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Friday, January 15, 2021

Wars are big business!


Misinformation About the Act of 1871 is an Ongoing Problem -- Part 3

 By Anna Von Reitz

Now that you know that the infamous Act of 1871 is dependent on the even more infamous Act of 1870, and that the upshot of it was to ensconce a Municipal for-profit Corporation as the Government of the District of Columbia, be prepared for more (unpleasant) surprises.
You might think that the Municipal Government provided for under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 was entrusted to Americans acting as State Deputies operating our Continental Congress or to Americans acting as American State of State Delegates, and you would be right. The "Congress" referenced by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 had to be American and the people represented by that Congress had to be true United States Citizens as provided by 2 USC 253.
How do we know that for sure? Because those provisions were written into the original Federal Constitution --- The Constitution for the united States of America, and there was no Territorial or Municipal Congress in existence in 1787 when the original Constitution was approved.
Our Founders meant their United States Congress to act as honorable stewards of a simple Public Trust, to provide a safe mutual meeting ground at the Federal Capitol, Washington, DC. They did not envision foreign Subcontractors doing that duty or exercising that trust.
Okay, the usurpation of that position by foreign Subcontractors is fraud and non-disclosure and failure to assist victims of a crime in Breach of Trust, but it gets worse.
Having illegally exercised powers entrusted to other Parties, the Municipal Corporations acting as the Government of the District of Columbia didn't honor the original concept, by which the members of any Congress --- even a Municipal Congress --- would exercise the powers of government for the District of Columbia.
Instead, they initially redefined the members of the ersatz unauthorized Territorial Congress to be a Board of Directors for the new Municipal Corporation acting as the Government of the District of Columbia, and then, proceeded to place everything under the thumb of a Municipal Governor for the Municipal Corporation acting as the Government of the District of Columbia.
Over time, even this bizarre rearrangement of powers and duties was truncated and messed with until by 1913, less than half a dozen men were required to -- purportedly-- pass the Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve, and by 1940, the Governors of the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia didn't even have to be elected members of any Congress at all.
Isn't this just sweet? They took a simple duty to provide a safe and neutral meeting place in Washington, DC, and turned it into a private, for-profit Municipal Corporation in control of the Territorial District of Columbia, and made themselves their own bosses, in control of a plenary oligarchy, without even having to be members of that oligarchy and without having to be elected at all.
And all with no authority whatsoever to do any of this, all done under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure, all done under color of law, and all done under conditions of fraud against the American States and People.
You might be wondering how this was possible? It was possible because the only people trained to be able to recognize these crimes were Bar Attorneys, and in the new pecking order established by this fraudulent power grab, the US Attorneys had control of the members of the American Bar Association.
Thus, the Papist Municipal Government and traitors in the Territorial Congress contrived to set themselves up in control of a private Municipal Corporation posing as the Government of the Territorial United States, and insulated itself against any claims as previously described, and began bossing the U.S. Military around---- the same U.S. Military that was entrusted by Lincoln as the safeguard of the entire country.
I am now going to treat you to the torturous analysis by Team Law, which describes what one must go through to follow the snake-like twists and turns and blind alleys that lead to the same conclusions:
1871 - Act of 1871 ---“An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia,” ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419,February 21, 1871---which was repealed in 1874 and then passed piecemeal via these actions----“An Act Providing a Permanent Form of Government for the District of Columbia,”ch. 180, sec. 1, 20 Stat. 102, June 11, 1878, to remain and continue as a municipal corporation (brought forward from the Act of 1871, as provided in the Act of March 2, 1877, amended and approved March 9, 1878, Revised Statutes of the United States Relating to the District of Columbia .... 1873–’74 (in force as of December 1, 1873), sec. 2, p. 2); as amended by the Act of June 28,1935, 49 Stat. 430, ch. 332, sec. 1 (Title 1, Section 102, District of Columbia Code (1940)).
When looking at the intent of all this, given that the actual District of Columbia was set up in 1790 and fully chartered by 1801, the aim of the Act of 1871 is, it appears, merely to set up “U.S. Corp”--- “That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the “District of Columbia”, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes … and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation.” – Act of 1871 verbiage--- So the Act of 1871 was to create a private corporation owned by the actual government of the District of Columbia--- the infamous District of Columbia Municipal Corporation: “Further, the only government created in that Act was the same form of private government any private corporation has within the operation of its own corporate construct....... U.S. Corp is not merely an incorporated municipality(District of Columbia); rather, it is a private corporation (District of Columbia Municipal Corporation) that was lawfully created by our original jurisdiction government.” ---- Team Law analysis, end quote.
