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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Notice: Warning About Legalities -- and "Human" Rights

 By Anna Von Reitz

It's unlawful and illegal to own living people as slaves, right?  Right. 

We gave that up ages ago, didn't we?  Yes, we did.  

Amendment XIII "Abolished slavery" and by 1926, the League of Nations succeeded in banning both slavery and peonage worldwide.  

But look at how the Balrog's tail snagged a new lease on life and allowed --- indeed, institutionalized, slavery for "some" people.... the Fourteenth Amendment defined criminals as slaves and failed to define "criminals" except to inform us that "citizens of the United States" are criminals by definition.   

And, going into the Great Depression, men like Franklin Delano Roosevelt pulled another Fast One by selling all the Municipal "citizens of the United States" into slavery.  Read over FDR's First Inaugural Address and his references to "consecration" and "clearinghouse certificates".  

In order to do these evils, FDR and his Buddies had to relabel and redefine the victims as "humans" --- that is, not really people, not men and women, but something "else" that the Perpetrators could pass off as something other-than-men-and-women with Natural and Unalienable Rights. 

Think of it this way: "man" versus "hue-man" or translate it another way, and you get "man" versus "color of man" or "colored man".   Many of the victims of FDR's slave sale were actually and factually colored people.  So then, we had the whole effort to dig out of the insanity of the Buck Act of 1940, and the Civil Rights Movement for Hue-Mans and The United Nations' Hue-man Rights Declaration ---- and all of this is very helpful and nice, but never addressed the actual issue ---- which is slave ownership glossed over (literally) and peonage, too, which were outlawed in 1926. 

So, do you want to be classified, legally but not lawfully, as a "human"?  No, you definitely don't. And you don't want "Human Rights", either, because whatever those rights may be, it's still "legal" to kill humans, still "legal" to enslave humans, and still "legal" to steal from humans under force. 

It's not lawful or legal to do any of these things to men and women.  

So you want to be a man or you want to be a woman and you want to be on your toes ready to disavow any claim that you are a thing, a Mister, a Missus, a Miss, or any other "Person" or "PERSON" that they can classify as a "Hue-man" and victimize using this pernicious fraud and evasion of the actual Public Law which has forbidden both slavery and peonage since 1926. 

Obviously, the cat is finally out of the bag and people are waking up to this maladept use of "legality" to evade the Public Law and abuse innocent people by mischaracterizing and impersonating them as things.  

So what do the criminal cretins do?  Well, they gin up another scheme, only worse, that allows them to do the same thing --- use "legalities" to evade the Public Law.  

The U.S. Supreme Court made a bad error and allowed corporations involved in genetic engineering to patent bits and pieces of DNA and mRNA and inject these into plants and animals that they then classify --- and own --- as "Genetically Modified Organisms".

Sound oddly familiar?  Redefining and relabeling?  Owning the newly redefined  "things" as slaves?  Being able to impose peonage?  Being able to kill and imprison and enslave, only this time based on patents?  

Are we to endure another round of this gratuitous fraud and crime against humanity ---- which includes men and women and also "male" and "female" hue-mans?   Crowds of people marching around demanding "GMO Rights!"? 

I don't think so.  

This time, it's the turn of the screw in the opposite direction.  

Our country has already passed a Public Law forbidding all claims attempting to define living people as Genetically Modified Organisms, whether or not they have voluntarily accepted patented DNA or RNA altering vaccinations. 

And if the recipients of DNA or RNA altering vaccinations die, we recognize no claims of interest in their estates by any corporation whatsoever. 

We are going after the criminal masterminds behind all this crap.  We know what they did in the past and we know what they are trying to do right now and enough is enough.  Before we are done, we will have cleaned up every Board Room from here to Bangkok, and God enlighten anyone who stands in the way, because they will be defending the authors of their own demise.  

All you bankers, all you Party Boys, all you "governmental officials" --- take heed.  The Herd isn't the Herd anymore--- and you are all at the end of your ropes.  

