By Anna Von Reitz
I tried to tell you all truthfully, honestly, without prejudice --- that the Coordinators in California (like Coordinators in all the other States) are members of the State Assembly like everyone else. They did not magically become foreigners just because they work for the Federation of States that California is a member of --- and which California is obligated to support.
The Federal Government is named after the Federation. Not the other way around.
All this ugliness could have been avoided if you had paid attention to that fact.
The Federation which was barely in existence, hunted, beaten, buried, and brutalized during sixteen decades of British Raj-rule in this country is the American Government operating in international jurisdiction. The State is the American Government operating in national jurisdiction.
They, the States and the Federation, are part of the same American Government, just operating in different jurisdictions.
If you can't figure that much out, there's no hope of you being able to lead California out of the morass of multiculturalism and chaos that it is descending into now.
This idea that the Federation is foreign is wrong. The idea that the Coordinators working with the Federation are foreign is wrong. It's just plain wrong.
And so is the idea that the Federation is doing anything questionable when it guides The California Assembly and insists that the proper organizational structures are built and the correct definitions are followed.
Our definition of "California" is simple: California is a State of the Union and a Member of the Federation of States, physically defined by established borders.
Our mission is to restore the lawful Government of California to its full form and function--- to put California back in the control of the people who live there, not "persons" who merely "reside" there, not lobbyists for large corporations, not foreign politicians.
We are not here to build something new and different. We are here to restore Old California, okay? The historical and vital and living California embodied in its people ever since California became a State.
Day before yesterday I ran through a short list of important ways that our American Government is different from anything people have experienced in the past.
Our American Government isn't a democracy. Okay, Nancy? Got that? It doesn't matter how many people "vote" nor does it matter how many agree. What matters are the Natural and Unalienable rights that are owed to each and every one of us. And we are all supposed to be standing up and defending each other's rights, not chiseling some new way to deprive one group for the benefit of another.
Our American Government doesn't have political parties. No Republicans. No Democrats. Nothing like that. All those things are totally foreign and have no part in our traditional American Government. We are not supposed to register to vote--- in fact, it is technically illegal for us to do so.
How many times did I say it? How many times did people, including the Assembly leadership, ignore that flying factoid?
Our American Government doesn't function according to any hierarchy of offices and official positions --- there are no CEO's, no peons, no phalanxes of bureaucrats. There's just people doing jobs cooperatively. Yet, no matter how often I have said this, verbatim, the former leadership --- including you, Nancy, paid no attention. Didn't even try to fathom the fact that our Assemblies have a totally different mode of operation based on committee work.
No, you thought that if you got elected as Assembly Chairperson you could crack the whip and squelch dissent and play all the ugly power trip games that the corporations play ---- and no matter how many times or in how many ways I told you, Nancy, that that is not how an Assembly operates ---- you ignored me and went right on doing what you were doing and devil take the hindmost.
No matter how many times I told you that for us, this is not a numbers game, you ignored that, too. Because we are not a democracy we don't have to get 51% of anything. Our American Government requires defense by a dedicated population that actually knows what it is doing and why, not mobs of people who are confused and angry and talking insurrection every other Friday of the month.
And then you put out this tripe, saying that I am "controlled" by a small group of "fascist" people --- which is exactly what you and your cronies were trying to do and the way you were acting ----- all that is just beyond the pale, Nancy.
If I were controllable none of this would have ever happened. Some person in a position of authority would have told me to sit down and I would have. A woman who has the courage to take on the Pope is not lacking self-determination!
So, please, wake up. Smell the roses. See what you've done and what you have failed to do in terms of the job set before you. You didn't follow instructions. You didn't listen. You didn't work with others and build a cooperative fellowship. You fostered a nightmarish lot of intrigue and allowed a large amount of ignorance.
You just had some idea in your head and that was it, full speed ahead. Nothing that I or anyone else said made any difference. And that is not what a Coordinator is supposed to do, nor is it what an Assembly Chairperson is supposed to do, either.
At least ten times I explained to you, personally, Nancy Kremer --- that the job of the Assembly Chairperson is to speak for the people in the Assembly. All of them. I point-blank asked you, "How can you speak for them if you don't listen to half of them?" And it just skipped off the top of your head like a rock hitting the surface of a lake on a calm day. Did not compute. Did not record.
Blank stare and next subject, please. I was wasting my breath. You didn't know what the Assembly Chair was supposed to do and you weren't around to learn, either.
Ever hear the words, "loose cannon" used to describe someone who is just running wild with their own agenda and not paying attention to anyone else?
It comes from the days when cannons were used on battlefields. Every once in a while, a cannon would tear loose of its moorings and go rolling downhill, bouncing around wildly and throwing shots in all directions, hitting both friend and foe.
You are acting as a loose cannon, and then you are turning around and blaming me and this purported little group of cronies, who are really just some of the many people in California that you didn't bother to respect and listen to.
Dominique is one of the Fathers of Silicon Valley. One of the people who designed the PKI system --- not that I expect you to know what that is, but I do.
Instead of welcoming the Land Recording Office and embracing it as a wonderful tool for your State to use in building its own land database, you had to see it as some kind of competition with the Land Recording Service.
You had to choose sides, where there are no sides.
You had to create division and controversy and gossip and all those ugly things that the rest of us are trying to get away from, and you have the nerve to call that leadership?
You want to tell me how many hours you worked and how many people you signed up? How about how much trouble and needless dissention you caused? How about the many people you misled about this issue and how many innocents have you blackballed with this gossip?
The only reason you don't attack me is that you are afraid that people will then see through all this smoke and the continued pretension that you are the "elected" Chairperson of The California Assembly.... well, Nancy, maybe you better tell us all why you didn't follow the simple instructions given in The Jural Assembly Handbook regarding public elections?
Why was everything regarding your "election" rush-rush, with no vetting, and no time for people to have Notice and no ballots and nothing at all like the election process that I described in the book?
Under the circumstances, I don't recognize your election as Chairperson and I don't think that anyone else should either. Given your refusal to learn what the job is actually supposed to do and your apparent inability to listen to me, much less anyone else, I don't think you would be a good choice for the job--- which is supposed to be 90% listening and 10% speaking.
The final insult in all of this, Nancy, is that you and your own little cadre of friends, have run off with the seals and emblems and assets of The California Assembly that were entrusted to you --- and have acted like common thieves. You all know that those items don't belong to you. You know that they are literally Assembly property. And you are refusing to return them.
You have until next Monday, November 15, 2021.
And as for me, I am as ornery as I have ever been. I regularly rant out the Queen of England and ravage the Pope and cross-examine attorneys and address the High Courts like an avenging angel --- and anyone who imagines that I am "mind controlled" or controlled by some small group of "fascists" has obviously never paid attention to who I am or what I am saying at all.
Whatever rumor you are trying to start as a means to undermine my authority and my reputation for plain-speaking needs to be nipped in the bud by the Old Bud-Nipper herself. Plain and simple, Nancy, if you don't support the definitions and the mission and the program and the leadership of the effort, what are you doing here? Besides trying to countermand me?
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