This is their analysis, but I differ from the paragraph above. These actions were undertaken after our "original jurisdiction government" ceased to function and in any case the "original jurisdiction government" being referenced has to be the original Federal Jurisdiction Government, the Federal Republic, which was only a secondary instrumentality of the Confederation and a tertiary instrumentality of the Federation of States.
As a result, there could be nothing "lawful" about what went on with these mechanizations at all. It was all done in the legal realm, not the lawful realm, and could not have been done "lawfully" by definition, even if the Federal Republic had still been in operation in the 1870's and had taken part in this criminal fiasco.
And, by the way, there is no provision or agreement in any Constitution for the Territorial Government to be redefined as an incorporated Municipality dba District of Columbia, nor is there any provision for it to be further redefined as a privately owned and operated municipal corporation doing business as the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia.
All that is just more Breach of Trust and commercial service contract, more fraud, and more self-serving bunk promoted by both guilty parties -- the Queen's Commonwealth Government, also known as the Territorial Government, which the Queen operates as an Overseer for the Pope, and the Pope's own Municipal Government, set up as a corporation in the Territorial District of Columbia.
By these actions, they have defined themselves as criminals, but it did not stop there and it was not limited to our shores.
This same "system" of fraud and usurpation was extended, as revealed in Part 2, to other countries and nations around the world. To them, it appeared to be championed by "the Americans" --- and trusting "the Americans" far more than they would have ever trusted the Queen or the Pope, they all fell in line, adopted similar means of private control of public institutions, and the politicians elected by purported "shareholders" under this scheme enjoyed the coercive abuse of "governmental powers" under color of law, and instead of being true representatives of anyone but their own greed, they redefined themselves as Agents carrying Proxies from the corporation's "electorate".
The clueless Americans, like the clueless Catholics, and the clueless national governments that were members of both the League of Nations and the United Nations, were being used as storefronts by these criminal commercial corporations, entities that exist solely for the purpose of making profit for their private shareholders ---- the banks and people like Nancy Pelosi, who squandered and rolled in the profits of these criminal enterprises, while talking ---loudly--- about protecting the Constitutions they evaded and tried their best to destroy.
When push comes to shove, the Guilty Parties attempt to take refuge in the Constitutions and pretend that their purported power and authority comes from the Constitutions, but as you can now appreciate, the truth of the matter is that they have no authority as the government of this country and never have had any such authority since this farce began.
Furthermore, as privately owned corporations, the only "law" they have is corporate Public Policy, which is not enforceable except within the confines of their own corporation -- its officers, employees, and actual dependents.
So, if you don't wish to partake in their criminal activities and the profits thereof, and you don't wish to be subjected to "law" imposed by unknown appointees to a private Municipal Corporation Board of Directors, it's high time to wake up.
This form of "private law" has been imposed upon the States and People of this country under color of law for the purpose of pillaging and plundering and collusive extortion, racketeering, inland piracy, trafficking in persons, impersonation, barratry, identity theft, unlawful conversion, and all as a conspiracy by our foreign Federal Subcontractors against their Employers and against the Constitutions allowing their operations on our shores.
The Territorial Government's contract requires them to defend us against all enemies both foreign and domestic, so their proverbial rice bowl is on the line, and it is not to the Pope's advantage to lose that contract.
Also understand that while the Municipal Corporations have no right to exist nor to claim any contract or position of favor, they are vengefully trying to do as much damage as they can rather than yielding to the inevitable conclusion----- everything they claim, all the assets of the Municipal Corporations, in fact belong to us, the American States and People, whose delegated power was abused and whose sovereign power was usurped in order to create these Municipal Corporations, including the Municipality of the District of Columbia and the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia, and all the franchises and derivatives that have been "spun off" ever since.
Please also be advised that our Federal Republic cannot be restored by any action or further usurpation by the Territorial Government and the only "19th President" of "the" United States of America position is the presidency of the same Territorial Municipal Corporation dba UNITED STATES OF AMERICA referenced in Bouvier's Dictionary.
The only entities on Earth that can lawfully and legally restore our Federal Republic and enforce the Constitutions are our States and People, acting through their Federation of States, The United States of America.
So what are you waiting for? Christmas?

