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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Why All the Delays?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Someone set me up this morning to go on another rant.
They wanted me to tell them why the White Hats aren't acting. Some "intel channel" or other had led them to believe that everything was going to break loose after Easter with massive disclosures and action to expose the Deep State.
Haven't you all noticed something about the Hope Porn yet? It's always just around the bend.
I am firmly convinced that the only real value or purpose for all the Hope Porn is to keep people waiting for "someday" instead of taking action today.
Stop waiting for George to do it. George has been dead over 200 years.

Stop waiting for White Hats to do it. Put on your own white hat and start slogging. Why all the delays? I dunno. What did you do today to make anything good happen?


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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Montana is One Signature Away from Becoming a Second Amendment Sanctuary!

 Dear Paul,

We have some good news to share!

As we told you in early March, Montana legislators are pushing to protect your Second Amendment rights from Biden's gun control agenda!

The Second Amendment Sanctuary bill (HB 258) -- sponsored by Rep. Jedediah Hinkle -- is challenging President Biden’s intention to impose a gun control agenda that will restrict your 2A rights.

This bill passed in the House in late February. Now, because of your emails to your Senators, it passed in the Senate! The final hurdle is for it to be signed by the Governor.

As a reminder: if this bill would become law, state and local government officials will be under order to NOT enforce ANY new federal bans or regulation on firearms, magazines, ammunition, ammunition components, or firearm accessories. This will make it significantly less likely for these kinds of federal gun control to be enforced.

We hope Governor Gianforte will sign this bill into law and support your 2A rights, like he did with Constitutional Carry. However, we still ask for YOUR help to tell him how important this legislation is to you.

Please email Governor Gianforte, urging him to enact HB 258 and make Montana a Second Amendment Sanctuary!

In Liberty, 

Erich Pratt 
Senior Vice President 
Gun Owners of America

Follow me on Twitter: @erichmpratt 
Follow me on Parler: @pratterich

P.S.  Please distribute this alert to your pro-gun family and friends and urge them to Take Action!  And to renew your GOA membership or to join for the first time, please click here.

Lincoln, the Rat

 By Anna Von Reitz

It will surprise most Americans to learn that Abraham Lincoln was not a nice man.
We've been taught to venerate him and memorize two short speeches of his -- The Gettysburg Address and The Emancipation Proclamation -- and that, together with his famous Top Hat, are about all that we know and the basis of all that we assume, about Abraham Lincoln.
There are several hundred other speeches by Lincoln that reveal Abraham Lincoln, the Rat, in great detail. Those other speeches which we and even some "Lincoln Scholars" ignore at our hazard, show us who Lincoln really was: a greedy, grasping, power-hungry politician, a racist, a master of legal deceits, an able slanderer, and a tool for the Railroad Barons and other industrialists.
Lincoln's opposition to slavery was merely to prevent its extension into the new western territories --- he wanted to preserve those open horizons for white men and women. The same prejudice motivated the savage suppression and relocation of American Natives before, during, and after the Civil War.
Lincoln supported the so-called Corwin Amendment, which would have preserved slavery forever and in all jurisdictions; his First Inaugural Address was all about preserving slavery as an institution, not ending it.
Lincoln's ideas about the "Negro problem" were limited to putting them back on board ships and returning them to Africa "where they belonged" --- and in fact, the country of Liberia was founded as a repatriation homeland for former black plantation slaves --- those that would go. This is exactly similar to what Britain did with the unwanted Jews left over from the Second World War by relocating them to a theoretical "ancestral homeland" in Palestine, which we now call Israel.
Those former plantation slaves who chose not to voluntarily relocate back to Africa were promptly reclassified as Fourteenth Amendment citizens of the [Municipal] United States, branded as criminals under that infamous Bill of Attainder, and therefore also branded as public slaves; their possessions and labor could be seized upon or taxed to repay war reparations.
Let me air some more grievances and deconstruct the meaning and motives of the famous Emancipation Proclamation.
Emancipation ends a legal parental or guardianship responsibility, just as we speak of underage children being "emancipated" by court order. So the actual effect of Lincoln's proclamation was to release Southern slave owners of their legal responsibility to care for their slaves, and to at the same time, invite a slave rebellion behind the Mason-Dixon line.
So, thanks to Mr. Lincoln's big mouth, many plantation slaves were simply let go by Southern plantation owners who could no longer afford to feed and care for them. These homeless people were cast adrift with no roof over their head, no jobs, no way to feed themselves. Most drifted westward in hopes of getting out of the war zone, only to be shot when they crossed into Texas, or imprisoned on Indian Reservations if they veered farther north into the then-territories.
We have, unbeknownst to most white Americans, an entire population of "black Indians" as a result of this practice of lumping any colored people onto reservations used as internment camps.
No slave rebellion happened, contrary to Lincoln's hopes.
And one must wonder, what was all this really about?
Every other nation in the western world ended the practice of private slave ownership without firing a shot. The slave owners were compensated at public expense for their losses, and that was that.
If Lincoln didn't really care about slavery as an issue, other than his greed to populate the western states with white people--- why a war that decimated our population, left half the country in ruins, took out a third of our government structure, and gave rise to the Mess that we live with to this day?
A sober evaluation gives the answer: British textiles and American railroads.