We outlawed slavery in 1865 and we outlawed it again, and peonage, too, in 1926, and with God as our Witness, enslavement by redefinition and relabeling of people as "humans" or "GMOs" or anything else ---- and evasion of the Public Law via the use of such "legalities" ---- is at an end in 2022.  


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Pull Together Time

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people have said, well, since you cashed in the bonds and have all these assets, why should we need to send anything in support of Federation operations? 

Here's why. 

The Federation is supposed to be funded by you, by your States of the Union, but instead, we've been supporting ourselves on our own retirement money and donations.  We don't get a cut of the taxes and fees that you have been paying to these foreign interlopers to pay for our operations.  

And the recoupment is obviously to repay money and credit owed to you and to us. We don't get anything extra or special. We are in line like everyone else. 

The work that we have done and are doing for you is being done by volunteers bootstrapping along on donations and two shoe-strings.  It always has been. 

We don't have access to any payments you have ever made as "taxes" whether you owed them or not, and in order to deploy the bond assets and the rest of it, we have to build systems of our own to do that --- which is just more up front expense for all of us.  

True, the Pay Day will be worth it, but for right now, we are probably in as desperate a need for cash as we have ever been.

It's time to pull together and take up collections and point out the "miracles" that have been accomplished.  Members released from jail.  Members getting apology letters from the IRS.   Members receiving their exemptions and Mutual Offset Credit Exemption Exchanges.  And members beginning to beat the phony foreclosure racket.  

For example, even though Teri suffered everything that she suffered at the hands of the thugs operating "King County, Inc." --- she is now empowered by that injury to counter-claim.   

Remember that under our law you must be injured or your property must be injured in order to counter-claim, and that is precisely what people are doing --- counter-claiming against the State Trusts and using the almost century-old Tennessee Supreme Court ruling in Norton v. Shelby County underscored by the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Virginia v. EPA to overturn the Internal Revenue Code that was secretively used as the authority to enforce mortgage foreclosures: Title 26 section 1091, section 408, and section 61, 108, and 751.

It was also being used to deny victims their Regulation Z Exemptions after mortgage closings --- without any authority to do so.

The only Americans that these Vermin were ever authorized and enabled to address under the Internal Revenue Code (or the Motor Vehicle Code, either) were their own employees and their dependents as a condition of their employment, yet they conveniently misidentified each and every one of us as "federal citizens" and proceeded to misapply their own rules, codes, regulations, statutes, and obligations on us.

This has been a long fight and a long educational process that has been funded out of pocket and carried forward by me and my friends and my countrymen. No deep pockets. Just retirees and young families and small businesses making donations of time and money.

Right now, we need money to continue the next phase --- building our banks and networks to be able to get relief to Americans nationwide. So, if you want your share of the assets we have been able to recoup thus far, be aware that we have to build the nut-and-bolts machine to deliver it to you using our own resources. And its a tad bit more than Grandma's retirement will allow.

Please send whatever help you can to:

Anna Maria Riezinger
In Care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652


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Eulogy for a selfless Truth Warrior