The Territorial Municipal corporation and its employees will defend you, because it is their job and they are SOL if they don't, but more to the point, it is your responsibility to wake up and self-govern, so that your country is not overrun by predatory foreign corporations pretending to be your government.


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Misinformation About the Act of 1871 is an Ongoing Problem -- Part 2

 By Anna Von Reitz

We dealt with the Prelude understanding of the Big Picture and Nomenclature and Credits to other Researchers in Part 1.  In Part 2, we discover other important aspects.... 

There is nothing called "The Act of 1871" is the first bit of pure gold.  The fecund and feral 41st Congress of "the" United States of America chunked out dozens of "Acts" in 1871 and it is open to question which Act is purportedly "the" Act.  

The second piece of critical need-to-know mission information is that you will never understand any Act of 1871, no matter which one you pick, without first grasping the importance of what I call "the" Act of 1870 -- the prior year's mischief  promoted by the Rump Congress.  

I am providing the document via attachment to my email list, but FB Friends will have to go to my website, to get their copies of the more interesting Act of 1870 that I am now referencing. 

The Act of 1870 is in its way far more interesting and deplorable, as the Vermin gave themselves rights that they don't actually possess --- and that is, to charter corporations "for" the District of Columbia, which is not now and never was a sovereign nation or State of the Union.  

The Act of 1870 was blatant usurpation executed under the False Presumption of the "absence" of our States and our Federation of States and sought to make the District of Columbia a separate Commonwealth (British) entity with the powers of a sovereign nation --- which it is not then, nor now.  

The ability to form corporations and to incorporate them for the benefit of a sovereign entity is a uniquely sovereign activity that has never extended to the Territorial Government of the District of Columbia by these United States and which was never allowed to the British Monarch under The Constitution of the United States of America.  

So right there, in public, is a fundamental Breach of Trust and the action, along with so many others, is rendered void both for fraud and for violation of The Constitution of the United States of America, because it seeks to redefine the nature and character of the Territorial Government and make it a sovereign government and imbue it with "Powers" never delegated to it.  

The verminous import of "the" Act of 1871 is only made possible by the earlier usurpation and Breach of Trust embodied in the referenced Act of 1870.  
The ability to form corporations "for" the District of Columbia self-evidently had to come before the effort to create Municipal Corporations "for" the District of Columbia --- which is another, separate, and never allowed "Power" of incorporation.  

Virtually everything that the Congresses from 1865 to 1888 accomplished, is illegal, unlawful, immoral, deceptive, and forbidden under one form of law or another, and they simply played "Dodge Ball" trying to evade the consequences of their actions by trading hats -- acting first as "the" Congress of "the" United States Municipal Government, and next acting as "the" Congress of "the" United States of America Territorial Government. 

No doubt it was a heady prospect to usurp upon the States and People, who trustingly slept on for another hundred and fifty years, none the wiser.  

And yet today, it is apparent that all that they "accomplished" was done under conditions of Breach of Trust, violation of commercial contract, and fraud. It's all null and void under Roman Civil Law and under International Law as well. 

