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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Cheese Hiding

 By Anna Von Reitz

I know most of my Readers don't seriously use the internet for research. Most people just find and stick with a web browser they like and stay with that one browser, but when that browser is Google, you are missing huge amounts of information.
Google is the browser of the Least Common Denominator.
It's fine if you want to look up the location and phone number of Brown's Department Store in Little Rock, Arkansas or find a great meatloaf recipe, but increasingly over the past ten years, Google has been deleting more and more information in an effort to censor access to information. Increasingly, when you plug in a proper URL, you get the "Page Not Found" or "Error 401" message ------and for many people, the search stops there.
They figure that the link is bad and that's that. End of story.
But if they happen to go to other browsers, the "missing" page pops right up.
Here's an example of it. One of my Readers recently sent me this gem: "Construction and Applications of SARS-CoV-2". If you scroll down, you see the following:
Packaging systems for SARS-CoV-2 pseudoviruses.
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1)-based lentiviral packaging system.
There it is, the Smoking Gun.
The absolute proof that they "packaged" HIV using SARS-CoV-2.
This is proof of intent behind the fact that so many people are now testing positive for HIV and developing AIDS.
In order to find goodies like this, you have to leave Google far behind and start expanding your horizons to include such browser services as DIGG, DuckDuckGo, Manta, Edgar,,, and many, many more, because, once again, they are hiding the cheese, keeping the public ignorant and helpless to defend themselves by artificially limited access to information and actively hiding information.
With law, this sort of thing got kicked into High Gear circa 1925, when the Revised United States Statutes were NOT adopted, but nonetheless were used to impose a new numbering and citation system that buried the actual United States Statutes-at-Large.
Similarly, all Split Jurisdiction cases were subjected to a new and deceitful reference system. If you look up a case called "Moynaham v. Kasson" you will find the decision rendered under the Law of the Sea, but if you look up "Kasson v. Moynaham" you will find the decision rendered under the Law of the Land.
Then, to make things that much more confusing, circa 1953, they reversed things again, so that depending on when the case occurred, the land case is found under a different ordering of the names than prior to 1953. It's completely nuts.
Not surprisingly, many of these decisions are radically different. Generations of patriots and less adept attorneys have been bamboozled by this when they look up the wrong jurisdiction case and can't find information or decisions that are referenced.
Too often, like our Google users, they throw up their hands and think they've been given a bad citation. Page Not Found.
I recently gave everyone a citation from Title 22 USCA 286(e) that proves that when a government devolves to the status of an incorporated entity, it loses all the immunities and powers of government and has only those powers inherent to incorporated entities.
Almost immediately I got a chorus of, "I can't find it!"
And I had to go back and explain that they would have to go back and search prior years to find the group of years where the citation lines up with the numbering system.
Sure enough, they went back circa 2010 and found exactly what I told them was there, at the citation I gave them.
But if you innocently took that citation and looked at the most current rendition of their crap, you would find blather about entirely different subjects.

They are hiding the cheese. Seeking to obscure the law.


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Exit Interview With "The Devil"

