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Friday, December 10, 2021

Remember, Remember....

 By Anna Von Reitz

Remember, the Federation of States doesn't operate under any Constitution --- it operates directly under The Declaration of Independence.
Remember, the Federation was formed in September of 1776, long before there were any Constitutions.
Remember, the Constitutions were power-sharing agreements that represented the implementation of the various Treaties that ended The War of Independence.
Those Constitutions pertain to the operations of three Federal Subcontractors --- the American Federal Republic, the British Territorial United States, and the Municipal United States Government.
These three separate entities received their various "powers" as delegations of power from The Federation of States doing business as The United States of America (unincorporated version).
The Federation of States is an unincorporated Holding Company and what it "holds" are the powers of the States in international jurisdiction.
When any of the Federal Subcontractors are unable to perform, the powers delegated to them return by Operation of Law to the Delegator --- our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
The Member States of our Federation are all unincorporated, are all physically defined States of the Union, and are all present and accounted for and in Session at this time.

So there is no excuse for anyone to claim that our country is "abandoned" or that our assets are unclaimed or that our assets are subject to any assignment to any foreign creditors or subject to any claim that they are collateral belonging to any other government on Earth.


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People -- the CDC is a Private, For-Profit Corporation

 By Anna Von Reitz

It's in the business of producing vaccines.
Are you all brain dead? Don't see a conflict of interest here? Lost your voices along with your minds?
And now, Fauci promises that the definition of "fully vaccinated" will be changed just as the definition of "vaccine" was changed to expedite his fraud.
Forget about the truth and common sense. It's only their lies that matter.
How about we redefine the National Institutes of Health as the defunct National Institutes of Health and rename Fauci "Leon Shitzshafter"? I like that. I think it fits. Let's just change his name and nobody in the Mindless Media will know any different.
By next week, they'll be quoting Dr. Leon Shitzshafter.
And they'll forget to mention that he isn't a Medical Doctor at all. Just a "doctorate" holder with a big nose for loot.
Did you know that Doctor Leon Shitzshafter is involved in getting a loan as "the" United States of America from China doing business as PACIFIC CORP, and then receiving its charter from Fauci's USGBF CORP--- aka, The Corporation Trust Company which is also being sold off?
Oh, it's fascinating how these grafters and the associated banks are trying to pull this off---- a giant sleight of hand by which British-Chinese interests, BANK OF SHANGHAI and HSBC---- use the Brits as the go-between to sell out the Commonwealth and the Americans to the Chinese to avoid paying their own debts.
Why do you think millions of Australians are being murdered by what they thought was their own government?
The Chinese slave masters need more room!
That's also why the IRS is moving its primary base of operations to the Mariana Islands, so they can be closer to the over one billion Chinese that they intend to tax.

Lift your heads up and howl.


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First Conclusions - The Big Steal

 By Anna Von Reitz

PACIFIC CORP appears to be the front for the hostile corporate takeover of America by British-Chinese interests and it is being expedited by attorneys claiming to be "private citizens"--yet another oxymoron-- and sheltering behind "National Associations" as PMA's (Private Membership Associations)
This is a matter of these hucksters claiming to be "private citizens" -and pretending to have the authority and right to assign American assets to US CORPS to pay British Territorial debts, and the US CORPS are owned by Chinese Creditors.
They are selling the Chinese some Florida Real Estate --- giving a British Quit Claim to American assets that belong to Americans.
Here's a News Flash for the Vatican Chancery Court, the International Court of Justice, the Court of the Lord High Steward, and all the various Principals: you must have a valid ownership interest in assets to claim them as collateral backing your debts, and second, you must also have a valid ownership interest to be able to assign assets that are: (1) not yours, and (2) are claimed by the actual owners --- The United States of America, Unincorporated.
So, it's time that everyone straightened up and recognized the scam for what it is.
Also note that JPMORGAN has been assigned the Trademarks and name of the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS, so that JPMORGAN can operate "as" the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS, even though they have nothing to do with the old FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM that was bankrupted in 2009-2011.
This is similar to the game that the U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL played with the Wells Fargo Bank Trademark while using WELLS FARGO BANK as a securities broker.
It's all criminal. It's all fraud. It's all shameful.
And its all predicated on the Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor dodging their debts to China by selling out the Americans and the entire former Commonwealth, which they purposefully defrauded via non-disclosure and semantic deceit.

This has to be stopped and if it isn't, those promoting it have to be stopped, one by one, criminal by criminal.


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Religion v. Experience

 By Anna Von Reitz

I am told that some listeners at our Monday Night webinar this past week were "offended" because I shared my experience of the "Violet Flame" and thought I was mixing "church and state" and talking about something religious -- but that is not correct.

I experienced this phenomenon for myself, so it's not a matter of "belief".   Also be aware that so far as I know, it was not a religious topic. 

If something happens to you, it happens. 
Like getting a new puppy.  

And religion, unavoidably, treads upon beliefs about experience or other people's experiences--- extrapolations and interpretations and codification of beliefs, which are a different thing entirely.  