It leaves both the Municipal United States Government and the Territorial United States Government guilty of Gross Breach of Trust, Usurpation, and Fraud. 

And we are still talking about "the" Act of 1870 and the creation of the power to form corporations for the District of Columbia. 

The next Act in 1871 presumes upon the first Act in 1870 to access a further power, that of incorporation.  

Basically, our Subcontractors have been exercising powers of our sovereign governments that were never granted to them.  And now, the infamy of what these men did in the shadow of the Civil War is coming home to roost.  Unfortunately, once the infection of corruption set in, it spread worldwide. 

When you step back and view both the Corporations Act of 1870 and the Act to Form a Government for the District of Columbia in 1871, it becomes crystal clear that the object of all this was to make a Municipal Corporation the Government of the District of Columbia, and to usurp the Territorial Government that was already responsible for the District of Columbia's governance, and to substitute a Municipal Governor for the Territorial Governor. 

This made it a Double Coup d'Etat, one by secretive fraud and usurpation against the lawful American Government and our Federation of States, and second, against the British Territorial United States via legal manipulations and chicanery designed to substitute a Municipal Corporation for the Territorial Government.  

Overall, it's what you would expect from the scheming Papists, if you realize that all of this was predicated on the ownership of two corporations by the Pope, both the Territorial Municipal Corporation dba UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the Municipal Corporation dba UNITED STATES.  Of course, the Pope would own the Commonwealth entity as well as the Municipal entity, and he would want the Commonwealth corporation to be explicitly subservient to the parent Municipal corporation, in order to better control everything. 

And that's what the scheming rats did. 


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Misinformation About the Act of 1871 is an Ongoing Problem -- Part 1

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am, therefore, publishing this information --- again --- for those of you who are still vulnerable to believing a bunch of hucksters bent on saving their own hides. 

Facebook Friends will have to go to my website to get copies of the documents. 

Many thanks to Team Law which is quoted in Part 3 and which took the time to unravel the considerable tangled up history of "the Act of 1871" which was repealed in 1874---- and where it went from there.  

Many thanks also to Frank O'Collins who rooted through the public records and published them and to the indefatigable "Informer" whose life's work was to uncover The Great Fraud.  

First, however, we begin with an instructive quote from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, published in 1856, which explains in no uncertain terms the fact that a "United States of America" corporation existed prior to the Civil War, and exposes the incipient "similar names deceit" made possible by using the name of a country as the name of a private corporation:  

Quoting from "A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States" by John Bouvier. Published 1856:


          (1) Definition of United States of America:             “The name of this country. The United States, now thirty-one

in number, are Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, and California. “     


           (5) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The United States of America are a corporation endowed with the capacity to sue and be sued, to convey and receive property. 1 Marsh. Dec. 177, 181. 

But it is proper to observe that no suit can be brought against the United States without authority of law."  -- end quote. 

This tell us that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a Municipal Corporation chartered by the Municipal United States Government dba "the" United States, and that this corporation can't sue its parent corporation without "authority of law" --- meaning that the Municipal Government has to create specific laws allowing its franchise corporation dba the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to sue it.  Without that, there is no remedy for any wrong practiced by "the" United States -- the Municipal United States Government -- against the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA--- incorporated. 

Please notice the "legal style" convention.  The name of this country is simply scribed in upper and lower case: United States of America.  And though it is not mentioned in Bouvier's, our Federation of States is also simply scribed in upper and lower case except that the definite article is added and made part of the name: The United States of America.  

By creating commercial corporations, that is, Municipal Corporations, "in the name of" entire countries, the Municipal United States Government has promoted confusion and fraud which has allowed it to "latch onto" the credit owed to entire countries.  

Thus, China is not CHINA and Great Britain is not "the" UK.  

These entities appearing in all capital letters are in fact foreign Municipal Corporations with respect to the countries they are named after.  

