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Thursday, February 8, 2024

International Public Notice: Prince of the Air Confirmed

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have for some weeks speculated that the only Office of the Papacy left for Pope Francis to occupy is that of "the Prince of the Air", meaning that he has taken the office of Satan's top general. 

This has been confirmed by recent statements made by Francis telling Christians that they must "open their hearts to Satan" and pray to him for "true enlightenment". 

Remember that Jesus refused to worship Satan and remember why. 

True to form, the Liars are trying to unlawfully convert the Christian Church and redefine it as a pagan cult.  Just as they have tried to redefine Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens using unconscionable contracts.  Just as they have tried to redefine Protestants as "lost Catholics". 

The Truth is not in them. 

We are enlightened already and have been tracking the operations of the Jesuit Council for many years.  

This is the set up that was put together by the Secular side of the Roman Catholic Church, which always maintained a secret priesthood devoted to Satan worship. 

"Pope" Francis has now entered into the office of High Priest of Satan and is openly revealing himself as the Prince of the Air. 

Fine. That automatically reduces him to someone having no authority, moral or otherwise. 

We already recounted how he could not be in the Office of the Roman Pontiff nor the ministerial Office of the Pope, so the only remaining office was Prince of the Air. No great surprises. 

Alright, so he isn't doing his duty as Pope to dissolve the legal fictions, because Satan, the Ultimate Liar, is the Father of All Lies, and what is a "Legal Fiction" but a Lie? 

These corporations are all Satan's "children". They are all Legal Fictions, that is, they are lies by definition.  Thus, Satan's High Priest seeks to protect them and advance them to rule over the living people of the Earth. 

Let us suggest to the Jesuit Council that as this man is no longer serving as a Christian Pope, but is an openly avowed Satanist, you no longer owe him any service or loyalty. 

Neither do the 1.2 Billion Catholics on this planet. 

Lately, there have been many attacks, especially arson attacks on Catholic Churches.  This rampage began with the attack on Notre Dame Cathedral and has continued as church after church is burned to the ground, and always with the same MO: it was an inside job. 

Members of the congregation or the clergy influenced by Satanism and having access to the church facilities have acted as arsonists and are burning these churches down. 

This serves two functions.  It makes people think that the Church is being attacked from the outside, when in fact it is being attacked from within, and it garners sympathy from the public.   

These attacks put the actual Christian Church Officials and the police off the scent, unable to detect the shameless Liars who pretend to be the victims of the fires they lit. 

This is just par for the diabolical. 

Usually, there are only two functional parts of the Roman Catholic Church, but the Third Unction has always been there. So now we have a battle between closet Satanists and sincere Christians engaged, and at the outset, the Satanists have finagled to get their minion in place as Pope. 

Francis opines that he has no duty under Ecclesiastical Law, because Satanism is not part of Ecclesiastical governance; in the same token, he has no right to occupy any office of the Roman Catholic Church, for the same reason.  

Tit for tat. 

Francis must be removed from office in the Roman Catholic Church because he is no longer a Roman Catholic. He is only a Roman now. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 8th 2024


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International Public Notice: Invisible Enemies, Guilting and Fear

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have detailed the way the Liars use and abuse words to get their way, using semantic deceits and omissions to prosper their agendas. 

We have observed and we provide Notice to the world that everything these people have done has been done via the use of deliberate constructive fraud.

Besides their chronic misuse of names, labels, and words in general, there are other commonalities in their practices, so we move on to observe another 
means by which they coerce and enslave. 

They blame the victims. 

They create invisible enemies. 

They profit themselves by this. 

First, and most famously, there was their interpretation of God --- invisible, all-powerful, and angry with us because of our Sins.  

They blamed the sinners. 

They defined God as the Invisible Enemy. 

They introduced themselves as the mediators. 

Having established the pattern, it's easy enough to detect it in current events. 

They blamed the Chinese. 

They introduced the virus -- the Invisible Enemy.

They profited from the purported cure -- gene editing technology that had nothing to do with any virus. 

Or, how about "Climate Change" -- same schtick: 

They blamed all of humanity. 

They created the Invisible Enemy -- "climate change". 

They introduced themselves and their carbon taxes as the answer.

The Liars practice a form of Hegelian Dialectic mixed with superstition.  They are constantly found at work following the same pattern: blame the victims, create an Invisible Enemy, and force their salvation/solution.