Same way with my interaction with the Draco Overlords.  That was a bit beyond odd, too, but again --- an experience is an experience. 

If your hair turned blue overnight, you would accept the fact that it turned blue, observe the phenomenon, and go on.  No value judgment implied about the pros or cons of having blue hair. You might decide to dye your hair some other color, but, there's no gainsaying actual experience.  It is, or it isn't.  

Religion, however, is a man-made concoction.  

Religion is a hearsay interpretation of scriptures that are themselves a hodge-podge of some-included and some-rejected ancient writings of unknown origin and authorship (even though we "attribute" certain books to various authors), supported by a group of people who examined these scriptures and reached the same or similar conclusions based upon them. 

Depending on which scriptures you consult, you can wind up a Hindu, a follower of Confucius, a Taoist, a Buddhist, a Jew, a Muslim, a Christian..... 

If there is a single unifying theme to religion, it would have to be "man's thoughts about God" -- for what they are worth.  

That's the truth and we have to accept the truth, because anything else is delusion.  We can talk about the Bible being "inspired", but then, so is our music, art, mathematics, and anything else that is good or useful "inspired".

So, folks, I was telling you straight across the board that I had this experience and it felt great.  What else it meant or means wasn't revealed in words and no "explanations" were given, though I can tell you it was revitalizing.  

I felt great while this  purple-red flame was leaping and playing all around me and I still feel great.  I'll always remember it as a very unusual, unexpected, and happy event. 

We don't exist in a vacuum.  We exist as an integral part of the Universe. 

It's not given to us to understand the Universe just because we are part of it, so we need to be open-minded.  It is.  It was.  It will be.  And it doesn't ask for our permission.  

The "Violet Flame" is a description of a phenomenon that exists in my experience now, and whether it is good or bad depends on its fruits ---- how does it impact me and the rest of the Universe? 

Thus far, I'd have to say it was very good, and time will tell if the results endure.  Right now, though I should, logically, be very worried, I feel at peace.  Right now, though I should be very tired and worn out, I feel fully alive.  

I don't know anyone else's judgements about such facts, but to me, that's a good thing, both in the result and how I feel about the result.  And I don't have to know why.  

Some things can't be bought and some things just are. 

Accept that without judgment and journey on. 

If I am supposed to "know" what this experience of standing in the midst of a cool-burning violet-colored flame meant beyond the direct experience of it,  I am sure I'll find out in good time.  


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The Snooze Button Doesn't Work