It all started in the 1840's when the banks began this process of mirroring actual nations with corporations named after entire countries.  This is a first step necessary to subject the victims of identity theft via assumption to foreign law; once thus "subscribed" and enclosed -- in this case, "incorporated" -- the victims have no recourse to sue the "parent corporation". 

You can see this same principal at work today.  Your local Burger King franchise, for example,  has no ability to sue its parent corporations at the national or international levels.  

Via these loopholes and deceits, the Municipal Government set itself up in a rather impregnable position with respect to its own fraud scheme.  If and when CHINA was mistaken for China, for example, China would become liable for CHINA's debts.  And if CHINA, INC. was subsequently blamed for this, it would have no recourse to sue "the" United States --- that is, the Municipal United States Government allowed to exist under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17. 

And neither could the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ever sue "the" United States nor the parent corporation it set up for itself, "the" UNITED STATES, nor the Municipal Umbrella Corporation standing as a parent to "the" UNITED STATES--- the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation.  

The Perpetrators spared no effort to render their victims paralyzed and without remedy, and equally spared no effort to protect themselves with layers upon layers of parent corporations which could never be sued either by the victims or by the "slave" corporations they created as franchises for themselves. 

Only one law pertains to them, The Perpetrators, that can be used against them --- Roman Civil Law. 

Ironically, while the Roman Civil Law allows deceit and will not punish deceivers so long as their victims remain deceived as a Maxim of Law ---- "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." --- when fraud is discovered and objected to, another Maxim of Law kicks into gear---- "Fraud vitiates everything it touches." 

We discovered the fraud and invoked their own law against them and had standing to do so.  

You can begin to see the vastness of the worldwide fraud that went on here and the enslavement and racketeering that resulted in virtually every country on Earth. 


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You Have A Home

 By Anna Von Reitz

Everyday I get tons of mail and phone calls and pleas from people who are cast adrift, not knowing who they are, not knowing that they have a home and a home port and a place to be, where they can be safe and at peace. 

Oftentimes, I have spoken about the work set before the State Assemblies as a "rescue mission" akin to what happened at Dunkirk during the Second World War.  Our urgent duty is to "go over the sea" (of commerce) and bring other Americans home. 

The actual remaining Government of this country is engaged in a mighty effort to rescue our people, Americans born in every State of the Union, and to bring them home to the land and soil jurisdiction they are heir to.  

This may not make sense to those who are unaware of the fact that they have been deliberately misidentified as something other than an American, and who are unaware that falsified records have been created in support of this misidentification and impersonation.  

Most of them don't know that they have been "seized upon" and shanghaied on paper, with the result that they have been subjected to foreign laws, and made subject to foreign governments, as if they had been kidnapped and trafficked into the Foreign Legion, and all without their knowledge or consent. 

They have no idea what obligations and debts have been heaped upon them as a result of this "legal" process, but they can observe that their entire world is not what it should be and if they are honest, they will admit that they are not free. 

As the title of our book put it --- they know something is wrong.  Everything is upside down and backward.  The schools don't educate, the doctors don't heal, the lawyers don't defend, and no matter how much people pay in "taxes" it is never enough, and it never manages to fill the potholes.  

Something is definitely wrong in this country and throughout the world and you would have to be dead-in-fact not to realize it.   So people try to find out why things are in such deplorable condition, and they spin off all sorts of theories about it.  Some blame "the Jews" and others blame "the Catholics" and others blame "the bankers" and others blame "the whites" and others blame "the Republicans" and so on it goes.  

And there is plenty of blame to go around, the end of the day, nothing is better because of all that.  Instead, all the blaming just causes other problems, in addition to the problems we were trying to solve in the first place. 

So, what is the solution?  Come home. 

The first part of the solution is to realize that, as a result of lies told about you when you were a baby not old enough to know or protest, you have been cut off from your birthright political status and inheritance as an American.  

You have been denied your constitutional guarantees.  You've been subjected to foreign law and foreign governments.  You've been made to pay taxes you never owed, and to pay mortgages you never owed, either.  