 By Anna Von Reitz

To and through John Curren Chapman III:
You will shortly be joined by Princess Gaia Sophia and other surviving Martian nobility.
The Martians are distantly related to the Lyrans, so the Lyrans have agreed to take you in and give you a new home planet. Transport should begin in about eight Earth Days.
You will be greeted upon arrival by the Lyran Ambassador and the Princess's DNA will be decoded to provide you all with a true and accurate history of Mars and the Martian people as a starting point to begin your new world. You will also be given an extensive overview of the new planet and its resources. The Lyrans will give you whatever else you need to make a new beginning.
Your allies in the Saturnine Brotherhood will be transported home; they don't like living there, but as they will eventually realize, it is what they have made of it.
And now I would like to take this opportunity to explain a few things to you and to those who, in view of your heinous crimes, are calling for your blood and wondering why I have not demanded the extinction of the Martian race.
Anu is the Father of All That Is and Ana is the Mother of All That Is.
Thus you have the Creator, and you also have the Primal Creator. Creation is a Team Effort.
The Father provides the energy, blueprint, and material. The Mother provides everything else needed to manifest the creation in the physical world, what you disparage as the lowly "third and fourth dimensional world" which is the seedbed of everything else.
The vestiges of this truth are found in your Bible where it speaks of the Word being with God and the Word was God. Just substitute the word 'Goddess" for "Word" and you will have the truth.
Generations of people have struggled over this and even tried to say that Jesus was the Word. The patriarchal Romans wanted all powers accorded to men and no mention of the Goddess, so that's what you've got ---- a deliberately skewed and obscured bunch of gibberish.
The Truth is before your eyes every day and you see it and experience it endlessly, yet men fail to observe it. The Father provides the seed, the Mother provides everything else. There are two creators involved in the creation of All That Is.
Because Ana translates you into physical reality, you have a lasting bond ---or call it an energetic connection with her, and like any good Mother, she keeps track of her children.
And loves them.
I see your faults, but I see your greatness and your potential, too.
Like every individual, every race of beings has a maturation process. Like each individual, the entire race begins as babies, then toddlers, then children, then teenagers.... and gradually matures into what that race will ultimately be.
The Martians are the same as any other race of beings in this respect.
Just as Mankind on Earth is barely out of infancy, the Martians are barely toddlers. In the great spans of time-experience required for ultimate creation, a thousand years truly is the equivalent of a day.
A good parent doesn't give up on a toddler just because that toddler is enterprising and likes to find tools and go around smashing things. A good parent teaches them how to use tools constructively and how to behave.
You and the other Martians here on Earth are the last of your kind. I want you to think about that.
You would not have survived, if you hadn't been given refuge on Earth. I want you to think about that, too.
Your planet lies in ruins, it's atmosphere destroyed, and your proud race is reduced to being homeless beggars, dependent on the kindness of distant relatives---- all because of your fondness for war and fascination with destruction.
I have examined this aspect of your biology and neurological functions as incarnate beings and determined that you are perceptually unable to link together the finer aspects of cause and effect at this stage of your development.
The normal delay between cause and effect is too long for you.
Pardon me for saying this in this way --- it is not meant as an insult --- but just as a puppy can't connect having an accident in the house with being "bad" unless you happen to catch them in the act and correct them at that moment, at this stage of your development as a race, you are equally clueless concerning the rightness and wrongness of your actions.
Accordingly, I have shortened the time delay between what you do (the cause) and the result of your actions (the effect).
So that you learn to walk and balance yourself, gravity gives you an immediate and obvious correction. From now on, until you outgrow your fascination with destruction, all your actions will be similarly attached to an immediate and observable correction.
Your freewill will not be hampered, but you will get immediate feedback, and that will help you perceive the actual impact of your actions on yourselves as well as the impact on others.
I wish for you and the entire Martian race to get through this stage in your development without destroying yourselves --- or anyone else, so that you might grow into the great role that your Father envisioned for you at the moment of your creation.
Just one other thing --- we are leaving the Age of Pisces, which is the Age of Delusion. The Age of Pisces is given to you so that everyone is forced to question and search for truth, to hone their discernment and logic, and develop their communication skills. Those who have failed to do this and in effect, "slept through the class" because it was too hard, will have to go through it again in the next Precessional Year.
As for the rest, they will go on into the full enjoyment and self-realization of the Age of Aquarius, and be set free from the Wheel of Karma.
I wish the Martian people good fortune and fair winds on their new planet. I wish for them to mature and learn and become all that they can be.