SCOTUS Decision in Dobbs Overrules Montana Abortion Law

The Actual Tiburcio Villamor Marcos and the So-called Global Collateral Accounts

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have dispensed with the fraud artist Alex Tallon pretending to be Tiburcio Villamor Marcos. Now, we have to deal with the actual "TVM" and the snarled up situation in the Philippines.
Ferdinand Marcos married a young woman whose last name was Onate when he was also very young. This was a full Catholic marriage ceremony with all the bells and whistles and it was never annulled.
After this, he married "Queen Inesha" --- presumably in a civil ceremony with a license, because, obviously, he was already married as far as the Roman Catholic Church was concerned. Inesha was of the lineage of Queen Isabella and Tiburcio Villamor Marcos was then the eldest son of this second civil marriage of Ferdinand Marcos.
Those who are familiar with the oddities and laws of "marriage" versus "wedlock" will recognize how, in effect, a man could have two or more "marriages" but still only be in one state of "wedlock" according to the Church and how the various governments allow all this to go on unabated and unchallenged and largely unrectified by anyone.
So, yes, Tiburcio Villamor Marcos does exist and he is, reportedly, related by blood to Queen Isabella of Spain and, reasonably, he and his kin-folk have a claim upon the Queen's Royal Trust Accounts which are all Code LEO Accounts in Spain. The present King of Spain and I have both told TVM where his inheritance is --- and fully informed everyone that Queen Isabella's accounts are in Spain and have never been in the Philippines. They are Tier 2 Royal Trust Accounts within the World Trust structure, and everyone has cause to know this.
So, TVM may have his share of the Royal Trust Assets of Spain for all we know, but he does not have any actual individual interest in the Code FLAT or St. Germain or United States of America gold assets stored in the Philippines. The Government of the Philippines was entrusted to act as the Trustee for these other assets which have been in the safe-keeping of the Filipino Government for many years.
Ferdinand Marcos, as President of the Government of the Philippines, was acting as Trustee of the American gold when JFK went over there and met with him in 1962-63. Not as the actual owner -- the Trustee. Our unincorporated Federation of States is the actual owner and holder of all physical assets of our country as required by international law.
There is plenty of incontrovertible evidence that Marcos, as President of the Government of the Philippines, was acting as our Trustee ---and that JFK approached him as the President of the British Territorial United States of America, Incorporated, to arrange for the issuance of new gold and silver-backed currency for this country, based on the Federation assets cashiered in the Philippines---- which are in part assets of The Saint Germain Family Trust, too.
The Saint Germain Family Trust assets have been used to underwrite America since the very beginning and make up a considerable portion of the gold that the U.S. Navy cashiered in the Philippines. So, by association and default, Ferdinand Marcos was also acting as Trustee for those private assets commingled with the Federation of States assets.
As a completely separate issue, the D'Avila Family Code FLAT assets were used to underwrite the rebuilding of the world after World War II and are part of The D'Avila Family Trust assets. They have nothing to do with Queen Isabella or TVM. They are assets that belong, fair and square, to other non-royal Spanish Conquistador families and family members of the Eastern Roman Empire that married into the D'Avila family.
If your name isn't D'Avila or one of the married names of D'Avila Family daughters, you obviously have no claim upon or legitimate interest in the assets of The D'Avila Family Trust. Okay? It's that simple. No mysteries involved.
Ferdinand Marcos was hired as a private attorney working for The D'Avila Family Trust
So, as President of the Philippines, Marcos was the Trustee over American gold assets that had been shipped there and stored by the U.S. Navy for "safe keeping", and also acting as Trustee for gold stored in the Philippines by numerous other governments and trusts. Marcos was also, at the same time, working as a private attorney for The D'Avila Family Trust.
The D'Avila Family Trust is the owner of the so-called Global Collateral Accounts, known as Code FLAT Accounts. These are private assets which were loaned to the world governments under the Marshal Plan and other Plans to allow them to rebuild after World War II. They are vast reserves of gold, land, cash, and other assets that have been used to underpin the world economy under the Bretton Woods Agreements.
Assets of the Code FLAT D'Avila Family Trust accounts were dispersed and deposited by one man, Severino Sta. Romano, using up to fifty different aliases, but all tracked back to him. His name or one of his aliases is on the bank records as the depositor in all cases, so when he died in September of 1974, all the deposits he made became part of his estate.
So the remaining D'Avilas, Francorito and Flordeliza. claimed back their family trust assets and lacking an heir of their own, they passed everything on to their cousin, Julius, who successfully sued Severino Sta. Romano's estate and so, he became the sole Attorney-in-Fact and Executor-Heir in 1999.