There are invisible things worth fearing, but not our Creator, not a virus that has never been proven to exist, and not any climate change that people have caused. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 8th 2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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The Evils of Pride, Ingratitude, and Fear

 By Anna Von Reitz

At the Federation level, we often say that we are "done with evil", and we mean it. We are done with it in total.  There is no room left for it. 

Yet, at the Assembly level, people are pouring through the doors full of pride, ingratitude, and fear.  

They accost volunteers who are trying to help them and vent all their frustrations with the de facto "government" on them.  

They continue to make the same old tired assumptions and act on the idea that they are "entitled" to service when they are not. 

They want to be respected, they want to have their problems all solved, and most of all, they want the money, but they are not willing to give respect to others, aren't willing to take responsibility for solving their own problems, and won't pitch in and make it happen.  

They want the Nanny State, just a bigger, better, more responsive and generous Nanny State. 

It's the Nanny State that has conditioned us to act like babies instead of being responsible for ourselves. 

Americans are, on average, by the time they get to us, people totally lacking in self-respect,  yet demanding it from others; and, when they don't get their own way or things aren't happening fast enough to suit them, they don't consider that other people have equal rights or that they might need to get off their rumps and help.  

We have been conditioned to be passive recipients of government services.  The idea that we are meant to provide our own government as a self-governing country, is foreign to most of us. 

Just this morning I got a message calling one of our volunteers "a Hun" because he blocked a bank account. I have no idea why this was done, whether it was intentional or just a computer glitch, but this I do know: that volunteer has worked tirelessly to make the banking system available to millions of people. 

He doesn't deserve to be called names and he is under no obligation to serve anybody. 

It's this last bit that needs to be underlined. 

There are no slaves here.  Those of us who chartered the bank and built it are not under any obligation to serve anyone. If people want to be nasty, and go on living in an evil world, we have no reason to benefit them. 

We offer a public service and it is meant to benefit everyone, but we can deny service, too.  We are all volunteers and we are not obligated to serve those who malign us.  

The Federation, the Bank Team, the Assemblies are all here to protect people and their property from harm.  We are all volunteers in this cause, doing what the paid-for government should be doing, and isn't.  

So when you come to us for the first time, be aware that not a dime of taxes paid for what you see or any service you receive, including the bank services we are making available.  

Be aware that you, personally, did nothing to create this miracle. 

Be aware that the people you speak to are all volunteers.  They aren't employees.  They don't have to serve you.  

We've all taken more than enough abuse from the foreign municipal corporations masquerading as our government.  We don't need more of the same in our own ranks.  

If you are done with evil, welcome home!  But wipe your shoes at the door and don't drag in the same evils with you. 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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Progress on Hell's Gate and Delphi

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have done it!  The underlying vacuum has been stopped and the pooled energy has formed a shining shallow reservoir extending the better part of a hundred miles from the epicenter in each case. 

This is logical, as the energy meridians and ley lines all pulse with the same overall amount of energy and at the same frequency. 

It was never intended that a cult of evil-doers would rig the energy system of Earth to deprive an entire Continent of its energetic birthright. 

That said, our repair of the grid has caused its own problems.  The reservoir effect still slows down the passage of energy to the Eastern Mediterranean, Africa, and Western India. 

So, to make an effective "patch" we have to build a section of new energy conduit to return the surface areas to something approaching normalcy and hurry the energy on its way as it is meant to. 

Please visualize a new energy conduit, like a pipeline or cable collecting the energy at the north end of the "break" and reconnecting to the natural Ley line at the southern end.  This bit of mental attention and concern by numerous people can have an entirely amazing result all along the ley lines going South from the Gates of Hell and from Delphi.  

We will be rewarded as Greece arises from its long slumber; as Egypt shakes awake; as Ethiopia begins to flourish.... 

Like bringing water to the desert, restoring the Earth's energy grid to full function by giving it our attention and a bit of our constructive energy is a totally fulfilling action that everyone can participate in, once they are aware of this unseen network which connects us all. 


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International Public Notice: Misapplication of Law

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have reviewed a large number of examples of activities that indicate the presence of a deliberate, multi-generational, constructive fraud scheme used to create a foreign and repugnant caste system in our country. This caste system and the results of it are implemented and enforced via means of fraud. 

Fraud vitiates everything it touches. 