 By Anna Von Reitz

Again, for all those Christians out there who are being bamboozled into condemning yourselves, the Sacrament of Communion is a Blood Oath.
If that isn't apparent to you, it should be. It is also a bond sealed by The Apostle's Creed.
Better read every word of The Apostle's Creed very carefully, because that is the contract with the church that your Blood Oath binds you to, and every time you take Communion, you reaffirm every single word of your obligation -- not to Jesus per se, but to the Church and its belief system.
You should also seriously consider which "church" you are binding yourself to. Virtually all churches have some variation of the Apostle's Creed as part of their liturgy.
Liturgy is a particularly enlightening word, as it originally referred only to the "Holy Eucharist" --- Communion, and it, Communion, was first subjected to "ecclesiastical regulation".
In other words, the Church inserted itself as a Middleman between Sinners and their Redeemer, and started arbitrarily determining who was eligible to "receive" Communion and who could not, thereby inserting themselves as the judges and executioners, holding the power over both forgiveness and eternal life.
Jesus admitted that he, himself, didn't have control over who would be saved to be with him and who would not; he openly told his Disciples that his Father would call whom he would call to be with his Son, and make the appointments of powers and positions within the kingdom to be established.
If even Jesus did not hold this power, you must ask yourselves --- what does the Church think it's doing, dictating who can be in communion with Jesus?
What is really behind this "power grab" by man-made institutions against the singular power of the Creator?
Money. Control. Power.
For centuries, ignorant and trusting people were misled to put their trust in the church leaders and allowed themselves to be coercively threatened with damnation if they didn't follow church doctrine and dictate to the letter.
Untold billions of people have gone to their graves, thinking that they were saved or unsaved according to the opinions and beliefs of others, who had no authority to make any such determination in the first place.
If Jesus didn't have that power, how did Peter acquire it? And how would Peter's successors acquire it?
This very simple question is at the heart of "church discipline" and the many wholly destructive doctrines that have been adopted by churches over the centuries.
Instead of accepting their limitations and trusting a greater and wiser power to sort things out, these men set themselves up to be not only kings, but rulers of eternity.
They weren't content to grapple with the very real problems that resulted from the demand of the Israelites to set a man as king above them, they had to set themselves above their teacher and claim the powers of God Almighty for themselves.
If it is so childishly simple to read the words of Jesus and know how grossly all these churches have overreached themselves, especially as regards their misuse and abuse of the entire concept of Communion, and their misrepresentation of the Ultimate Judge----what excuse do we have for being deaf, blind, and dumb?
Generations of good men have given their lives in pursuit of the Truth, so that we might have it in our possession, and not be like "dumb, driven cattle".
Many Christians are so worn-down by their own indoctrination and patterned responses that they don't even realize what they are doing when they take Communion in a church.
They have no idea that they are, themselves, acting as Oath-takers, and sealing their oath in blood. They certainly aren't told that by any church leaders, are they?
They don't understand that this is part of what the Muslims and many other people hold against Christians, and that this "blood drinking" sacrament is something they, Christians, must answer for, as well as the oath-taking associated with it.
They must also answer for turning a brotherhood of believers into corporations with vast material holdings and resulting obligations to Molloch and Mammon.
Kindly observe that the Internal Revenue Service (which operates under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition) uses your Employers to police you, and that they can do this and enforce their demands upon your Employers, because those Employers have stupidly incorporated their businesses to gain insurance protection they don't even need.
Kindly observe how Joe Biden has attempted (and partially succeeded) in imposing Mask Mandates and forced vaccinations using the same ploys--- ordering the incorporated Employers to do his bidding, even though his bidding is against the Public Law of this country.
And then notice, that virtually all the churches have done the same thing -- incorporated themselves to gain tax advantages they don't need (because they were already exempt) -- and subjected themselves "voluntarily" as incorporated Employers, to do whatever the politicians tell them to do no matter how illegal and immoral it is.
No man can serve two Masters.
We "Christians" have all taken blood oaths; it is up to us to determine what we meant by that and how aware we were of the substance of that action, how much disclosure we were given, and whether or not we will now repudiate the incorporated churches and their service to Mammon.
Regardless of what you think or believe, regardless of the comforts offered by many congregations, despite our desperate need for guidance and a moral compass, we must examine the institutions we have been relying upon and find them lacking.
We must gather together and find better ways of acknowledging our faith with our lives and our actions, better institutions that are not misled by the love of money, and most of all, we must all engage in the self-examination required to guide our own steps.
I take "communion" with Jesus every time I eat bread or drink wine, the way I am sure he intended it to be; I pause, I reflect, I remember him, I take him and his suffering into my heart. I don't need a fancy church to do this. I don't need a priest to sanctify it.
The alarm has been sounded and the snooze button doesn't work. This is your personal wake up call.
As things stand, Christians, you've been sold a bill of goods and sold it on to others, generations of the gullible led like sheep to slaughter, and those appointed by men to stand guard over you and feed you have failed, while those appointed by God have stood the test alone.
Look to those crying in the wilderness and heed the voices of the watchers on the watchtowers, but most of all, look at what you are doing, what you are accepting without thought, and what you are actually supporting when you join and give your money to an incorporated church.
A white-washed tomb.
A deceitful bastion belonging --- literally --- not to the congregation, but to Mammon, because clueless and duplicitous church leaders have given the churches away and brought them under the regulation of foreign State-of-State business organizations in a country where church and state are meant to be separate and where religious freedom is supposed to be guaranteed.
You can see for yourselves how well the incorporated churches are doing.
Only 18% of American households are families with married parents.
This week, in return for being blamed for the actions of a few Chinese businessmen and scientists, the Chinese Government issued a scathing indictment called, "Ten Questions for American Democracy".
Of course, they don't know that what they are addressing isn't "American" at all, but is rather the "United States" Corporation. They don't know that the Pope and the Queen and the Lord Mayor of London are responsible for this mess and that there is no such thing as an "American" democracy involved --- but they ask, pointedly:
Question 9: Bring development and prosperity, or disaster and turmoil to other countries? Some 241,000 Afghans were killed in the war beginning in 2002. 183,000-206,000 Iraqi civilians have died in violence since the war in 2003. Yemen currently has some 20.7 million people (71% of the total population) in need of humanitarian assistance. The United States is a veritable “refugee maker” in the world today, making at least 37 million people destitute and homeless by the war launched by the United States after the September 11 attacks.
Question 10: Safeguard world peace and development or undermine international order? As of 2017, the United States had conducted 392 foreign military interventions since 1880. The United States has been at war more than 92% of the time since its founding. The United States maintains approximately 750 overseas military bases in 80 foreign countries and colonies (territories). The United States spends about $778 billion on the military, accounting for about 39% of the world’s total. The Middle East and North Africa still have about one in five people living on the brink of conflict. America’s currency, the world’s problem.
They ask questions that we should be asking ourselves. Where is "America, the land of the free" in this? What kind of evil has walked the Earth using our name as a storefront, so that we are being misidentified as the culprits, when we are in fact the victims as much as everyone else?
The Chinese are right. What on Earth is wrong with this country?
As with the incorporated churches, the people are dead asleep, not a clue about what is actually going on and the venal motivations of those who are leading them.
If you are sick of being misrepresented by the war-mongers and deceivers, take heart. If you want the rest of the world to know the truth --- that America was among the first victims of this pervasive evil --- and that we want it to stop as much as anyone else, support your unincorporated government and look for unincorporated churches, too.


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