You have been, unwittingly, feeding the beast that is bent on devouring you.  

The good news is that you can stop the insanity. 

You can declare and record your proper political status as an American and you can return to your home--- the land and soil jurisdiction of your State of the Union. 

Once you do, the protections of the Constitutions are yours again, your Public Law is enforceable again, your public employees are obligated to serve and protect you, the foreign laws and governments drop away, and all of a sudden, the world is no longer upside down.  

This change is possible because you woke up and took action to correct the lies that have been told about you.  You came home.  

One by one, as we do this, Americans return home and take up their position as the landlords of this country, and as we join our State Assemblies, we put ourselves in position to enforce our constitutional guarantees and our Public Law.  This is our right and our responsibility.  Both. 

There are still millions of Americans languishing in foreign chains, living as slaves subjected to foreign governments that are run amok on our shores. Those millions of Americans need to be rescued and brought home to safety, and those run amok Subcontractors need to be put in their places. 

Nobody can do this for us.  We have to do it for ourselves -- and for each other. 

If you are weary, fighting insurmountable bills, being harassed by "law enforcement", suffering diseases and getting no help, hiring lawyers and getting no defense, seeing that your votes don't count, and that your good faith is being trashed ---- and that your entire country is going to hell in a handbasket, well, then, come home.  

You still have a home, thanks to us who kept the home fires burning. 

Home is a wonderful place, where private property still exists, and freedom still reigns, and your right to live in peace is guaranteed, a place where government interference and government debt is almost non-existent, and you can live your lives without fear of Covid Testing, forced vaccinations, IRS liens, mortgages, property taxes, titles, registrations, or any of the other evils that have infested the world. 

So, what more do you have to know?  That as an American, you are very rich.  As a U.S. Citizen --- member of the UK Commonwealth, you are very poor.  And as a Municipal citizen of the United States, you are bankrupt.  

It's up to you where you want to live and how y
ou want to live, which government you support, and which values you espouse.  If you love America, then it is time to come home.  If you want to live in a Third World slum, you can just stay where you are. 

For assistance navigating the trip home, go to: www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly. net. 


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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Download for Your Records

 By Anna Von Reitz

In detailing and dealing with the worldwide fraud, it is necessary to track it's trail all the way back to Babylon and forward to the present day, however, there is one particular juncture in the long road that bears special scrutiny: 

Where did "Mystery Babylon" enter the modern world?  

Remember that Mystery Babylon was successively, violently overthrown and its followers were suppressed and hunted from ancient times until now; remember that Mystery Babylon survived by going to sea, and that it has remained a "religion" popular with sailors and associated with seaports. 

It should not be any great leap of logic to grasp why, given the foregoing, that the Mystery Babylon cult would settle itself in Britain, the acknowledged world Naval Power for centuries.   

Here, for your edification, is where it came to debate in 1609--- and attempts to control it prior to the Great Fire of London, firmly placed in the parliamentary records.  See also the references to the formation of the Mystery Company discussed by the Government of Westminster --- the Crown. 

Here is the record of the start of the Shadow Government in Britain.

Another two hundred years and much bloodshed would attend its ascendency and its establishment of the franchise system used to impersonate living people and unlawfully convert their Proper Names, that is, Lawful Persons, into Legal Persons---- so as to bring them into the jurisdiction of the sea and to subject them and their assets to Westminster.  

The repeated violent suppression of this "religion" and those practicing it has led to their adoption of the Phoenix as their emblem, and wherever you see a phoenix depicted on any flag, any book, or emblem, you will know that you are dealing with them.  The Phoenix is winged, but not necessarily depicted as a bird; instead, in their culture, it is depicted as a winged serpent --- a dragon.  

You will see the Red Dragon prominently on display in the courtyard of the Lord Mayor's residence in the Inner City of London, which is also the home of the Inns of Court and the worldwide Bar Associations. 