The essence of the fraud begins a few days or weeks after a baby is born, when, in this country, they are registered as U.S. Citizens and at the same time, intestate American Public Trusts named after them are put in place as "infant decedent estates" operated under the names of the victims by the Perpetrators of this scheme. 

Undisclosed registration paperwork presented by Undeclared Foreign Agents at the hospitals is taken as a "pledge" of the baby by the Mother, but the nature of this transaction is deliberately left undisclosed to the Mother.  

So we have an undisclosed registration process seeming to pledge a baby to the service of a foreign British Crown Corporation; this purported pledge and the resulting undisclosed citizenship obligation contract that goes with it is: (1) undisclosed to the Mother and (2) unconscionable to the baby. 

It's fraud on the face of it, and it has served to condemn six generations of Americans to peonage and enslavement.  

A completely similar process is used to promote this con game in every country that has been impacted.  

This British Territorial fraud scheme has a second component built upon the first layer just described. 

The second layer of the racket is a "Social Insurance" Scheme -- an insurance fraud that was initially promoted as a pension program for Federal workers.  

Millions of Americans already mischaracterized and impersonated as British Territorial U.S. Citizens as a result of the first round of fraud are told by a Government Subcontractor acting under color of law, that they must apply for a Social Security Account and must have a Social Security Number in order to work in this country.

This was self-interested and deliberate misinformation provided to people who weren't ever voluntarily and consensually adopting U.S. Citizenship, who weren't applying for any Federal jobs,  or in need of any Federal pensions. 

This Big Lie resulted in the victims being enrolled in a private pension scheme presented to the public as a government program that they "had to" participate in, so every single one of them acted under duress and under conditions of deceit when they enrolled in the Social Security System. 

The issuance of a Social Security Number -- again without disclosure -- opened up a Master Account with two separate ledgers one for debt and one for credit owed to an incorporated Municipal Corporation franchise operated in the NAME of the victims.  The debt side ledger numbers follow the form: XXX-XX-XXXX which is a CUSIP bond number, while the credit ledger shows a nine-digit AUTOTRIS trust number without dashes. 

The two ledgers are kept completely separated and are administered by completely different organizations so that the two ledgers are deliberately never brought together and balanced. 

What results is the appearance of an ever-growing "National Debt" on one ledger and an ever-growing "National Credit" on the other ledger, but because one hand is deliberately kept from knowing what the other hand is doing the actual honest bookkeeping is never done.

Again, we are looking at a giant fraud scheme which has been used to defraud and cripple generations of people -- primarily throughout the Western Hemisphere, but increasingly in the Eastern Hemisphere, too. 

The Perpetrators working under contracts as government services providers latch onto the credit side of the ledger and use those funds as Slush Funds instead of balancing the ledger and paying off the debt side. 

A vast system of kick-backs and payola, corruption and blackmail, has been the result. 

Meantime, Joe Average American has been left totally in the dark by his public employees and those pretending to represent him, albeit representing him as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen Subject and not as an American at all.  

The self-interest, corruption, and fraud against the American populace is self-evident. 

This unlawful conversion of our political status is prohibited under International Law and by both the Geneva Conventions and Hague Conventions. 

Not only are the victims impersonated and unconscionably obligated, but they are deprived of the Guarantees that they are naturally owed under both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America.  

As such this can be seen as a treasonous conspiracy of two foreign governmental services corporations against their Employers -- a vast almost unimaginable crime amounting to National Identity Theft. 

We wish for these corporations to be dissolved and their assets forfeited for their crimes against us and their crimes against humanity and their crimes against justice. 

These unconscionable contracts have been enforced against us by misapplication of foreign statutory law -- a practice that must be ended swiftly, with all Legal Presumptions created by these venal practices reversed. 

All results -- tax sales, foreclosures, etc., that were based on these false and purloined pledges and registrations must be voided. 

Please multiply this same con game and apply it to numerous other countries, too, to create an entire Empire of Crime, called the Empire of the Cities. 

The cities referenced include Washington, DC, Vatican City, the UN enclave, NYC, Rome, Hong Kong, the Inner City of London, and numerous pirate states operated as Independent International City-States in Switzerland, Sweden, and elsewhere. 

All the labor and assets and credit purloined from the living people of the Earth by these legal fictions must be repaid to the actual owners and the corporate veil may not be used to protect the Perpetrators.

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

February 7th 2024


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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