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"Christian" Death Cults

 By Anna Von Reitz

Those of you who have been following along with my own quest for truth about Christianity know that I have been a conventional Christian, a Lutheran, for the greater part of my life.
This changed when I discovered a Black Market engaged in buying, selling and trading Baptismal Certificates. My Shinola Sensor went off like a fire alarm.
Now, you have to understand that the bulk of my life I have studied religion as well as history and law, because these are inextricably connected; however, that is not the kind of study --not a criminal investigation-- such as I embarked upon after the Black Market in Souls discovery.
All the incorporated churches I investigated issue Baptismal Certificates as clearinghouse receipts and make money off them, just as the Queen's Territorial Government makes money off Birth Certificates. One claims to warehouse the body, the other claims to warehouse the soul.
This repugnant corruption began centuries ago in the Roman Catholic Church and has spread from there to all the incorporated churches. Like the Indulgences scandal that set Martin Luther off, where the Church was giving wealthy patrons Free Passes to sin in exchange for hefty donations, this trade is both fraudulent and immoral.
Then there was the whole discussion about Blood Oaths and the hidden Blood Oath sworn as The Apostle's Creed before Communion. It is an oath and it is sealed with the blood represented by the Communion wine. So here we have billions of Christians swearing blood oaths and not having a clue what they are doing --- and the fact that the swearing of oaths, much less blood oaths, is prohibited throughout the Bible.
Once one steps back and looks at it, the Communion set up also reeks of ritual cannibalism: drinking the blood and eating the body? Hello? The Roman Catholic Doctrine of Transubstantiation goes so far as to teach people that the wine in the Communion Cup magically turns into Jesus's real blood.
And then there was the whole "Christ" narrative. Christ means "The Anointed One" --- but when do we ever talk about any anointing? I went to church for fifty years and never once heard a single sermon on the subject, yet this is what gave us the name of the whole religion? This title, "Christ", turns Jesus into an office-holder, a 'person'--- and anyone who reads the Bible knows that God is no respecter of persons....
There is even the name of the Bible itself --- The Holy Bible literally translates as "The Sun Book" --- yet when did any Hebrew worship the sun? The Egyptians worshiped the sun, and the Canaanites (Phoenicians), too, but not the Hebrews. So whose book is this that we are reading?
And then, there is the ghastly crucifix. If Jesus (Joshua in English) was taken down from the cross and rose from the dead, why is he still left hanging there like a piece of dead meat throughout Catholic iconography? Why dwell on suffering and death instead of joy and eternal life --- unless "Christianity" is a death cult?
Let's not forget all the gruesome "holy relics" either, scattered throughout the known world, bits and pieces of saints preserved as skeletal fingers, mummies, severed heads and severed arms, full corpses in various states of decay, lying in state in glass coffins.... what is this, if not a death cult?
Let's not forget the Council of Nicea where the canon roster of the accepted books of the Bible were selected and, as it turns out, the whole phony story of Constantine's conversion. He never said a word about it until thirteen years after the battle where he had his purported "vision". There's not a single Christian symbol on Constantine's Victory Arch commemorating that battle. Instead, there are eight priests of Mithras wearing Phrygian head dress.
Modern linguistic scholars agree that Saint Jerome most likely slipped in numerous misogynistic "Letters" attributed to the Apostle Paul, which were written and widely distributed as "Homages" to Paul by St. Jerome's friend, Paul of Ephesus, a prolific preacher and writer who never ceased to promote the purported inferiority of women and the need to subdue them and make them obedient to male patriarchy.
The worship of Mithras, "the Son of the Sun" was popular among the Roman elites during Constantine's time. They'd get together in an underground chamber and a priest wearing a spiky sun-rayed head dress pretending to be the solar god Mithras, would sacrifice a bull, so that its "eternal blood" would fertilize the universe.
Mithras was born on December 25th and is widely depicted with a halo around his head, reminiscent of all the icons of all the Saints. Once again, we see the same death-centered motif of sacrificing an innocent animal and drinking its blood that transposes to the sacrificial "lamb" and drinking his blood.
Always, it's blood, blood, blood, blood, blood.