The Civil War was, in our final analysis, caused by a weird combination of mostly-British commodity rigging interests, British Territorial interests that still regarded our country as "the Colonies", and the American Railroad Barons, who used the Civil War as a pretext and smokescreen to finance the Transcontinental Railroad at public expense and to claim millions of acres of land in the western states for the cost of surveying it.


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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Remember the Jester's Defense?

 By Anna Von Reitz

In medieval times, the Court Jester was largely held harmless --- unless the King himself took umbrage. In the British Territorial Court System, the same still applies today. If they are addressing your Upper and Lower Case Name, you can shrug and look helpless and say, "I'm an idiot, Sir."
And unless Queen Elizabeth II wants you beheaded, they are obliged to let you go, whatever your sins may be.
The same defense often works in Municipal COURTS, too, if the infraction is subject to human error--- and what isn't?
Just throw up your hands, mia culpa, I'm an idiot. You can't hold idiots responsible for much of anything and it's hopeless to blame them, so it throws a stick into the wheels of the court system.
The only downside is that once you have admitted to being an idiot on the court record, you are subject to being "administered" as a ward of the state and little can be done to reinstate your natural status --- short of claiming a miraculous cure.
In extremis, it may be your only way out.
And now, add another somewhat similar defense to your collection: inability to pay.
"My Honor, it's true that I owe Joe Blow's Fly Trapping Mortgage Company fifty thousand dollars, but I am unable to pay. I didn't waive my constitutional obligation to pay in gold or silver, and I find that I am totally out of pocket."
The Judge will grant a default judgement against you, but that is worth the paper it is written on and is intrinsically unenforceable via any execution order he can write, because you are obligated to pay in gold or silver, and the Territorial Government has cashiered your gold and silver-- making it impossible for you to actually pay any debt at all.
End of problem --- for now.
When and if the Territorial Government up-ends and returns your gold and silver, you will have to pay the debt, assuming that the other side raises their hand and presents the default judgment.
But how likely and able is the Territorial Government to do that? And if it did, it would also have to return your specific account, plus interest, which means that you would consider the $50,000.00 a mere flyspeck amount of money, and pay it without complaint.
No harm to you, either way.
Now, I don't suggest that anyone uses this defense ignorantly or for fun; you really do need to be impoverished enough to make the claim of inability to pay on the FRN side of things before you put the screws to the gubmint corporation and blame them for the situation.
That is, a guy with several million FRN's denominated as lawful money sitting in the bank probably should not consider telling the judge about his inability to pay---err, well--- "exchange" the debt; that would not be honorable or fair.
And we all know how honorable and fair these courts are, so we would not want to offend anyone's delicate sensibilities....
Between being an idiot or being unable to pay, darn near any average "person" can get out of almost anything, if one is sufficiently desperate to employ these means.
The Territorial Government as the Equitable Title Holder [Court Clerk] will have to dig into your estate account and pony up the credit to pay off Joe Blow's Fly Trapping Mortgage Company for you. They won't like it, but they will do it. The prosecuting attorney will especially not like it, since he makes his money off betting against you and his performance bond will take a hit.
Oh, well.
If it is the difference between closing your business and keeping it open, or keeping your house or losing it, "inability to pay" --in some sense, is more or less a given anyway, and losing points off your credit score is a moot issue.
Both of these defenses are very simple and they work.

Remembering them can help you or someone you love if and when push comes to shove.


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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The Cure Has Been Found! ---Common Sense and Commerce

 By Anna Von Reitz

1. There are over 200 varieties of Corona Virus. They mutate rapidly into new forms with some dying out and other new varieties emerging all the time. That's why it is "impossible" to cure the Common Cold.
2. And that's why THEY have declared "war" against the Common Cold---- so that they have an eternal excuse for imposing martial law ---and profiteering under color of law.
3. They published the remedy that they are allowing themselves to escape taking any experimental GMO therapy themselves. Just say you are allergic. You don't have to say what you are allergic to, but we are all allergic to foreign mRNA and polyethylene glycol.
Quote Woody Allen: "I'm allergic to everything."
4. Our State Assemblies have already prohibited claims that living people have been converted into GMO products (owned by the patent holders) as a result of receiving any patented DNA or RNA fragment or nanotech product, but in order to be protected by our public law, people must reclaim and assert their birthright political status as Americans --- not U.S. Citizens and not citizens of the United States.

5. Go to: and get started today.


See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here:

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How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Mike Adams Situation Update, April 5th Nazi style covid Death Camps

The Petrodollar Is Dead! Long Live The IMF World Reserve Currency!

Get out of the banks now while you can. Spend that currency on something you know you will need before it's worthless.