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Saturday, February 17, 2018

First Sunday in Lent

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

This Sunday is called Invocabit, because the Introit of the Mass begins with this word, which is taken from the ninetieth psalm, wherein we are urged to confidence in God, who willingly hears the prayer of the penitent:
INTROIT He shall call upon me, and I will hear him; I will deliver him, and glorify him; I will fill him with length of days. (Ps. XC. 15-16.) He that dwelleth in the aid of the Most high shall abide under the protection of the God of heaven. (Ps. XC. 1.) Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT O God who dost purify Thy Church by the yearly fast of Lent; grant to Thy household that what we strive to obtain from Thee by abstinence, by good works we may secure. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (II. Cor. VI. 1-10) Brethren, we exhort you that you receive not the grace of God in vain. For he saith: In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in the day of salvation have I helped thee. Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now, is the day of salvation. Giving no offence to any man, that our ministry be not blamed: but in all things let us exhibit ourselves as the ministers of God; in much patience, in tribulations, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in prisons, in seditions, in labors, in watchings, in fastings, in chastity, in knowledge, in long-suffering, in sweetness, in the Holy Ghost, in charity unfeigned, in the word of truth, in the power of God, by the armor of justice on the right hand, and on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report, and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastised, and not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as needy, yet enriching many; as having nothing, and possessing all things.
EXPLANATION The Church very appropriately reads on this day this epistle of St. Paul, in which he exhorts the Christians to make use of the time of grace. A special time of grace is Lent, in which everything invites to conversion and penance, a time, therefore, in which God is ready to make rich bestowal of His graces. St. Anselm says, those do not use the grace who do not cooperate. Let us, therefore, follow St. Paul's exhortation, and earnestly practise those virtues he places before us, and especially those of temperance, patience, chastity, liberality, love of God and of our neighbor. Let us arm ourselves with the arms of justice at the right and the left, that is, let us strive to be humble in prosperity and in adversity, confident of God's help. Let us never be led from the path of virtue, by mockery, contempt, nor by persecution, torments, or death.
ASPIRATION Grant, O Jesus, that we may always faithfully cooperate with Thy graces, and employ well the time Thou hast again given for our salvation.
GOSPEL (Matt. IV. 1-11.) At that time, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert, to be tempted by the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards he was hungry. And the tempter coming, said to him: If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. Who answered and said: It is written: Not in bread alone doth man live, but in every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. Then the devil took him up into the holy city, and set him upon the pinnacle of the temple, and said to him: If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down; for it is written: He hath given his angels charge over thee, and in their hands shall they bear thee up, lest perhaps thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said to him: It is written again: Thou shaft not tempt the Lord thy 'God. Again the devil took him up into a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and said to him: All these will I give thee, if, falling down, thou wilt adore me. Then Jesus said to him: Begone, Satan, for it is written, The Lord thy God shaft thou adore, and him only shaft thou serve. Then the devil left him; and behold, angels came, and ministered to him.
I. Christ went into the desert by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to prepare by fasting and prayer, for His mission, and to endure the temptations of Satan, that, as St. Paul says, He might be one tempted in all things such as we are, without sin, and so become for us a High-priest who knew how to have compassion on our infirmities, (Heb. IV. 15.) and to show us by His own example, how we should, armed with the word of God, as with a sword, overcome the tempter. (Eph. VI. 17.) – Let us, therefore, courageously follow Christ to the combat against all temptations, with His assistance it will not be hard to conquer them. He has certainly taught us to overcome the hardest ones: the lust of the eyes, of the flesh, and the pride of life, and if we overcome these, it will be easy to conquer the rest.
II. If Christ, the only Son of God, permitted Himself to be tempted by Satan, even to be taken up on a high mountain, and to the pinnacle of the temple, it should not appear strange to us, that we are assailed by many temptations, or that we should find in the lives of so many saints that the evil spirit tormented them by various images of terror and vexation. This we find in the history of the pious Job, where we also find at the same time, that the evil spirit cannot harm a hair of our head without God's permission.
III. From the coming of the angels to minister to Christ, after He had conquered Satan, we see that all who bravely resist temptations, will enjoy the assistance and consolations of the heavenly spirits.