When you dig deep, it becomes apparent that we've been sold another bill of goods by the same people that have undermined our government and enslaved us in the Land of the Free, using a mish-mashed scripture hand-selected and tweaked, added to, subtracted from, regurgitated and recast from all sorts of ancient sources, to serve Constantine's real objective: gaining control of the pesky Early Church
From "Peter's Pence" collected on yearly incomes on April 15th every year by the Inquisition to fund "holy wars" --- an oxymoron if there ever was one --- to Saint Ignatius Loyola and "killing for Christ" -- another oxymoron, the Roman Church has led not to peace, but to perdition. And it is against this backdrop that we hear about priests being engaged in the most despicable acts of pedophilia, sexual assault, and even child sacrifice.
Sadly, it's a whole cloth. It all hangs together. It is what it is. From the phallic symbol obelisk in St. Peter's square to the womb-like dome of the Basilica itself, what has passed for the "Christian" Religion and hidden itself behind the beautiful storefront of Jesus's teachings, is a foreign, pagan, death cult, one that believes in duality instead of unity, one that uses sex as a sacrament, one that actively practices idolatry, one that has fallen from any state of grace.
In the early days after Constantine's infiltration and conquest of the Church, through much of the Dark Ages, and well into the Middle Ages, there were mass suicides in the Christian Churches, as the members, fed up with this world and eager to get to Heaven, engaged in mass suicides. This is what led to suicide being declared a Mortal Sin. The Church was losing too much revenue and too many members.
That was the Roman Catholic Church's answer to the problem of Christian Mass Suicides, but in other Churches that developed after the Reformation, no such stigma applied to suicide and the old specter reared its head, the most famous recent example being the Jonesville Massacre.
Most of us hearing about the Jonesville Massacre just shook our heads and figured Jim Jones was a complete and utter fruitcake, but in fact, he was following in the footsteps of many other preachers and Christian Congregations that chose to exit this world rather than continue to suffer its slings and arrows. Jones truly believed that he and his followers would all be better off in Heaven, and he was far from the first Christian Church leader to come to the same conclusion.
But, of course, no Christian leaders discussed this Dirty Little Secret of the Church. Nobody put it in its proper historical context. Nobody owned up to the logic of what was unleashed there.
So this, too, is how Christianity became a Death Cult, because it focuses all attention on what happens after we die, instead of what happens while we live. It talks about Heaven and how we all want to get there and how wonderful it will be --- after we die. After we die, we will be healed and comforted. After we die, we will finally know why all these dreadful things happen to us.
Christians spend their entire lives waiting to go to Heaven and be with Jesus, a circumstance that keeps them from living and enjoying their lives in the present. The gift of life gets discounted, taken for granted, and all too often, wasted.
That is not what Jesus taught and that's not what he wanted for us, when he said that he had come so that we could have life, and have it abundantly. He clearly valued life supremely, when he said that man has no greater love, than to give up his life for his friends.
I was ruminating about all these things and talking to a "Recovered Christian", a woman who said, "It's like waking up the morning after a date rape." I knew what she meant. You go to church in search of Jesus, and find Satan waiting there instead. You seek the fountain of life, and find nothing but blood and death and sex and lies. So many fat, self-righteous white-washed tombs, taking up space in the nicest neighborhoods, doing nothing for the community, but enjoying all the tax benefits.
It turns out that the Sabbatean Frankists weren't doing anything new. The only thing new is that they were Jews doing the same ugly, nasty things that the Christian Church had been doing for years behind closed doors. All this crap never came from the Zohar, not even the Talmud. It came from the Christian Church.
A friend sent me this film clip about Jonesville and what happened there. I want everyone to watch it and gain a greater understanding now that you can see it in the context of Christian History. Grieve for their loss. Grieve for what it says about this world and the way we treat each other.
Speaking of which, you will have to go to my website, to see the larger article that the film clip is part of, because the unlawful Censors at FB won't allow free speech.
A more poignant and searing documentary memorial cannot be imagined. These were our brothers and sisters, our children. They were part of us and we lost them.
The precious teachings of Jesus matter, but they only matter if we take them to heart and put them into practice in our own lives.