It is a simple enough situation, one that we have all encountered in life. A man dies without a published Will and his estate is probated. If such a man dies in possession of assets that belong in fact to others, they have the right to sue his estate for the return of their assets. This is precisely what the heirs of The D'Avila Family Trust did, successfully, over twenty years ago.
Since then, they have been hindered in the work of recouping all the assets by various self-interested parties including the banks that have been benefited from the deposits, and various dog-in-a-manger governments which wish to keep the private assets they borrowed --- but this in no way changes the court rulings of the Spanish, Filipino, and United States Federal Courts.
I think it is also important to observe that this family was not stupid and they did not entrust the secrets known only to Severino to these various greedy governments who think that they can just continue to use these private assets by illegally and immorally confiscating them by force.
So, the actual gold and other assets of the Code FLAT Accounts are locked up and all these governments are going crazy trying to get at them. The CIA and FBI and all the alphabet soups have tried repeatedly to access these assets without success, but they keep on setting up "Op" after "Op" after "Op" and making (false) claim after (false) claim after (false) claim.
From my perspective as a Fiduciary the only thing about this situation that is at all exceptional is the absolutely massive scale of the assets in these accounts and the fact that they have been used to save the whole world in the wake of the Second World War. A grateful and sane world would say, "Thank you!" and return them politely instead of weaseling around and trying to find an excuse to steal these private assets.
But we are no longer in a sane or polite world. We are in a world where everyone is confused and self-interested and, if I may say so, left ignorant on purpose, so that they, as people, may be more readily used and abused.
The Heir-Executor of the Global Asset Accounts allowed the continued use of the assets for the purpose of generating credit based on the assets (the mirrored ASVLP and ASBLP accounts) until 2005 when the contracts allowing this were up for renewal or renegotiation. The various world governments refused to do their part, and so, there has been no agreement allowing them to use --or "mirror"-- the Global Collateral Accounts for credit, since 2005.
He who owns the assets also owns the credit generated from the assets, so, they are just digging themselves ever more hopelessly and deeper in debt every minute that this situation persists. They can't really steal any significant amount of money or credit, because everything is logged and recorded; they are just deluding themselves if they think that, "Hey, I'm Big Cheese because I can mirror accounts and generate credit!"
Those mirrored accounts -- credit generated from the assets --- also ultimately belong to The D'Avila Family Trust.
This is at the very heart of the global economic meltdown and the reason that people have said that "there is nothing backing the money". At high levels, they know that they don't have any contract or agreement to access the assets of the Global Collateral Accounts or even use them to generate credit.
So, what to do? Be honest? Admit facts? Has anyone even thought of that option?
The Russian Ruble is gold-backed and beating the pants off the Federal Reserve Note because our American Federation Gold is cashiered in limbo-land in the Philippines and the U.S. Navy and the Federal Department of the Treasury hasn't had the good sense to contact us and work with us to rectify this situation.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden is forcing everyone on the planet to pay him and his Chinese cronies a bribe to do business in this country, and he doesn't even have a contract to act as "President" of anything unless you count "The White House Office, Inc."
The entire world economy is falling apart and governments are teetering and people are unnecessarily suffering because the Global Collateral Accounts are locked down and the fools are not negotiating their release. Instead, they are all running around trying to come up with some childish scam or "narrative" to justify stealing these private assets.
This entire situation is made more horrifying and ludicrous, because the Heir-Executor has no ax to grind. He simply wants his family Trust Indenture to be honored, which means that the money is to be used to uplift humanity and to "break the chains of poverty and ignorance" worldwide.
This requires us to turn aside from war and war-making and war-profiteering. It requires us to use the money to clean up the environment, invest in worthwhile science, provide immediate relief to the poor, set aside all the "mortgages" that are based on the debts of failed governments, and to do good works with goodwill.
Does that sound so terrible? So out-of-line with the desires of most of the people on this planet?
It's time for "the rest of us" to stand up and weigh in and be counted. It's time to do the right things for the right reasons and leave all this nastiness behind.
The American Government has the records of the deposits in the Philippines. The Global Collateral Accounts can be unlocked tomorrow. Life can be better than it has ever been.
And all that has to happen is for these "government service corporations" and misguided militaries to work with us to straighten this Mess out.