The depiction of the Red Dragon and White Dragon and the defeat of the White Dragon in British history following hard upon the heels of the Roman departure from Britain (remember that the Romans violently suppressed Mystery Babylon) heralds Mystery Babylon returning to public power in the British Isles and records the political battle between two factions of Mystery Babylon (Red and White) fighting over the spoils left behind. 

This indicates along with many other pieces of evidence that Mystery Babylon was already well, if secretively, in place in Western Britain, Wales, Cornwall, Ireland and Scotland, as Druidism, and was being practiced there well-prior to the Roman invasion.  

Thus, what we are seeing in modern times, is merely the reassertion of a very ancient evil, which now infests the Halls of Westminster and many other governments and corporations worldwide.  It has been kept alive and fostered by skillful practitioners of "diabolism"--- the chicanery we all recognize as Legalese which subverts the common meanings of words, and diabolical logic patterns which serve to deceive the victims via various means of fraud including similar names deceits, trick questions, terms of art, unilateral contracts, unconscionable contracts, constructive fraud, impersonation, barratry, unlawful conversion, enfranchisement, enclosure, and political identity theft

What you now see going on in Washington, DC, is not about Donald Trump.  It's about Mystery Babylon and hopefully, the final defeat of this pernicious evil. 


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:

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I Can't Say It Any Plainer

 By Anna Von Reitz

That THING is Washington, DC, is a foreign entity.  

It is allowed to exist under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of any Constitution (US or USA) that you can lay your hands on.  Go read it for yourself.  

No need to take my word for it. 

That Municipal Government is a plenary oligarchy run by the members of Congress --- and it conveniently fails to say which Congress.  

There are four (4) Congresses possible.  

First, there's the Continental Congress which is a Congress of our States attended by State Deputies. 

Second, there's the Congress of the Federal Republic, which is supposed to be operated by our long-defunct Confederation of States of States.  

Third, there's the U.S. Congress, composed of "representatives" from the foreign Territorial State of State organizations that have been illegally and immorally commandeering our actual American Government since the 1860's. 

Fourth, there's the Municipal US CONGRESS, composed of franchise operators of the Municipal United States --- the aforementioned Municipal Plenary Oligarchy.  

Not only have the foxes been in charge of the hen house and eating well for the past 175 years, they've been increasingly arrogant and corrupt about it, until we now finally find it necessary to wake up and take action. 

Since the Municipality of Washington, DC, is an "independent, international city state" squatting on our shores, and its government is a "plenary oligarchy" run by the members of some unidentified "Congress" we are left with a gang of international criminals operating a pirate base on our East Coast. 

Our options are to: (1) clean up our own mess and clear the vermin out of DC --- which can't be done by any electoral process thanks to computerized voter fraud; or (2) wake up our own populace and the rest of the world, and take more "effective action".  

I suggest that instead of blaming us for "the" US Debt, the other Creditors of "the" United States Municipal Government, join with us to put an end to it.  

During dozens of shut downs of this infamous den of thieves, I have never noticed any significant harm to the General Public.  Except for them conjuring up the "Covid 19" scare, there'd be no notice of their absence now.  

We don't need them.  They don't represent us.  They don't provide us with any service we can't provide ourselves --- and do it better.  They are just noxious, self-absorbed, run amok subcontractors that can't keep their hands in their own pockets. 

So, America, get off the couch.  Turn off their Talking Heads.  Stop listening to their pathetic propaganda machine.  Notice how many times you have heard some Dweeb intone "In these challenging times...." and start wondering who made the times "challenging".   And then take action, action, action.  

Come on, China.  You already got paid by being able to counterfeit  "US DOLLARS" to your heart's content.  If you want to take possession of "the" US Capitol and raze it to the ground, it's all the same to us.  We don't have a contract with the rats.  It's their debt, not ours. 

Our capitol is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  

And as for the U.S. Military --- you are lucky that you are organized under the British Territorial Government, but don't press your luck.  Do your jobs. Protect this country and its people.  Obey Trump.  Because once our sons and daughters realize how they have been lied to and misdirected and used as guinea pigs and cheap mercenaries, they are liable to turn on you with a mighty vengeance.  