To be tempted by the devil. , (Matt. IV. I.)
What is a temptation?
A  temptation is either a trial for instruction and exercise in virtue, or a deception and incitement to sin. In the first sense, God tempts man; in the second, he is tempted by the devil, the world or bad people, and the flesh, by evil thoughts, feelings, words, or work.
By what are we principally tempted?
By our own evil concupiscence and inclination to sin which adhere to us through original sin, (Fam. I. 14.) on account of which it is said, that the flesh lusteth against the spirit. (Gal. V. 17.)
Does the devil also tempt us?
He does, and is therefore called, in this day's gospel, the tempter. St. Peter teaches us this, having himself experienced it: Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring-lion, goeth about, seeking whom he may devour. (I Peter V. 8.) Not all temptations are to be ascribed to the devil, however, they often come from our own corrupt nature, our own incautiousness, or looseness of our senses, by which we expose ourselves to the danger of falling into sin.
How does the devil tempt us to sin?
In a twofold manner: He incites the concupiscence of man to those sins to which he sees him inclined, and then seeks to blind and confuse his imagination, so that he neither reflects, nor properly sees the temporal injury, disgrace, and derision, nor the shamefulness of sin and its eternal punishment. Thus the devil seduced Eve, our first mother, and thus he tempted Christ, with whom he could not, of course, succeed, for He was incapable of sin. He tempts bad people to persecute us, or to try us by their wicked vanities, as he did by the friends of Job.
Can the devil force us to evil?
He cannot; “for as a chained dog,” says St. Augustine, "can bite none but those who go near him, so the devil cannot harm with his temptations those who do not consent to them. Like the dog he can bark at you, but cannot bite you against your will.” Not by force but by persuasion Satan strives to injure, he does not force our consent, but entreats it. Seek, therefore, to subdue your passions and your senses, especially your eyes, and you will either remain free from all temptations, or easily overcome them.
Does God also tempt us?
God does indeed tempt us, but not to sin, as St. James expressly teaches. (Fam. I. 13.) God either Himself proves us by sufferings and adversities, or He permits the temptations of the devil or evil-minded people to give us opportunity to practise the virtues of love, patience, obedience, etc. Thus He said to the Jews through Moses: The Lord your God trieth you, that it may appear whether you love him with all your heart, and with all your soul, or no. (Deut. XIII. 3.)
Does God permit us to be tempted by man also?
He does, and for the same reasons. Thus He permitted the chaste Joseph to be tempted by Putiphar's wife; (Gen.XXXIX. 7.) Job by his wife and his friends. (Job II. 9.) But He never permits us to be tempted beyond our strength, but gives us always sufficient grace to overcome and even to derive benefit from the temptation. (I Cor. X. 13.)
Are temptations pernicious and bad?
No; they are useful and necessary, rather. “Hard is the fight,” St. Bernard writes, “but meritorious, for although it is accompanied by suffering, it is followed by the crown;”
(Apoc. III. 12.) and Origen says. (Libr. Num.) “As meat becomes corrupt without salt, so does the soul without temptations.” Temptations, then, are only injurious when consent is given, and we suffer ourselves to be overcome by them.
When do we consent to temptations?
When we knowingly and willingly decide to do the evil to which we are tempted; as long as we resist we commit no sin.
What are the best means of overcoming temptations?
Humility; for thus answered St. Anthony, when he saw the whole earth covered with snares, and was asked "Who will escape?" "The humble;" he who knows his own frailty, distrusts himself, and relies only on God who resists the proud and gives His grace to the humble; (Dam. IV. 6.) the fervent invocation of the Mother of God, of our holy guardian angels and patron saints; the pronouncing of the holy name of Jesus, making the sign of the cross, sprinkling holy water; the remembrance of the presence of God who knows our most secret thoughts, and before whom we are indeed ashamed to think or do that which would cause us shame in the presence of an honorable person; frequent meditation on death, hell, and eternal joys; fleeing from all those persons by whom, and places in which we are generally tempted; fervent prayers, especially ejaculations, as:
"Lord, save me, lest I perish! Lord, hasten to help me!" finally, the sincere acknowledgment of our temptations at the tribunal of penance, which is a remedy especially recommended by pious spiritual teachers.
PRAYER O Lord Jesus! who spent forty days in the desert without food or drink, and didst permit Thy self to be tempted by the evil spirit, give me, I beseech Thee by that holy fast, the grace to combat, during this holy season of Lent, under Thy protection, against intemperance, and to resist the suggestions of Satan that I may win the crown of eternal life. Amen.

About "The UN"

By Anna Von Reitz

The "UN Corporation" is just another commercial corporation formed in Vichy France during WWII by Fascists bent on world dominion.  It is criminal to the core and the French people and French government need to be "highly motivated" to pull the plug on it and liquidate its far-flung mercenary empire. 

