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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, September 3, 2021
No Applications for "Personal" Bank Accounts
By Anna Von Reitz
I am once again being told that our Assemblies are being sent applications for Personal Bank Accounts in The Global Family Bank and The Global Family Bank of Commerce.
I am going to explain this once and for all time, for everyone involved, including the members of the Global Family Group PMA ---which has nothing to do with our government and is not being "recommended" by our government --- and the banking personnel, too.
There are three (3) levels of banking involved in our country. They are:
(1) Global to International
(2) International to National
(3) National to Local
The third level, "National to Local" is where living people do their banking.
That level is not yet open.
Therefore, there are no directly chartered State Banks open.
Therefore, there are no valid accounts available yet for living people.
Everyone needs to cool their jets and be patient while we complete the first two levels of the banking system. Then the State Assemblies will be walked through the process of chartering their own bilateral banks ---- and then people will be able to do their business through their own banks and credit unions at the local level. Not until.
Those State banks and credit unions will be linked to our International and Global banks as part of the Bilateral "Blue Dot" Banking System, but it is a step by step, dot to dot process.
As I keep telling everyone and I repeat again: there are NO LIVING PEOPLE in the International and Global Jurisdictions. NONE. EVER. I am putting this in capital letters for emphasis, not style, in hopes that everyone pays attention and finally gets the point.
When we say "International Trade Bank" that means dead entities, Lawful Persons, are the Members, and when we say "Global Family Bank" that means that more dead entities, incorporated entities, are the members.
Are you a dead entity? Enough said.
See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:
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First Announcement for Researchers -- Additional Information For the High Courts
By Anna Von Reitz
Okay, folks. Game on. The Native Tribes are claiming that they own the land mass of America based on old treaties with King George and the Scottish Interlopers. We are saying, nah, the land belongs to the States and always has, ever since the Revolution.
The clueless military after umpteen years in charge is throwing up their hands and saying, "I dunno!"
We are looking for collaboration and support for what is already established and widely known, except, it appears, to the Military.
According to our records, the United States started out as a Pennsylvania- Maryland (mostly Dutch) investors club soon after William Penn became Governor of Pennsylvania. The United States of America started in 1727 as another (mostly English) investors club, spooled out of the break up of the Virginia Company.
Does anyone have additional or different or more or better information about this early commercial history of both the United States and The United States of America? Please email jpegs of early documents and/or copies via Snail Mail to: Anna Maria Riezinger, at Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
Leading up to The War of Independence these investor groups split, with the American pro-independence investors separating from the largely European anti-independence investors, so that we had in effect, two "United States" investor groups and two "United States of America" investor groups operating at the same time.
Does anyone have more, different, or additional information about this circumstance?
Benjamin Franklin and several other well-known Colonial leaders were members of both original investor groups; it was Franklin who set up relations with the Holy See to secure Postal Treaties and Postal Service in the then-colonies. He acted as the first Post Master/Postmaster and established the seat of the international land/sea jurisdiction government and the original Post Office for The United States of America in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1732, and established a secondary seat of government and Post Office for the United States acting in global jurisdiction in New York ten years later.
Does anyone have any different, better, more complete information about these topics? Please send jpegs of original documents and/or hard copies to: Anna Maria Riezinger, at Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
Then, we had the actual War of Independence.
During The War of Independence the Government of Spain remained neutral, except that in 1777-78, the Spanish King granted the land being wrested from King George (who was acting as the Pope's Commonwealth Overseer and therefore had no claim to land in America aside from actual Church property) to the former Colonists to use as collateral financing loans from King Louis of France. At the same time, a group of financiers including LaFayette, St. Germain, and Hiram Solomon stepped forward and leveraged large sums of money as gifts, grants, and support for the American investor group doing business as The United States of America.
Does anyone have different, better, or more information about this particular subject and time period?
As part of the Treaty process ending The War of Independence, The United States of America -- the American version of the original investors club doing business under the same name prior to the war --- inherited the war debt being held against their land grant. This debt owed to France (and as it turns out, ultimately to King George) was finally paid off during the Andrew Jackson Administration (1829 -1837). Thereafter, The United States of America, the American Federation of States (which was reorganized as an unincorporated Holding Company in 1777), has held all grant, right, title, and interest in the land of this country via its sovereign member States, and it has never authorized any further borrowing or spending against these land assets ever since.