Happy Fourth of July!


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For Carlos et alia Regarding Mortgage Claims

 By Anna Von Reitz

With regard to IRS and Mortgage claims ---
The presumptions of mortgage debts are invoked under the Internal Revenue Code --- (IRC) which has just been thrown out in its entirety by the U.S. Supreme Court in a case known as Virginia v. EPA that was heard last week and which reinforces the stare decisis Tennessee Supreme Court case, Norton v. Shelby County, which established the Public Law concerning this almost a hundred years ago.
The fact that mortgages are enforced under the IRS at all indicates that they apply only to federal employees and dependents ----who are the only ones in voluntary receipt of any "Federal Income".
The IRC Sections used to extract mortgages from people are: IRS 26 section 1091, section 408, and section 61, 108, and 751.
The new decision reiterates that these "Federal Agencies" have no legislative powers and their Administrative Codes have no power or effect on the Public, nor can Congress shuffle off its responsibilities by delegating any part of them to such Agencies.
The original stare decisis case from Tennessee clearly says, the rules and edicts and administrative codes adopted by such agencies "Have no more power than as if you or I wrote them." ---- that is, they have no representational capacity or force of law whatsoever and NEVER HAVE HAD any such authority.
So the IRC --- "Internal Revenue Code" --- is under the bus and six feet underwater with respect to any claims brought against anyone but Federal Employees. Now, according to the IRC, if one means to invoke Regulation Z to exempt oneself from a mortgage, one has to bring it up at closing. However, since this tome of bureaucratic flatulence never had any authority with respect to any member of the General Public to begin with, its restrictions on invoking Regulation Z are out the window, too.
This also brings up the Jerome Daly Credit River Decision, which similar to the Tennessee Supreme Court case referenced above, created stare decisis with respect to bank mortgage claims related to credit advanced to members of the General Public for the purpose of buying homes.
The Daly case found that the bank was in fact borrowing the assets from the purported Borrower, using them to generate seven to ten times more credit than needed to finance the transaction (fractional reserve banking) and then charging the victim for the use of his own credit.
Understandably, the jury found against the bank, and as every American should know, once a jury has spoken, the issue cannot be raised again absent new or substantially different information. And there is none.
For your convenience, I am attaching a photographic copy of the actual Daly case.
I am recommending that you "fully inform" the judge, the clerk, and the prosecuting attorney and the law enforcement officers in your respective cases that all of this was already on the record of the courts concerning you as members of the General Public and that foreign laws pertaining to Federal Employees were misapplied to you and your property assets.
Address them in their personal capacity --- not at judges, clerks, or officers, but as men and women, and hold them 100% personally and commercially liable for any harm done to you, your reputation, or your assets. Remind them that they owe you the protections spelled out under Article IV of both The Constitution of the United States of America (Territorial) and The Constitution of the United States (Municipal) as a member of the General Public covered by these stare decisis cases and findings cited above.
You may also use this letter of reference and direct any questions they may have to me.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
(907) 250-5087


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The brief and satisfying reply to be made to any IRS "inquiries".

 By Anna Von Reitz

Dear IRS,
First, I am not a federal employee or dependent of any kind. Never have been. I have no "federal income" and redeem all fiat notes as lawful money.
Second, neither I nor my Mother ever gave anyone permission to use my Good Name as the name of a British Territorial U.S. Citizen "lost at sea", nor did we give the Municipal United States Government permission to create any CORPORATIONS named after me. Got that?
Third, clearly, you are misaddressing me, and any bills owed by either the British franchisee or the Municipal CORPORATIONS are related to THEIR income and THEIR taxes, and have nothing whatsoever to do with me and my earnings.
Both the Territorial and Municipal United States Government Corporations need to get their acts together to balance the accounts they are holding as usufructs "in my name". I have nothing whatsoever to do with any of this and will not be paying any taxes for these foreign entities.
Last, but not least, the U.S. Supreme Court has just reinforced earlier rulings in a case, Virginia v. EPA, in which it very clearly states that none of the Alphabet Agencies have any power or authority to legislate and Congress may not delegate any responsibility to create law.
That includes the IRS and the IRC.

Joe Blow American


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