By Anna Von Reitz
The Problem
Today, each baby is born into debt slavery. This debt is attached to him via undisclosed commercial contracts which convert the living child into a human chattel asset backing the debts of governments.
This system is set up so that the debts accrued can never equal the debts repaid.
That is, even if you pay all that you owe, there will still be interest to be paid on this debt when you die.
This debt will be passed on to the next generation.
This creates a perpetual Debt Ponzi Scheme.
Instead of money, each new participant contributes a share of debt to the pyramid.
With each new generation this odious debt increases and more and more of the world’s wealth is controlled by fewer and fewer people.
These controllers are middlemen.
This is because on the opposite side of the ledger in such a system, the debtors are also the creditors; if it were not for the middlemen, the bankers and fund managers standing in the way, this would be apparent to everyone and we could all have a good laugh.
The Problem turns out to be ignorance and dishonest bookkeeping.
When we use actual commodities as money instead of debt, the debt pyramid is eroded, but other problems rear their heads.
The use of a standard commodity, such as gold or silver, as money, creates a system of idolatry.
No matter how much of the commodity we amass, there is never enough.
Such a system is prone to manipulation by producers and hoarders of the standard commodity.