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Monday, June 12, 2017

The "UN", Swamp Draining, and Today's Situation Report

By Anna Von Reitz

The UN is not the United Nations, in the same way that the UNITED STATES is not the United States.

By the fall of 1943 the Vichy French government knew the jig was up.  Herr Hitler's plan to borrow all he could from the Jews of Europe and then murder his priority creditors wasn't working out so well.  So the Vichy began quietly moving their own ill-gotten gains to Switzerland and not a small number of the vermin paid off Swiss officials to become Swiss citizens.  Some of these characters and their friends even took over de facto ownership of certain Swiss banks where they deposited the wealth they pillaged from their neighbors and from the dead. 

Against this general backdrop two corporations were formed in France, one was called the UN Corporation, and the other was the IMF. Both the UN Corp and the IMF were spooled up by the same group of Rothschild-Rockefeller-Railroad Baron and Big Oil interests.  This version of "UN" was and is a privately held commercial corporation created some years before the actual United Nations charter was signed.