Does anyone have any more, different, or additional credible information about this topic? If so, please send jpegs of original documents via email and/or hard copies to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska, 99652.
It is our position--- and the law and customs of land administration support us--- that the Spanish King, not the British King, held control and ownership of all international land interests during the years 1700 through 1850 when these issues were definitively settled and all debts related to them paid off.
All subsequent chicanery pretending a custodial interest in our land by the British Monarchs and their Territorial Employees, while under contract and exercising enumerated delegated powers "in our names" as "the" United States of America--- is fraud on the face of it. So is any claimed ability to indebt our land assets or transfer our land assets to Native tribes.
Quite simply, any Treaties held by the Lenape and other East Coast and Southeastern Native tribes prior to The War of Independence were lost as a result of the change in government, and any residual payment or consideration due them as a result of their treaties with King George devolved upon his government doing business as "the" United States of America, not ours, and as that government never had any substantial land interests in this country other than the land assets explicitly deeded to and belonging to the Roman Catholic Church in the first place, it cannot be held that any "law of the land" invoked with regard to native land-hold treaties prior to The War of Independence have anything to do with The United States of America and our sovereign States.
As I told Chief Fast Horse and as I repeat for the High Courts, this semantic deceit based on similar names will not bear examination. The Federal Subcontractors cannot give what isn't theirs. The Pope can give the Native Tribes all his Roman Catholic Church properties throughout the country, and the British Territorial Government doing business as "the" United States of America can similarly give them any property that they obtained by any unrestricted permission of the Several States granting them property prior to 1860, but otherwise, these entities simply don't own any land in this country--- didn't win any for themselves by law of conquest, didn't pay for any as we did, and weren't granted any by the Spanish King.
And, similarly, any treaties formed after The American Civil War with the Native Tribes were formed by the same Bad Actors pretending to have authorities never granted to them; show us any proof in any Constitution that we ever granted them any right or duty or delegation of power allowing them to exercise any custodial interest amounting to an ability to buy, sell, encumber, entitle or otherwise use our land as collateral to cover their debts? Show us where we ever enabled them to enter into any treaty contracts of any kind other than international trade treaties, like NAFTA?
Such authority simply doesn't exist.
As the victims of fraud and kidnapping and impersonation, our long absence "at sea" is not our fault; the misadministration of our presumed-to-exist estates is entirely upon the guilty Principals and their respective Employees. If they owe treaties and debts to the American Indian Tribes, let them pay using their own assets and resources, without making any more false claims about us and ours.
And please, note that the States include the individual Native people as full-fledged and equal Americans having ownership interest in the land as part of the population of their State of the Union. They already have standing as Wisconsinites and Texans and New Yorkers and so on, just like anyone else born in this country.
We contend that they already have their equal share, and that at least from us, they are owed no more.
Anyone having records, information, data, historical documents, and additional evidence in support of our position is encouraged to contact me immediately via email at: or via phone at (907) 250-5087, or by Snail Mail: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:
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The International Peace Proclamation
By Anna Von Reitz
It was a sunny day in summer, and unusually quiet. The constant hum of traffic on the nearby road was still. James Clinton Belcher sat down at the old maple table and his hands rested for a moment on its gleaming surface. The late sun slanted through the high windows and cast a warm golden glow over the scene. It was a historic moment: the official end of The American Civil War.
In factual terms, the last shot of The Civil War came in a strange place -- the Bering Sea. It was fired by the CSS Shenandoah, the last Confederate war ship over a year after Lee surrendered at Appomattox.
Officially, however, there was no end to the war, both because of British subterfuge and public chaos. The States of the Federation were not in Session after four years of constant disruption and public hazards, and the remaining Federation Officers, a handful of men scattered from Maine to Mississippi, faced a daunting task.
Their mission was to reinstate the civilian government of this country.
There were never a large number of Federation Officers to begin with, and after The Civil War, their numbers were decimated further by age, by deaths, and by diseases that crippled their ability to travel and communicate. The situation was further complicated by wrong-headed assumptions about them and their role.
Average Americans either never had or had forgotten the role of the Federation of States in the welter of semantic confusion about "the Federal Government" and the common description of the Union Army as the "Federal Army" and their troops being characterized as "Federal Troops".