While fronting the actual "United Nations Organization" as an instrumentality for World Peace, what they have really worked at all these years is the creation of an instrumentality of world dominion and coercion using any form of lie or excuse possible for their actions. 

When people try to tax cow farts, it's time for your Shinola Sensors to hit the Red Zone.  

The criminality which has infested "UN" aid programs should tell you enough.  Less than 2% of all the foreign aid that the UNITED STATES funneled to the UN ever made it to the people it was supposed to help.  Instead, it got channeled to drug runners and prostitution rings and booze and gambling and proliferation of arms deals and theft of natural resources, especially in the Mideast and Africa, where the Vichy French and their Dutch and Netherlandish co-conspirators have wreacked havoc for generations. 

The entire Grand Duchy of Luxembourg needs to be cleaned out like a wasp' nest, fumigated, and given back to the people of Luxembourg.  The Swiss Cantons are equally infected by these international crime syndicate scum, but the Swiss are willing and able to clean their own house once made aware and motivated to address the "clear and present danger".   

Back in the 1970's the endlessly useless bums in the Territorial United States Congress took it upon themselves to "release" all  our state laws to the United Nations Organization, which the UN Corporation then capitalized upon and falsely claimed that this gave them the right to dispose of our property.  

Let's see, if my neighbor, Joe, who used to have a contract to clean my house, offers my stuff to Felix, does it mean Felix has a valid claim to my stuff?  Uh?  

The heirs to the American states are here and their liens and claims are in place.  Any "deals" the Hired Help made concerning our assets are null and void.  Any presumption that our lawful government has been in "abeyance" because of their meddling and Breach of Trust is null and void.  Any deals made by either the Territorial United States or the Municipal United States to give away our assets or use our assets as collateral for their debts to the UN Corp are null and void.  

It's all just criminal bull crap.  

And the $475 trillion dollars owed to the Americans that the Bank of France was sitting on?  That's ours, too.  It does not belong to the Territorial United States nor does it belong to the Municipal United States.  It belongs to us, The United States of America, Unincorporated.  Until and unless Donald J. Trump accepts the public Office of the President of The United States of America, he has no contract with us and no standing to claim or administer the receipt or disposition of those funds which belong to the American states and people. 

Unlike his other offices which are corporate and private offices, the public office requires him to act in behalf of the actual states and people, and to act in concert with the Hereditary Head of State and the Fiduciary Officer to do business for them in Good Faith.  It has apparently not yet "hit home" that we are the employers of the Territorial and Municipal United States, because middlemen--- Serco, the Queen, and Crown bankers have been issuing the checks "in our behalf"--- but, in fact, we are the only ones who can actually pay them or pay off the debts they have accumulated ostensibly in our service.  

That is, perhaps. something of a sticking point in that not all the expenses charged to us are authorized or beneficial to us, a fact that both the Territorial and Municipal United States and their Creditors, including the UN Corp, may not like to consider, because odious, non-consensual debts have to be charged off.  

However, the "question has been called" and they are on the hook to deal with the realities of the crimes that have been committed, and not just those crimes that have been committed within their organizations, but those that have adversely impacted innocent people worldwide. 

In view of the malfeasance the UN Corp and the "United Nations" front organization has demonstrated in misdirecting humanitarian aid that was paid for in Good Faith and charged against the accounts of the American states and people, I am calling for a complete fiscal audit of both organizations, complete with verification of receipt of funds and other forms of aid.  

That audit will show that innocent Americans, Chinese, Germans, Swiss, Norwegians, Canadians, English, Russians, Japanese, Aussies, Italians, Frenchmen, Poles---- people from all over the world have faithfully contributed large amounts of humanitarian aid to and through the United Nations--- and most of it "disappeared" down rabbit holes, was spent on crony deals (like Army Surplus wool blankets sent to Nigeria), or used to buy armaments.  

And then we wonder why the condition of the Earth and the world just gets worse and worse and worse, while our taxes go higher and higher?  

The answer is simple.  We have criminal commercial corporations masquerading as lawful governments.  And then we have these criminal commercial corporations sending their Big Wigs as "ambassadors" to this center of the crime syndicates calling itself the "United Nations"----- and we expect anything but more criminality to be the result? 

All these so-called institutions and commercial corporations have glutted themselves on the people they were supposedly helping and serving. They all need to be audited--- and the guilty ones need to be liquidated.  

