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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Dear Mr. Trump....the Second Time

 By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, we wrote to express our dismay with your apparently boundless ignorance regarding biology, virology, protein synthesis, and viral DNA and RNA disease vectors.
Now, we find that you are missing the point about all claims based on illegal patents are null and void. Those patents were issued under our authority without our knowledge or consent. They represent an entire history of illegal and indeed, criminal, patents. That history and those patents are individually and collectively coming to an end.
No commercial claims to the effect that anyone is rendered a "GMO" by virtue of ingesting any cellular level nanobot, engineered DNR or RNA fragment or similar "property" will be honored anywhere in this country and no patent issued by the U.S. Patent Office will be deemed lawful or protected that advances such a claim against living people.
Both slavery and peonage have been outlawed worldwide since 1926 and we are here to enforce the Public Law, regardless of whatever "Public Policy" any corporation adopts.
We have broken the codes and delved down to the roots and are applying the ax to those roots of evil even as this message gets forwarded to your new office address by scores of Americans.
You will either be part of the solution or part of the problem, and the choice is entirely up to you, as it is for all Americans. For those of us who have returned to the land and soil of this country and to whom your corporations owe all duty and due diligence, as well as all your debt, the answer going forward is obvious.
We have announced our intentions. We are enforcing the Constitutions. We are issuing the new American Credit Certificates to settle the Federal Reserve Notes and underlying bonds.
Anyone caught trying to securitize or monetize bonds based on labor is engaged in international crime, and it doesn't matter if this is done in one of the States or in the Territories and Possessions. All the Usual Suspects can forget about using Puerto Rico or the Mariana Islands as pirate bases.
From now on, the hunters have become the hunted and there will be no rest for the wicked.
So make up your mind, Mr. Trump. Loyal American? Or Company Man? You either stand behind the American Creditors and protect them and their good health and welfare as an American, or you belly-up and kiss the feet of people like Nancy Pelosi.
Your quid pro quo with us is wearing thin. Any idea that your USA, Inc. is going to be able to keep the same old game going with the US, Inc. players and use these outrageous "Human GMO" claims to further more claims against Americans is going to end on the end of a rope.

And no, it really doesn't matter what the "U.S. Supreme Court" opines, because at the end of the day, we are the only Supreme Court in the room. And we own it all. Right down to the spike on the flag.


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Taxes -- Simple and Sweet -- And Keep Your Birth Certificates

 By Anna Von Reitz

If, as rumor has it, armed "federal officials" are showing up at people's homes and demanding that they turn over their birth certificates, tell them that they are engaged in international crime and to leave immediately and stop doing what they are doing. It's better to lose a job than be hanged.
And that's what's coming next for those who don't seek amnesty.
There are also reports that "President" Biden --- which "President" and "President" of what? Certainly not The United States. Not the old United States, Inc. Not the old United States, INC. and not the UNITED STATES, INC., either---- is advertising "free" vaccines if you turn in your birth certificate.
That BC is evidence of crime against you committed by the various foreign commercial corporations that have been here purportedly to provide us with essential governmental services. Pass the word.
That BC is also evidence of how much they owe you.
So that is why they want it back and they want it back BAAAAAD.
Don't give it to them.
You would be funding the enemies of humanity and the promoters of genocide.
Declare your birthright political status as an American, join your State Assembly, record your status declarations.
And as for any jabs, forget that. Just another ruse trying to get some "angle" to claim ownership of you and your DNA. Shove it in their arm if they want to be slaves.
Finally, about taxes..... you don't owe any taxes. Any taxes that you owed were paid off a long, long time ago.
So, what you do when you receive a "ACCOUNT Statement" often disguised as a "Billing Statement" that appears to be a bill, but technically isn't, you write back to whatever agency sent it, and you tell them that you received "a misaddressed ACCOUNT Statement" and you are forwarding it on to the State of State Secretary of State (e.g., State of Minnesota Secretary of State) with instructions to him to open your Exemption Account and discharge the amount.
Please note, some states don't have a State level Secretary of State and use a Lieutenant Governor to do these functions instead.
Then you forward the ACCOUNT Statement and copy of your letter and a brief cover letter addressed to the State of State Secretary of State. If you live in one of the western states or any state that wasn't a State by the start of the Civil War, you let him know that as of October 1, 2020, your State has been officially enrolled as a State of the Union, effective with the time and date it first entered Territorial Statehood.
That's Job One that must be taken care of if you live in one of the states formed during or after the Civil War.
Then, you tell him that you are a Californian, New Yorker, or whatever other state national designation applies, and a "peaceable" American, who has reclaimed their birthright political status, declared it, and recorded it. You are a member of The _______ Assembly, and you wish him (or her) to open your Exemption Account and settle the charges that were forwarded to you by mistake.
As long as you aren't working for a Federal Employer, that should be the end of any taxation questions or billings. And if you are working for a Federal Employer and have reclaimed your birthright status for one of the two citizenships you are allowed to have as a Federale, you should still have no further taxation bills to worry about. Americans are exempt.
And the rats have already extracted far more than enough to pay for all public services "forever", without presuming upon you to pay anything more at all.