In truth and in fact, the Federation of States wasn't involved in either side of The Civil War, and the handful of beleaguered Federation Officers left to conduct business were largely assumed to be bureaucrats associated with the Lincoln - Johnson Administration.
Nothing could be further from the truth. These Federation Officers were at odds with Lincoln --- not because they favored slavery, not because they fought for the Confederacy --- but because Lincoln was a Bar Attorney who used semantic deceit to obtain a position of power over this country and the American people.
For this reason, the Federation and its Officers were on guard and did not consider the Union victory any certain cause for celebration. Lincoln's death and the Lieber Code established by his Executive Order as Commander-in-Chief, left the Union Army in control of the country. They feared a military junta, both because they expected draconian retribution against average people throughout the South, and because a military takeover could easily subvert the lawful civilian government that they were responsible for restoring.
Their fears were fully justified.
In the spring of 1865, immediately upon hearing about the Armistice, two Federation Officers, an elderly man named Benjamin Belcher, and his son, also named Benjamin, made their way from their home in the newly declared State of West Virginia to the District of Columbia, where they met with President Andrew Johnson. They shared their fears for the country. Johnson agreed and promised to do what he could do.
Johnson did what he could do by declaring "peace upon the land" via three public proclamations issued May 10, 1865, April 2, 1865, and August 20, 1865. This established a public contract promising peace, but it did not actually establish a peace treaty ending the war; Johnson had no ability or authority to accomplish that, and neither did his Administration.
That would have to wait for the actual State Assemblies to act upon. The remaining Federation Officers began preparations to call the actual States of the Union back into Session. In the autumn of 1866, Benjamin Belcher sent two of his younger sons to Washington, DC, to collect the Great Seals belonging to the Federation of States.
They traveled light and on horseback, and accomplished their mission without disturbance, until they were on their way home. A troop of thinly disguised Union Army thugs attacked them, stole the Great Seals, and left the elder son for dead, and the younger one fleeing westward for his life on a horse he captured in the melee.
It is from this younger son that we know how these events transpired.
The Federation Officers who remained were picked off one by one, and so, the actual States were never called back into Session, and America slipped into a stupor of confusion and deceit and armed occupation by her own bought-and-paid-for Armed Forces.
She was also consigned to a condition of perpetual, never-ending war, because those who had the standing and authority to end the conflict "could not be found".
The disloyal and often ignorant officers of the Union Army and their British Allies went on to rule the world, all under color of law, set to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy. They incorporated their version of "the" United States of America to form a Scottish commercial corporation calling itself "The United States of America" in 1868, and they promptly enfranchised Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens-- subjects and property belonging to the Queen.
This allowed them to import the King's Bench to this country and to practice their foreign brand of Equity Law on our shores, and otherwise to apply "Special Admiralty" provisions, that allowed them to pillage and plunder the civilian populace at will.
They substituted their corporate elections for our Public Elections in many venues, they substituted their foreign territorial business organizations operating as "States of States" for the original American organizations, and they settled in to glut upon their victims in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their Commercial Contracts.
Via semantic deceits and all under color of law, they imposed their Raj-like regime on the American States and People, without firing a shot. In time, only a few counties and one State would prevent them from gaining exclusive legislative control of this country.
In time, most Americans would forget about the Federation and the actual American Government --- but not all.
It was uniquely right and fitting that Benjamin Belcher's great-great-Grandson sat down at his kitchen table and signed the International Peace Proclamation officially ending The American Civil War, 160 years after it began.
All over this country sons and daughters of America have awakened and remembered who they are. They have declared their birthright political standing as Americans, made public record of their standing, and gathered together to bring their State Assemblies back into Session.
By roll call vote, these State Assemblies have adopted a formal Peace Treaty ending The American Civil War and they have abolished slavery once and for all, in all jurisdictions.
The International Peace Proclamation serves as Official Notice to all nations, all subcontractors, Agents and Principals, all elected officials and officers, both foreign and domestic. The American People have spoken at last, and their remaining Federation Officers have accomplished their duty: the restoration of the civilian government of this country, six generations and 160 years after the effort began.
FB Friends go to either: or to see a copy of the International Peace Proclamation.
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