If the actual governments of the actual nations of the world wish to establish a meeting ground to discuss issues of mutual concern and to join together to take joint action with regard to mutual problems --- which was supposed to be the function of the United Nations Organization--- fine.  But let it be actual and accountable governments meeting in this fashion, not Hired Help, not commercial corporations in the business of providing government services. 

Pretending to be a government while lining your pockets puts you in a position where there is too much temptation and too little accountability. 

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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Now, I Am Mad. Officially.

By Anna Von Reitz

Now, I Am Mad. Officially.
Finally, apparently some time after it was issued. I finally got a copy of Thomas of Manna Trust Fame's "Challenge". Why does it take days for this stuff to come across my desk? It's the same with Karen Hudes. My email address is all over the internet, posted on my website, etc., etc., etc., ----and yet, nobody bothers to send these dumb accusations directly to me. It's all rumors until someone has presence of mind (thank you, BTW) to copy and paste and actually bring the thing forward so that I CAN respond to it.
So here it is with my answers in brackets:

1. Show us the letters received back from the important people you say you are working or dealing with.
[How many thousands --nay, tens of thousands, of letters and phone calls and emails over how many decades would you like to see? I started this in 1998. And most of the time, as you no doubt know. the rats don't reply or don't reply directly, because the dead cannot speak to the living, however, also according to their rules, a non-reply is actually a reply, and proof of the mailing creates implied contract, so there you have it. Dead in the water on their part and only God knows how many communications on and off the public record there are bearing my name and my husband's name. You bring your archives and I will bring mine and I will bet hard money that what you've put your name to will look like a very, very small pile compared to mine, which fills several rooms full of filings and court cases and correspondences.]
2. Show people your internet income earnings, like we have done
[In the first place, I have no "income". Income is corporate profit accruals separated from capital, and I am not a corporation of any kind. In the second place, the few thousand dollars that people donate to the Living Law Firm every month is not "mine". Not only do I rarely take anything from those funds, but I wind up supplementing anything I take with later donations to the effort of my own, so far from having any "internet income" from donations or from my books, the sum total for me has been in the red, read that as "negative profit" for years and years and years. So do you want to know how many thousands or dollars and years of my UNPAID time has been dedicated to this? I have never totaled up my losses. Too depressing to think about, so I don't. But if I have Important People like you, who obviously haven't suffered the same as I have, talking about "profit", then good for you that you still have some profit to divulge. If pressed, I might make the effort to calculate my losses, but I prefer not to be pitied for sacrifices that I willingly made.]
3. Kim is a fraud but twice she asked to work with her, explain that.
[I didn't say that Kim was a fraud---I confirmed that she was appointed Trustee of Manna World Holdings to the best of my knowledge. And yes, I also confirmed that she has had trouble with scam reports, which is obvious and all over the internet. I think you have a somewhat biased impression of actual roles here. Kim is supposed to release the trust assets back to the people and the countries to which the assets actually belong. I am one of those who have led the charge to force the exposure and liquidation of The Trust, most particularly, by laying claim to all the American assets that are owed to the actual American states and people of this country and ending the phony "abeyance" of our government. As such, she and I have to work together and it is begging the question of who is "asking" to get this done and who is responsible for doing it. I have asked her on two occasions to get off the fence and do what she is supposed to do--- (1) Turn over the accounts that are owed directly to the actual American states and people so that we can restore the 3141 counties and 50 republican states to full function and (2) Rescue the hijacked Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust assets which were improperly traded instead of being disbursed to the actual Beneficiaries who had already WAITED for OVER 200 YEARS to receive any benefit at all. On both occasions, she "shined me on" and did nothing. So as far as I am concerned, none of this gets settled until she settles with the actual American Government and with the American Indian Nations. It should be her concern to get in contact with me and with Michael Young and do justice and work with us in that common cause.]