Feel free to tell them so.


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To the U.S. Secret Service, Treasury Department

 By Anna Von Reitz

You don't have to grasp everything that is going on, but you do have to understand this much:
Your debt is our credit.
This is true for the Federal Reserve Banks that have been run using our intellectual assets and labor ---"PKIs" ---- as chattel to create every single Federal Reserve Note, and true for the International Monetary Fund which has used our gold, our silver, and other tangible assets labeled "legacy trusts", etc., as chattel backing their debts, and the World Bank/IBRD which has used our gold (illegally confiscated by FDR in the 1930's) as the initial funding basis for their operations, too.
Everyone got that straight? Finally?
All the U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States are Debtors/DEBTORS.
The Americans are the Creditors.
And we have been the Creditors since 1851.
This means that you have accrued a preposterous, insurmountable debt, which mirrors our equally preposterous credit.
We are issuing a new currency. We are calling it: "American Credit Certificates".
These Certificates will be exchanged on a "dollar for dollar" basis with Federal Reserve Notes. As our banks collect the Federal Reserve Notes, their serial numbers will be destroyed and your debts will be erased.
It's the "your debts will be erased" part that should highly motivate each and every member of your service and the U.S. Territorial Government to cooperate and expedite absolutely everything that we are doing to save everyone's bacon, including yours.
We understand that certain Generals are all in flap. The Biden Administration doesn't know what to do. Well, haven't we made ourselves clear enough?
We are the Creditors. We own it all, including your debts.
We are in a position to pay off that debt and keep things balanced and operating in a lawful and peaceful fashion. You aren't. So stand down, cooperate with your Creditors, and we will lead you out of the morass you've managed to get yourselves into.
It's that simple.
Now, inform "the U.S. Mint" that The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States and the Delegator of all Delegated Powers is assuming control of all functions that were delegated to the Confederation operating as the States of America and to the Federal Republic pending the completion of the Reconstruction of our Government ---- a task that has been left hanging for over 150 years.
Clear the way and make ready to strike new engraving plates for the back of all the current Federal Reserve denominations. The face of the currency has to be corrected to reflect the fact that it is being issued by: The United States of America, not THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and it is an "American Credit Certificate". The back of the new currency will carry the image of the American Bison, facing to the right, and no part of the bill will be devoted to any pyramids or all-seeing eyes.
We stand ready to work with the U.S. Mint design team and engravers. This production of our new currency must be completed by November when the worldwide bankruptcy will end, whether or not anyone in your department likes it.
In tandem with the issuance of new American currency for domestic purposes, there will also be conversion of commodity asset holdings to back international exchanges.
So, all the Secret Agents need to put your knickers back on, and start dancing to a new tune. The "world" as you knew it is coming to an end, and a profound and better change is coming for the 99%. Make haste, because you are all part of that 99% and so are your families.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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Un-incorporating, Re-Chartering, and Other Issues

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many Americans who have unwittingly (and without the benefit of full disclosure) incorporated their businesses are now in what appears to be a terrible situation and I have been getting plenty of "screams in the night" as they have awakened to the facts.
Those facts include that by incorporating their businesses they have signed away their essential ownership interest in the business in exchange for bankruptcy protection that most of them never needed to begin with.
The further facts include that by incorporating they subjected themselves to all sorts of regulations, rules, taxes, and codes that would otherwise not apply to them, and they also are in a bind in that they can't "unincorporate" without permission of the State of State organizations that they applied to charter under.
Many non-profit organizations including churches that chartered as "NGOs" and 501 (c) 3 non-profit organizations are aghast to learn what that really means. Satan just snuck up on them quiet as the snake he is, and swallowed them whole ----- and they are the ones who did this "voluntarily" to themselves.
Again, without full disclosure.
Understandably, this is very, very scary for business owners, both profit and non-profit.
So that is what all the shouting and moaning and gnashing of teeth is about in the business world.
However, there is this saving grace. All those Territorial State of State organizations are subject to us, the actual unincorporated Federation of States known as The United States of America, and our State Assemblies are now in Session.
What this means is that your incorporated business operating under a State of State Charter is actually owned by us, not the territorial State of State organizations you have been dealing with. We are the ones who actually pay all the bills and stand behind all the bankruptcies, so your ownership interest is in our hands, not theirs.
And, similarly, if you incorporated your business as a US CORPORATION, your charter is actually owned by The United States, and is under the administration of The United States of America --- us, again.
So to straighten this conundrum out and get things back on track and allow everyone to sort out their own business affairs, we have established a one year amnesty period for all and any Territorial and US Corporations to recharter as American Corporations.
This is the easiest and least controversial option and doesn't entail a lot of palaver or legal battles or paperwork.
The Board of Directors meets, adopts "lawful purposes" language and a declaration that your corporation stands under the Public Law-- and if there are shareholders, the shareholders approve it --- you record this action amending your Articles of Incorporation and voila, you are all safely back in America and none the worse off, though considerably wiser.
I get lots of begs for templates to accomplish this, but the fact is that is nearly impossible owing to the unique nature of Articles of Incorporation. The idea isn't to rewrite everything you have, but to simply amend what you have, so as to declare that you are: (1) operating as an American Corporation under the Public Law; and (2) organized for lawful purposes. Then record this decision on our Land Recording System blockchain, or with any State Assembly Land Recording Office.
It will shock you all to learn that many corporations in the current system have been allowed to operate for "legal" purposes, and legal purposes include many ugly and unlawful purposes that nobody in their right mind would approve of, much less insure at public expense. Those corporations will have to seek foreign havens and get offshore fast.
It won't do them any good to move their operations to Puerto Rico or the Mariana Islands or any other Territorial of US enclave, because the Public Law and the Constitutions are now being enforced not only on the mainland, but throughout the Territories and Possessions.
The other option is to liquidate--- which basically means to sell off the assets of the corporation "as it stands" --- recoup the money and reinvest. If you go this route, the other foreign governments involved will take a hefty corporate gains tax and possibly other taxes out of your receipts, but, at least you will be shed of the enslavement racket.

