California" and promote some other definition, can talk to the hand.
Those who resent the oversight of the Federation during the assembling process need to find something else to complain about, because without Federation oversight there is no telling what kind of "State" you'd end up in, what services you would have, or what you'd be fleeced out of or accused of, in the process.

Everyone concerned is called upon to act honorably and to return the assets of The California Assembly that are in their possession to the California Coordinators.


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Military Occupation --- By Our Own Army --- For 160 Years

  By Anna Von Reitz

I have fully described the situation our country faced as a result of the so-called American Civil War, but some people still aren't grasping it. So I will be more blunt.
An illegal "mercenary conflict" was successfully promoted on our shores by agents of the British Crown and British Territorial United States, acting against the Municipal United States Government.
These two foreign subcontractors involved our American State-of-State business organizations in their squabble to the extent that the members of our original Confederation of States split into two factions --- North and South.
The original Confederation was thus rendered inoperable for lack of quorum and ceased to function.
The estranged Northern State-of-State organizations like The State of New York and The State of Maine and The State of Wisconsin formed "The Union".
The estranged Southern State-of-State organizations like The State of North Carolina and The State of Florida formed "The Confederate States of America".
The British Territorial interests sided with the Northern States-of-States and the Municipal interests sided with the Southern States-of-States.
In March of 1863, Abraham Lincoln bankrupted certain Northern States-of-States which were incorporated prior to that --- in other words, the bankrupted organizations were British Territorial entities by definition.
Actual States are not eligible for bankruptcy protection and the members of the original Confederacy were never incorporated, so we know that the bankrupted entities were British Territorial corporations by definition.
So at some point between April of 1861 and March of 1863, British Territorial corporations acting as Allies of the American States-of-States that were fighting as "the Union" were bankrupted, and threw their debts onto their American Allies. This is typical for the British Government --- start a fight and make someone else pay for it.
The Union Army was named the Successor and continued the fight solely on the resources of the American States-of-States--- and accepting the direction of Lincoln's illegal "Executive Order 100" --- which was in fact the first such "Executive Order" ever issued, and which included the Lieber Code.
There was and is no provision in American Law or Jurisprudence for the issuance of "Executive Orders" by an actual President of The United States of America. These were and are nothing but in-house "orders" like the orders given by the "President" of any commercial corporation on Earth.
The Lieber Code spelled out how the victorious Union Army was to deal with the situation after the hostilities ended and they eventually morphed into the Hague Conventions of today.
In April of 1865, Lee surrendered. For all intents and purposes, the war was over, but because it was an illegal mercenary action to begin with, there could be no Peace Treaty ending it.
The only Parties that could end the "war" officially, were the States of the Union, and the States of the Union were never involved in the "war" in the first place.
The States of the Union are members of the Federation. It's their States-of-States, their business organizations, that were members of the Confederation, that fought in the Civil War.
Following the end of hostilities, the States of the Union didn't speak to the issue, because nobody was told what was going on.
The so-called "Union Army" clammed up and sat in the cat-bird's seat, clinging to the purported authority of the Lieber Code. President Andrew Johnson tried to settle the issues by declaring peace three times on the public record.
Our entire history since then has been one of muddle and British guile and betrayal of trust by both the British and the Popes.
And the end result is that we have been occupied by our own Army for 160 years, and the Army hasn't even had the good sense and decorum to tell the American Public about this circumstance.
Even under this bizarre and fraudulent circumstance, the American People have always been owed the loyalty of the Army they pay for, and have always been owed the Law of Peace as established in the Army Regulations.
Instead of doing anything to solve this problem in favor of their employers, six generations of United States Army Brass have pretended that the American Civil War is ongoing and that they had the right and responsibility to usurp the lawful civilian government and to define "the Enemy" however they chose.
So they kept the civilians in a state of profound ignorance and worked out a deal with the Pope to control the entire country, pillage the Americans who paid their salaries and retirement benefits, and split the take.
This collusion between the former actual enemies in the Civil War conflict was immortalized by the 1937 "Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States".
They have been keeping this farce going in Gross Breach of Trust for 160 years and promoting it and spreading it as "American Democracy" ever since.
Well, it's not American, and it's not Democracy, either. It's criminal malfeasance, fraud, and Breach of Trust.
The actual Americans have been taking it in the shorts and the Brits and the Papists have been rolling in the receipts of their immoral, illegal, and unlawful actions, and all as the result of an illegal mercenary conflict they started on our shores.
Finally, the States of the Union woke up.
Last year, our properly populated Assemblies voted on a Peace Treaty among all the States of the Union officially ending the so-called American Civil War and forbidding our employees from continuing any more hostilities on our soil.
Both corporations responsible for this Mess in the current day are owned and operated by the Pope, so there is no possible excuse for any continuing hostility, yet here we are, faced with "depopulation" as those who are supposed to be protecting us continue to be misdirected by corporate interests bent on killing their Priority Creditors. Us. Their loyal, long-suffering employers.
They couldn't use guns, so they are using needles, press-ganging "licensed physicians" to do their dirty work under color of law and conditions of deceit. These same licensed physicians gratuitously redefined as "medical doctors" have been conscripted as "uniformed officers" under Title 37 of the Territorial Federal Code. They are undeclared soldiers in an illegal "war".
The vermin are promoting genocide of their own employers and customers for the sake of profit for their corporations.
At which point, we look at the corporations as an "enemy" of the Public Interest, and call for the liquidation of all commercial and private corporations engaged in any part of this horrible fiasco.
The United States Army is responsible for the immediate securing of our borders and the education of our population regarding these issues, which includes providing people with a correct and fully disclosed description of the political status options they have--- and then standing aside to let them make a free and official choice for themselves.
The United States Army is also responsible for liquidating the offending corporations and for the arrest of the CEO's and Board Members responsible for this defilement of the natural genome of millions of Americans so as to create GMO "Trans-humans" that these same corporations claim to own as property.
Failing their mission, the United States Army will go down in infamy as a rogue mercenary organization.

The actual government of this country has spoken. It may have been silent about these issues for 160 years, but it is still the sovereign nation. And the grotesque fraud and breach of trust that this missive addresses is still nothing but a gigantic crime promoted by employees against employers.


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