4. Kim and codes are bogus she says, yet her partner in the now appears rogue bank asked for the live codes from Kim, if both are bs why did they ask? explain that
[I didn't say the codes were "bogus"--- they are real enough, and they are part of an old, ugly, dishonest system of banking that needs to go away. So I guess there is a distinction to be made between whether they work in a practical sense, and whether or not they are honest and whether this whole situation should exist at all--- which are two very different topics. There are plenty of things that are actual and factual--- like bank codes and accounts--- which have nonetheless been instruments of fraud in the past and which because of that fraud, should actually be null and void, even though we all have to continue working through that matrix until a real settlement can be reached.]
5. If she knew Kim and MWHT was a fraud as she NOW alleges, ignoring points 3 and 4, why wait until now when things are done? explain that
[This entire business, the very EXISTENCE of The Trust is based on fraud, racketeering, identity theft, kidnapping, unlawful conversion, enslavement, inland piracy---loathsome crimes against mankind. There's no way to "dress that up" in a pretty dress and say that, oh, it's okay, it's all valid, somehow---just because there is a big pot of assets left over that the criminals have been astute enough to abandon. That does not mean that the assets aren't real. It doesn't mean that Manna Trust doesn't exist. The fraudulent nature of all that underlies it and the need to focus on NOW and doing whatever justice can be done with the assets, is the topic I addressed and which you either got the "wrong impression" of or simply made wrong assumptions about.]
6. Anna wanted the inground resources via Hildago Treaty to her not the people, explain that.
[If you knew or studied the history of this country and its treaties as I have, you would know that the King of England retained the "in-ground" mineral resources as part of the negotiated peace at the end of the Revolutionary War and generation unto generation the pigs have taken their "tribute" in the form of our mineral wealth. So when it came time for severance for cause, the Queen attempted to sell off our minerals in the ground to the Chinese--- a deal that I put my big, fat foot down on and objected to. So, that was not just an objection affecting the Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust, that was an objection affecting ALL the in-ground mineral wealth controlled by The United States of America. I suppose that I and my husband have become unavoidably associated with The United States of America in the same way that any Head of State is, and perhaps you heard someone gossiping about the in-ground mineral claims in terms of "Anna wanted the in-ground mineral resources" of the Hidalgo Trust because I objected to their sale and demanded their ownership be returned to The United States of America as part of the entire demand that ALL our in-ground mineral resources be returned to our states and our people. Did you expect me to stand still and let sharpies sell off our mineral wealth using the excuse that it belonged to the Queen after we sacked her administration for cause and Breach of Trust? Or sit here and let other entities claim one centimeter of our soil? Please note--- the minerals are in soil. And whose soil is it? It belongs to the American states and people, dba, The United States of America (Unincorporated). So don't "personalize" it as if I were objecting for my own little private self or as if I stood to gain anything from objecting; quite the contrary, all I received for my efforts were some nasty death threats from disappointed criminals and bullshit assumptions from ignoramuses.]
7. Anna says the money belongs to the people, and every show we have said the money will go back to the people, is she hard of hearing?