By far the easiest and most advantageous option for most enterprises is to "re-charter" as an American Corporation.


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Showdown at the Okay Corral

 By Anna Von Reitz

So Sheriff Richard Mack, whose work I have loyally supported for years, and his efforts to restore local control to county sheriffs --- up to and including his landmark Supreme Court Case, Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc., is dissing me in return and won't let me participate in the Arise America Tour, because he has some unstated grudge against Americans restoring their own government?  

Oh, and he has never been willing to talk to me.  

Never read any of the books or evidence we've presented and delivered, all our overtures to just sit down over a cup of coffee and talk--- ignored. 

And this is a problem from the head of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peacekeepers, because we, our properly declared State Assemblies, are the only organizations with standing as the government of this country.  

Any authority his Sheriffs have, ultimately comes from us.  The Americans.  Not the U.S. Citizens. 

So I am putting this "put up or shut up" message to Sheriff Mack in public ---him and his followers, all, and counting myself among them for the past thirty years.  It's time for a showdown, me and Richard Mack, mano a mano, to finish whatever misunderstandings or misinformation he is holding against me and against our Assemblies, once and for all.  

Hear that, Sheriff Mack?  I am calling you out.  We need to settle whatever "issues" you have with me and with the actual State Assemblies, right about here and right about now. 


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“Vaccidents” now wrecking roadways with stroked-out vaccine takers who lose brain function behind the wheel

(Natural News) As post-vaccine deaths are now ravaging India and Brazil, across the United States people are noticing a sudden surge in automobile accidents on roadways. People are driving off the roads and striking trees. They’re veering into other cars for head-on collisions. And they are apparently losing cognitive function while behind the wheel.

Clif High calls these things, “Vaccidents.” His video, along with comments about vaccidents from other people, is published on

Other comments from readers can be seen at this link from RMN:

I have a startup company and as such I work every day of the week. Every day I’m on the road heading back and forth from home to my office in the Raleigh-Durham area via I-40.

Recently, I have noticed a massive uptick in seemly bizarre accidents. Vehicles of all kinds, usually singular, running off the road and crashing. Not in bad weather. Not in the middle of the night. Just all of the a sudden.

I have also noticed folks driving kind of “dazed” looking, weaving about, stopping erratically and in particular not driving at speed — usually like 10 mph below the speed limit on secondary roads, but very fast on primaries.

I’ve driven in the local market for a very long time and I have not seen this kind of behavior before. Wondering if its the beginning of Vaxxed brain damage of some kind???

I’m not sure who came up with the term “vaccidents,” but it’s brilliant. I have credited Clif High for coining the term (so far) because he’s the first I’ve heard use it.

Once and For All, People....

 By Anna Von Reitz

Executive Orders apply only to the Executive Branch of the Territorial United States Government. 

If you are not in the military, or a military dependent, Executive Orders do not apply to you.  

So if you are an American who has clearly declared and recorded your correct birthright political status, you are not a British Territorial U.S. Citizen and you are not obligated to obey any "Executive Order" nor any decrees, mandates, or proclamations of any State of State Governor.  

All these yahoos are "Presidents" of large commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services.  

If the President of General Motors walked up to you and said, "Get your uniform on!  Brush your hair!  Shine your shoes!  Turn in your handguns!   Take your vaccination!  Put on a mask!"   ---- would you, Joe Q. Public, not being an employee of General Motors, have any reason to obey him?  

No!  You'd look at him like he was stark raving.  

Use your common sense and put on your Employer Pants.  These guys are paid by you, not the other way around. 

So why do millions of Americans who are not Federal Employees or dependents act like Joe Biden died and became God by issuing an Executive Order?  

As a living breathing American standing on your own land and soil, having declared your identity and political status and recorded it, and hopefully having joined your State Assembly, Joe Biden's Executive Orders don't matter a fig in Hell to you.  They don't apply to you, and they never did. 

Read it again and again and again.  The only people who have to obey Joe Biden as a condition of their employment are federal workers employed by the Executive Branch of the Territorial Government. 

And tough for them, if his orders are unpopular. 


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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