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Friday, December 10, 2021

First Conclusions - The Big Steal

 By Anna Von Reitz

PACIFIC CORP appears to be the front for the hostile corporate takeover of America by British-Chinese interests and it is being expedited by attorneys claiming to be "private citizens"--yet another oxymoron-- and sheltering behind "National Associations" as PMA's (Private Membership Associations)
This is a matter of these hucksters claiming to be "private citizens" -and pretending to have the authority and right to assign American assets to US CORPS to pay British Territorial debts, and the US CORPS are owned by Chinese Creditors.
They are selling the Chinese some Florida Real Estate --- giving a British Quit Claim to American assets that belong to Americans.
Here's a News Flash for the Vatican Chancery Court, the International Court of Justice, the Court of the Lord High Steward, and all the various Principals: you must have a valid ownership interest in assets to claim them as collateral backing your debts, and second, you must also have a valid ownership interest to be able to assign assets that are: (1) not yours, and (2) are claimed by the actual owners --- The United States of America, Unincorporated.
So, it's time that everyone straightened up and recognized the scam for what it is.
Also note that JPMORGAN has been assigned the Trademarks and name of the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS, so that JPMORGAN can operate "as" the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS, even though they have nothing to do with the old FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM that was bankrupted in 2009-2011.
This is similar to the game that the U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL played with the Wells Fargo Bank Trademark while using WELLS FARGO BANK as a securities broker.
It's all criminal. It's all fraud. It's all shameful.
And its all predicated on the Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor dodging their debts to China by selling out the Americans and the entire former Commonwealth, which they purposefully defrauded via non-disclosure and semantic deceit.

This has to be stopped and if it isn't, those promoting it have to be stopped, one by one, criminal by criminal.


See this article and over 3400 others on Anna's website here:

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