[ I trust that if anyone has read my comments about "the money" they now have a somewhat more enlightened view of what "money" is and is not. Money, unlike commercial script, has to have asset value in-and-of itself. So it is not just digits in a ledger it is gold, silver, platinum, etc., etc., My rather jaundiced view is that whether we are talking about "money" or talking about commercial script or digits, we are still talking about "symbols of value" and the only difference is actual money has commodity value and script and digits do not. Either way, the thing people need to think about is what money is. Is it possible to symbolize "value"? To put a price on a man's time on Earth? On his life? On his culture? On his land? Really? I see the whole concept of money as idolatry and delusion and false values and simply changing from digits to paper to pieces of metal does not solve that problem. Mankind as a whole needs new answers, not just a reboot and redistribution of casino chips and false beliefs, but until we can all emerge on a new plane of thinking about "value" we will have to slog through a transition period and use these traditional baubles as a means of trade. And yes, all the people on this planet deserve to have all the baubles they need to thrive and survive until we all wake up from the Mass Delusion of Money once and for all.]
8. Anna never addressed any of the facts put forward last night in the show, about her, her cousin, her connections or affiliations, please explain that Ms. Ratzinger.
[Why, exactly, should I address things that don't exist--? Once again, you make all sorts of lame-brained assumptions. My family name is "Reitzenstein" it comes from the Tyrol, a formerly German province now part of northernmost Italy. Reitzenstein is a physical place and my name "von Reitzenstein" means my ancestors represented that place in the German government. The name "Riezinger" is a name my Great-Grandfather made up as a pen name and adopted via court action in Bavaria in 1851. It is, obviously, as a made-up name, unrelated to the common Westphalian name "Reisinger" and it is also unrelated to the middle German lower nobility family name of Pope Benedict--- "Ratzinger". Way, way, way, way far back these names might have had a common root, and the Reitzensteins of the Tyrol, the Reisingers of Westphalia, and the Ratzingers of Ulm might have come from the same Celtic clan circa 1000 A.D., but I trust that even you will grant that is a sufficiently removed association from the current families and people alive today and that if I am in fact a "cousin" of the Pope, it isn't in the sense of the word that people commonly think of. I might be such a "cousin" to half the people in Norway, too. And since I am not Roman Catholic and never was, I have nothing to say about any affiliation there, either. Ignorant people don't know that there is a difference between the "Universal Catholic Church" and the "Roman Catholic Church"--- but it is surely time that they woke to hell up and learned. If it takes a lightning bolt from heaven before they wake up and see even half of what is right in front of their faces, I wouldn't be surprised at this point.]
The gist is Anna is coming across as one of the ego headed people who think they are the one to save the world, and only them, it is all about the glory of them and not we.
[If you are not here to "save the world" and yet you are responsible for making settlement, you'd better get on board and get with the program---which is precisely my point above. Kim should be working with the unincorporated national governments "of, for, and by" the people, not toadying up to Presidents of governmental services corporations that are bankrupt and in Breach of Trust and commercial contract. Trump is eligible and we bonded the actual public office for him, but he hasn't accepted, so right now, he has no actual contract to represent the states and people of this country. So what is Kim doing trying to give our assets to the foreign governmental services providers that defrauded us and acted in Breach of Trust that landed our country in this mess in the first place? Duh?]
Neither Kim or I are seeking to be the one or the savior as laid out in several shows, that has become clear to all who have interacted with me and the show.
Whilst others talked, Kim delivered, all of them with their self appointed, self importance titles, be it a Judge, M1s, Chief Clan and Klan leaders, Chinese elders, Dragons, Archangels, Jesus, Mary, Zeus, Isis, Goddess this and Goddess that, what did they actually achieve? Their success rate is on a par with the RV crew - zero.
[What, exactly, has Kim "delivered": to anyone so far? Where is the money I asked for to fund the 3141 local county jural assemblies that have to be organized to restore our lawful government? Where is the money to fund the badly needed education program to teach people the actual history of this world and this country? Where is the money for The Living Law Firm, to bring an end to the Foreclosure Mills that are decimating the lives of millions of American families under conditions of open fraud? Where are the resources to launch an honest banking system? Kim has known of our valid needs for over a year and has done NOTHING to fund any of these urgent NEEDS and she has for goddamn sure known how many trillions of dollars the American states and people are OWED. She also has eyes in her head and can presumably hit a few search engines and figure out that I am not related to the Pope, not Catholic, and didn't ask for this unpaid and thankless "job" any more than she did. Again-- uh-duh.....!]
Anna as I have said has a lot to offer, but needs to drop the glory of Anna and her self importance, drop the white only group SS, get off her high horse, and come and actually be apart of the all, to fix things on this planet.
[Since my husband's family has been fighting this fight since 1868, and been on the run since Theodore Roosevelt threatened to kill them all in 1906, it strikes me that the Newcomers however talented they may be, need to get off of their "high horse" and come talk to those who have fought and bled and fled for their lives and picked shit with the chickens and lived like outlaws in their own country and devoted their lives to freeing it against all odds and reason, in the face of open death threats for six generations-----and come to our table to discuss and be part of the solution instead of assuming that money is all that matters on Earth or in Heaven. If money had anything to do with our devotion to this particular cause we would have given up a long, long time ago. So don't think we are going to come begging for what is ours. You are going to yield up what is owed to The United States of America, to the actual states and people. Or there will be no settlement.]
This is what this group is all about, no one more important than the next, creating leaders to lead, not rule over others.
So, what is it to be Anna, the new way of us and we, or the failed model continuation of me and I?
["New model" my ass! What is new about giving everyone casino chips made of gold, so they can play in your stacked gambling house? All this "caring and sharing"? It wouldn't be happening, except that some of us got our tails in a twist and exposed this whole gigantic fraud and demanded the liquidation of The Trust. And who do you think did that? Who do you think brought the Bills of Lading to do that? It was me and my husband! Wake to hell up! The records are clear and you have access to them. So either you are liars and cheats and thieves in sheep's clothing, like all the rest of the Pretenders so far, or you are being unaccountably obtuse about the facts that led to The Trust being turned over to Kim for liquidation in the first place.]
A world of caring and sharing, with compassion for all, and a love for all, a concept so simple and yet it bamboozles many, time for real change is now, as the old model never worked and has clearly failed.
Be the change.
[We have already been "the change". You are a result of that change. ]

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