I know I would. 


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Black Lives Matter Activist Who Stormed Capitol on Jan. 6 Charged

From one of our readers in Australia - Larry


2020/01/15th – A simple summary –

There are hours and hours of videos and articles of speculation and theories. Some are sincere while some are deliberately fake. We cannot know, so stop worrying.  Here is a well written basic summary – author unknown.  

Trust Romans 8:28 (KJV) And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

  1. Trump was not running for just another 4 year election in 2016 – Trump was approached by the military to run and his entire win has been and still is a military operation.

  2. Trump’s first 4 years was to drain the lower swamp first. The swamp was/is deep and incorporated every industry in the world, banking, movie, pharmaceutical, food, you name it they controlled it; much has been handled.

  3. Barack Obama before leaving office signed an executive order to pardon anyone prior to any crimes in the government. This is WHY no one was held accountable when Trump took office.

  4. These swamp rats could not be tried for those crimes (ie: Hillary email scandal, Clinton Foundation, FISA spying on the Trump campaign etc) ~ only crimes AFTER Obama left office could tried – therefore, new crimes had to be snared.

  5. The military needed to catch them in the act committing crimes with proof.

  6. President Trump said in his speech January 7th, 2021: there will be “a smooth, orderly transition of power.”

  7. This in no way means that President Trump is transitioning power from his first term to Joe Biden! Did you hear him say Joe Biden?

  8. We are transitioning from the defunct UNITED STATES INC, a Corporation, to the Republic of the United States of America (not Biden).   President Trump will not technically get a “second term” and as he tweeted, “won’t be at the Inauguration Day in January” ~ this means there won’t be an Inauguration Day. This was the last recorded term of a President who served in the “American Corporation”.

  9. President Trump dismantled the Banking Act of 1781 from England. The United States is going back to being a Republic and Donald J Trump will be the first President of the new republic with the Constitution fully intact.

  10. The start date for the new Republic is March 4, 2021 ~ this was the original start date of the new President (until it was changed under FDR in 1933).

  11. At the end of President Trump’s speech he said: “Our incredible journey is only just beginning.” Boom

  12. No matter what it looks like, it’s all optics; Military operations have thought of everything.

  13. Trump won an overwhelming victory and will be the President ~ of the New Republic.

  14. The swamp rats needed to commit their crime during the last 4 years; and they have now been snared.

  15. Certifying a knowingly fraudulent election as Pence and Congress just did is treason.

  16. Now President Trump is still the President of the United States until January 20, 2021. He has the power to invoke the insurrection act. The Insurrection Act deals with treason at a military level.

  17. Why did the president not involve the Insurrection Act before? Because it involves the military and people would have accused him of being a dictator. He has given everybody ample opportunity to come clean with the fraudulent election: the Supreme Court, the DOJ, the courts, congress, and the vice president. They all picked their lane for the most part and chose to certify a (knowingly) fraudulent election.

  18. Many Trump supporters have been pressured and threatened by the deep state, they always have been.  

  19. Do not underestimate the President and this military operation. Trump often appears weak before he wins (read The Art of the Deal). Twitter and Facebook are now banning (censoring) the President ~ this gives the President the opportunity to use the Emergency Broadcast System (set up in 2018) in order to contact all Americans for what they will need to hear regarding the next steps.

  20. Trump has said over and over: “we have it all (the evidence).” He has also said: “we will never surrender.” And, he said: “the best is yet to come!”

  21. The Corona thing is a hoax as documented by thousands of doctors world wide. It is a scare tactic solely designed to get everyone vaxxed with a potentionally lethal injection/mark which will alter your DNA to control you via 5G – Social distancing and lockdowns are part of it. People exposing big empty hospitals are being jailed and fined.  

  22. Do not watch or trust the MSM; they are the deep state. Do not give up, keep the faith.