All the liars and hypocrites in the world who call themselves "Christians" and practice evil, who contribute to making this planet a Hell Hole, will never sit down to dinner with him in his Kingdom, because they didn't sit down to dinner with him in their own kitchen. Well and truly he will say, "Depart from me, you Evildoers! I never knew you."


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The Two Crowns -- Listen Up, Australia

 By Anna Von Reitz

You've probably noticed by now, that the Vermin believe in duality, and they constantly create double (or more) of everything.
There's The United States of America, our Unincorporated Federation of States and.... then, there's this foreign entity called "the" United States of America, Incorporated.
All our States are physically defined, populated by living people, operate under our Public and Common Law, are organized as republican State Governments, and fly the Peacetime Flag, not the war flag, because America, in general, has been at peace since 1814.
And then, there is this British Crown Corporation doing business under our name as "the" United States of America, Incorporated; all its State of States organizations are Territorial "States" that exist only on paper as business structures, operate as democracies, function under private corporate law, and fly a war flag that they borrowed from us to use only in connection with their stipulated constitutional duties.
In Australia, it's exactly the same situation.
You have the country of Australia that possesses the Imperial Crown and is composed of physically defined provinces populated by people, operating under the Public Law of the Kingdom of Australia, and flying the red flag of peace ---- red background, not blue.
And then, you've got this British Crown Corporation doing business as the Commonwealth of Australia, a foreign doppelganger made up of over fifty separate "nation-state" political units, all of which exist only on paper, operate under private corporate law, function as commonwealth entities, and fly a foreign flag with a blue background under the Saint George's Crown.
What? Two Crowns? One Imperial Crown. One St. George's Crown. Two Flags, one red, one blue.
Well, you have the Public Government in which all actual powers are vested, and then, you have these run amok public employees operating their own "Commonwealth" for their corporation's workers and dependents, spreading their net, offering their foreign citizenship to anyone who will accept it, latching onto their victim's property, and pretending from then on that these people are obligated to serve their "government" --- their private governmental services corporation --- instead of the government serving the people of Australia.
It has the same cure, too. The people have to wake up, declare their status as Australians standing on the land and soil of their country, and not to be considered "citizens" of any stripe. And then they have to organize their government and bring it into Session as we have, and begin the Push Back.
Here's a wonderful short video by an Australian explaining the schtick to his own countrymen and demonstrating it with their own country's history:


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PS Regarding Today's Burning Question:

 By Anna Von Reitz

I have already had a lot of interesting replies. Most people are trending toward thinking that the 2019 shut down of the germ warfare unit was limited to that and that it was, as stated, the result of undescribed security issues.
Hmm.... well, that may be, or maybe that was just our guys securing a stockpile of germs for use in Special Ops and False Flags --- which is my calloused presumption.
Breach occurs in August 2019.
Shortly thereafter, Covid 19 appears.
But even though a security breach at Fort Detrick may well be the back up cover story to explain how all these germs are all of a sudden getting loose and popping up all over since 2019---- there was money involved. Lots of it. And transfer of ownership rights.
The form of that money may have been cash or credit or even a simple debt reduction agreement, but it's there. And it involved services as well as goods.
So who bought Fort Detrick remains the question.
For all I know, it may have been one of the other military organizations or allied organizations. It might be DOD who swapped debts for it, and everyone trusted DOD--- or pretended to.
And whoever gained that interest in Fort Detrick is at the bottom of this rat pile.
It may be as simple as a new custodial arrangement whereby new property managers came online a year or so prior to the security breach.

Let's get digging....


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